Becca XXX: Dangerous Cargo Ch. 10

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Becca persuades Simon to allow her to attend the party again.
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Authors note: - This is a follow on to the previous episodes of Becca XXX Dangerous Cargo. Please read them before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

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"How was your weekend?" asked Stephanie, as she arrived for work, late as usual.

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you," I joked, but actually I wasn't far from the truth.

"Haha, as full-on and boring as that, huh?" she giggled.

"Pretty much. How about you?"

"I met someone new," she said. "Let's just say I now know her intimately."

"Oh my god," I gasped, feeling a little jealous. "You've not forgotten about me already, have you?"

"Of course not," she said shyly. "But we never said we were serious."

"I know... we're not... it's just a bit of a shock is all," I stammered.

"Don't worry, Becca. Like I said before, I hate being tied down to one person. There's plenty of me to share around."

"Maybe we can have a bit of fun later then," I winked.

"I'm sure we will," she winked back.

"Oh, you've decided to turn up at last, have you?" hissed Janice, as she came back from the coffee machine with a drink for me and her.

"Morning Janice. It's nice to see you too," said Steph sarcastically.

"I thought you might be ringing up to say you're sick. There seems to be something going around. Brian has already sent a text to say he's not coming in today," she continued.

"No, I feel fine. I'm a bit tired though, I didn't get much sleep over the weekend."

"I don't want to know about your disgusting sex life," she said, holding her hand up. "Keep that smut to yourself."

"It was just sex with another woman, Janice. It's not like I had twenty men spunking all over me, like you used to."

"Keep that to yourself," Janice lowered her voice. "You know it's a secret."

"Well, don't start picking on me just because of my sexual preferences then."

"Alright, calm down, both of you," I butted in. "I'd like to hear about your weekend, Stephanie. Maybe you can tell me all about it over lunch."

I winked at her again making sure Janice didn't see me.

"Yeah, ok. We could grab a bite to eat together and I'll tell you all about my sticky fingers," she giggled.

"Enough," snapped Janice.

"I see you're full of the joys of winter," I said to Janice. "What's the matter with you this morning?"

She let out a long sigh.

"Ok. I'm just feeling old and past it if you must know. Everyone seems to be having fun except for me."

"I told you, it doesn't have to be like that. Have you made a move on Simon yet?"

"No. I don't think he'd be interested in me. I don't want to make a fool out of myself."

"If you don't ask, you don't get," I shrugged. "I can ask him some leading questions if you like. I'll be able to tell if he's interested or not."

"You'll do no such thing, young lady," she replied.

I shrugged again and started to go through some files on my desk. Stephanie switched her computer on and then she mooched off to get herself a drink.

As soon as she was gone, Janice changed her mind. She made sure Steph was out of ear shot and then she whispered to me.

"Do you think he is interested in me? He always seems a bit strait-laced to me," she quizzed.

"Ah, so you are interested in him after all? I don't think he's as strait-laced as you might think. Let me do a bit of match making for you," I gave her a sympathetic look. "It's better than internet dating. There's a lot of weirdos out there."

She thought for a moment and then nodded at me.

"Ok, but keep it light-hearted in case he says no. Then you can just say it was a joke or something."

"Ok. I'll see what I can do."

"And don't tell Steph either. Keep it between us for now."


We both went quiet as Stephanie came back with a drink and sat down.

"You were right about Brian. He's got some virus or something. He might be off for a couple of weeks according to Todd," she said. "Simon's standing in for him."

'He'll be off for a lot longer than that." I thought to myself. "I don't think there's a cure for a bullet in the head.'

Tristan's fake text message seemed to have done the trick so my cover was still intact for now. I'd paid close attention to the news and there had been no mention of a gun battle at the bus depot. The news was just filled with Brexit and environmental stuff as usual.

I'd seen Prime Minister Wilson inspecting the closure of the nuclear power plant, Hinckley Point A, saying that it was a giant leap forward for greener energy. I didn't see how transporting nuclear waste half way around the country and then storing it indefinitely at Sellafield was very green, but what did I know. I was just glad my face wasn't on the news again.

"Is Simon in Brian's office?" I asked Steph. "I need to see him about something."

"Yes, I've just seen him arrive. What do you want to see him about?"

"I don't think I gave him my correct bank details for my wages to be paid. I just need to make sure he has the right ones."

"Well, he seemed to be in a really good mood so now might be a good time to see him," she replied. "If he's not got your bank details, you won't get paid, you dozy cow."

"I know. I'd better go and see him now and get it sorted out."

I gave Janice a sneaky wink, making sure Steph didn't see me. I knew my bank details were correct, but I needed an excuse to go and see him. I could kill two birds with one stone while I was there. Firstly, I needed to get myself invited to his next party, and secondly, I needed to see if he was interested in Janice. I felt sorry for her. She had obviously led a very wild youth and then she'd given it all up for her husband. The fact that he later turned out to be living a lie, must have been a hard pill for her to swallow. I knew how much I liked sex and debauchery and I could never see myself giving it up for anybody. Lexa had turned me into a walking cock magnet and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Janice was an attractive woman, despite her age. She had a fuller figure which a lot of men would find alluring. After my experience at Simon's orgy, it was apparent that most of the men there didn't mind how the woman looked or what body shape she had -- they just wanted a wet hole to stick their dicks into.

I made it to Brian's office and knocked on the door


"Come in," said Simon, in a chirpy voice.

I entered his office and closed the door behind me.

"Morning Simon," I said. "How are you?"

"Ah, Becca. I'm great thank you. How are you?"

"I'm good."

"We both seem to be doing better than Brian. He's called in sick this morning."

"Yes, I heard. Steph told me."

"Was he ok when he dropped you off on Saturday?" he quizzed.

"Yes, he seemed fine. If he was ill, it didn't seem to affect his performance," I laughed. "He gave me a good fucking when we got back to my place."

"I thought he might have done. I know how he likes it all sloppy. How many guys came in you in the end?"

"I think it was six," I tittered. "Seven if you include Brian."

"Well, let's hope he gets better soon. Please take a seat," he gestured for me to sit down. "What can I help you with this morning?"

"Well, it's not work related, but I'm hoping you can help me," I replied, sitting down with my legs together to hide my modesty.

My short skirt would easily display my white cotton knickers if I opened my legs, but I was saving that little treat for later. However, my cleavage was in his line of sight, bulging and stretching the buttons of my shirt, thanks to it being a size too small. I also had a push-up bra on to really emphasise my two best assets.

It was already working as I caught him staring at my chest and licking his lips.

"I'll try and help if I can, but I must reiterate that what happened on Saturday night, must stay between us."

"Of course. I had an amazing time on Saturday and that's what I wanted to see you about. I'd like to do it again," I just came straight out with it.

"I'm not sure if that's a good idea," he mused, putting his hands together on the desk and leaning his chin onto them.

"Why not? Didn't you like seeing me get used by all those men? Didn't you like seeing me covered in spunk?"

He shifted in his chair as his dick got hard under his desk. I added a little softness to my voice to entice him and it seemed to be working. Just hearing me talk dirty was enough to send blood to his shaft.

"Of course I did," he coughed.

"What about when I took a cock in my ass and one in my pussy? Did you see the mess they made of my holes? Did you like seeing me get violated like a piece of meat?"

"My god, Becca. You are so dirty," he replied. "I loved watching the whole show, but we have rules at the party."

"What sort of rules?" I opened my legs about two inches and flashed the smallest bit of panty.

"The rule is that we always provide a new girl every week."

"So, what's the problem?"

"Brian usually finds the new girl, but now he's sick I don't know where we're going to find someone at short notice."

"You don't need to find anyone. I've just told you, I'll do it again, no problem," I shrugged.

"The party goers like a little surprise each week. They look forward to seeing who the new girl is. The women especially like to watch their husbands fuck a new partner. That's what it's all about for them. I would have thought you'd figured that out on Saturday. If they all have sex with the same partners each week, it ruins the excitement for them," he explained.

"Well, surely they can make an exception. They all seemed to like me."

"They fucking loved you and I have no problem with you coming again on Saturday, but we need to find a new attraction for them."

"Can't any of the others bring a new girl with them? Surely they must know someone who's willing to have some fun."

"As strange as it may seem, Becca, most people don't like being used at an orgy. It takes a lot of courage to even turn up to the party, let alone get fucked by twenty men. Some of the others have brought people with them before, but they got cold feet or stage fright and backed out when they arrived. We don't force anyone; it has to be consensual."

"Of course, but there must be someone," I said. "Don't you know anyone?"

"I have brought a couple of prostitutes to the party before, but it wasn't the same."

"Yes, I can see how that could cause a problem. It's not the same if you're paying for it," I tittered.

All my ducks seemed to be lining up as I sat in front of him. He had no problem with me going to the party so my first hurdle had been overcome. He needed a new girl to attend the orgy and I had an ex-slut who used to blow thirty guys a night, sitting in the next room. I just needed him to ask the question, rather than me volunteer it. This had to look like it was his idea.

"Do you know anyone, who' know... like you?" he asked.

There it was.

"A dirty, cum-loving fuck-slut you mean?"

"Yes, that's one way of putting it."

"I do actually," I smiled.

"Really? Oh my lord, that is fantastic," he beamed, leaning back in his chair as though a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

"You might not like it though," I added.

"Why not?" he sounded disappointed.

"Because she works here."

His face dropped as he realised the implications of what I'd just told him. From his point of view, it was bad enough that I knew about his party, let alone having another co-worker knowing his filthy little secret.

"Who is it?" he asked, tentatively.

"I'm not even sure if she'll do it," I said avoiding the question. "I'll have to clear it with her first."

"Ok, but who is it? Is it Stephanie? She'd be perfect," he licked his lips again like a pervert.

"No, Stephanie's a lesbian so she wouldn't be much use at the party," I laughed. "Your guess is pretty close though."

He looked deep in thought for a moment until the penny finally dropped.

"Janice?" he whispered in disbelief.

I just smiled at him to tell him he was correct.

"But isn't she a little strait-laced?" he said in shock.

"That's funny, she said the same thing about you," I giggled.

"Why was she even talking about me? You haven't told her about the orgies, have you?" he glared at me.

"No, of course not. She's been asking about you because she fancies you."

"She fancies me? I thought she was happily married."

"She was until recently. Her husband's left her for another man."

"Another man?" he repeated. "Holy shit."

It was like being in the room with a parrot as he kept repeating what I'd said. He went quiet and let it all sink in.

"Would you like me to ask her?"

"I'm not sure. I should really clear it with Brian first."

"I think Brian's got enough on his plate right now. Besides, it's your party. You can invite whoever you like."

"I really can't see Janice agreeing to it. I can't see her taking all those cocks. This is Janice we're talking about," he replied

"I know. I thought the same thing until she told me what she used to get up to when she was younger. I think she'd be perfect. You think she's attractive, right?"

"Yes, but I've never thought about her like that."

"Have you seen the size of her tits? You must have noticed them," I laughed. "They're fucking huge. I'm sure your party goers would like to see her glazed."

"So would I," he chuckled.

"I know you would. It'll be another addition for your voyeurism. Just imagine twenty or so men ejaculating all over her big tits, mmmmmm," I teased. "Seeing her on her knees sucking and wanking a room full of men."

"You paint a nice picture, but I still can't see her doing it."

"I'll ask her."

"Even if she says yes, it doesn't mean she'll go through with it. It's like I said, they all sound keen until it's time to do the business."

"Well, there's only one way for her to prove herself."

He shot me a quizzical look.


"I'll bring her in here and you can fuck her in front of me," I said it as though it was nothing.

He let out an audible gulp and adjusted his trousers around the crotch area.

"What's wrong? Are you getting hard under that desk thinking about Janice's warm, wet tongue licking your shaft? Feeling her hot fleshy boobs brushing against your balls as she wanks you off?"

I watched his hand moving slowly under the desk as he rubbed himself through his clothing.

"Watching her strip off as she plays with her wet cunt in front of you while you stroke your big fat cock. Just imagine it."

I opened my legs and rubbed myself through my knickers. I already felt hot and juicy down there at the thought of Janice sucking Simon's dick. I had no idea if she would do it or not, but I had nothing to lose.

"Ooooohhhh," he groaned.

"Seeing your sticky cum all over her face as you spunk all over her," I continued.

"Ok, ok, stop," he blurted out as he gave in. "Bring her in and see what she says."

"Right away, sir," I smirked.

I got up and smoothed my skirt down as I left the room. I had certainly killed two birds with one stone, but I hoped Janice wasn't going to let me down. If she said no to any of it, I'd have to get Natalie or Lexa to come to the party with me instead. I always had a plan B.

I walked back to my desk and saw Janice craning her neck to watch me approach. She pretended to be uninterested when she saw me, but I knew she was bursting to see what Simon had said. I sat down and started working as though nothing had happened. I wanted her to instigate the conversation, but I knew she wouldn't if Steph was there.

"Steph, can you get me a tea please?" said Janice.

"Get it yourself, you lazy bitch. I'm not the office slave," she snapped back.

"But it's your turn. I got you one yesterday afternoon. I've got to get this report finished and I'm parched."

"For fuck's sake. Ok," she stropped. "What do you want?"

"Tea with milk and no sugar please."

"I'll have a cappuccino please, if you're going," I smirked.

"For fuck's sake, anything else?" she moaned.

"No, I think that's all."

Steph got up and wandered off to the coffee machine as Janice leaned over so that she could talk quietly.

"Well?" she whispered.

"You're in luck. He wants you to suck his cock in the office right now," I said with a straight face.

"Don't be so stupid, Becca. What did he really say?" she replied, thinking I was making it up.

"I'm serious. I told you he wasn't that strait-laced. He likes you and he wants to fuck you in his office."

"I don't know why I bother talking to you about this stuff," she snapped. "I thought you were supposed to be helping me, not making fun of me."

"I'm telling the truth. You said you wanted to re-kindle the good old days -- now's your chance. There's a lot more to Simon than meets the eye. Come with me and I'll show you."

"I should call your bluff young lady. It's not nice to build people up and then take the piss out of them," she still didn't believe me.

I could see how far-fetched it must have seemed to her. I had only been in Simon's office for ten minutes and now he wanted Janice to suck his cock. In my world that was perfectly normal, but to Janice, who had been out of the game for a long time, it would seem unbelievable.

"Come on then," I said. "I'll prove it to you."

She thought about it for a minute and then stood up.

"Alright then. I'll come with you, but you can do the talking. If this is a wind-up, I'll have you fired for sexual harassment,"

"Deal," I said standing up and walking towards Simon's office.

Janice followed along behind, still looking very unsure and apprehensive about it all. On the way there, we passed Stephanie who was returning with the drinks.

"Where the fuck are you two going? I thought you wanted a drink?" she moaned.

"We do. We'll be back shortly," I said, not changing my pace.

I left her grumbling to herself in the office as we got to Simon's door.

"I'm serious about this," I said. "Watch this."

I knocked on the door and barged in without waiting to be told to enter. Simon was still behind his desk, but he wasn't playing with himself any more. He had both hands on the desk and seemed startled to see us so soon. Janice followed me in and closed the door behind her.

"Here she is," I said to Simon. "Ready and willing."

Neither of them dared to acknowledge why we were all in the office. Simon didn't want to implicate himself in a sexual harassment case and Janice didn't want to potentially lose her job for inappropriate conduct.

"Simon, Janice doesn't believe that you want her to suck you off, and Janice, Simon doesn't believe that you're a filthy pervert. Why don't you introduce yourselves properly and let's get things moving?" I said.

Both of them stared at me in disbelief and I wondered for a moment if I'd got this all wrong. Maybe Janice had been joking about her previous life in order to try and impress me and Steph. She had been very drunk at the time after all.

"Shall I get things moving?" I asked. "Honestly, it's like being back in the school playground. I'll show you mine and then you two can show each other yours."

I pulled my skirt off along with my wet knickers and threw them on the floor. I then started to unbutton my shirt as they both stared at me in disbelief.

"My god, Becca. What the hell are you doing?" gasped Janice.

"I'm getting undressed," I replied. "Then I'm going to sit on the chair and finger myself while I watch you two have sex."


Simon suddenly looked worried and got up from behind his desk. He pushed past us both and locked the door to prevent Janice from escaping. The last thing he needed was a middle-aged woman running out of his office shouting about her perverted HR director.

"We all need to calm down," he said softly.

The bulge in the front of his trousers was plain to see and even Janice noticed it. I saw her gaze shift to his crotch as he turned to face us.