Becca XXX: Dangerous Cargo Ch. 15

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Is it too late for Becca to stop the dangerous cargo?
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Authors note: - This is a follow on to the previous episodes of Becca XXX Dangerous Cargo. Please read them before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Dangerous Cargo. Ch 15

Tony and I stood in the quarry car park as Ryan's car continued to burn. The smell of melted plastic and burnt rubber filled the air as we all took in the gravity of the situation.

"Are you absolutely positive that Shaw is going after the nuclear waste?" Ethan asked over the comms network, still sounding shocked. "Are you sure they want to use it to make dirty bombs?"

"We're as sure as we can be," I replied. "Think about it. Tony's just told you that the bombs aren't powerful enough to cause any lasting damage. Shaw is trying to cripple the country and the bombs alone won't be enough. But if he detonates dirty bombs at those ten motorway junctions, it will contaminate the area for months, if not years. Prime Minister Wilson has been on the news almost every day bleating on about the decommissioning of Hinckley Point A. Everyone knows that they're transporting the contaminated material to Sellafield. Natalie's note said 'Hinckley A to Sellafield. What else could it mean?"

"Hitting the convoy in transit would make sense," added Lexa. "It'll be more vulnerable and more open to attack."

"Yes, but the material they're transporting will be low level radioactive waste. The amount of radiation it emits isn't that high," replied Ethan.

"No, but when the news media get hold of it, the public will go into meltdown. If radiation is detected at the junctions, even in small doses, people won't use the motorways. It's simple health and safety," said Tony. "Those bombs are designed to spread it over a large area. It could take months to make the motorway network usable again."

"Ok... let's say that this is real," said Ethan. "All we need to do is find out when the convoy is going to move the waste. Once we know that, we tell them to hang onto it until Shaw is captured or killed."

"If you'd let me take the fucker out when I said, we wouldn't be having this conversation," said Tony.

"Hindsight is a wonderful thing, Sergeant Fox," spat Ethan. "But we are where we are. We can't change what's done. Arran, see if you can find out when the convoy is going to transport the dangerous cargo to Sellafield."

"Already on it sir," he replied.

I imagined him tapping away at his keyboard and trying to hack into their systems to find the information he needed.

"Oh fuck," he said.

"What is it?" asked Lexa.

"It's already on route."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," I gasped.

"I wish I was. It left a few hours ago and, according to the manifest, it's on its way to Sellafield. They usually transport it at night and close the motorway off in sections as it passes through," Arran continued.

"Where is it right now?" asked Tony.

"I'm still looking. The vehicle is fitted with a tracker. I'm trying to find it."

"Well work faster," I snapped.

Tony and I gave each other a knowing look of despair. It was as though we were reading each other's thoughts. We nodded at each other, knowing what needed to be done before Ethan could give his orders.

We ran back to the Kia and jumped in. Tony fired it up and spun the car around on the loose gravel. Standing around in the quarry, wondering what to do next, wasn't going to help; we needed to get after Shaw.

"Oh shit," said Arran. "It's on the M6 northbound. It's only a few miles east of your position."

"That explains why Shaw wanted to make the exchange here. This was his plan all along. He's going to hit it tonight," said Tony. "Fuck this, we're on route to intercept."

"Upload the tracking information for the dangerous cargo," I added. "We need to see where the nuclear waste and Shaw are in real time."

"Doing it now," said Arran.

"What's your plan?" asked Ethan. "Even if you manage to catch up with them, you're heavily outnumbered and also outgunned, now that they have the MP7's."

"That's the story of my life," I laughed. "We can't just sit here and do nothing. We'll try and take them out before they get to the convoy."

"Agreed. We'll see if we can get a hold of the driver of the convoy or the escort vehicles and try to warn them, but I think it may be too late."

We rocketed out of the quarry like a missile and onto the main road.

"You should have the tracking data now," said Ethan. "I've sent it to your iPad. The green dot is the convoy, the red dot is the tracker you planted on the weapons and the blue dot is you."

My iPad refreshed showing the green dot moving slowly north along the M6. The red dot was speeding east towards it and was already on the other side of Churchtown. Our location was a few miles behind as we screamed through the deserted town.

"Get the weapons ready," said Tony. "We'll hit them hard and fast."

"Just the way I like it," I giggled.

"Agent Becca, try and concentrate on the task at hand," scorned Lexa. "Keep your mind out of the gutter."

"Sorry, it's a force of habit," I replied. "I'm just trying to lighten the mood."

Tony smiled as he gunned the engine in a desperate attempt to catch up. I looked at the iPad and saw that were closing in on them, but it looked unlikely that we'd get to them before they hit the motorway.

I checked my MP7 and slipped it into the footwell. It was already made ready, but it never hurt to check. I then did the same with my Makarov before stuffing spare magazines for both weapons into my jacket pockets.

"I've got ninety rounds for the MP7 and twenty-seven for the Makarov," I said.

"I've got the same for the MP5 plus two spare mags for the Sig."

"Will that be enough to stop them?" I quizzed, feeling the adrenaline starting to take over.

"It will certainly slow them down, but we need to get to them first. Is there a short cut we can take?"

I watched the red dot on the map. It was now heading through another small town called Catterall. It was on a direct line to the motorway, but something didn't look right.

"I can't see any shortcuts, but they're not heading for the motorway junction."

"What? Where are they heading then?" he asked, trying to keep the car in a straight line as we thundered after them.

"They're heading directly east towards the M6, but the junction is south of here," I replied. "I think they're going to head across the fields on an intercept course."

"No wonder they're in four-wheel-drive pick-up trucks. These guys have planned this well. That's exactly what I'd do. They've picked up the weapons at the last possible moment in order to hit the convoy before it can be stopped."

"They're definitely on an intercept course," I said, watching the green dot get closer as it made its way up the motorway. "Once you get through Cattrall, continue straight on at the junction. It leads to a farm track."

"Roger that."

Tony hit the brakes hard as we got to the crossroads. We still had to think about members of the public driving around and we didn't want to cause an accident. The crossroads were clear so he switched off the headlights and accelerated across it and onto the farm track.

"They need to cross the canal before they can get to the motorway," said Lexa. "There's only one route they can take."

"Roger that, I see it," I replied. "There's only one bridge. Have you managed to get a hold of the convoy yet?"

"No, we can't get a hold of anyone. You're on your own."

"Great," I said sarcastically.

The poor Kia bounced its way down the bumpy track as I watched the red dot cutting across the field. We were still a long way behind, but Tony wasn't giving up. The Kia was more used to taking kids to school rather than driving off-road at ridiculous speeds. In fact, I guessed it had probably never been off tarmacked roads in its life.

The car slewed and creaked as Tony tried to keep it in a straight line. A couple of times we hit deep potholes and I thought the suspension was going to break. My head bounced off of the side window and hit the roof lining as mud and gravel splattered all over the windscreen.

My heart beat had increased but I remained calm on the inside. We had a job to do; it was as simple as that. Fear didn't come into the equation and the adrenaline was keeping me focused.

As usual, my body reacted to being pumped with adrenaline in its usual manner. My knickers were soaking wet and it wasn't from sweat. The excitement was turning me on, as though I was about to be fucked. I wriggled in my seat to squish my sticky pussy against my sodden panties and I let out a small involuntary moan of pleasure.

"I can see them," said Tony. "Four vehicles turning right onto a small lane."

"I see them," I replied, glancing up and then back to the map. "They're on Ray Lane."

"Roger that, we see it too," said Lexa. "It looks like they've crossed the canal and are now stopped under the railway bridge."

The map showed the red dot stationary under a railway bridge which ran parallel to the motorway. From there it was a short sprint to the motorway bridge.

"The convoy is almost at their location," said Ethan. "We've got access to the motorway traffic cameras. We can see them approaching and they have no clue what's about to happen. You need to speed up."

"No shit," said Tony sarcastically.

We headed across a field towards Ray Lane with our lights out. Our eyes were straining to try and locate Shaw's crew. We crept over the canal bridge and saw all four vehicles static under the railway. They appeared to be preparing for the attack. Two guys were handing out the submachine guns to the rest of them as fast as they could. Each man was given an MP7 plus a bag of spare ammunition.

We stopped short of their position to take in the scene. Stealth was still our biggest weapon. They had no idea that we were following them and we needed to keep it that way until the last possible moment. In the distance, I could see the empty motorway with the headlights of the convoy heading towards us. The motorway was closed in both directions to allow the convoy to drive through. It was eerily quiet.

"How do you think they're going to do it?" I asked Tony. "If you were going to take down that convoy and steal radioactive waste, how would you do it?"

"Let me see the map," he said, bringing the car to a stop about three hundred meters away from Shaw's crew.

He glanced at the iPad, zooming in and out and scrolling around.

"How many vehicles are in the convoy?" he asked over the comms network.

"Five. There's a truck carrying the waste and it's protected on all four corners by BMW X5's," said Arran. "I'm sending you the live feed from the traffic cameras now."

My screen pinged and Tony clicked on the icon. A black and white video sprang into life showing the convoy moving slowly towards us. The vehicles were driving in the formation that Arran had described.

Tony remained calm and collected as he evaluated all of the available information.

"This must be their rally point," he explained, pointing at the railway bridge on the map. "If it were me, I'd put a fire team on the motorway bridge. They would hit the escort vehicles with the rocket launchers as they approach. Once they're down, the second team would burst through the fence and onto the motorway with the other three four-by-fours and kill anything that's left alive."

"So, how do we stop it?" I asked, steering his thoughts to a counter attack plan at light speed.

"With great difficulty. We need more men. I'd split them into two teams. The first team would take out the vehicle on the bridge and take control of the higher ground. The second team would take on the three vehicles as they try to remove the waste from the truck."

"What's to stop us splitting up and doing that?" I smiled.

"I love your gung-ho attitude but there's too many of them," he replied. "The best we can hope for is to disable their vehicles and prevent them from escaping until the cavalry arrives."

"The SWAT team has been scrambled, but they're twenty minutes away," said Ethan.

"It'll be too late by then. We'll just have to go for it," said Tony. "We'll try and take out the rocket launchers first. Maybe the convoy will be able to drive straight through without being hit."

"Agreed," I said. "Let's go."

"Good luck," said Lexa. "We'll be able to see it all on the traffic cameras and we'll try to guide you."

"Roger that."

Just as I said that, Shaw's crew started to load into the vehicles and move out. It was exactly as Tony had predicted. One vehicle headed for the bridge spanning the motorway and the other three headed right towards the fence line.

We moved over the canal and under the railway bridge, heading towards the rocket crew. I could see the escort vehicles heading towards us as the Navara parked up on the bridge and three men got out.

They quickly took the rocket launchers from the back of the truck and moved into position. It looked like they were going to fire directly towards the oncoming vehicles. It would be almost impossible to miss from their position.

"We're out of time," I said. "Drive directly at them and we'll ram the fuckers off the bridge."

"I like your style," said Tony. "Weapons ready. Going in hot."

I pulled my sub machine gun into my shoulder, keeping it pointing at the floor.

"Do it, but bear mind that Nat's going to be down there somewhere. Please don't shoot her."

Tony planted his foot to the floor and accelerated under the railway bridge. The convoy was to our right and we could see the three four-by-fours lined up at the fence line. They were ready to break through onto the motorway once the escort vehicles were out of the way.

Time slowed down, but my heart rate sped up. My veins filled with adrenaline and the comms network fell silent.

It felt like we were going to win this.

Unfortunately, that feeling didn't last long. As we exited the railway tunnel, one of the guys on the bridge heard the roar of the Kia's engine. He turned with the launcher on his shoulder and lined us up for the shot.

"Fuck," said Tony. "Contact front. He's zeroed in on us. HOLD ON."

I watched in horror as the guy on the bridge fired a rocket towards us with a trail of smoke from the backdraft.


At the same time his two comrades fired their M72's at the two lead vehicles below us.



"BRACE YOURSELF," shouted Tony.

He steered hard to the right as the rocket came towards us. The rocket missed us by a couple of metres and exploded into a fireball to our half-left.


The force of the blast and Tony's evasive manoeuvre, caused the Kia to flip into the air, turning over and smashing over the railings. I watched the two vehicles on the northbound carriageway explode below us as we turned upside down and headed towards the motorway below. For a split second I thought we were going to land on the roof, but our momentum kept us turning and we crashed down onto the southbound carriage way landing on the wheels.


The impact was hard and I felt my neck and spine compress as the suspension bottomed out and collapsed. The windows shattered as two more rockets were let rip above us towards the convoy.

My hearing went dull as though I was underwater as the two rear vehicles exploded and burst into flames. The truck stopped as it crashed into the lead vehicles which were now just twisted wreckage.

Our Kia rocked on its broken suspension as Shaw's team burst through the fence line in the pickup trucks to finish the job.

My vision was blurred and I was dazed, but I could see individual fragments of glass flying all around me. In my confused state I could hear Tony shouting at me from the driver's seat.


Somehow, I managed to click my seatbelt off and reach for the door handle as the first rounds started to come in.





I grabbed the door handle and kicked out with my feet to force the damaged door open. Tony was already out of the vehicle, returning fire towards Shaw's men.



Two men dropped to the ground as his bullets ripped into them. This only seemed to anger our assailants even more and they returned fire with a whole barrage of bullets.

"GET DOWN... STAY BEHIND THE ENGINE BLOCK," Tony yelled as he came around to join me.

My head was slowly clearing as I gave him some covering fire.



"We need better cover," he said. "Move under the bridge and behind the concrete pillars or we're going to get pinned down by the guys on the bridge."

As he said that, more rounds pinged off the Kia and it sank lower as its tyres burst. I saw movement on the bridge above us as we sprinted to get into cover from above. We kept the Kia between us and the flaming wreckage of the convoy and made it to the safety of the concrete pillars.

We were safe for now and tried to calm down and take stock of the situation.

The enemy kept us pinned down which was all they needed to do. They were here to raid the truck and steal the nuclear waste, not to kill some vigilantes. Two men stepped in front of the truck and shot the driver and passenger through the front windscreen. They then got behind the truck and into cover to keep us suppressed.

The amount of incoming fire was unbelievable and seemed to be never ending. It was almost impossible to stick our heads out and take a look, never mind return fire.

"We need to take the higher ground," said Tony as he reloaded the MP5 with a slap. "We'll stand a better chance up there and we might be able to use an M72 on them if there are any left."

"Agreed. Cover me. Moving."




Tony returned fire with three-round bursts as I ran under the bridge and hid behind the concrete wall. I turned and dropped onto one knee as I shouted after Tony.




I took well-aimed shots at anything I could see moving in order to prevent them from shooting Tony as he sprinted towards me. I was aware that one of them might have been Natalie, so I kept my shots high in order to miss. I just needed to keep their heads down until we could take the higher ground and disable their vehicles.

"Reloading," I said as he got into cover next to me.

"Are you ok?" asked Lexa. "We saw what happened on the cameras."

"We're fine," I replied. "Can you see what's happening with the truck?"

"Yes, they're opening the back doors and unloading the nuclear waste into one of the pick-ups."

"Isn't that dangerous? Surely they'll be exposed to the radioactivity?" I replied, pulling the cocking lever to ready the weapon.

"No. It's most likely encased in a lead-lined box," she replied. "They have to make it safe before it can be transported, but these guys only need a small amount."




More rounds stitched into the floor and the wall we were hiding behind. They knew we'd retreated and they wanted to keep it that way, but they weren't our immediate threat. The guys on the bridge would be expecting us.

Sure enough, I saw one of them stick his head over the railings above us to see where we'd gone.

"Contact below," he shouted.

"Shit. Move up the embankment," said Tony. "We need to hit them fast."

I kept my weapon pointing upwards as Tony brought up the rear. He was walking backwards with his weapon pointing up at the railings. Back-to-back we continued up the embankment with our eyes out on stalks. The slightest movement above us would be killed instantly.

I heard Tony fire a double-tap and then heard a scream above us.