Becca XXX - Double Trouble Ch. 01

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Becca's brand new mission and this time she's not alone.
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Author's note: - This is a follow on to the previous series, Becca XXX The Eden Project. Please read it before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.


I always loved having something large and throbbing between my sexy thighs and tonight was no exception. I was straddling a large black beast and my whole body shuddered from head to toe as I rode it hard and fast.

I looked over at Natalie and gave her a naughty smile as she rode beside me. The look of pure pleasure and excitement was etched all over her angelic face. The black beast between her legs was equally as sexy as mine and I could tell she was enjoying every minute of it. I loved watching her ride and the outfit she was wearing made her look even more alluring.

Black skin-tight leathers hugged her perfect form and accentuated her body in all the right places. Her black Ducati Panigale V4S was a force to be reckoned with. It pumped out over two hundred break-horse power and reached one hundred miles per hour in under six seconds. The fact we were both dressed the same and riding identical motorcycles was sure to draw attention.

Although our bikes and leathers were black, we'd spiced things up a bit with some vibrant pink to make sure people knew we were female riders and not just a couple of small males. The bikes fairing had a pink stripe on both sides, which started wide at the front and thinned out towards the back. Our leathers also had matching pink panels on the outside of the calf and thigh, so that when we were on the bike, we melded to become one with the machine. The sides of our bodies, from the armpit to the waist also had a pink panel, as did the inside of our arms. The front of the Ducati was finished off with a single pink stripe which matched the detail on our black helmets.

As much as this seemed like a fun night out, we were dressed like this for a reason.

Street racing.

I was now a fully trained agent and therefore I operated above the law. If I committed a crime of any kind, I could merely give the police a phone number to call and I'd be released immediately. There were of course a set of guidelines in that my actions must be beneficial to the assignment but apart from that I was pretty much untouchable. To say it was a powerful feeling was an understatement. I felt as powerful as the motor bike I was riding.

I had been teamed up with Natalie who I had met a couple of times before. She was a similar age to me and had worked for Lexa for quite some time. In fact, she had been there the first time I was gang raped by Lexa's five guys as part of my initiation into the sordid world I now frequented. She had also helped me to get my revenge on Victor over a year ago which had resulted in me having a lot of sexual fun with her.

She was a blonde bombshell with a body to die for. Although she was petite, she handled a motorbike very well. As I looked at her bent over in her riding position, her ass filled her leathers like they were a second skin, giving her a peach that looked so sexy it was hard to resist not slapping it every time I got near her.

As well as her many redeeming features she had one thing that always drove people wild and that was the smell of her knickers. She was an online panty seller and there wasn't a day went by, when she didn't sell the ones she'd been wearing. Her scent was legendary and I had sampled them first hand on more than one occasion. I'd even seen a guy get a hard-on, just from a single whiff of her cunt. All women smell differently down there, but I'd never smelt a pussy as sweet and musky as Nat's. I imagined how well her bike leathers would be keeping that scent contained and that some lucky customer would be getting an extra special treat with the pair she had on.

We pulled up at some traffic lights on the way to our destination and I lifted my visor to speak to her. I didn't need to lift the visor, as we had a comms network built into the helmets, but it felt like the right thing to do, plus I liked to see her sparkling blue eyes as she glanced across at me.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked her.

"Are you kidding? I've been looking forward to this all week," she laughed. "The question is, can you keep up with me?"

"You know I can't. I've only been riding this thing for three months."

"I was talking about the fucking, not the bikes," she giggled.

She had a childish giggle which men loved and she could seduce any man with her young appearance and school-girl persona.

"In that case, we'll see what happens tonight," I replied. "I'm gagging for some cock."

"Me too," she laughed, pulling her visor back down.

I copied her and we both revved the engines like a couple of racing drivers.

Vrrooommm. Vrrooommm. Vrrooommm.

Pop. Pop. Pop.

A bike this powerful had draw-back through the exhaust system and it popped and banged like a firework as the revs increased and died away.

The lights changed to red-amber and we both gunned the throttle from a standing start, before the lights even changed to green. Within seconds we had left every other vehicle behind us and we were doing over fifty miles an hour through the city streets. It was eight o'clock in the evening and it was still light and warm. Commuters were heading home from their important day jobs and they mixed with socialites heading into town for a night out.

None of that mattered to us. We were heading to an abandoned industrial estate to meet the rest of the local street racers. It happened all over the country in every major city but we weren't just there for fun. This was our new assignment and we were there to find a way in.

Local petrol heads and hooligans would gather in quiet places to show off their cars and driving skills and generally make a nuisance of themselves until the police turned up. The mix of testosterone-fuelled young men and horny teenaged girls was like a tinder box waiting to ignite and when the police showed up, dangerous high-speed chases usually ensued.

The guys liked to show off and the girls liked the excitement. They were like groupies trying to get with the guy with the best car or the loudest stereo system and public fucking and gang banging was never far away.

It was no wonder my knickers were soaked. I could feel the pussy slime coating my gusset as I sat on the bike. I had positioned myself on the saddle so that my clit was pushed against the petrol tank, which resonated at certain revs. It was like having my own petrol-powered vibrator between my legs and I knew I'd made a mess in my panties.

We rode the last few miles and could already see lights and smoke in the distance. The industrial estate was dilapidated and run down and was a young hooligans dream come true. The meeting place was a large car park of an old steel works and it was already filling up fast. The smoke we could see was from cars spinning their wheels and burning rubber up and down the main drag. They were performing donuts as the crowd cheered and egged them on.

"Looks like they've started without us," laughed Natalie through the helmet microphone.

"Remember we're here to find the guy in the fluorescent green Nissan," I said. "He's our target."

"Roger that," she said.

We pulled off the main road and into the arterial road that fed the old industrial estate. What had once been a thriving economy was now just a collection of run-down buildings with graffiti and broken windows. The global recession had not been kind to the manufacturing industry in England, but it made an ideal playground for wannabe racing drivers.

It was time to get noticed.

Nat opened up the Ducati with vigour and pulled back slightly on the handlebars causing the front wheel to come off the ground. She popped a wheelie like a professional as she rode past the car park much to the delight of the onlookers. Unfortunately, my bike skills were no where near that good so I pulled up at the car park entrance and waited for Nat. She turned the bike around and came screaming back to join me with a group of lads and young girls running along behind her. She came to a screeching stop right next to me in a cloud of tyre smoke, before slipping the bike into neutral.

We both blipped the throttle for added attention before killing the engines and dropping the kick stands. I looked around the car park but there was no sign of the green Nissan. Maybe he wasn't coming tonight.

We both dismounted in a truly sexy fashion. I raised my leg high off the saddle and pushed my ass back into my leathers for added effect. If I looked half as sexy as Natalie did, we could have had any guy we wanted. We took our helmets off in unison and flicked our hair about to give it some body after having it crushed by the helmet.

We were parked at the end of a long line of diagonally parked cars. There were two lines facing each other and it looked more like a car show than a parking lot.

"Fuck me, it's a hot night," I said to Nat.

"You're not kidding," she replied. "Hopefully it's about to get hotter."

Several young men were approaching and I looked over to Nat and gave her a cheeky smile. Our plan was working straight out of the starting blocks.

"Hi guys," she said in a cute girly voice.

"Wow, that's some machine you've got there," said one of them.

"Thanks, I guess it's ok," she replied.

"Ok? It's one of the fastest production bikes ever made," he gasped. "Is it stock?"

"Yeah, it's fast enough for me without getting it tuned up."

"No need, I'm surprised you can keep hold of it."

"I'm stronger than I look," she smiled.

"Are you girls local?" asked a tall black guy with a cute face.

"We live in the city," I said.

"Welcome to the neighbourhood," he laughed, holding his arms out to emphasise the industrial estate.

"Thanks," I said. "What time does the racing start?"

"You're racers?" he laughed.

"Among other things yes," I replied.

I undid my leather jacket down to the top of my cleavage revealing the top of my pink lace bra. I had nothing else on underneath apart from my sexy underwear. Natalie followed suit and all the guys eyes dropped to take in the view. They were now torn between admiring a fast motorbike or a couple of hot girls exposing some flesh.

I could see the internal conflict they must have been going through. Young hot-blooded males interested in cars, bikes, booze and women. The fact that the two of us looked like sisters due to our matching outfits and bikes added to their turmoil.

"What's wrong? Don't you think we can race like men do?" asked Nat.

"I never said that," he replied.

"You didn't need to," I butted in. "How do you think we got these bikes in the first place?"

"Did daddy buy them for you?" he laughed turning to his mates.

The crowd laughed with him.

"Ooh shots fired," said one of his friends.

I shot him a glance that said 'fuck off' and he stopped smiling.

"If you think my 'daddy' has got a spare thirty grand lying around, you're living in a fantasy land," I spat. "These were won fair and square a few months ago."

"You raced for them?" he said, like it was a joke.

"No, but she did," I nodded at Nat.

She gave him a bitchy smile and folded her arms pushing her breast upwards. I watched the mouthy guy's eyes drop straight away and he subconsciously licked his lips.

"More like you opened your legs for them," said a voice from the back.

"Who said that?" I asked craning my neck to get a better view.

No one came forward. Whoever said it was full of talk and no walk.

"Come on, show yourself big man," I said moving through the crowd.

Finally, a meat-head stepped forward trying to show off to his mates now that he realised there was nowhere to hide.

"I said it," he answered. "What of it? Bitch."

I felt no fear amongst them. I was trained and in better shape both mentally and physically than I'd ever been. Months of training had got me wanting nothing more than being back on assignment. I loved being in the thick of it.

"You think I opened my legs to a guy, to get a bike? I asked. "Is that what you're saying? Peewee."

He was at least six feet tall and built like the hulk, so being called peewee would be about as insulting as I could get.

"Peewee? I'd split you in two," he snapped.

"You couldn't split a bill. Any guy who has to pump himself up on steroids like you, must be compensating for something," I laughed, glancing at his crotch.

The crowd erupted in laughter.

"Whoah, she just owned you boy," said another one of his friends.

"Fuck you!" was all he could comeback with.

"Show us what a big cock you've got then," I continued. "If you're such a big man, you've got nothing to hide. Get it out."

He went strangely quiet.

"Yeah, I thought as much," I slapped his cheeked gently twice and walked back over to Nat.

"Becca, remember what the judge said to you babe," she said. "Keep calm."

"Judge? Fuck! What have you been arrested for?" asked the first guy.

"Indecent exposure, ABH, reckless driving, sex in a moving vehicle, sex in a public place, breach of the peace..."

"Alright Becca, don't tell them your life story," interrupted Nat.

"So, your names Becca, what about your friend?"

"She's Natalie," I said.

"Nice to meet you both, I'm T-Bone," he said, holding out his hand.

We both shook it. He had a good grip which was the true mark of a man. A limp handshake would have meant he was full of shit and not worth talking to. A firm handshake with eye contact meant he had integrity and showed me who he was a thousand times more than his words.

"What sort of a name is T-Bone?" giggled Nat.

"It's a street name," he said.

"He's called T-Bone because he keeps crashing," laughed his mate.

The rest of them joined in.

"It's like when a car hits another car side on," he continued to explain, making a 'T' shape with his hands.

"Alright, alright the new girls don't need to know all the details," he mocked himself. "Come on I'll show you around."

He beckoned us away from the mob, who now seemed to accept us and were more interested in the bikes than our tits.

We left them commenting on our Ducati's and followed T-Bone passed the lines of cars. There must have been thirty cars parked up in what seemed like smaller groups. The cars came in all makes, models and colours and all were in various states of modification.

They were low to the ground and although most of them were standard cars they had been jazzed up with crazy paint jobs and blingy wheels. Some were pumping out loud dance music that was so loud I could feel the air moving as we passed them. There didn't appear to be many female drivers, but there were plenty of scantily clad young girls hanging around trying to entice a mate. They were either throwing themselves at the young guys or dancing provocatively to try and attract attention to themselves.

Some of them gave us bitchy looks as we wandered around, probably not happy that we were invading their territory. These girls were similar to hookers except they weren't getting paid for it. Their reward would be bragging rights as to which guy they were currently fucking rather than how much money they'd made by opening their legs.

"This is my crew," said T-Bone pointing at a loose gathering of guys.

There were maybe ten of them looking around each other's cars and comparing specifications and performance details. They were a mixed group of black, white and mixed-race guys and their attention was suddenly on us as we arrived.

"What's up girls?" said one of them.

"Hi guys," said Natalie in her cutest voice possible.

"This is Nat and Becca. They're here to race," said T-Bone introducing us with a smirk.

"You're racers?" one of his crew asked.

"Why does everyone keep asking us that?" I replied. "Just because we're women, doesn't mean we can't beat you."

"Most women here just get fucked, they don't race," explained T-Bone. "Don't take offence girls."

"We can multi-task," I laughed, raising my eyebrows at him.

"I bet," said another one of his friends looking me up and down admiringly.

I ignored his advances for now, we weren't here for these guys, but if our target didn't show up, I had no problem bending over the bonnet and taking a good pounding from a few of these guys, they were all pretty nice looking and I was always in the mood for sex.

I looked passed the open bonnet of the car and saw another one of his crew sitting in the driver's seat of a BMW M4. He had a young girl's head in his lap and it didn't take a genius to see what was happening. If the sight of her head bobbing up and down didn't give it away, the look on the recipient's face told me she was obviously pretty good at sucking his cock.

I nudged Natalie and she tittered as she took in the view and moved closer for a better look, with me hot on her heels.

The girl was young, maybe eighteen or nineteen at the most with long bleached blond hair. She had her boob tube pulled down exposing her large tits, which gently swayed in time with her head movements. Her lips were deep red and were tightly wrapped around her boyfriends' shaft as she blew him off in the car park.

He looked slightly older than her and had his hand stuffed up her skirt feeling her pussy. I guessed a girl like her wouldn't be wearing panties and judging by the noises he was making he wasn't far off orgasm. He had his eyes closed with a look of pleasure all over his face. She was doing most of the work and neither of them had noticed us watching until T-Bone piped up.

"They're always at it, every time they get together," he said loud enough for them to hear.

The guy opened his eyes but made no moves to cover himself up. The girl stopped sucking him off and turned to look over her shoulder at us. Her lips were wet and plump and looked perfect for sucking cocks. She wiped the slobber from her chin and smiled at us, her eyes were wide and watering and her make-up was running down her face.

"Hi," she said, like it was nothing. "You're more than welcome to watch."

"They're just a couple of exhibitionists," he sighed like he'd seen it all before.

"So, I see," I replied.

Although it was an intimate act, I couldn't stop watching her. She went back to licking and throating his rather large dick like it was the most normal thing in the world. He closed his eyes again and put his hand on the back of her head.

"I like to empty my balls before a race," he said, keeping his eyes closed. "No one sucks a cock like Jinx."

She must have been given a street name too. I watched her hand work his shaft up and down and her tongue flicking over his tip. Her other hand cupped and stroked his ball-sack which was beginning to tighten.

"He's about to cum," I said to no one in particular.

Just as I said that he pushed up and she capped her lips over his tip as he climaxed into her mouth. He clamped his mouth closed and let out stifled moans in time with his spurts.

"Hhmm... Hhmm... Hhmm... right there baby... don't stop," he squirmed.

Her head bobbing slowed down just like it should when a guy cums in your mouth, he becomes over sensitive during and after climax and she knew better than to carry on. She groaned and laughed though her nose as she kept her lips wrapped around him and milked the last drops from his manhood.

We watched her swallow it with his cock still in her mouth before she finally withdrew it with a loud sucking noise and she laid it gently onto his belly.

"Mmmm thank you baby," she cooed like a dove. "That was yummy."

"You're welcome honey," he said, bending lower and kissing her on the lips.

They seemed to be a loving couple even if they were into lewd behaviour in public places. He pulled his hand from under her skirt and wiped her juices on his jeans.