Becca XXX - Double Trouble Ch. 04

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Becca and Natalie get friendly with the twins.
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Authors note: - This is a follow on to the previous episodes of Becca XXX Double Trouble. Please read it before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Double Trouble. Ch 04

Sinner and Ice stood in the doorway looking a little unsure of themselves. I guessed that maybe they'd never been to a topless bar before and they were wondering if they'd got the right place. If they'd done their research, they'd know this was the only one in the city.

At least my back up plan had worked. I had told one of the other crews at the street race that I worked at the Voodoo bar hoping that Ice would pick up on it.

He had.

Whoring ourselves into a good hard gang fucking must have got their attention and now they'd tracked us down, even if they were looking a little out of their depth. I watched them bumbling about in the doorway for a moment and then thought I'd go and put them out of their misery and welcome them to the bar.

"Good afternoon gentlemen," I said as I approached.

"Well heeeellooooo. You do work here after all," Sinner exclaimed in his posh British accent.

"Indeed I do, but how did you find me?" I played dumb.

I didn't want them to think I was expecting them. As far as they were concerned, I was just at work trying to make a living rather than luring in my targets.

"Ice overheard you telling someone last night," he replied.

I heard Big Al's voice in the background as he came out to check on things in his bar. I didn't want him to think I knew these guys, so I just acted naturally and played my part of being a good little waitress.

"Right this way gentlemen. I'll show you to a booth," I said, turning my back on them and walking to the furthest table from the bar, for some privacy.

The twins cottoned-on quick and followed along behind me like customers do when they're being seated. I sat them in a booth in front of the window and handed them the drinks menus.

"My name is a Becca and I'll be your waitress this afternoon. Do you see anything you fancy?" I asked for Big Al's benefit, in case he was listening.

"Not half," snorted Ice.

I saw Big Al say something to Nicole and Natalie and then he winked at Tara and wandered back to his office. Everything must have been to his satisfaction.

"Ok. What the hell are you doing here?" I asked. "I'm working."

"Well... seeming as we didn't win the race last night, we thought we'd come and get the booby prize instead," laughed Sinner, staring at my breasts.

I laughed to at his pun. He had a very dry sense of humour and I liked him. I liked them both.

"Did it take you all night to come up with that joke?" I giggled.

"I thought it was rather good. It's just a little jape," said Ice, also staring at my tits.

"So, you tracked me down just to come and look at my boobs?" I asked. "By the way.... my face is up here boys," I pointed to my head with both hands.

"Sorry, they're just so delightful to look at. I'm sure you're used to it," said Ice looking me in the eye briefly before glancing at my chest and then finally looking at the menu.

"You still haven't explained why you came to look for me. You're not a pair of stalkers, are you?"

I kept up my level of suspicion to try and act naturally. It's what any normal girl would have done it she was followed by two men she'd only met briefly a few hours ago.

"No, no my sweet little Becca. We found you intriguing last night. To be honest we didn't think you'd go through with it. It was quite a sex show you put on," said Sinner.

"What happened at the street race, stays at the street race. I try to keep that part of my life separate to this one. I wasn't expecting people to come looking for me. Now can I get you guys a drink?" I was acting like I was pissed off with them but really, I was delighted that they'd taken the bait.

"We're not here for anything sinister. We just found the whole thing fascinating," explained Ice.

"And arousing?" I added.

"Of course."

"Did you go home with a hard-on and wank yourselves off thinking about me and Nat?"

"Ah yes Natalie. Where is the other fine young filly?" he avoided the question, which told me all I needed to know.

"She's working too. Drinks?" I said again.

"Ah yes, some refreshments. What do you recommend in this... establishment?" asked Ice.

He over emphasised the word 'establishment' as though he didn't know how else to describe the place.

"It's a bar," I replied sarcastically. "People usually buy beer and shots."

"You're so feisty," laughed Sinner. "I love you already."

I tapped my pen on my pad to speed him up with the drinks and he soon got the message.

"I'll have a beer and Ice will have a coke," said Sinner.

"A coke? Really? This is a bar not a fucking McDonalds," I mocked him.

"I'm driving Becca," said Ice. "I don't drink and drive."

"Ah ok. I'll let you off then," I winked.

I glanced through the window and saw the luminous green van parked up the street. I also checked for the black Range Rover in both directions but there was no sign of it.

"I'll be right back with the drinks," I said with a polite smile.

"Thank you very much," said Ice.

"Your welcome. Oh... and don't go staring at my ass as I walk off."

As I walked away, I heard the creak of leather as they strained out of the booth to stare at my wiggling backside. I looked over my shoulder and smiled. They were as easy to manipulate as most men and had again played into my hands.

"Perverts," I said, with a little venom in my voice, but they knew it was a joke.

As I passed the drinks order to Tara, Nat appeared by my side.

"They took the bait," I whispered.

"I know I saw them come in. They look a little out of place in here, don't they?" she glanced over in their direction.

She wasn't wrong either. They were wearing the same clothes from the previous night which consisted of beige chinos and white shirts. Their tweed jackets had been left behind as it was a warm day. Maybe they were in the van.

"I guess we go their attention," I laughed. "My prediction is that they'll ask us out for a drink after work and we can take it from there. Why else would they be here?"

"Agreed. Any sign of the Range Rover?"

"Not that I could see but it could be hiding round the corner like it was last night. I'm still not convinced they're with the twins."

"Me neither but we'll soon find out."

Tara passed me the drinks and I carried them back to the table.

"One beer.... aaaaannd one coke for the driver," I said as I set the drinks down in front of them, one at a time.

Once again, I could feel their eyes all over my body and the feeling of being desired came back with a vengeance.

"You are truly stunning Becca, I hope you don't mind me saying that," said Sinner.

"Aww, thank you so much," I cooed. "Is that why you came to find me? Do you fancy your chances?"

"Well, you were willing to have sex with us last night if we won the race," he replied.

"Yes, but you didn't win, did you?" I raised my eyebrows.

"We lost the battle but the war continues," he laughed. "How long have you worked here?"

"Just a couple of weeks. Like I said last night we're new here and looking to make some fast cash on the street racing scene."

"But they didn't let you race?"

"No, but we still had a nice time," I winked.

"Yes, I suppose you did," he chuckled. "It didn't look like that was your first time doing something like that."

"I've been around a bit."

"Can I ask you something?" said Ice.


"Did you used to be.... you know.... a lady of the night?"

"A prostitute?"

"I don't like that vulgar term, but yes a prostitute?"

"That's a fucking personal question isn't it? I don't even know you."

"You didn't know those young men last night but you still opened your legs for them."

"What's your point?"

"I'm just curious as to how you would end up being like that."

"Like what? Knee deep in cock in a public place taking it in all my holes?" I tried to be as dirty as I could to get a reaction.

"Oh, my lord, you are so dirty," gasped Ice.

"Well?" pushed Sinner. "How did you end up being so....... promiscuous?"

"You'll have to buy a girl drink if you want to ask questions like that," I tittered.

"Ok. What are you having?"

"I can't accept drinks from customers whilst I'm working. It's against the rules."

"Then maybe we can take you out for a drink later. Both of you. It could be fun. What time do you finish work?"

He'd taken some coercing but he'd finally gotten to where I needed him to be. He probably even thought it was his idea to ask me out.

"We finish our shift at six and then we'll need to go home and get changed," I agreed.

"You don't need to get changed my dear Becca. You look fine just the way you are," said Ice, staring at my tits again.

"Haha, very funny, but I'm not sure I can go around with my tits out all night."

"Every time I've seen you so far you've had them out Becca," laughed Sinner. "Why change it now?"

"You can pick us up at seven thirty," I suggested.

"Ok. Give us your address and we'll come and get you."

"No, no, no my friend. I hardly know you so there's no way I'm telling you where I live. It's bad enough that you've come to my place of work. We'll meet you at the Tavern in the town hall square and take it from there."

"Ok. I understand you being cautious. We'll see you there."

"Make sure you leave a good tip," I said pointing at the slogan on my belly. "And make sure you don't forget your wallets tonight. You're paying."

"Ok little Miss Bossy-boots," laughed Sinner.

They both raised their glasses to me in a toast and I went off to serve another table.


It was the end of our shift and six girls had come in to replace us and do the evening shift. They were all equally as well-endowed and beautiful as the day shift but there were more of them to cope with the increased Saturday night crowd. Two bouncers were now also tending the door to make sure no one got out of hand with the waitresses. Topless beauties and alcohol fuelled men were an explosive mix and someone usually ended up getting thrown out of the bar on a weekend night for doing something inappropriate.

Sinner and Ice were long gone by now and had only stayed for one drink. They'd tipped me ten pounds which wasn't bad.

Nat and I had put our jeans and T-shirts back on and were walking back to the apartment. She'd noticed how wet my panties were when we were getting changed and had raised her eyebrows at me, but she didn't say anything until we were almost half way home.

"Do you want to sell them?" she asked.

"Sell what?" I replied, just as I realised what she meant.

"Those soaking wet knickers you're wearing, or are you planning on wearing them for our date tonight?"

"It's not a date Nat and no, I'm not going to keep them on."

"Good, I can sell them for you then. 'Becca's work thong' that's what I'll call them," she tittered. "I've been thinking about the description all afternoon."

"You are such a dirty little bitch," I laughed. "Yes, you can sell them if you wish."

"Thanks babe," she gave my ass a squeeze. "And you're the one who came in her shorts at work, so you're the dirty bitch, not me."

We rounded the corner to our road and passed the post box a few doors up from our apartment. She stopped briefly to get the jiffy bag out of her work bag and posted it in the box. As I scanned around for danger, I could have sworn I saw a large black four-by-four in the reflection of the shop window as I waited for her, but as I turned to get a better look, it was gone. I put it down to me just being paranoid.

"Someone's going to be pleased tomorrow," she laughed. "Two pairs of slut-soaked knickers for a happy customer."

We walked a few hundred metres further on and checked our surroundings. There was no sign of anything suspicious and I guessed I'd imagined the Range Rover, so we went into the lobby and climbed the stairs to the third floor. We were now at our most vulnerable. Although we'd taken precautions to make sure we hadn't been followed, it was never fool proof. Trained operatives could disguise themselves well and stay out of sight if they knew what they were doing, but we felt pretty safe.

We avoided taking the lift as it was an enclosed space with a known exit point. The stairs offered a little more cover and kept our escape options open. The time for having fun together was over, we needed to get our heads back into the assignment and assume that danger was around every corner.

As we exited the stairwell, we saw nothing out of the ordinary, so we continued down the corridor to our apartment door. We kept four metres apart in case one of us got jumped on. I checked the paper-tell that was jammed in the door frame and saw that it was still there.

"Looks ok," I said to Nat.

She nodded.

I opened up the door and slipped inside while Nat waited at the threshold checking the corridor left and right. I swept each room in the apartment which took seconds as there were only five rooms if you included the en suite bathrooms. Nat waited a full ninety seconds and then came in and closed the door behind her. She picked up the door wedge and kicked it into place.

We instantly felt safer, but just to be sure I went to the kitchen drawer and picked up a wooden rolling pin. It was a formidable weapon if you knew how to use it and far more effective than Big Al's baseball bat.

A baseball bat is fine if you want to intimidate someone and look threatening but the practicality of using it was flawed. It was slow and cumbersome and needed a lot of room to swing it. It was useless indoors and by the time you'd initiated the back swing the opponent could have seen it coming and taken you out. A short, hard, stubby baton like a rolling pin was much better and was easy to store in any home, without questions.

I placed it on the kitchen worktop as Nat threw her bag on the sofa and took her phone out.

"Drop your jeans and let me do some pictures for the site," she said.

I unzipped my jeans and dropped them to my ankles so she could snap a couple of shots from the front, back and underneath. I was beginning to understand her system by now.

"That's great babe, throw your dirty knickers in a zip-lock bag for me when you take them off. We've not got long so I'm jumping in the shower," she said.

"No problem. Me too."

I took my phone out of my bag and sent a quick text to Lexa.

'Targets re-acquired. Meeting tonight.'

It was short and business like. If she was going to be all about the assignment and be off with me then I could do the same. I didn't know what her problem was and I'd be having words with her once this was over.

I took my sodden thong off as Nat had instructed. She'd want it to be fresh for her customer, so I slipped it straight into the zip-lock bag and left it on the counter for her.

Buzz. Buzz.

A message came in from Lexa. She always replied quickly as her phone was never more than an arms-reach away from her.

'Great work. Keep me posted."

It was short and sweet just like I expected.

I ripped the rest of my clothes off on the way to my bathroom and turned the cascade of water onto my skin. I peed in the shower as I washed my hair to save time. Lexa would have loved it.

It's amazing the effect a nice hot shower can have on you. It cleaned me in more ways than one, but I did pay particular attention to my pussy and asshole. I knew I'd be using them later like the tools of my trade.

My mind wandered across different trains of thought as I washed my sexy body all over. First, I thought about Nat selling my panties for a second day running and it got me all horny thinking about the guy who was going to buy them. I pictured the pleased look on his face as he opened the bag and smelt my wet cunt for the first time. I thought about how hard he'd be even before he got a whiff of them. The anticipation would be enough to make him as hard as a rock and super aroused before he even opened the jiffy bag. It made me smile, but I moved onto the job in hand.

Sinner and Ice were now ours for the taking and it wouldn't take much to get close to them. They had come looking for us after all and it didn't take a genius to figure out what they were after. They had watched us get gang fucked in front of an audience and it was obvious they wanted to try us out for themselves. The fact they were a couple of bumbling young English gents still made no sense to me when it came to street racing but once we got closer, Lexa would give us more information, I was sure of it.


Forty-five minutes later I was ready to go and once again I found Natalie at her computer typing in a frenzy.

"Fucking hell Nat. Give it a rest, we need to get going," I said.

"I'm ready, but read this before we go," she said excitably.

She jumped off the stool and started putting things into her handbag while I moved in to read her latest filthy offer.

Evening boys,

Guess what?

My friend enjoyed selling her cummy knickers so much yesterday, that she's given me another pair. She's just taken these off after a long shift at the bar and she's made them extra slippery.

Being the slut that she is; she has orgasmed in them while she was at work. She nipped off to the toilets, flicked her sexy bean and came in this pair just for you.

I've had a good long sniff of them and I can assure you, you won't be disappointed.

Let the bidding commence

Nat (and Becca)


"You fucking dirty skank," I laughed.

"You're the one selling them," she giggled. "I think that makes you dirty, not me."

"Whatever you say babe. How do I look?"

I gave her a twirl as I got off the stool. I was wearing a pale-yellow summer dress with a thin white jacket. As usual, I wasn't wearing a bra, which was all part of my arsenal of seduction. My knickers were also yellow with white lace edging and a cotton gusset. Cotton absorbs more wetness than other fabrics, which I knew I'd be needing as the night progressed.

"They're going to love you," she smiled. "How about me?"

She stood in front of me with her hands clutching her bag at her crotch. She had a peach mini-skirt on and matching boob-tube with a darker pink jacket similar to mine. The lack of bra was obvious as her nipples poked through the thin fabric leaving nothing to the imagination. She wore her hair down like me and looked barely legal. No wonder men loved her.

"You look like you're off to a school disco," I joked. "Does your mummy know you dress like that?"

She made a cute pouty face and put her finger in her mouth swaying from side to side.

"I do all sorts of things that my mummy doesn't know about," she teased in a cute voice.

"And are you wearing big girl knickers tonight?"

She turned around and bent over giving me an eyeful of her tight ass and pink G-string. It was hardly worth wearing it as it didn't even contain her pussy lips which were poking out of either side.

"Fucking hell Nat, I can see your meat hanging out. I don't think your mummy would approve."

She pulled her skirt back down and laughed at me.

"She wouldn't approve of me swallowing spunk either, but it's not going to stop me doing it," she replied. "Come on let's go and meet our dates."

"It's not a date."

"Whatever. Let's go."

She removed the door wedge and after we locked up, I slid the paper-tell back in place like we had done this morning. We checked the area for the Range Rover or any other threats that might be lurking around and then walked out into the street.