Becca XXX - Double Trouble Ch. 06

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Becca meets a friend and Big Al gets an unwanted surprise.
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Authors note: - This is a follow on to the previous episodes of Becca XXX Double Trouble. Please read them before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Double Trouble. Ch 06

I woke up in bed with Natalie in almost the same position we'd fallen asleep in. We'd slept the sleep of the dead despite being in a pee-soaked bed. Our body heat had done a good job of drying the sheets but we still felt clammy and sticky as we woke.

"Morning sexy," I whispered into her ear from behind.

"Morning to you too," she said rolling over.

I was never one for morning kisses, but I made the exception with Natalie despite not having brushed our teeth. I gave a quick peck on the lips and we both rolled onto our backs. She stretched and yawned making the duvet slip down and reveal her perfect tits. Her yawn was infectious and made me do the same as my muscles tensed and relaxed, stretching the lactic acid from my body.

"Last night was like a dream," she murmured.

"It wasn't a dream Nat. I'm still fucking soaked," I giggled.

"Me too but you know what I mean. It was incredible."

"It's always incredible with you. We just fit together so well," I laughed.

We lay there staring at the ceiling for a minute or two before she decided to get out of bed. As she peeled back the duvet, I saw the huge expanse of stained bed sheet where we'd had our naughty pee-orgasm a few hours earlier.

"Eeeewwwww have you peed the bed," I mocked her.

"I think it was you actually. I'm house trained," she laughed.

"If you say so, bed wetter. I'll put them in the washing machine and no one will be any the wiser about your little accident."

She picked up a pillow and threw it at me playfully before disappearing into the bathroom. I heard the shower switch on and I decided to go and find my phone and check if Lexa had called.

I wandered down the stairs in a sleepy daze and found my phone on the coffee table where I'd left it. I unlocked the screen, but there was nothing from Lexa which I thought was a little odd. Maybe she was still trying to sort things out with the police but I didn't think it would take this long. I thought about texting her but decided against it, she probably had enough to deal with. Instead I plugged my phone into the charger and put the kettle on. I had a quick tidy up of last night's pots and went back upstairs to get ready. Washing in the river might have been refreshing but I needed a long hot shower to remove last night's filth from my skin.

Natalie was just coming out of the steamy bathroom wearing a towel on her head as I arrived. Her chest was red where she'd scrubbed at it to remove the writing from her skin.

"All yours," she smiled.

"Thanks, sexy. I've put the kettle on," I said, slapping her ass as I walked past her.

She giggled and started drying her hair whilst I jumped in the shower. By the time I'd given myself a good scrub and washed my hair she was already going downstairs wearing a white bathrobe.

"Tea or coffee?" she asked.

"Coffee please, I won't be long."

"Coming right up."

She went downstairs while I dried my hair, threw a robe on and went down to join her.

She was standing at the worktop making scrambled eggs when I walked into the kitchen and I snuggled in behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist. We kissed like a married couple and she went bashful as I nuzzled into her neck.

"You can't still be horny Becca, not after last night, surely?" she tittered.

"I'm always horny, you know that. Although I'm more in the mood for a nice fat cock to be honest."

"Sorry, I can't help you with that. Is there any news from Lexa?" she asked as I picked up my coffee and stood next to her at the worktop while she made breakfast.

"Nothing at all, I'd have thought she'd have rung by now, wouldn't you?"

"I would have thought so too," she replied.

She whisked the eggs and threw them in the microwave before popping some toast in the toaster. We sat drinking coffee in silence for a while just lost in our own thoughts. I gazed out of the back window hoping to see rolling farmland and fields of green like I'd seen on google satellite view but it wasn't to be. It was a grey and miserable day with low clouds and drizzly rain. It didn't look at all inviting and was a huge contrast to the previous evening's sunshine with Sinner and Ice. The storm we'd made love to had passed over and just left us with that typical English weather that makes people depressed.


The microwave told us that breakfast was ready and I watched Natalie butter the toast and throw some eggs on top of it. She slapped it down on the counter in front of me like a stroppy waitress.

"Breakfast's ready, bitch face," she laughed.

"Wow, you'll make someone a great wife one day with such a lovely attitude and table-side manner," I said in a patronising voice.

She just shrugged and smiled at me almost childlike. We both took a seat at the kitchen table and picked up our knife and fork. I was about to tuck in when I heard a noise outside in the courtyard. The driveway was gravel and I heard it crunching as a car approached.

We both froze and looked at each other for a split second before jumping into action as though we'd been stung by a bee.

"Do you think it's Lexa?" I asked.

"It could be but let's grab a weapon each and go and take a look," she said. "It might be trouble."

My heart was pounding again as I fished around in the kitchen drawer for something I could use as a weapon. My old favourite, the wooden rolling pin was close at hand and Natalie took another steak knife out. I hoped the owner of the safe house had a good cutlery supplier, because Natalie was getting through it fast.

"Check the front window," she said. "I'll cover the front door."

I dashed through the narrow hallway towards the front door and then hung a right into the old-fashioned sitting room, keeping low. My robe flapped about and I suddenly wished I'd gotten dressed properly. I wasn't even wearing any underwear.

Natalie hid behind the front door and waited for my signal.

"One vehicle approaching. It looks like a red Audi," I said, giving her a running commentary.


"Only one. Male."

"Not Lexa then. Wait for it to pull up and see who's inside."

The car trundled towards us as I peeped around the edge of the window frame, staying out of sight. There were no other vehicles following, it was just one car with one guy driving and he didn't appear to be in a hurry.

It pulled to a stop about ten metres from the front door and the engine was switched off. I couldn't see much due to the rain on the window pane and had to wait until he got out before we made a decision.

"Vehicle has stopped. Definitely only one male occupant," I told Natalie.

"Roger that."

I gripped the shaft of the rolling pin a little tighter as the guy opened the car door and stepped out. He was medium build and quite tall wearing a dark coloured suit. His hair was dark with flecks of grey and he closed the door and turned to face the house. The way he moved told me he was an older guy but he had an air of confidence about him, he was no amateur.

As he turned to face me, it all became clear.

I recognised him immediately.

It was someone I'd fucked before.

It was Ethan Green.

Ethan was Lexa's boss and the guy running the whole operation as far as I could make out. I knew very little about him but I knew he was one of the good guys and that we weren't in any danger.

"Stand down," I said to Nat. "It's Ethan."

"Ethan? Are you sure? What the fuck's he doing here?"

"I don't know, but you'd better let him in he's getting wet out there," I said moving back into the hallway.

She flipped the knife around in her hand so it was pointing up the inside of her forearm and was hidden up her robe sleeve and then she opened the door. I had the rolling pin behind my back just in case this wasn't what it seemed.

"Good morning ladies," he said cheerfully as he stepped into the hallway and wiped his feet on the mat. "Are you both alright?"

"Morning Ethan. Yes, we're both fine. What are you doing here, I thought Lexa was running this assignment?" said Nat.

She closed the front door and placed the knife on top of the shoe cupboard. I revealed the rolling pin from behind my back and shrugged at him.

He raised his eyebrows and smirked.

"Can't be too careful," I said.

"Absolutely and after last night I don't blame you," he replied. "And yes, Lexa is handling the assignment but she's still trying to sort out the mess down town."

"Coffee?" I asked.

"I'd love one, thank you."

We walked back into the kitchen and I got stuck into my breakfast whilst Natalie poured him a cup of coffee. She then joined me at the table while Ethan leaned against the kitchen worktop, dominating the room.

"Are you sure you're both ok?" he asked again, sounding genuinely concerned.

"Yes, it was nothing a dunk in the river couldn't sort out," I giggled.

Natalie giggled too as we shared our private joke.

"Right... ok..." he shrugged. "Your safety is of the upmost importance to us when you're on assignment. You did an amazing job last night girls. Well done."

"If our safety is so important, why the fuck didn't Lexa tell us about those assholes? And don't tell me you didn't know who they were because it's obvious that you do," I spat.

"I know... I know... you're right we should have told you about them and that's why I'm here this morning. Lexa wanted to tell you from the start but I told her not to, for security reasons," he said holding his hands up.

"So, it's your fault I nearly got water-boarded to death with piss last night!" I snapped looking him in the eye.

"What? They did that to you? Holy shit."

"Yeah and raped us both," added Nat like it was nothing.

It was the first time I'd seen her fight back against authority and it surprised me. It was usually me being the rebellious one.

"Jesus Christ. These guys are more serious than we first thought," he sighed.

"So, you do know who they are?" I said as more of a statement than a question.


"And?" I pushed.

He let out a long sigh knowing he had no choice but to tell us what he knew. I wasn't going to settle for anything less and the look on my face told him so. He sat down opposite us at the breakfast table holding his coffee cup in both hands.

"They are Russian mafia under the guise of diplomats," he said.

"Tell us something we don't know," I replied, shovelling the last of my scrambled egg into my mouth. "We figured that out already."

He let out a wry smile as though he was proud of us for figuring it out or maybe he liked my feisty attitude in the face of adversity.

"Ok. Yes, I suppose the accents and the registration number on the Range Rover would have told you that," he laughed.

"And the Makarov pistols," said Natalie.

"That too."

"So, what do they want with us?" I asked.

"Their mission is the same as yours," he said, still not being very forth coming.

"The twins?" said Nat.

"Errrrrrr... yes and no... that's not exactly correct but you're on the right lines," he stammered.

"For fucks sake! Just tell us," I shouted, throwing my knife and fork on the plate with a loud clatter and then pushing my plate away in disgust.

They both flinched in shock at my sudden outburst.

"The twins were just a way for you to get to the real target," he said.

"You mean the street racing crew?" asked Nat.

"No... they have nothing to do with it. That was just a way for you to meet the twins without suspicion. The real target is their father," he said.

"The twin's father?"

"Yes Tristan Kingsley. He's the one we're interested in."

"Oh my god! Why are you interested in him?" I asked.

"His name came up on a list and we think he's up to no good. We need you to find out what and why. Now that you're friendly with his sons it should give you access to the rest of the family."

He sipped his coffee as he let the new information sink in. I knew the street racing didn't seem right and now I knew why.

"What list?" I asked.

"Classified I'm afraid, at least for now. I shouldn't even be telling you what I'm telling you, but I feel you have a right to know what you're getting into."

"And the Russians?" Natalie probed.

"They don't want us getting to the father. That's why they wanted you out of the way," he said.

"Why not?"

"Classified again. I can't tell you."

"For fucks sake, what can you tell us?" I said sounding exasperated and throwing my arms up in the air.

He went quiet for a moment as though he was considering telling us everything. I saw the cogs turning in his head but then his eyes blinked as he changed his mind and came up with something that would appease us without telling us everything.

"Ok, but this stays between us. We have some friends at MI5 and they have intercepted some internet chatter about Tristan Kingsley. This Russian mob wants him to do something for them, but we're not sure what and MI5 doesn't currently have the resources to follow up on it," he explained.

He appeared to be telling the truth so far. The explanation flowed as though it was true. There were no pauses whilst he tried to figure out what to tell us next, so I believed him so far.

"So, they want us to do their dirty work for them?" asked Nat.

"Yes and no. Tristan Kingsley's name is also on one of our lists and he is a person-of-interest to us, so we volunteered to investigate it for them," he continued.

"Why is he important to you?"

"I can't say at this point, there's too much at stake. This is a much bigger operation than just Tristan Kingsley," he replied sitting back and folding his arms.

It was a defensive posture and it told me he wasn't going to tell us anything else at this point.

"Do the twins know what he's up to?" asked Natalie.

"I don't think so."

"Does MI5 know anything more about the Russians?" I asked.

"Apparently not and I believe them. They wouldn't hold back on the information if they want our help. All we know is that they picked up some email traffic from the Russians and Tristan's name was mentioned several times. The next thing we knew, they were flown in on a diplomatic flight and are now staying at the embassy."

"Maybe they're just diplomats wanting to do overseas business with him? He owns a big software company," I mused.

"They're not diplomats. They work for a guy called Stanislav Yanatov, he's been on Interpol's radar for years. He's a Russian crime lord and if he wants Tristan to do something for him, I can assure you, it won't be legal," he replied.

"Does Tristan have any criminal connections?" Natalie asked.

"None. He was born into money but his fortune has increased enormously since he founded his software company," he explained.

"How much are we talking?"

"He's a multi-millionaire."

"Do his bank accounts show any unusual activities," I asked.

"Not that we've found so far. He seems squeaky clean, it's just business transactions."

"Maybe he contacted the Russians for something," said Nat.

"The information we have says it's the other way around. The Russians contacted Tristan."

"And the Russians don't want us to intervene?"

"After last night, I'd say that's a fair assumption."

"How did they find us?" asked Natalie. "We were super careful with the counter surveillance."

"According to Lexa they were going from apartment block to apartment block asking about two girls with matching motor bikes. That's the only description they had of you from the street race. They must have had the twins under surveillance and got suspicious when two new people turned up out of the blue," he said.

"How does Lexa know they were asking about us?" I quizzed.

"The girl on reception told the police that a couple of nasty looking guys with Russian accents had asked about you yesterday. They put the frighteners on her and she told them your apartment number."

"Fucking bitch," said Nat.

"Come on... she just got scared that's all, it's not her fault," I said.

"If they're after the father, why would they have the twins under surveillance?" said Nat.

"Maybe for the same reason we put you two onto them or maybe so they could kidnap them and use them against the father as a bargaining chip," he replied.

"That would mean that Tristan is refusing to do whatever it is they're asking for," said Nat.

"Exactly, we don't think he's complicit, which is another reason why we need you to get closer to the family. You need to protect them whilst you gather more intel," said Ethan.

"You know if you'd told us all of this in the first place, it might have been a damn sight easier," I laughed.

"I know. I'm sorry, but now you know."

"So, you want us to get close to the father and find out what we can?" said Nat.

"Yes. I'll leave it up you to find a way in with the father. You're a couple of sexy ex-hookers as far as the twins are concerned. Tristan won't be able to resist you once he meets you," he said.

"Why didn't we just meet with the father rather than fuck about with the twins?"

"He's almost impossible to meet with. He's always too busy or in meetings. The family route was the best option by far," he stated.

"What do you know about the family?" I asked.

"Tristan owns Genesis corporation; you already know that. He's married but doesn't get on too well with his wife, Helen. Apparently, he has a thing for young girls and likes to pay for it. His two sons you've already met and you probably know more about them than I do," he laughed.

"We know them intimately," giggled Nat.

"I bet," he laughed. "He also has a daughter called Pippa, she's eighteen and studying law. She's a bit of a daddy's girl by all accounts."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, remembering what Sinner had told me about the family sharing things.

"She's his favourite and gets whatever she asks for, cars, horses, clothes, you name it."

"I think the twins get plenty too, looking at the vehicles they're driving," I said.

"They do but put it this way, Sinner drives a Nissan and Pippa drives a Porsche. What does that tell you?"

"That maybe his daughter's doing something to earn it," I giggled, miming her sucking a cock.

"There's no evidence of incest in the family from the intel we have. Unless you know something different?"

"No, I'm just being a dirty bitch," I laughed. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself."

"It's good to see you've still got a filthy mind, Becca. Even after what happened last night," he said raising his eyebrows.

"She's always filthy Ethan. You know that," said Nat, butting in.

"Oh yeah... I'm sorry Miss Prim-and-proper. I forgot that butter wouldn't melt in your sweet little mouth," I said giving her a playful shove.

Ethan seemed to enjoy our playfulness and smiled from ear to ear shaking his head.

"Do you know what she said to me earlier, Ethan?" said Nat, sounding like she was telling tales on me.

"Shut up Natalie," I said, giving her another shove.

"What did she say?" he said leaning forward with his elbows on the table watching our play fight.

"She said, she was in the moo...."

"I never said anything," I interrupted, covering her mouth with my hand.

She managed to wriggle free causing my robe to fall open exposing my breasts.

"She said, she was in the mood for some big fat cock," she blurted out.

"Fucking lying bitch," I tried to slap her but she got up and ran round the other side of the table to hide behind Ethan.

"I never said that," I lied to Ethan.

"She did Ethan. She's gagging for it."

He smiled and looked at Natalie and then his gaze rested back on me. I'd made no attempt to cover my exposed body and I saw him glance at my tits and then back to my face.