Becca XXX - Double Trouble Ch. 07

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Becca and Natalie have a liason after sexting the twins.
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Authors note: - This is a follow on to the previous episodes of Becca XXX Double Trouble. Please read them before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Double Trouble. Ch 07

A couple of days had gone by since the incident at the Voodoo bar. I had told Tara to report back to me if Big Al tried anything again and she said that she would. I never told her what had happened to make him have a change of heart and she didn't ask.

Ethan had picked us up and driven us back to the safe house after a minor detour to the post box to post my filthy work thong to Natalie's winning bidder. They had been sold to Pntysnffr; the guy Nat had been chatting to about the first pairs we sold. He had finally got what he wanted and paid ninety-five pounds for the privilege of smelling my cunt from a piece of fabric.

Ethan thought the whole thing was hilarious, especially when Nat was taking the piss all the way home, saying what a dirty slut I was for selling pre-loved underwear on the internet.

He stopped laughing when I told him about the Facebook video, but he did reassure us that the news blackout would stay in place and that what we'd done in the apartment would never get reported by any official channels. He then put our minds at rest further, by saying the incident would be forgotten about by the social media followers as soon as something else became hot fake-news.

He was probably right. Social media and viral stories were like sheep following each other. Once one person shared it amongst their three hundred pretend friends, they would then do the same and it would spread like wild fire. It would then be forgotten a week later and would be lost among the funny cat videos and clips of people falling over. At least that's what I hoped.

I never told him about Big Al's new porn film. I thought it was best to keep that between me and Nat who thought it was brilliant when I told her. She said it was a nice thing that I'd done to help Tara and her fellow waitresses for having to put up with sexual harassment in the work place. They got enough of that from the customers without having to worry about it from their boss.

It was now Tuesday and we'd had a couple of days off from the Voodoo bar. It was closed on Mondays and we weren't scheduled to work again until Thursday.

Lexa had been in contact to inform us that the four dead Russians had all been sorted out with the authorities and that no further investigation was going to take place. She had also sent through some personnel files pertaining to the Kingsley family and Stanislav's Russian crime organisation.

We sat on the sofa in the old-fashioned living room of the safe house, drinking coffee and perusing the files.

We started with the Russian files first as they were a threat to us rather than being part of the assignment. It was better to start with our enemies before we moved onto the mission, for obvious reasons.

Stanislav Yanatov was an ex-military commander and had fought in several conflicts which had been deemed news worthy at the time. His file photo showed a well-built guy with a shaven head and a mean face. He'd joined up as a conscript and completed national service before moving to an infantry regiment where he eventually achieved the rank of Captain. He was born in nineteen-seventy-one and was forty-nine years old. His areas of operation included the end of the Soviet-Afghan war, the Georgian conflict and the Chechen war. He gained a reputation for being ruthless and murderous and was rejected from the army in ninety-six for dishonourable conduct.

Rumour had it that he was literally raping and pillaging his way through Chechnya and he stood trial for war crimes shortly after the conflict ended. The tribunal failed to convict him and he was set free to begin his new career as a criminal.

His file said that he was into all the usual criminal practices such as drug trafficking, prostitution, blackmail and gun-running. He seemed to be untouchable due to his connections with high ranking Russian government officials with whom he'd served with during his military career. He was on a number of watchlists and until now he hadn't been interested in anything in Europe, let alone the UK.

No one knew why he was now interested in the Kingsely's but it was thought he was looking for a gateway into Europe to expand his vast criminal enterprise.

"This guy sounds like a barrel of laughs," I said, passing the file to Natalie.

"They usually do," she giggled. "Let's hope he stays out the way long enough for us to get the information from the twins' father and close all this down."

I moved on to Tristan Kingsley's file and discovered he was also forty-nine years old and had been born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He was thin and wiry and looked like an older version of the twins. He'd inherited his family's wealth and then built on it during the boom years of information technology. His Genesis corporation was huge and the twins had been right about him inventing social media software for all the major brands.

Facebook and Twitter were the main two and his software platform was all about the spread of information. Just like the video that had been posted on Facebook and then shared and shared again, it was the software running in the background that helped it along its way. Our video had been seen by thirty thousand people within hours of it happening, such was the power of the internet.

There were rumours that his software also recorded information about people and that it used some form of artificial-intelligence to favour some posts over others, but there was no evidence to back it up. Whatever it did, it worked exceptionally well and had made him very rich.

His wife Helen was two years younger than he was and the file showed a picture of a slightly overweight woman with short brown hair. The drink had taken its toll on her and she looked about ten years older than her years. I could tell she'd once been beautiful, it was all in the eyes, but the file reiterated what Sinner and Ice had told us. They were now a marriage of convenience after Tristan had taken a shine to fucking barely-legal prostitutes whenever he got the chance. He was into role play among other things and that got me thinking and made me move onto his daughter's file.

Phillipa Kingsley had recently turned eighteen and was certainly no princess. I was expecting to see her dressed in a long ball gown and looking delicate and pristine but I was wrong. Her file photo did show a stunning young girl but she seemed to have a tomboy look about her. Her auburn hair was wild and out of control and she had that look about her that horsy people have. Her eyes matched her mother's and were wide and doe-like. She was slim, almost skinny and looked flat chested. I laughed when I read the section about her sexual preferences. All the files had a section on sexual orientation to give the operatives as much ammunition as possible so it could be used against the person of interest. Pippa's file said she was 'most likely a virgin' due to her lack of boyfriends over the years.

I looked at her picture and then read the line again.

"No fucking way!" I exclaimed.

"What is it?" asked Nat.

I passed her the photo.

"Is she a virgin?" I asked her.

Natalie didn't even pause to make her decision.

"Not a fucking chance," she said. "Not with that naughty smile."

"My thoughts exactly. She's got that glint in her eye. Who writes these files?" I laughed.

We were trained to speed read people and everything about this girl told us the opposite. She was a slut for sure. The lack of boyfriends meant nothing and probably meant she was doing a lot behind closed doors at her university where she was studying law. She'd been in halls of residence on campus for two years, after graduating high school early. She'd passed her A-levels at sixteen and her IQ was well above average.

Finally, I moved onto Sinner and Ice's file which didn't tell me much I didn't already know. Their sexual preferences section did actually state that they liked to fuck girls in pairs, which explained why Lexa had teamed me and Natalie together. Putting us at the street race was like a honey trap for them and Lexa knew they wouldn't be able to resist trying us out. She truly was a world class tactician when it came to human sexuality and manipulation.

"Well that's all as clear as mud," I sighed. "Nothing's jumping out at me as to why Stanislav is interested in Tristan's family other than his software company."

"I don't see why he'd want anything to do with it," replied Nat.

"I don't see what else it could be."

"Nothing Stanislav has done in the past has ever involved technology. He's always been a traditional hands-on mobster. Why would he change his modus operandi now?"

"Modus operandi? Look at you with your big words. Have you swallowed a dictionary or something?"

"I know big words you cheeky bitch. Fuck off."

"The only thing you know that's big, is men's cocks," I laughed.

"And women's tits," she laughed.

Bing. Bing.

Our childish behaviour was interrupted as my phone received a text message.

I flicked it on and a big smile crept across my face.

"Who is it?" asked Natalie.

"It's the twins, they want to know if I'm with you and if we're busy."

She moved closer and sat at my shoulder to see the screen whilst I typed in my reply.

Me: We're both at home and have some time to spare. Why?

Twins: Great. Do you want to play a guessing game?

Me: Sure, why not.

Twins: Coolio.

There was a brief pause and then the next message was a picture of one of the twins, but it could have been either of them.

Twins: Guess who?

"I have no idea, I think it's Ice," said Natalie.

"It's as good a guess as any," I laughed.

Me: Ice.

Twins: Wrong, it's me. Sinner.

Me: No fair.

I even sent a sad face emoji for added effect.

He replied with a laughing emoji.

Twins: Your turn.

"Ah, I see where this is heading," I said to Natalie. "This could be fun, make a kiss face for me."

She pursed her lips and I took a close-up picture of her mouth and sent it to twins.

Me: Who's kissable lips are these?

There was a brief pause as they decided between them.

Twins: Natalie's. Luscious as always.

Me: Fuckers.

Twins: Haha we're good at guessing games. That's one -- nil to the boys.

We waited for the next picture which didn't take long. I couldn't help feeling that we were at a disadvantage with them being identical but it relieved the stress of the assignment. I knew we'd soon be sending nude pictures to each other and that made my heart beat a little quicker and my clit started to itch in anticipation.

This time they sent a picture of a smooth chest.

"I think that's Sinner," said Nat.

I just shrugged and typed it in.

Me: Sinner.

Twins: Correct. One all.

"Let' send them a picture of your nipple," I giggled.

"Already one step ahead of you," she tittered, lifting her shirt up to show me her braless chest.

I snapped a close-up of her nipple and sent it over.

Me: Whose suckable nipple?

There was another brief pause as they discussed it.

Twins: Becca's. Nom. Nom. Nom.

He was trying to make out that he was sucking it and we both laughed at his childishness.

Me: Wrong it's Natalie's you dirty boys. Send us something a bit more interesting.

The next image was a shot of a cock and balls in a flaccid state. One of them had pulled their shorts down at the front and the other one had taken the photo.

"That's more like it," cooed Nat. "Pity it's not hard though."

"I know, but is it Sinner or Ice?"

"The last one was Sinner so I'm saying Ice."

Me: That's Ice, but we're used to seeing it hard.

Twins: Dirty girls. Yes, it's Ice. Two-one to you.

"Take a shot of my ass," I said to her, passing her the phone.

I pulled my jeans and panties down and she snapped a shot from a low angle.

"Wow great shot," I said. "That should get them hard."

I pressed send.

Their immediate response was a shocked face emoji with bulging eyes.

Twins: That's Becca's sexy ass without a doubt.

Me: Fuck! You're too good at this. Two all.

The next picture was a close up of a bell-end from a cock that was now definitely hard.

"That's got to be Ice again. He's already got his cock out so I bet they've just taken another picture closer in," said Nat.

I imagined his brother holding the camera close to his brother's manhood and taking a picture. My pussy suddenly became a lot wetter at the thought of it. It was an unusual pastime for brothers, to say the least.

"Fucking hell they are a pair of dirty bastards aren't they," I swooned. "I agree, I think it's Ice too."

Me: Ice again. Looks like he's getting excited.

Twins: Well done. We're both getting excited. Three-two to you.

"I guess the foreplays over," I said. "It's pussy time."

"Yours or mine?" she laughed. "They're going to know whose is whose too easily. I'm more tucked in and yours looks like a kebab."

"A kebab? Thanks a fucking lot."

"You know what I mean. Anyway, I love kebabs," she winked.

"We need to get clever with the photo so that they can't figure it out. Drop your knickers," I said.

"Why does it have to be my pussy?"

"Because you're a dirty bitch, now shut up and get it out."

She rolled her eyes and dropped her jeans and panties down to her ankles.

Twins: We're waiting. What's taking so long?"

Me: Give us a minute.

"Right, spread your legs and pull your lips open for me," I instructed.

"Yes boss," she mocked.

I got down on my hands and knees as she parted her lips with both hands and held herself open.

"I just want a picture of your.... holy fuck you're wet," I gasped.

"And you're not?" she replied. "Isn't it making you horny?"

"Yes, but I don't think I'm as wet as you are. You're fucking soaked."

She slipped a finger inside herself and let out a gasp.

"Wow, I am juicy, aren't I?"

"Very. Now hold it open I'm going to get a picture of your hole. Men always say that all girls are always pink on the inside," I laughed. "They might not be able to work out whose it is."

"Well, mines tighter than yours, so they might."

"Fuck off, your cheeky slut, mines way tighter than yours."

I got really close with the camera and snapped a couple of shots of her dripping hole. The picture only included the pink inner side of her labia and her vaginal opening which looked like it was ready for a good fucking. Her pussy nectar formed a tiny pool around the entrance to her snatch and it took all my mental strength not to give it a lick. I was close enough to smell it.

I sent the photo over and waited for a dirty response.

Me: Who wants to stick their dick in this?

The reply was immediate.

Twins: Fuck me!

Me: We'd love too, but whose cunt is it?

Twins: Looking at how wet it is, it's got to be Becca's.

"Haha Natalie. They think it's mine because it's so wet. They must think you've got a dried-up granny pussy," I mocked.

"Cheeky cow. I didn't hear them complaining when they DP'ed me the other night."

Me: Wrong. It's Nat's.

Twins: It looks so fuckable. We're bursting here.

Me: Show us how horny you both are. We want to see both your cocks.

Twins: Hang on then, but we want to see you both naked afterwards.

After a short interlude the phone beeped again with a new picture. It showed the twins standing side by side with their shirts off and trousers pulled down to their knees. They'd then took a selfie showing them from their faces down to their knees with two huge stiff cocks in the centre of the frame. They had their arms round each other's shoulders and were both grinning like Cheshire cats.

I sent the shocked face emoji with the bulging eyes.

Me: So fucking hot. We want you so badly.

Twins: We want you too. Last round of the game. Who's who?

Looking at them standing side by side totally naked made it almost impossible to tell. I zoomed in on their faces but it didn't help.

"What do you think?" I asked Nat.

"I can't tell from their faces. Go lower, let's see their dicks," she said.

"I like your thinking."

I pinched the screen and zoomed in further and then scrolled down to their very erect penis'. Both were long and veiny with their foreskins just starting to pull back of their own accord. The only distinguishing feature between them was that the one on the left had a lower hanging ball sack.

"That's Ice on the left," we both said in unison.

We burst out laughing.

"You noticed it too, the other night?" I said.

"Yeah. I was looking for a difference between them all night and that's all I could find. Ice's balls hang slightly lower."

Me: Ice is on the left. Sinner is on the right.

There was a pause of disbelief.

Twins: Oh my god. How did you know? That's a lucky guess.

Me: Not a guess. It's all about the balls.

There was another pause.

Twins: Looks like you win the game, but you agreed to send a full body shot of you both naked.

Me: OK.

"Get your kit off slut," said Natalie.

She was already virtually naked and took her shirt and trousers off completely. I got naked in about three seconds flat, feeling the cold air against my very wet labia.

"Let's give them a sexy pose to really get them going," I said.

We stood in front of each other and I put my leg between hers and she put hers between mine. We then put our arms around each other's waist and I held the phone up in the air to get a high angle that would look down on our breasts. It was the classic selfie shot that girls take for their dating profile. We moved our faces close together and pouted a little as though we were about to kiss.

"Make your sex face," she laughed.

We both half closed our eyes and looked horny and I snapped a couple of pics.

"Fucking hell we look hot together," gasped Nat. "And you've made my thigh all wet."

She wiped my pussy juice from her leg as we both admired our photo.

"Send it," she said. "That'll get their hearts pounding."

I clicked send and waited.

Twins: Jesus Christ you look hot together.

"I told you," said Nat.

Me: Awwww, so do you. We want you to fuck us. We're so horny right now.

We waited for the reply but instead my phone made a different beeping noise as they tried to video call us.

"I think that's got their attention," laughed Natalie.

I clicked the green answer button and the screen filled up with their handsome faces.

"Well heellloooo ladies," said Sinner.

"Well heellloooo yourselves. How are you both?"

"Hard and horny after all that," said Ice.

I turned to Natalie and kissed her on the lips.

"We're horny too," I said in a breathy voice.

"So I see. Is your pussy as wet as Natalie's?"

"Wetter and tighter," I giggled.

"Hey fuck off, you cheeky skank. I'm way tighter than you," she said giving me a playful shove.

"You're both tight," said Sinner. "Now, why don't you show us how wet you are Becca?"

I shrugged at Nat and passed her the phone. I squatted down slightly and pulled my meaty lips open so she could film my pink insides.

"What do you think boys? Is that wet enough for you?" I asked.