Becca XXX - Double Trouble Ch. 10

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The girls and the twins get messy and Becca's cover is blown.
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Authors note: - This is a follow on to the previous episodes of Becca XXX Double Trouble. Please read them before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Double Trouble. Ch 10

Pippa and I arrived back at the pool after a brief drive in the golf buggy. The sun was baking down on us and I couldn't wait to have a quick shower, throw a bikini on and have a dip in the pool. We had been riding and fucking all morning and I felt grubby, sweaty and disgusting and although Pippa had licked my spunky hole clean, the rest of me was still dirty.

She parked the golf buggy next to the house and we went to find Natalie and the twins. Our riding boots clomped along the tiled floor and the sight that met us was one hell of a surprise.

Natalie, Singen and Isaac were all lying on their sun beds completely naked.

When we'd left a few hours ago, Natalie had decided to go topless, but I certainly wasn't expecting to see her bottomless too, never mind seeing Pippa's brothers in a state of undress.

"What the hell has been going on here then?" I asked, startling them as I approached.

None of them made any attempt to cover up, they just opened their eyes and looked happy to see us.

"Hi girls, how was the ride?" asked Singen.

"Hot and steamy," I replied, winking at Pippa.

"She did great," Pippa added. "Her riding style is a sight to behold."

We both tittered sharing our private joke.

"I know it's hot guys, but surely you could cool off in the pool rather than getting naked," I laughed.

"It was Natalie's idea," said Isaac.

"I might have guessed," I laughed. "Dirty bitch."

"There's nothing dirty about it, Becca" she replied. "We don't want to get tan lines. It's not every day you find somewhere this secluded to sunbathe."

"I guess not, but there was a weirdo hanging about the edge of the estate earlier taking pictures," I said.

"Really?" said Singen, sitting up in shock. "What sort of weirdo?"

"A pervert with a camera," said Pippa. "I'm sure he can't see this far up to the pool anyway, don't worry about it. Becca got rid of him."

As she said that I looked in the direction of the lane, where we'd spotted the guy. It was about two miles away, but I could see the tree line and telegraph poles in the distance. It was a direct line of sight even though it was a long way off.

My mind started racing again. Pippa and the rest of the Kingsley's might not have been security conscious, but I had my concerns. I remembered the size of the lens that was fitted to the camera and wondered if it would be able to see this far from the lane. If it could, then my theory about the Russians doing reconnaissance on this place could be true.

"Do you have any security guards wandering the grounds?" I asked.

"Security? Why would we need that?" scoffed Isaac. "We're not famous."

"No, but you're wealthy," I said. "You can't be too careful."

"We have the two guys at the main entrance, but that's all," added Singen. "Relax Becca, I'm sure it was just some dirty old man wanting a picture of you in your jodhpurs, you do look very sexy in them."

"You're probably right," I agreed, not wanting to sound too concerned.

"I forgot how identical you two were," laughed Pippa, looking between her brothers' legs. "You even have the same manscaping routine."

She was totally inappropriate to comment on her brothers' genitals, but it didn't surprise me. Nothing in this family surprised me after what I'd witnessed so far. She just mentioned it as though she was commenting on a new jacket or a pair of shoes.

"No one likes hair down there anymore sis," replied Isaac. "Pubic hair is going the same way as the Dodo, as you well know."

"Quite right too," she laughed.

Natalie looked at me in disbelief.

"So... what have you been up to this morning whilst we've been riding?" I asked.

"Swimming, sunbathing and drinking lemonade," said Nat.

"I could do with some of that myself, unless you boys have anything else planned," I said.

"Sounds like a plan," said Isaac. "An afternoon around the pool will be great."

"Coolio, I'm going to have a quick shower to get the horsey smell off of me and then I'll be back," I said.

"You can shower by the pool," said Singen, nodding at an outdoor shower next to the house.

"I need to get a bikini too so I'll nip back to my room... although it looks like I won't be needing much of a swimsuit judging by you bunch of perverts," I giggled.

They laughed along with me and Natalie got up to follow me.

"I need a pee," she said. "I'll come with you."

She slipped her bikini back on; she could hardly go walking around the house naked after all.

"Help yourself to anything you need," said Pippa. "I'm just going to find daddy."

"He's in the study," said Singen. "See you later."

I walked with Pippa and Natalie back in to the house which felt instantly cooler than the pool area. As we got to the reception hall, Pippa stopped.

"I'll see you at the pool in a bit for lunch," she said. "I'll bring daddy with me. I can't wait to see his face when he sees you two naked around the pool."

She skipped off without waiting for a response.

"What the fuck?" whispered Nat. "Did you hear her talking about her brother's cocks?"

"Yes Nat, I was standing right here," I mocked.

"She's a fucking incestuous sex addict," she gasped.

"Her pussy tastes nice though," I whispered back, as we climbed the stairs.

"Oh my fucking god, Becca, you didn't?"

"Oh my fucking god, Natalie, yes I did."

"For fucks sake Becca, that didn't take long. Who seduced who?" she giggled.

"We had some fun with the stable boys and then I licked her pussy clean," I laughed.


"She did the same to me."

"You dirty fuckers. I suppose it's better than her making a spunky mess in her underwear again, like she did yesterday," she laughed.

We walked down the corridor as I explained everything that had gone on, from riding the horses to riding the boys. She thought our little riding lesson role-play was excellent and wished she'd come with us.

"What about you babe?" Have the twins fucked you this morning?" I asked.

"No, I think we wore them out last night. It's just been a relaxing morning around the pool."

"Have you got any more information out of them?" I asked.

"No, how about you?"

"Not really, other than the fact that Pippa's a cum slut."

We made it to my room and walked straight in. My bed had been made and the shower and bathroom had been cleaned, just like a hotel.

I stripped off my filthy sweaty clothing and threw it on the floor whilst Natalie went into my bathroom for a pee. She seemed quite desperate. I heard a couple of tinkles followed by a huge hissing sound as she let it go. I walked in to see her sitting on the toilet with a look of relief on her face.

"Wow, it sounds like you needed that," I said.

"Yeah, I was pretty desperate," she laughed.

"Why didn't you just go in the pool?" I laughed.

"Ewwww, you dirty bitch. I can't do that; they might have that dye in there that turns purple when you pee."

"I thought that was a myth," I said, turning on the shower.

"I wasn't going to risk it."

I got in the shower and started washing myself whilst Natalie finished her pee, but remained seated.

"Tell me about this guy with the camera," she said.

"Well, there's no way he was a bird watcher like Pippa thought. He wasn't dressed like one and the way he carried himself was nothing like a bird geek."

"Do you think he was Russian?"

"Hard to tell. As soon as I challenged him, he turned and left but he wasn't in a rush. He had an air of confidence about him," I said.

She sat on the toilet thinking things over whilst I continued to wash. I seemed to have hay stuck to me in places that I shouldn't.

"If I had to guess, I'd say he was probably one of the Russians doing a close target recce, but I might be just being paranoid," I continued.

"We need to assume that's who he was," she replied. "We need a plan."

"Yes, we do, but first we need to think like they do."

"What do you mean?" she quizzed.

"Well, if you were them and you wanted to attack this place, how would you do it?" I said.

"Well I suppose there's two options to start with. Loud and fast or slow and quiet."

"Yeah and based on how they operated last time, at our apartment, they don't seem like the slow and quiet types. They have diplomatic immunity don't forget, it's going to be loud and fast."

"I agree, they didn't even have suppressed weapons when they came for us last time," she added.

"Loud and fast it is then. The next question is where is the weakest point of entry?"

"It doesn't matter if it's loud and fast. The fuckers could ram raid the front gate, shoot the non-existent security guards and storm the house with a full-frontal assault," she stated. "Or they could approach the property from the rear, where you saw the guy earlier."

"I don't think they'll come in from the rear, they would have to walk two miles from the lane to the house. I agree with the gate as an entry point, but I think they'd go stealthy after that. We wouldn't even hear anything from the house. If it were me, I'd do the gatehouse at night and then park up away from the house and sneak in."

"So how are we going to know they're coming and how do we defend against it?" she said, thinking like a true agent.

"Well, they'll be armed and we're not, thanks to Lexa not giving us any weapons," I scoffed. "We need to find some."

"Didn't you say there was clay pigeon shooting on the estate?" she said.

"Apparently so, I like your thinking. A shotgun has plenty of stopping power and makes a hell of a noise. It might be enough to put them off, they'll be expecting an easy ride unless they know we're here," I said.

"We've got to assume they know we're here. You said that guy took a photo of you earlier."

"Yes, but the only Russians who have ever seen us are dead," I laughed. "They might just think I was just one of Pippa's friends."

"Let's hope so. Where do you think the shotguns will be kept?" she asked.

"They could be anywhere, but there's an easy way to find out."

"We ask them if we can have a go at clay pigeon shooting," she got there at the same time as me.

"Exactly, but we need to get some cameras up around the grounds and inside the house so we can see them coming," I added.

"That should be pretty easy."

"We only need to do the main approaches to the house," I said. "Instead of sitting there doing fuck all, why don't you wipe your piss hole and go and get your agents kit. We've not got long," I giggled.

"I will, but why don't you stop flicking your bean in the shower and come and help me?" she laughed.

She wiped her pussy and pulled her bikini back up as I turned the shower off and grabbed a towel.

"Fix a camera at the top of the stairs first," I said.

"Well duh... I'd never have thought of that," she mocked.

I gave her the finger as she wandered off into her own room to get the micro cameras.

A few minutes later I was dry and I nipped over to Pippa's wardrobe to grab an outfit. It didn't really matter what I picked as I wouldn't be wearing it for long. I quite fancied a bit of naked sunbathing too. I threw on a bright orange two-piece bikini and a matching sarong tied around my waist like a skirt.

As I left her room, Natalie appeared from the landing with a handful of micro cameras. I'd used them before and they were an amazing piece of technology. They were so small that no one would notice them and they could be stuck pretty much anywhere. They connected to our phones on a secure frequency and we could have the whole area under surveillance in no time.

"The landing's done," she said. "Let's do the entrance hall in all three directions and the front door looking outwards towards the main gate."

"Good idea."

There was no one around as we went down the stairs, if there had been, we would have just gone straight back to the pool. When we did jobs like this, we always had to have a plan B. We had to have a reason for being where we were so we could explain it without hesitation if anyone asked.

"Stick one outside above the door," said Nat, handing me a camera. "I'll do the rest."

I took the tiny camera from her and peeled off the sticky backing. I checked through the glass in the front door to make sure the coast was clear and then opened up quietly. I reached up high and stuck the button-sized camera above the door frame to give a good view and then closed the door behind me.

Natalie was just fitting the last camera as I came back in. The entrance hall had a west and east wing and a corridor running off to the rear towards the pool. She placed cameras in all three directions whilst I kept a look out for people.

I could hear muffled voices from further down the corridor and thought it must have been Tristan and Pippa in the study. Maybe she was sucking his cock again.

"Done, let's go," said Pippa. "I'll put one on the door frame looking at the rear of the house when we get to the pool."

We linked arms and walked towards the rear of the mansion and back out to the pool, feeling satisfied with our work so far. I watched Natalie fit the last camera in a matter of seconds. It was just as well; it was lunch time and we'd already been gone for too long.

The heat hit us like a wall as we went back outside. It was like stepping off of a plane in an exotic holiday destination. Singen was just climbing out of the pool as we got back. His gorgeous body glistened in the sunlight as he ascended the pool steps. At first, we could only see his chest, but as he rose higher his crotch came into view. His cock was hanging limp between his legs and his balls were tucked up from the cold.

"Is it cold in there?" asked Natalie as she nodded at his crotch.

Singen looked down at his tight sack and smiled.

"A little chilly yes," he laughed.

"Where have you been?" said Isaac from his sunbed. "You've been gone ages."

"Nat needed a pee and I needed a shower, I stank of horses," I giggled. "Besides, you know what us girls are like, we love to talk about you when you're not around."

Isaac was lying on his back with his legs apart sunning himself all over. His cock looked a lot bigger than his brother's, as the cold had not affected him. He had a good semi on by the look of it and his balls were wet with sweat.

"Have you been thinking about me?" tittered Nat, nodding as his dick. "You don't look identical now."

Isaac grabbed his cock and slapped it against his belly like men do when they're feeling playful.

"You're never far from my dirty thoughts girls," he laughed. "Fancy some lunch?"

"Always," said Nat.

She got down on her knees next to him and was about to go down on him when he stopped her.

"I meant real lunch, you dirty girl," he laughed. "Not sex."

"But I'm only hungry for one thing," she sulked. "You could give me a quick mouthful of sperm and then have lunch afterwards."

"Ignore my cum hungry friend here, Isaac," I butted in playfully. "What is for lunch?".

Natalie was still trying to get her head between his legs as he fought her off by pushing against her forehead.

"We were just going to have some fruit, ice cream and fresh cream," he replied. "None of us are overly hungry, unless you want something different."

"That sounds fine to me, the hot weather always makes me lose my appetite," I said. "Natalie, leave him alone, I'm sure we can have some fun together later."

She pulled a pouty face as Singen arrived.

"Will you let me suck you off instead?" she asked him.

"After lunch Natalie, behave yourself here comes Robert," he said.

Robert walked out of the bi-fold doors and approached us like a floating apparition. I don't know how he managed to walk the way he did, he always seemed to glide so gracefully.

"The fruit and cream are ready when you are," he said, gesturing over to the table where we'd had breakfast.

He didn't even bat an eye that the boys were naked or that we had very little on.

"Thank you, Robert," said Singen.

"Shall we?" gestured Isaac.

He got off the sunbed with his cock flopping from side to side as he moved. He followed his brother and we walked along behind them. Robert retreated back into the house as Natalie complained like a spoilt brat.

"I only wanted some spunk," she whined.

"Don't worry, I have a naughty idea," I winked at her. "Just follow my lead."

"Ooooh, are we going to be dirty again?" she swooned.

"We sure are. Quite literally."

The table was laid with a huge basket of fruit, berries, and cream. There was even a selection of ice creams in a mobile fridge which looked like something from a fairground. I took off my sarong and put it on the chair as I prepared to give the boys and Natalie a special lunch time treat.

"Mmmm, so much to choose from," I cooed. "It all looks so delicious."

"It's fresh from the local farmer's market this morning," said Singen. "Just take a bowl and dig in."

"A bowl? Why do I need a bowl?" I giggled.

I picked up a few mixed berries, pulled out the front of my bikini bottoms and dropped them inside. I let go of the waist band and it twanged back into place with an elastic snapping sound.

"What are you doing?" said Singen, looking intrigued by my actions.

"Oh... I thought one of you could eat lunch from my bikini," I said, like it was nothing.

Natalie saw where I was going with this straight away and picked up the ice cream scoop.

"Which flavour would you like?" she said, holding up the scoop.

"Hmmmm... let me think... what am I in the mood for?" I pondered. "How about plain vanilla to start with."

"Coming right up," said Natalie.

She took a huge helping of white ice cream and held it at my navel.

"Open up, you naughty girl."

I pulled my bikini open again and she dumped the contents of the scoop into my bottoms with a loud sploshing noise.

"Fucking hell that's cold," I gasped. "Shit."

"You two are unbelievable," cried Singen. "We can't take you anywhere without it turning into some sort of sex."

"Are you telling me that you don't want to eat the contents of my bikini right now?" I asked in a slutty voice. "It will have a nice cunty tang to it."

Singen gulped and looked around to see if anyone was about. I slipped my hand into the bowl of fresh cream and took a handful of the gloopy substance. Whilst he was still checking to see if the coast was clear, I plastered the thick cream all over his cock and balls.

"What the fuck?" he gasped, stepping back in astonishment.

"Oops," I tittered. "It looks like you've creamed yourself."

"Awww, poor little thing," cooed Natalie. "I'll get you cleaned up."

She bent at the waist and started licking his balls.

"Jesus," moaned Singen, doing nothing to stop her.

I heard her slurping and licking the cream from his sack and shaft and saw him start to grow. It wasn't going to take much to get him hard. Whilst she was bent over, I picked up a banana and peeled it quickly before I missed my golden opportunity.

I pulled Natalie's bikini bottoms to the side and pushed the banana up against her wet pussy lips.

"Oooh, is that you Isaac?" she joked.

I pushed a little harder and felt it start to enter her slippery canal. Although the banana was reasonably firm it didn't have the correct consistency to slide all the way into her tight hole. I ended up mashing the last couple of inches into her cunt and then pulled her bikini back over it.

"Would you like cream or ice cream with that?" I laughed.

"Cream please Becca," she laughed, sucking Singen's dick into her mouth.

I scooped up another handful of cream and dropped it into the back of her bikini.