Becca XXX - Double Trouble Ch. 11

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Tristan discovers who Becca is and he has a job for her.
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Authors note: - This is a follow on to the previous episodes of Becca XXX Double Trouble. Please read them before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Double Trouble. Ch 11

I sat on the sofa in shock as Tristan stared across the table at me. The atmosphere could be cut with a knife and you could have heard a pin drop in the silence. I was naked with Tristan's sperm dripping from my pussy lips, but that was the least of my worries.

He had just told me that he knew who I really was. My cover was blown, but I wasn't going to show my hand just yet.

"I know who you are, Becca," he said.

"You already know who I am. What are you talking about? You're scaring me," I replied, trying to look innocent.

"No, I know who you really are. It's time to stop playing games and tell me the truth."

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Tristan. Has the whiskey gone to your head or something?"

"Some of the things you've said and the way you talk about sex is what made me suspicious of you," he continued. "But seeing how you fuck was what really gave you away."

"I'm an ex-hooker, Tristan, you already know that. It becomes like any other job after a while. I talk about sex in the same way that other people talk about the weather. You've been around enough prostitutes to know that," I shrugged. "Of course, I know how to fuck."

"You're not just a prostitute though, are you?" he said, continuing his menacing stare.

"No, I'm an ex-prostitute," I replied, putting extra emphasis on the word 'ex'. "I don't do that sort of thing anymore."

"Shall I show you what I discovered about you?" he said, getting up and walking over to his desk.

I prepared myself for the inevitable and I readied myself to either come clean or make a run for it, depending on what he said. I already had a plan of escape and I knew Natalie was watching and listening on the camera so I wasn't alone. She'd also be preparing herself to come to my rescue if I needed it, but we had to wait and see what evidence he had on me first.

He picked up an iPad from his desk and sat back down opposite me. I saw the screen light up and he typed something into a search engine. It wasn't a normal looking search engine; it was some software I hadn't seen before. After a couple of scrolls and screen taps, he passed it over to me.

It wasn't at all what I was expecting and I found it hard to hide my smile as the relief washed over me.

"You're Bareback Becca from G-Spot Exclusive. You're one of the best high-class hookers in the world," he said, with a smug grin on his face.

Bareback Becca was my nickname from a previous undercover assignment. I had been working as an undercover prostitute at an elite brothel called G-Spot Exclusive. It was like a hotel for very wealthy men to live out their fantasies and do anything they liked to the girls, so long as they paid for it. It was ten grand a fuck, but the place got closed down after I had uncovered that it was funding terrorism.

The iPad screen showed a picture of me from when I worked at the club. There was an online menu on the dark web which allowed rich men to pick the girl they wanted to fuck and set a date, fantasy, fetish and role-play of their choice, prior to visiting the club. My profile basically said that I did all sex acts known to man and it showed a picture of my body in graphic detail. It even had closeup pictures of my wet cunt spread open so that the clients knew exactly what they were paying for.

I thought the website had been closed down when the brothel had been raided by the police. Either way, there was no point pretending it wasn't me on his iPad. Tristan had done his homework and discovered I was a high-class hooker in a previous life. If that was all he'd discovered, I could work around it.

"That was quite a while ago. I don't do that anymore," I snapped, passing the iPad back to him.

"You're not denying it then?"

"No. What difference does it make who I was?"

"You misunderstand me Becca. I'm not saying it's a bad thing."

I was glad my real cover was still intact. Tristan seemed more interested in the fact I was a filthy whore, rather than looking into who I really was. It had taken me by surprise to think that he'd discovered that I was an agent, Lexa always made sure our cover was water tight, but this had been overlooked.

"Why are you bringing it up then?" I asked. "Yes, I used to work there and then it got closed down. I don't remember fucking you though, I have a good memory for that sort of thing. I never saw you at that club."

"That's true, we've never met before, but you were the next one on my list. I was going to book a night with you, but the place got raided by the police and I never got the opportunity," he explained.

At least I now knew why he recognised me.

"When did you know it was me?" I asked.

"There's a lot that I've not told you, Becca. You think you've been brought here this weekend for fun with my sons, but that's simply not the case."

"What? I don't understand."

The sense of foreboding was back. I felt like he was about to tell me something that I should have already figured out for myself.

"I guess I better start at the beginning. Would you like another drink, I think you might be needing it when I tell you why you're really here. I need your help."

"Help with what?" I said, feeling confused.

He got up and poured us another glass of whiskey and then sat back down again. I took the glass from him and took a sip. I didn't want to down it and look nervous even though I was now worried about where this was heading.

"I am a man with certain needs and desires," he started to explain. "Those needs and desires were easily satisfied by visiting the G-Spot Exclusive club. I could fuck whoever I wanted and act out my wildest fantasies."

He sipped his drink and eyed me over the rim of the glass looking for a reaction.

I didn't give him one.

"I met a lot of influential people at that club and we helped each other out with business deals among other things. We could conduct our deals out of the way of prying eyes because the club was so exclusive. No one even knew where it was unless they looked very hard to find it on the dark web. It was ideal," he continued. "Those same influential men worked hard all week and deserved to return to their animal carnal ways. They should be allowed to fuck sluts without consequences purely to satisfy their deepest fetishes. Don't you agree?"

"They were holding us there against our will, you do know that, don't you? We were prisoners turned into sex slaves, being forced to do those depraved things to dirty old fuckers like you."

"Are you saying you didn't enjoy all that cock?" he laughed. "A girl like you must have been in heaven."

"What do you mean by 'a girl like me'?" I snapped with venom in my voice.

"A dirty slut. You don't get to be that good at this sort of thing if you don't enjoy it. I've just practically raped you and you fucking loved it. You even squirted, you dirty little bitch."

He wasn't wrong, but I wasn't going to admit it. He may have come across as a nice country gent, but he now seemed to be showing his true colours. The words coming out of his posh mouth just didn't suit his stature.

"Anyway, all of that disappeared in the blink of an eye when the G-Spot club was closed down and it left us all in the lurch. I've been talking to some of my old friends from the club and other acquaintances to try and find some hookers willing to do that sort of thing again."

"And you found me?" I gasped. "Were you actually looking for me?"

The thought that he'd stalked me using his sons had me flabbergasted.

"I wasn't looking for you in particular. I just sent my boys out to find some hookers. My theory was that they could seek out girls like you and Natalie who were willing to do this sort of thing. I thought that you might even know of other girls like yourselves who would be willing to help out."

"What the fuck? Isaac and Singen know about this?" I asked. "You actually sent them out into the streets to find hookers... or ex-hookers in our case?"

"Yes, where else would I find girls willing to help me? Even the dark web has trouble finding the quality of merchandise that was at G-Spot Exclusive," he laughed.

He made me feel sick, talking about women as though we're just a commodity to service men. I may have liked being treated like a whore, but I was trained to do it. I had mixed feelings about this whole sordid conversation.

"Fucking merchandise? We're not merchandise, we're people just like you and your family," I spat.

"Ok, ok, calm down. I guess that came out wrong," he said, holding his hands up. "I sent the twins out to find some girls willing to fuck men for money. It's a one-off arrangement for a party that I'm throwing. It's just purely a coincidence that they found the legendary Bareback Becca. An astonishingly sexy coincidence, I might add. You're by far the sexiest woman I've ever fucked."

Flattery wasn't going to get him anywhere. I was still trying to get my head around what he was asking.

"So, let me get this straight... you want to reopen the G-Spot Exclusive club for you and your twisted friends?"

"Good lord, no. Don't be silly Becca. I'm not interested in any of that. I want to throw a party for some friends and I need some high-class hookers. It's not the first time I've thrown one of my special parties, but finding girls willing to participate is getting more and more difficult. The fact that I've found, what is probably the filthiest whore ever born, is just a bonus."

"What's the party all about?"

"I hold one here every few months. It allows us to get together in private to discuss business and then it turns into a huge orgy when the girls arrive," he snorted.

"Is this what Helen was moaning about the other night? She said you threw disgusting sex parties."

"Yes, she usually goes away for the weekend when I have the party. She has a hunch there's sex involved, but I tell her it's purely business and that it's her drink-induced paranoia playing tricks on her," he laughed.

"Obviously she's not as paranoid as you make out," I smiled.

"Is that a smile, Becca?" he giggled. "You're warming to the idea, aren't you?"

"How many men?" I asked, ignoring his comment.

"Around a hundred, I don't have the exact numbers yet."

"What? You expect me and Natalie to fuck a hundred men in one sitting?" I asked in shock. "Even we're not capable of that."

"No, no, no Becca. Of course not, but you must know some girls willing to help out. The money I'm offering will make it worth their while."

I couldn't believe how the night had turned out. I'd gone sneaking around in his study to find out what he was doing with the Russians and I'd found more than I'd bargained for on his computer.

However, that would have to wait as it seemed to be nothing to do with what we were now talking about. The mission had faded into the background whilst I considered his offer. It would help to keep my cover, if nothing else.

"I might know some people," I smirked, with a dirty grin. "How much are we talking about and how many girls would you need?"

"Each guest will pay one thousand pounds. You can split it anyway you see fit. I'd say you'd need between five and ten girls. These guys like to share and watch, that's half the fun for them. They like to see a girl passed around and used by everyone else."

I did some quick sums in my head. That would be one-hundred grand split equally. That would be between ten and twenty grand each, depending how many hookers turned up. Not bad for a night's work. The ratio of men to women meant that each girl would be taking on ten to twenty men each in one night, which was no mean task in itself, but it made my cunt twitch at the thought of it.

"If I could do it, would you and the twins be involved in fucking us?"

"Of course, my boys need to mingle with their future business associates after all. This will be their first party," he replied. "When they discovered you at the street race, they thought they'd hit the jackpot. They told me what you and Natalie did with the winning team. Quite extraordinary."

"And is that the only reason they brought me and Natalie here for the weekend?"

"I guess they like you and Natalie, but I don't think they have any emotional attachment to you. I can assure you it's all business with those two. They brought you here so I could try you out. I was going to meet with you and Natalie tomorrow, but this little situation tonight has saved me the trouble; with you at least."

I felt a little hurt and disappointed that we'd been played by the twins, but I guessed we were doing the same to them. The only difference was that we were trying to find out what Tristan was up to with the Russians. Lexa and the tech team back at the facility would have hacked his computer by now and they'd hopefully see the same thing on his screens that I'd seen.

Organising a little fuck party for him and his perverted friends was nothing when I compared it to the bigger picture. I needed to keep Tristan onside until I could liaise with Lexa and see what we were going to do next.

"I can make some phone calls in the morning and see if I can get it arranged," I said. "When is the party planned?"

"Next Saturday night."

"What? You're fucking joking, right? That's ridiculously short notice," I gasped.

"Why do you think I got the boys to bring you to the house so soon. They've only just met you and you're already being treated like a member of the family," he laughed. "It needs to happen next Saturday. If you can't do it, I'll have to find someone else."

"If it's that short notice you need to up your price."

"Spoken like a true business lady," he laughed. "How much?"

Hearing him ask me to put a price on myself and others made me feel like a cheap hooker all over again. The difference was, we weren't cheap.

"Double it. Two grand a person with a minimum of one hundred clients."

He was about to refuse, but I soon changed his mind.

"Before you say no remember two things. One, you're not going to find anyone else at this short notice. And two, you won't find anyone better. The girls I have in mind are the dirtiest little sluts you'll ever meet and they'll do anything and I mean anything to earn that money," I said.

I leant back on the sofa and sipped my drink, knowing it was a done deal.

He smirked at me.

"You know... I could do with someone like you to work for me. You're good at negotiating, you have a ruthless streak like me, what?" he chortled.

"Do we have a deal?"

He stared at me for effect, but I knew he was going to agree to it. He had no other options.

"We have a deal."

He leant forward and we shook hands.

"I have some ideas for how I want the party to go," he said. "But I have a question for you."

"We can discuss ideas in the morning," I replied. "What's your question?"

"Well, I just gave you a good hard fucking to test your reaction and it wasn't until I realised you liked the rougher side of things, that I figured out who you were."

"That's not a question," I replied.

"Sorry, what I'm trying to say is that some of these guys will be very rough with the girls and I mean rough. They are men in powerful positions and I need to know that these friends of yours can take it," he explained.

"You're asking if they like rough sex?" I laughed. "Of course, they do."

"No, I'm asking if they mind if the guys get a little rapey. Some of them like that sort of thing."

"Believe me Tristan, these girls will love anything you do to them if you're paying them enough," I laughed. "And don't forget, you can't rape the willing."

"Excellent. One more thing."

"What is it?"

"I have just told you that these men are in influential jobs and are highly thought of, that's why it always goes on behind closed doors. None of this can be discussed outside of your group. It's got to be kept completely secret," he said, with a serious look on his face.

I was getting pretty used to living a lie and keeping secrets so it wasn't going to be an issue.

"Of course," I mimed zipping my lips and throwing away the key.

"Thank you, Becca. See you in the morning and not a word to Pippa or Helen."

"See you in the morning."

He got up and walked me to the door whilst I pulled my shorts and top back on. His sperm had started to dry on my inner thigh and felt crusty as I pulled my clothes back on. My pussy on the other hand was soaking wet at the thought of arranging a sex party for one hundred men. Although it wasn't part of the mission, I knew Lexa would have some people we could use, all of whom would be trained like me.

I left the study with my phone and charger in my hand to keep with my cover story and I walked down the east wing corridor.

"Jesus fucking Christ Becca," came Natalie's voice in my ear. "What the fuck was all that about?"

"Did you hear it all?" I said quietly into the in-ear comms system.

"Every word."

"I'm on my way back. Did Lexa and the team get the information off the computer?"

"You bet your sexy little ass they did. I know why you stayed in the study now, this could be huge," she gasped.

I climbed the stairs and walked along the landing and into my room. Nat came in to see me and immediately threw her arms around me.

"Well done, you're the best agent ever," she swooned. "That was an incredible performance."

"Thanks babe, we make a great team. I thought we were blown for a second."

She let me go and I sat on the bed trying to gather myself. I'd kept up my confident front for around two hours now, even after I thought our cover was blown. I couldn't have been more wrong, but the most important thing right now was to hear Natalie's take on what I'd found on the computer.

"Did you see the screens on Tristan's desk?" I asked.

"Fucking hell yes. What do you think that's all about?"

My mind flashed back to what I'd seen when I'd moved the mouse and his three monitors had sprung into life.

The right-hand screen had shown a picture of Wilson, the leader of the right. I'd recognise his scarred chin anywhere. It was like a letter J, starting from the left-hand corner of his mouth. Also, on his screen were the latest election poll results and news bulletins which were constantly refreshing.

The left-hand screen had shown Hugh's, the leader of the left, also with the poll results and news headlines.

The centre screen had shown some Facebook and Twitter feeds which were scrolling as more posts were made and shared.

"I have a theory, but what do you think?"

"He's showing a hell of a lot of interest in the elections," she smiled.

"My thoughts exactly. I think he's actively involved in influencing the way people are going to vote."

"That's exactly what Lexa's theory was too. I just spoke to her whilst you were sucking Tristan's cock."

"I think he's been deciding what gets posted and shared on Facebook and Twitter and he's using it to boost the popularity of Wilson whilst discrediting Hugh's."

"I only got a quick glimpse before you turned the screens off. So, you're saying that he wants Wilson to win?"

"Oh, he's a right-wing elitist all the way Nat. I figured that out the other night when we had dinner. He was all about Wilson and he liked the fact that there was a slur campaign against Hugh's. He's been spreading the good news for the right and the bad news for the left," I replied.

"Why would he do that?"

"I think Stanislav has told him to do it. I don't know if he's paying Tristan or threatening him, but if I had to guess, I'd say it's the latter," I added. "Helen even told me herself that she thinks her husband is being blackmailed, when I spoke to the bitch this afternoon."