Becca XXX - Double Trouble Ch. 13

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Pippa admits her incest and Becca meets up with Lexa.
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Editor's note: this submission contains scenes of incest or incest content.

Authors note: - This is a follow on to the previous episodes of Becca XXX Double Trouble. Please read them before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.


Back at Kingsley manner on Monday morning, things seemed to be the same as they were when we left. There was a lot of activity at the event building in preparation for Tristan's party. Tables were being arranged and the delivery of the fuck-mats and glory-hole box were due later that week.

I was also due to see Lexa in the afternoon to discuss the case. I'd given her the cold shoulder since my outburst on Sunday afternoon. Fuck her; if she wasn't going to help us then Natalie and I would sort this assignment out on our own.

Natalie said I was being a little hard on her and that she was probably busy trying to help other agents on their assignments. She also told me that Lexa was leaving us to go it alone as she trusted us to make the right decisions. I wasn't so sure, so I had decided to text her and arrange a meeting. She had replied and agreed to meet later that afternoon.

We would make our excuses about party arrangements and leave the manor to meet Lexa in a motorway service station, about twenty miles away and then return back to the country estate later that night.

That just left one thing to sort out - Pippa.

As soon as we found her in her room she jumped up and greeted us with a childish hug.

"Becca, Nat! You're back," she said excitably. "How did the arrangements go?"

"Fucking hell, Pippa," I scorned. "I keep telling you, we're not supposed to be talking about it with you. What if your father or brothers hear us, or worst still your mother?"

"Daddy's in his study, as usual," she rolled her eyes. "The boys are out playing golf and I think mummy's asleep."

"Pissed again?" asked Nat.

"Yes, she had a bad night. She was celebrating because you'd both left, but then she went into a rage when she found out you were coming back today. She was a real mess last night," Pippa looked sad and I didn't blame her.

"I'm so sorry, Pippa. She needs professional help," said Natalie.

"We've all told her, but she refuses to go. Anyway, enough about her. No one's going to hear us; tell me about the party," she said with a big grin.

"Alright, but you need to keep it a secret, ok?" I said.

"I will, I will, tell me, tell me, tell me."

She bounded over to the bed and patted it to make us sit next to her.

We joined her as she sat cross-legged, smiling like a drug addict who was about to score some gear.

"We met with some old friends who have agreed to help us with the party," I explained. "We had a few drinks and the arrangements have been made."

"How many of you are there?"

"Six including us," said Natalie. "But there's a problem."

"Oh, what sort of problem?" she asked furrowing her brow.

"We have a hundred men to fuck and it's a lot for six of us. We could do with some help," I added.

She sat open mouthed for a second.

"A hundred men?" she gasped. "Between six girls? Fuck!"


"Are you asking me what I think you're asking me?" she smirked.

"Yes. We were wondering if you knew anyone who could help," I joked.

Pippa leaned back and punched my arm playfully.

"Becca, you're so funny," she giggled. "Go on, ask me?"

"Do you want to help out with the fuck-party?"

"Hhmmmmm... I don't know now... I'll have to check my diary," she mused.

"Oh well, if you're busy...."

"No, I'll do it. Fuck, this is exciting."

"There's one condition though," said Natalie.

"What sort of condition? I'll do anything. You already know I can fuck," she tittered. "But I can show you again with the stable boys if you like."

"No, that won't be necessary, but we want you to tell us about losing your virginity down at the lake," she said.

"Oh," she started to go red. "I didn't know Singen and Isaac had told you about that."

She seemed sheepish, but she'd just pretty much admitted it. I decided to lie and pursue it further.

"They told us the basics but we'd like the details," I said. "We have a plan for you at the party to stay incognito, but we need to know you're going to be ok with it."

She gulped and took a deep breath.

"Do you think it's weird?" she asked.

"Do we think what's weird?"

"Having sex with my brothers."

There it was. She seemed slightly embarrassed rather than mortified. I wondered what was going through her head.

"I don't suppose it's any weirder than letting your dad fuck you," I gave her a knowing smile.

"Shit... you know about that too?" she looked puzzled.

"I heard you, the first night."

"You must think I'm disgusting," she said. "But it's not like that."

"How is it then?" asked Natalie.

"We're a very close family."

"So close that they've all been inside you," I laughed. "Does your mother know about it?"

"Fuck no. She'd die... or kill us... or both. Fuck," she put her head in her hands.

"How did it all happen?" asked Nat, placing her hand on her shoulder.

"I don't know, it just sort of did. When I came of age, my parents insisted I went on the pill. Well... it was more daddy's idea. Mummy didn't want to think about me having sex with people," she started to explain. "Me and daddy had a long conversation about sex and making sure that I gave my flower to someone special. I told him that I would, but he had a better idea."

"To fuck your brothers?"

"It wasn't fucking, Becca," she spat. "It was lovemaking. It was soft and sensual and loving and special."

"And incest," added Nat.

"I knew you wouldn't understand. I wanted to tell you yesterday in the garage, but I knew you'd think it was wrong."

"Sorry, carry on," said Natalie. "I was just trying to lighten the mood."

"Daddy suggested that me and my brothers should lose our flowers together. He said it would be memorable and that it should be with someone who we loved. There was no one I loved or trusted or respected more than my brothers and it seemed better than a one-night stand."

"I guess when you put it like that, it doesn't sound that weird," I said.

"It didn't feel weird at all, Becca. It was amazing and I'd do it all again if I had to," she continued. "Daddy gave us a few pointers about foreplay and warming up to the actual event. Then one sunny afternoon, I went to the lake with Singen and Isaac."

My nipples hardened and my labia swelled in my damp underwear as I thought about her fucking her brothers. I'd once been forced to have sex with my sister, Amy, by Lexa as part of my training. There was a very spiritual connection when it came to fucking a sibling.

"At the lake side, there were sun loungers laid out, but we didn't use them. We started off by skinny dipping like we had when we were younger, but I was now aware of their sexual attraction to my womanly body. I'd never felt their eyes on me like that before, it felt incredible."

"You should be a poet, Pippa," said Natalie. "You make it sound so sexy."

"It really was. We swam together and frolicked like we used to, but I ended up being held in Singen's arms and he kissed me. He didn't kiss me like a sister, he kissed me like a girlfriend and I got so turned on. It all went from there really."

"And your brothers hadn't had sex with anyone before?" I quizzed.

"No, they wanted it to be with someone special too. It was like it was meant to be."

"Who went first?"

"Well, whilst Singen was kissing me, Isaac started playing with my tits from behind in the water. We slowly drifted back to the jetty and they lifted me out of the water and onto the wooden deck," she continued.

"God, I bet you were so turned on," I gasped.

"I was dripping wet, and not just from the lake," she laughed. "They looked upon me with desire and love and I took them both by the hand. We walked up the jetty with me in the middle like some sort of Greek goddess. I had an aching inside me that I'd never felt before. They laid me down on the floor and started to devour me."

"They licked your pussy?"

"Yes, Isaac went down on me and Singen sucked my boobies," she tittered. "They were so gentle with me and I knew right then, that I'd made the right decision. I'd fooled around with boys before, but Isaac was the first person to eat my pussy, it felt out of this world."

"Did you speak to each other or was it a silent affair?" asked Nat.

"We all spoke softly. The twins told me I was beautiful and sexy, but I already knew how they felt, from the state of their hard cocks," she smiled. "I felt wanted and desired, like I mattered in a sexual way."

"Of course you mattered in a sexual way, you're fucking gorgeous," sighed Natalie.

"I know that now, but I was self-conscious back then. They kept complimenting me, saying I had the body of an angel, in between licking my nunny of course," she laughed.

"There's that word again," I said.

"Sorry, yes, it's just stuck with me. Daddy calls it that."

"I bet he fucking does," laughed Nat.

"I know it's childish, but I like calling it a nunny."

"I call it what it is," replied Nat. "A cunt or a pussy or a snatch or a gash. I find those words much more descriptive."

"You're as bad as Becca. Are you sure you're not sisters?"

We all laughed as Pippa shuffled on the bed. If she was anything like me, she was wet down there and feeling horny.

"We're definitely not sisters," said Nat. "But carry on with the story, you're making me wet."

"Oh... really... me too," she admitted. "Anyway, Isaac decided he wanted me to suck his cock and I wasn't going to argue. We were all in the throes of intimacy and I had sucked boys off before. Singen took over from Isaac between my legs, and I started licking and sucking Isaac's dick. It was bigger than I was used to and although I tried to take it deep, it made me gag."

"He didn't force it down your throat then, like most boys do?" I laughed.

"No, they were both understanding and gentle. I went back to licking it as my first orgasm started to build. Singen is amazing at licking pussy... oh wait... what am I saying... you already know that," she laughed.

"We sure do."

"Anyway, sucking my brother's dick and having my other brother eat my cunt, soon got me off and I came in Singen's face. I didn't squirt or anything, it just felt really relaxing and nice. They looked down on me like I was a precious gem as I writhed and moaned."

"You do look cute when you climax," I admitted.

She giggled and went shy.

"My wanton lust took over at that point and, although I was nervous, I craved something inside me. Singen got between my legs with a frighteningly huge looking cock and asked me if I was ready."

Natalie repositioned her jeans as she got wetter listening to Pippa.

"I said I was ready and he gently pushed into me. Oh my god girls, I'll never forget that feeling of utter fulfilment and satisfaction as my brother's cock penetrated me," she cooed, closing her eyes and letting her head flop back as she reminisced.

"The first cock in your snatch is the best feeling ever," laughed Natalie.

"Until the next one," I added.

"It hurt a little, but he took it slow and kept asking if it felt ok. I think my panting and moaning told him all he needed to know. His skin inside my skin felt velvety-smooth as we slid about in unison... holy shit it felt good."

"I bet he didn't last long, did he? Your brother told us he came pretty quickly," I said.

"Yes, that was a bit disappointing, but daddy had warned me it would be over quickly the first time. I was just getting used to it when I felt a completely different feeling."

"You felt him cum inside you?"

"God yes. He tensed up after a couple of minutes of fucking me and I felt his dick twitching and throbbing in my pussy," she gasped. "Then I felt the warm sperm filling me up. My own brother's sperm at that. Somehow it made it even more horny and I felt like I wanted to orgasm again."

"There's no feeling like a guy filling you up with his hot seed," cooed Nat.

"Honestly Natalie, I could have died happy feeling him cum in me. Knowing that I'd made him cum, was such a powerful and rewarding feeling. It felt better than passing all my exams, two years early," she smiled.

"Being slutty is better than being swotty," I joked.

"Too fucking right, it is," she tittered. "No sooner had Singen pulled out of me, when Isaac took his place. It felt so much wetter, already having one load inside me and he slid in and out of me like he was gliding on silk."

"I fucking love sloppy seconds," purred Natalie.

"Or thirds," I added.

"As I was pretty close to cumming already, from Singen fucking me, it didn't take long for me to cum a second time. I reached down and rubbed my rose-bud whilst Isaac gently made love to my cummy hole."

"Wow, you were so lucky to have two cocks your first time around. Double the pleasure and as one has finished with you, you get another go with an identical guy," I said. "I still struggle to tell them apart."

"I know. It is difficult but their personalities are a little different. Anyway, after I'd had my second orgasm, or rather during my second orgasm, Isaac came in me too. It felt just as good the second time around and we all lay there afterwards, on the boardwalk, panting and smiling in the sun. We all felt proud of ourselves."

"That's some story," said Natalie. "The fact that it was with two people who loved and respected you, makes it even more special."

"Even if they are your own family," I laughed. "Did you tell your father that it had happened?"

"He was waiting for us when we got back to the house. I'd never seen him so excited. He knew from the look on our faces that we'd lost our virginity together, but he wanted to see the evidence," she laughed.

"What sort of evidence?"

"He wanted to see the mess my nunny had made in my knickers, after they'd both cum in me. He knew it would have leaked out," she grinned.

"Dirty fucker! Did you show it to him?"

"Of course. He smiled from ear to ear when I pulled them down and showed him the puddle in my panties. Ever since that day, every time I get creampied, it reminds me of that day and of how proud he was of us for going through with it. He said it had brought us closer together as a family," she smiled.

"No wonder you like cum filled knickers," gasped Natalie. "It must bring all those naughty, sexy feelings flooding back."

"It really does, I love having it inside me and feeling it leaking out. It just feels so slutty. Just imagine how it makes me feel to have dinner with mummy, knowing I've got my brothers seed inside me, making my panties all sloppy," she giggled.

"You're such a bad girl," I laughed.

"That's what daddy says too."

"Speaking of daddy, how did it happen with him? Was that romantic and loving too?" asked Nat.

"Sort of I suppose," she looked up in her eye sockets as she thought about it. "He fucked me about a week later in my bed."

Her sexual history was certainly making us all horny. I was soaked and my clit was throbbing.

"He came to see me in my room just as I was going to bed. He tucked me in like he used to when I was a kid and he asked me how I felt about what had happened. I told him it was magical and that I was glad I'd listened to his advice," she continued. "He said he could help me out further if I wanted him to."

"By fucking you?"

"I didn't know what he meant so I asked him. He said that now his little girl had been fucked by boys, it was time to experience what it was like to be fucked by a man."

"And he was the man for the job. He likes to keep it in the family after all," laughed Natalie.

"I didn't see any reason why he shouldn't have sex with me. I knew he and mummy weren't getting on very well. It was just after she'd caught him in Paris with two prostitutes."

"And your mother wasn't giving him any sex?"

"No. I don't think they've had sex since that day. I felt sorry for him when he explained about his needs and desires and that he was having to pay for it elsewhere," she replied, looking sad.

"Technically, he was already paying for it before your mother caught him," I said.

"I don't think they did it much before. I'd just discovered how wonderful sex could feel and my poor old daddy wasn't getting any. I wanted to be fucked by an older guy, someone with more experience who wouldn't cum too quickly, so it was beneficial to both of us," she said it like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Your father must love you very much," I smirked. "Did you just spread your legs and see if he took the invite?"

I was finding the whole incest thing quite fascinating. Tristan was a dirty cunt without a doubt, but Pippa seemed ok about the whole thing. It made me wonder how her brain worked, thinking that this was some sort of normal everyday scenario that everyone did.

"Love comes in many forms," she replied. "And no, I didn't just spread my legs for him. He sat on the edge of my bed in his PJ's and stroked my hair behind my ears. I felt safe and comfortable."

"And horny and wet," joked Nat.

"Yes, very," she smiled. "We chatted about my first sexual experience and I saw his PJ's bulging and it made me giggle."

"He's bigger than the twins, isn't he?" I laughed.

"What? How do you know that?"

"He's tried me out, before the party to see if I was any good," I shrugged

"Oh... right... of course. I guess he'd have to," she seemed a little surprised.

"Ignore my whorish friend here, Pippa. Carry on," said Natalie.

"Right... yes... where was I. Oh yes, daddy saw me looking at his crotch and he slowly revealed his fat dick to me. He asked if I wanted to touch a man's cock rather than a boy's. Obviously, I jumped at the chance and soon had my fingers wrapped around it, giving him a hand job."

"Did he play with you?"

"Not at first, he just watched me wanking him off and asked if I'd sucked anyone's cock before. My naughty smile told him that I had and I knew where he was going with it. I popped him into my mouth and I was surprised how similar he tasted to my brother."

"There must be something in the genes," I replied. "I noticed it to."

"Daddy then asked if he could see me completely naked, so I pulled the covers down and took my nightwear off. He gasped at my teenaged body and started playing with my tits."

"He must have thought all his Christmases had come at once."

"He looked very happy; I can tell you that. He leaned down and kissed me whilst his free hand wandered between my legs. I was trembling with anticipation and the fact it was so taboo. It's not every day that your daddy fingers you before bedtime," she said.

Natalie was now gently rubbing her hand over her crotch and her breathing was getting heavier.

"You ok Nat?" I asked.

"Sorry, I don't know why, but this is making me super fucking horny. I'm sure you won't mind me rubbing my nunny," she used Pippa's word and over emphasised it to make sure she knew.

"My cunt's juicy too," replied Pippa, with equal emphasis on her dirty word. "Feel free to strip off and play with yourself. I told you, there's no one around."

Natalie didn't hesitate to strip off. She was naked in a matter of seconds and she lay back on the scatter cushions, on Pippa's bed and started to strum her clit.

"Gosh, you really are horny, aren't you?" gasped Pippa. "I think I might have to join you."

Pippa stripped off in record time and I knew I was going to have to follow the crowd. I needed something to relieve myself after listening to Pippa's disgusting story of incest.

A couple of minutes later and we were all lying next to each other on her bed, completely naked, masturbating whilst Pippa continued to enthral us.

"All girls playing together," she tittered. "Now, where was I? Oh yes, daddy was fingering me whilst we kissed. He's a good kisser for an older man, I was quite surprised."