Becca XXX - Double Trouble Ch. 15

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Pippa tries anal and Tristan comes clean, but is it too late.
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Authors note: - This is a follow on to the previous episodes of Becca XXX Double Trouble. Please read them before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Double Trouble. Ch 15

We woke up around midday. After the previous night's fuck-fest we were both exhausted and had slept through. My mind immediately switched onto the job in hand.

We had to interrogate Tristan and find out what the hell was going on with him, the elections and the Russians.

I stretched the lactic acid from my muscles with a huge yawn, feeling well rested and sexually satisfied. Natalie was still asleep beside me, having fallen into bed next to me and sleeping the sleep of the dead. She stirred and groaned and snuggled up to me, not wanting to get out of bed.

I could hear the wind howling and the rain lashing against the window pane and it sounded far from welcoming. I loved snuggling in a warm bed when the weather was so bad outside, but we needed to press on.

"Wakey-wakey, little Natalie," I said in a soothing voice. "It's time to go to work."

"Five more minutes," she mumbled, not even opening her eyes.

She wrapped her arms around me and I pulled her in and kissed her forehead. I felt the heat from her sexy body under the covers.

I lay there feeling contented and going through the events that had led us up to this point. It seemed hard to believe that all of this had started at a street race on an old abandoned industrial estate. It seemed like months ago but it had only been a couple of weeks.

We'd met our targets, Sinner and Ice, who'd later turned out to be Singen and Isaac. They were the rich twins of Tristan Kingsley, the guy we were really after. After some fun with the boys and a couple of incidents at the Voodoo titty-bar, we ended up at Kingsley manor and discovered they had a sister called Pippa who was a slut.

All three of the Kingsley men were fucking her and so were the stable boys. It wasn't part of our mission, but I'd had a lot of fun with her. It certainly gave us a bargaining chip in order to blackmail Tristan. He would have no choice but to tell us what he was up to, unless he wanted it plastered all over the front page of the papers.

Some Russian thugs had intervened along our journey, probably trying to warn us off from whatever they were up to. Somehow, they were linked to the election rigging and the use of Tristan's A.I. social media software.

Those were the facts. I just needed the final piece of the puzzle to bring this whole episode to a close.

"Work with us or disappear," I repeated Lexa's words out loud, without realising it.

"What?" grumbled Nat.

"Nothing... I'm just thinking," I replied.

"Do it quietly. I was having a lovely dream."

"What about?"

"I'd seduced a young girl who said she was straight, but when I'd finished with her, she played for both teams," she giggled.

"Sounds sexy," I replied. "Sorry to interrupt."

Suddenly a light flicked on in my head.

"Wait... What did you just say?" I asked.

"Are you going deaf in your old age? I said, I seduced a young girl and we had amazing sex."

"No, you said she played for both teams," I corrected her.

"Whatever, go back to sleep."

The cogs whirred in my brain as though what she'd said was significant. I had a realisation and a theory, but without sitting opposite Tristan and getting a read on him it was pointless going any further with it.

I yanked the bed covers back, making Natalie screw up her face from the afternoon light.

"Five more minutes," she groaned again.

I slipped out from under her, causing her head to flop sideways with a jolt as it hit the mattress.

"Bitch," she cursed.

"Takes one to know one. Get up and have a shower. You smell of sex."

"Well, you smell like a whore, but you don't hear me complaining."

My body was sticky and crusty and my hair was stuck together. Being covered in multiple loads of dried cum had made a mess of me and I couldn't wait to wash it off.

The cascade of hot water soon had me squeaky clean and ready for the day's events. I dried off and went back to my bedroom.

Natalie had gone back to her room and I could hear the shower running. I pulled back the curtains and looked over the grounds of Kingsley Manor. The rain was hammering down and the view was obscured with low clouds and fog.

"It's a great day to be riding motorbikes," I shouted to Nat, sarcastically, as the water turned off.

"What?" she replied as she appeared from the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

"I said, it's a great day to be riding motorbikes. Are you going deaf in your old age?" I repeated back her sarcastic comment.

"The leathers will keep us mostly dry, but I agree. It's going to be pretty miserable riding back in this and the roads will be slippery."

"Nearly as slippery as my pussy was last night," I laughed. "God, I was wet and juicy."

"You're always wet and juicy," she giggled. "That's what being a dirty slut does for you."

"And I suppose you were bone dry all night after all those men creamed your baggy pussy?"

"Baggy? I don't think so babe. You're the one with a bucket cunt."

"I see you two are still at it," said a voice from the doorway.

It was Pippa and she was looking a bit bedraggled.

"Hi Pippa. When did you get back?" asked Nat.

"Just now. I got soaked just walking from the garage to the house."

"Nearly as soaked as you were at the orgy," I giggled.

She looked down the corridor to make sure no one was listening and then came into my room and closed the door.

"Gosh, it was so exciting and horny," she cooed. "I just want to thank you both again for letting me join in."

"Do you think your father and brothers had any idea it was you?" I asked.

"I don't think so. How could they?"

"Maybe they recognised your blowjob technique or the feel of your pussy."

"I'll see if they say anything today," she shrugged. "But I doubt it."

"How are you feeling? I hope Tammy and the girls looked after you last night."

"Yes, they were great. They are such nice people. They said I can visit them whenever I like if they have another orgy," she beamed. "I still feel so dirty."

"You are dirty. You sucked and fucked twenty men," Nat pointed out.

"Twenty-six," she corrected her.

"Ok, twenty-six. You're still a little whore, either way."

"Yes, I suppose I am. I can see why you like being hookers," she smiled.

"Ex-hookers," I corrected her.

"Sorry ex-hookers."

"I'd like to see your father today to thank him for everything he's done for us," I said, changing the subject.

"He's not here."

"What? Where's he gone?"

"He's gone to pick mummy up from the spa. He'll be back later this evening."

My heart sank a little. I wanted to get this over and done with, rather than be hanging around all day.

"Oh... right. Ok. I guess we'll speak to him later."

"Are Isaac and Singen awake?"

"They're not here either. According to Robert, they left with one of the other guests last night. He wanted to have an early meeting with them this morning apparently. They'll be back later too."

Without even being told I knew the boys had gone with Wilson. It was the only explanation. Maybe they were discussing their future careers or something more sinister. One thing was for sure, it meant we had time to kill until they all came back.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm starving," I declared. "Let's get some brunch."

"Sounds like a plan," said Natalie.

"Great. I'm hungry too," replied Pippa.

"How can you be hungry after drinking all that spunk last night?" sniggered Natalie.

Pippa just laughed.

"Can we borrow some more clothes?" I asked.

"Sure, come on."

We followed Pippa into her room and picked out a pair of jeans and a T-shirt each. We borrowed more sexy underwear, but went braless as we'd both run out of clean ones by now.

Ten minutes later, we were sitting in the kitchen with Robert, waiting for breakfast to be served.

It was the first time we'd been in the kitchen and it was vast and modern. There was no wooden panelling, it was fitted out with a dining area and breakfast bar and glass splash backs. I guessed Tristan occasionally cooked for guests and that the kitchen was more of a show piece than a practical tool for the family.

"Did you have a pleasant weekend, Ms Kingsley?" Robert asked.

"It was lovely, thank you Robert. We had a bit of a girly weekend."

She winked at me and Natalie.

"Delightful," he replied.

He served us with a full English breakfast with all the trimmings and then left us to it.

"God, I'm starving," I said, shovelling my food down like a ravenous dog.

The stress of the mission and exhaustion of all the fucking from the previous night, meant that I needed to re-fuel. A full English breakfast has all the main food groups, including protein, carbohydrates and vitamins.

Pippa kept glancing at me as we ate, as though she wanted to ask me something. It looked like she was trying to find an opening.

"So, what was the best bit about last night for you?" asked Natalie, quietly in case Robert was nearby.

Natalie must have sensed Pippa's curiosity too and she wanted to bring it out of her.

"I think just being involved in something like that was so fucking erotic," she gasped. "I sucked and fucked twenty-six men in the space of a couple of hours and no one even knew who I was. I loved the anonymity of the glory hole."

"Did you like being treated like my pet cat?" I giggled.

"Yes, it was kind of degrading crawling around on the floor, but somehow it felt right to be treated like that. Like some sort of sex slave to a more experienced mistress."

"So, you'd do it again?"

"In a heartbeat."

"Keep in touch with Tammy, she could use an extra pair of hands now and then," I laughed.

"Does she teach people about sex, like you did with me in the glory hole box?"

"She teaches women about their own bodies, but you seem to be pretty well in touch with yours," I smiled.

"I am, buuuuuuuttttt..."

"What do you want to learn?" asked Natalie.

"Well... you know how I had a tail in my ass last night... on the end of a butt-plug?"


"I liked how it felt."


"And... maybe I could try other things in there too?"

Nat and I gave each other a dirty grin before looking back at Pippa.

"You want us to teach you how to take a cock in your ass?" I asked.

"Yes, there's no one here. I told you, they're all out. We've got a couple of hours to kill. It might be fun."

"I think we could make some time for that," said Natalie, with an even dirtier grin. "Do you have some toys?"

"Yes, you know I do, Becca found them on the first day you came here. They're in my walk-in wardrobe. I even have a strap-on."

"Why have you got a strap-on?" quizzed Nat.

"I don't know really. I've worn it a couple of times and pretended to be a boy," she shrugged. "I just bought it for fun."

I finished my food and laid my knife and fork on the plate.

"Do you want me to fuck you up the ass with a rubber cock?" I said in a slutty voice.

"I do, but I want to learn how to take a big cock in there. Men seem to love anal and I want to please my lovers."

"Men do love anal. It's a dominance thing for them. Some men think it's degrading for a woman to take it up the ass, but they don't understand that a lot of women like to feel used and degraded if the mood takes them. I know I do," I explained. "There're a lot of nerve endings around the anus and it can feel nice."

"It felt kind of nice having a butt-plug in there last night," she said, finishing her meal.

"Come on," said Natalie. "Less talk and more action. Let's go and take Pippa's anal virginity."

Robert arrived with a smirk on his face. There was no doubt in my mind that he'd heard the last comment.

"Will there be anything else, ladies?" he asked in his greatest Jeeves accent.

"No... er... I think we're done," stuttered Pippa.

We made a hasty retreat into the corridor, giggling like school-girls and covering our mouths to hide the noise.

"I think he heard that," tittered Pippa, in a whisper.

"He definitely heard that," said Natalie. "But I think he'll keep it a secret."

We walked arm in arm with our heads held low and scurried down the corridor towards the fairytale staircase. We ran up the stairs and dashed into Pippa's room before slamming the door behind us.

We all dived onto her bed and burst out laughing, rolling on to our backs in uncontrollable hilarity.

"I bet he almost had a heart attack," laughed Natalie.

"Either that or he's just spunked his trousers," added Pippa.

"Poor old Robert. I bet he's wanking off as we speak," I said.

Our laughter slowly died away with a big sigh from each of us.

"Right, we better get on with fucking Pippa's asshole," I said.

We all erupted into laughter again as Pippa rolled off the bed and landed on the floor with a thud.

"Ouch," she giggled. "Come on, stop messing about and help me pick out a suitable toy."

We rolled off the bed and literally crawled after her, still trying to control our giggles.

We entered the wardrobe and had a look in her sex toy drawer.

"Find something small to start with," said Nat. "We don't want to hurt the little princess."

"Princess? After what she did last night, she's no princess," I scoffed.

"How about this?" said Pippa, holding up a thin blue bullet vibrator about the size of a lipstick.

"Perfect to start with. Bring that red one, the realistic cock with balls and the strap-on as well."

Pippa grabbed a handful of dildos and we ran back to the bed.

There was a brief pause as Natalie and I looked expectantly at the young girl who needed our help.

"Why are you both looking at me like that?" asked Pippa, as we stared at her.

"We can't do it if you've got your clothes on. Get your ass out," I said.

"Oh right... yes... sorry. I didn't know if there was going to be any foreplay or anything first."

"There is, get naked," laughed Natalie, taking her jeans, knickers and T-shirt off.

I also stripped naked and so did Pippa. I had a déjà vu of the first time we'd been in Pippa's room when we'd first arrived.

She'd said we were all girls together, but this time we were about to violate and sodomise the poor girl at her request. Despite her being a slut and fucking her own family, this still felt a little wrong to me. She was only eighteen and her list of sexual conquests and skills had grown exponentially since she'd met Nat and me.

"Do I need to be bending over or lying on my side?" she asked.

She was treating it like a school project and it made her seem younger than she was.

"We need some lube first," I said.

"There's some in that drawer," said Pippa, pointing to the left-hand, bed-side table.

Nat pulled out a tube of 'Spunk lube'. It was a lubricant which was made to look like fake cum and was extremely slippery. I'd used it before.

"Why do you have that?" I asked, sounding surprised. "You're so wet all the time, surely that's superfluous."

"And why is it so close to hand?" added Natalie.

"I like to fill my panties with it and then masturbate," she shrugged like it was nothing.

"I'm not sure who's influencing who here," I said. "I might need to try that, next time I'm desperate for spunky knickers."

Pippa lay down on the bed and Natalie got next to her on the left. I was on the right.

"Now, no matter what anyone tells you, you always need lube for anal. Sometimes pussy juice will dribble down your butt crack and you can use that, sometimes spit will do the job, but you need proper lube unless you're already soaked," I gasped.

Pippa opened her legs to reveal a very juicy vagina.

"Is that wet enough?" she asked nervously.

"Wet enough for foreplay. We need to get you warmed up to make you so horny, that you crave anything in any hole," I said.

Natalie went south and I stayed top side. I watched her push her face between Pippa's thighs and slurping noises ensued. At the same time, I kissed Pippa on her luscious lips making her moan in anticipation.

Our tongues found each other's and we french-kissed like a couple on a first date.

"Mmmmm... oh... the things you two do to me... oh gosh," she panted.

"We're going to do dirty things to you... unspeakable things," I whispered.

"Oh gosh... yes. You make it sound so sexy."

"It is sexy. We're going to play with your asshole."

"Oh fuck, yes. Do it."

I kissed down her neck, across her nipples and down her belly. I was slowly working my way towards Natalie so that we could train Pippa's ass together.

As I got closer to Pippa's genitals, I could smell her arousal. Natalie came up for air and kissed me on the lips. I could taste Pippa's tangy pussy with a hint of male semen.

"She's still a little cummy," gasped Natalie.

"I'm not surprised, after taking so many loads last night."

"I washed it," said Pippa.

"They must have shot it deep. It will take a day a two to leak out. I bet your panties were all sticky this morning, weren't they?"

"Very," she replied.

I kissed her pubic mound and allowed my tongue to flick across her clit making her shiver and moan.

"Roll onto your front and stick your ass in the air," I instructed. "Push back towards us and stay relaxed."

"Be gentle," she said as she turned over and got into position.

"Are you comfortable?" asked Nat.


I picked up the lube and poured the creamy fluid onto her ass. She flinched at the coldness.

"Stay relaxed and it will be no more painful than the butt-plug you took last night," I explained.

I watched her back rise and fall as she took a deep breath and tried to relax.

I rubbed my finger across her bum-hole feeling the gristly texture of her perfect pink starfish. I applied a little pressure and she tensed up.

"Relax," said Natalie.

She took another deep intake of breath and then let it out slowly. As the air emptied from her lungs, I pushed my little finger into her anus, as slowly and as gently as I could.

"There you go. Just get used to it and then we'll go bigger. How does it feel?"

"Dirty," she giggled. "I feel so dirty."

I slid my finger in and out as Natalie watched me. After a couple of thrusts, I slipped it out and pushed my index finger into her instead. It slipped in with ease as her sphincter muscles got used to being stretched.

"Is that ok?" I asked.

"Mhmmm," she murmured.

"Let's try the bullet vibe then," I said, picking it up.

"I have an idea," said Natalie. "You train her ass and I'll play with her pussy to take her mind off it a little."

"Mmmmm, I like your thinking," I cooed.

Natalie lay on her back and Pippa straddled her face in a sixty-nine position.

"Jesus you're wet," said Natalie, looking up at the heart of Pippa's being.

"So are you," replied Pippa burying her face into Nat's quim and licking her out.

"Violating a young girl's asshole always makes us wet," I said, rubbing my own slimy labia whilst I got into position. "Stay relaxed. Here comes the bullet."

I pressed the pointed tip against her puckered hole and watched her push out to receive it. She must have remembered what Sara had told her the night before.

Once the vibrator was inside her, Natalie started kissing her thighs and pussy lips to keep her aroused.

"Gosh, that feels weird," gasped Pippa.

"Weird bad, or weird good?"

"Weird amazing. Go bigger."

"Don't rush it," warned Natalie in between slurps. "Take your time and savour every moment of it."

I slid the vibe in and out, but as it was only thin and short, she wasn't getting the full effect.

"Let's try the red dildo," I said. "It's more like the size of a dick."

I pulled the bullet out of her anus and watched it shrink shut like a hedgehog curling into a ball. I put some more lube on her ass and also on the dildo.