Becca XXX - Hard Time Ch. 01

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Becca gets taken to prison and is abused by the guards.
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Authors note: - This is a follow on to the previous series, Becca XXX Dangerous Cargo. Please read it before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.


You never get used to that slam of a prison cell door. It's spine chilling the first time you hear it and it doesn't get any easier over time. It's not so much the sound that gets to you; it's what it means that's terrifying.

All of your freedoms and liberties are gone - stripped away.

You become another inmate; a number; a criminal who can't be trusted to be in society with other people. All that remains of you is your mind, body and spirit.

Being locked up can break all three of them if you let it.

As I was escorted along the prison corridor, I tried to recall how I'd gotten here.

It had all started when I'd been called to a meeting with Ethan to discuss my next assignment. He'd asked me to meet him at a café so that he could brief me about how we were going to track down Charles Hamilton. Hamilton was a high-ranking member of The Generals who'd tried to cripple our country by using dirty bombs at key motorway intersections. We had foiled his plan, but were finding it difficult to locate him. The guy was like some sort of invisible man, controlling things from the shadows. I'd been looking forward to bringing him down now that Ethan and Lexa had come up with a plan to find him, but I hadn't gotten that far.

As I'd waited for Ethan in the café, he had failed to show up. Instead, a police SWAT team had arrived and arrested me for the murder of a known drug dealer. The guy they were talking about was called David Banks and he was a member of a ruthless drug gang. I'd killed him because he was threatening to execute someone and I couldn't allow that to happen. I'd been given free reign and immunity from prosecution during my last assignment, but all of that seemed to have evaporated once we'd found out who David Banks was.

As well as being a drug dealer, he was also the son of an influential business man, Ronald Banks, who was extremely friendly with the Deputy Chief Constable of Manchester police. Ronald wanted justice for his son's murder and I'd been thrown into the firing line. As the arresting officers had thrown me into the back of the police van at gun point, I told them that they needed to call Ethan and straighten this whole thing out. Unfortunately for me, the lead officer had spoken some chilling words in reply.

"Ethan? Who do you think told us where to find you?" he'd replied in a sinister tone.

Had I really been betrayed by the very people I'd been working for? The Facility had always been very cloak and dagger, but I refused to believe that they would have given me up to the police so easily. They'd spent thousands of pounds training me to be a deadly seductress so why would they suddenly cut me loose?

The police officer's words had been echoing around my head since I'd first heard them and I was still no closer to figuring out why this had happened to me.

Things had moved quickly from there. After a night in a cell at the local police station, I'd been presented with the charges against me and I'd been allowed one phone call. That's when my dilemma had really started. Ethan had previously warned me that the police wanted to question me about the incident. He'd also said that I should call him if there was a problem and that he'd try and straighten everything out. That was all well and good, but he seemed to be the reason I'd been arrested in the first place so there was no way I was going to call him.

Instead, I called one of the only people whom I truly trusted.


I dialled her number from memory, expecting her to answer after the third ring like always, but she didn't. In fact, the number just beeped with an automated message telling me that the number I had dialled had not been recognised.

My heart had sunk.

Had she betrayed me too?

I'd given this woman my very soul, not to mention the months of dangerous undercover work. I thought she loved me as much as I loved her, but maybe all of this had been a lie. The way I'd been coerced into working for them in the first place hadn't exactly been above board.

If I couldn't trust Lexa or Ethan, that only left me with a couple of options, neither of which were viable. I didn't want to drag Natalie into this and I knew that Tony was out of the country on a new mission.

For now, I was on my own.

Due to the severity of my crime, bail hadn't been granted and I was to be remanded in custody awaiting trial until further notice. That would allow both the prosecution and the defence councils time to build their cases. The only thing was, I hadn't even been appointed a solicitor yet. This certainly wasn't going to be over any time soon.

After having my fingerprints and DNA taken, I'd been shipped out to the nearest Category A women's prison which happened to be full of some of the hardest and most evil women in the country.

HMP Bronzefield.

It was in Kent and had taken a lot of bad press about the living conditions and care of some of the more vulnerable prisoners. I'd heard a lot about it on the news and I certainly wasn't looking forward to becoming its latest house guest.

However, there was nothing I could do about my predicament right at that moment. It didn't matter how I'd gotten myself into this situation, dwelling on it wasn't going to help me. I couldn't change the past, so I needed to push forward and make the best of it until I could figure it all out.

I snapped back to reality as I heard the first of the many doors slam behind me. I was being escorted by two female prison officers and every door I had walked through had to be unlocked and then locked again behind me.

Jangle... creak... slam... jangle.

I was sure that the doors were made to creak on purpose to put the fear of God into me. They were also deliberately slammed hard for the same reason.

I ended up at the reception desk where a large male officer sat behind a glass screen. It was like being at a bank only much more intimidating.

"Name?" said the Custody officer in a curt tone.

It was a simple enough question for most people to answer, but not if you had multiple identities. My real name was Rebecca Mansfield, but I'd been arrested as Rebecca Sloan -- my cover name for my last assignment. All of my details would be on the national database as Rebecca Sloan to ensure my cover story was water tight. For all intents and purposes, I was Rebecca Sloan. My fingerprints and passport numbers would match the database. There was no point in me protesting that I was someone else; not yet anyway. I thought that I'd need to mention it to the solicitor when I finally got to meet one, but for now I went along with it.

"Name?" he said again impatiently.

"Rebecca Sloan," I replied.

I also gave my false address and date of birth. My date of birth was actually real as it always paid to keep your cover story as close to the truth as possible. It made it easier to remember.

"Do you know why you're here?" asked the custody officer.

He was following protocol from a tick sheet to make sure they'd be no comebacks. I was just another bad person for processing as far as he was concerned.

"Yes," I replied.

There was no point arguing with him, I'd already tried all that at the police station and it had gotten me nowhere.

"Sign here," he said passing me a clipboard over the counter. "These two officers will escort you to get changed into a prison uniform. You will be given a body cavity search and then you'll be taken to the wing. It's late already and everyone's locked up so you've missed dinner. You'll go straight to your cell and then get your induction tomorrow."

I didn't reply, I just signed the form before I was ushered off to a room on the left which had the word 'Stores' written on it.

Jangle... creak... slam... jangle.

The large room contained rows of shelves which housed prison clothing, bedding and other essentials. All prisons have different colours for uniforms and Bronzefield had opted for mid-grey. It was about as nondescript as you could get.

"My name is Officer Jarvis and this is Officer Reid," said one of the officers. "You will address us as Miss Jarvis and Miss Reid. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Miss Jarvis."

It felt like I was back with Lexa calling her "Miss' as I remembered back to my slut-training at the Facility.

"Undress," ordered Reid.

"What? Here?"

"Of course, here."

"Can I have some privacy?" I protested.

"No," she smirked, folding her arms in unison with Jarvis.

I took an instant dislike to these two. There was something about them that spelled trouble. It was the way they carried themselves and the little glances that they gave each other, as though they were sharing a private joke.

Jarvis was butch and had manly features. Her black hair was tied up in a bun which was probably prison regulation, but it made her look even more like a guy. She seemed to have a constant sneer on her face as though she was in pain. She was wearing a black and white uniform complete with a stab vest, which made her breast size difficult to gauge.

Reid had a slighter figure. Her frame was more feminine, but she had the same hair style only in blonde. Her breasts looked smaller and she was shorter than Jarvis. Her facial features were best described as a 'resting bitch face'. She had one of those faces that made you want to slap her across the cheek and tell her to cheer up.

"Strip off or we'll do it for you," snapped Jarvis. "You've not got anything we haven't seen before."

It was obvious that these two were going to enjoy watching me undress. Maybe it was a power thing for them or maybe they were lesbians. By the look of them, they were a little of both.

I pulled my long sleeved top off and placed it onto the bench next to me. I suddenly remembered that I'd opted for sexy turquoise underwear for my meeting with Ethan, which I was now regretting.

"Looks like someone was expecting some action," laughed Reid.

I ignored her and kicked my shoes off. They were followed by my socks and jeans which I placed neatly onto the bench. I stood in front of them in just my thong and bra awaiting further instructions.

"Bra and panties too," smiled Jarvis. "Your boyfriend's not here to admire you now, sweetheart."

"Surely, I can keep my underwear?" I sighed.

"This is a prison, not a brothel. You only get to wear what we issue you with. Your bedroom attire will be waiting for you when you're released."

It didn't bother me getting naked in front of them, but I didn't want them to think that they had complete power over me. I paused briefly and then shrugged and unclipped my bra. My tits sprang free as I threw my bra on top of the rest of my clothes. I then pushed my thumbs into my waistband and pushed my knickers down to the floor before stepping out of them.

My creamy gusset was clearly visible to the two prison officers and they couldn't help but pass comment on it.

"My my, it looks like someone's got messy knickers," laughed Reid. "Are you finding this exciting?"

"Not exactly," I sneered. "I've had those panties on for almost two days. They're hardly going to be clean, are they?"

"I understand that, but why are they so wet?"

I knew why they were wet. The nervous adrenaline pumping through my body always had that effect on my pussy. When I was under threat my brain thought I was about to be violated so it prepared my body for sex. It was a fight or flight response on a whole new level.

I didn't honour them with an answer; I just picked up my soggy knickers and put them with the rest of my clothes. I had a feeling it would be a long time before I saw them again; if at all.

"Well, with a nice wet hole, at least you'll be saving the tax payer some money," sniggered Jarvis. "We won't need to use any lube for the cavity search."

"Turn around with your feet apart and place both hands on the wall in front of you," ordered Reid. "Would you like to do the honours, Miss Jarvis?"

"I'd be delighted," she purred. "We don't usually get such pretty little things in here. I guess I should make the most of it."

I turned around and did as I was told, bending over at the waist at a forty-five-degree angle. My pert breasts wobbled in front of me as I braced myself. I was expecting to hear the snap of a rubber glove being put on, but Jarvis didn't bother with one which I thought was strange.

Without warning, she slid two fingers inside my wet pussy and started to squirm them around in search of contraband.

"Wow, she really is wet in there," she gasped, sliding her fingers out and then back in. "I'm not sure if I can feel something in there or not."

She slid them in and out of me at varying angles as she pretended to search my vaginal cavity.

"Hmmm, it's difficult to say if it's clear or not. Maybe you should have a feel," she said to Reid. "You've got smaller fingers than me and she's very tight. See what you think."

Jarvis slipped her fingers out and they were immediately replaced with Reid's. She also hadn't bothered with any gloves.

"Mmmm, she's certainly wet alright," she giggled. "Let's see if I can feel anything."

Her fingers were thinner than Jarvis', but she seemed to be enjoying fingering me as much as her friend had. She slid two digits in and out and I even felt her thumb graze my clit.

"She's super tight," Reid continued. "I don't think she'd be able to hide much inside that little meat pocket. I bet she was popular with the boys."

"I could have sworn there was something in there," said Jarvis. "Let me have another feel."

"I'm pretty sure this isn't a normal cavity search," I protested. "What you're doing here is against the law."

"You lost your rights to talk about the law when you decided to break it," snapped Reid. "Don't argue with us. You're in our world now you little skank."

"I understand that, but that doesn't give you the right to sexually abuse me."

My comment was ignored as they swapped over again. I must have annoyed Jarvis because she was rougher with me this time. She squeezed four fat fingers into my sopping gash and started to slide them in and out. There was no way she was searching for anything; these bitches were getting off on it.

Being raped by a woman is far worse psychologically than being raped by a man. A woman should know the emotional turmoil involved in having someone violate your body against your will. Having a part of someone else's body inside you and being powerless to stop it is extremely traumatic and degrading.

There was no point trying to fight them off - I had nowhere to run even if I could. I just had to take it and hope that they'd soon get bored of me.

"We have to be thorough with our search," said Jarvis. "You wouldn't believe what some girls manage to smuggle into the prison. Here, have another check, Miss Reid. I think she's clear."

I saw them wink and smile at each other as Jarvis pulled her hand out of my snatch. She then blatantly used her sticky fingers to stimulate my clit which was erect and sensitive by now. I gave a little shudder as her stubby fingers rubbed my bean before allowing Reid back inside me.

Reid used four fingers and her thumb, squeezing her way into my folds. My long labia got caught up as she pushed into me, pushing my lips inside me too. It felt uncomfortable but as usual my body was enjoying the attention. I felt the first glimmer of an orgasm deep within me and I hoped I wouldn't cum as they continued to molest me.

"There's definitely nothing in there," she sighed. "I guess we'd better move onto her other hole."

"There's nothing in there either," I protested. "I should report you both for this."

"Feel free. No one will believe you anyway," hissed Jarvis. "And besides, if you make a complaint, we'll make your life a lot harder than it needs to be. If you play ball with us, life will be easier."

"That's right," added Reid. "Now, reach back and spread your ass cheeks for me."

The hate I had for these too bitches was off the chart by now, but I decided to play along with it for now. As Reid continued to wear my pussy like a glove puppet, I reached back and parted my ass cheeks with both hands.

"You've got a cute little butt-hole," said Jarvis. "Have you had anything inside it before?"

"That's none of your business," I spat.

"That's a yes then," laughed Reid. "She looks like the type of girl who likes a bit of back door action. I'm sure all of her holes are open for business."

"Well... they certainly are tonight," said Jarvis. "Let me get my fingers all slippery again, so I can check her rectum."

Reid took her hand out of my quim and wiped the juices onto my anus. Jarvis slid three fingers back inside me and wormed them around to coat them in my love honey before pulling them out and lining them up with my asshole.

"Let's see what we can find in here then, shall we?" said Jarvis. "Just relax and it will all be over soon."

I felt the pressure of her finger tip on my puckered hole and I relaxed to let her in. There was no point in fighting it; it would only make it more painful. There was a little bit of resistance as she pushed harder and then a relaxation as she penetrated my starfish.

I couldn't help but let out a soft moan of delight, quite unintentionally. Unfortunately for me, the rape twins heard it.

"It sounds like she's enjoying it," laughed Reid. "Did you hear that little moan?"

"I did. I knew she was an anal queen," gasped Jarvis. "My fingers slipped in with ease and she didn't even flinch. Are you enjoying it, you little slut?"

"Of course I'm not. No one enjoys being sexually abused," I lied.

"I beg to differ. Besides, this isn't sexual abuse, it's a cavity search. I'm only doing my job. Now... let's have a good feel around in here," Jarvis continued.

Her finger wiggled inside me, sending small shivers up my spine like electricity. I knew this wasn't going to be over anytime soon and that these officers had done this before -- many times. It was as though they had a tick sheet similar to the custody officer. The only difference was that theirs was sick and twisted.

"Try two fingers," said Reid. "I'll check under her boobs."

"You can see that there's nothing under my boobs," I replied. "They're pert and they don't sag for fucks sake. How could I hide anything underneath them?"

"Don't start giving me attitude Sloan!" she snapped. "I'm just doing my job."

Her hands reached around from behind me and she felt my tits. She wasn't checking for anything hidden; she was just having a good feel for her own pleasure. My nipples were already hard due to the cold and from being interfered with.

"Is it cold in here or are you just pleased to see me?" she laughed. "Your nips are like bullets."

"Go and fuck yourself," I replied.

My comment was ignored as I felt Jarvis pulling her finger out of my anus.

"I can't feel anything in there, Miss Reid. You've got smaller fingers than me, why don't you have a try?"

"I'd love to, Miss Jarvis," she tittered.

She let go of my tits and repeated Jarvis' technique of stuffing her fingers into my pussy to get them wet and slimy. She then slid two thinner digits into my ass and started to squirm them back and forth. It felt incredible as she went knuckles deep into my sphincter.

"Her asshole's nice and tight, but she's no stranger to having things shoved in it," laughed Reid. "You like a bit of anal, don't you, Sloan?"

"If you say so."

I felt Jarvis move closer and nuzzle her face behind my ear. Her breath was warm against my neck and I wondered what was coming next.

"I need to check in your ears," she explained, tucking my hair behind my ear.

She took a small pen-torch from her stab vest and shone it inside my left ear as Reid started to slide her fingers in and out of my anus. Once again, this was nothing to do with conducting a cavity search, she was trying to turn me on.