Becca XXX - Hard Time Ch. 03

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Becca trades with the screws & gets attacked in the canteen.
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Author's note: - This is a follow on to the previous chapter of Becca XXX Hard Time. Please read it before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Hard Time. Ch 03.

My second day in prison had started in pretty much the same way as the first. The only difference was, this time I knew what to expect.

I watched Naomi's sweaty body ripple and flex as she worked out in the small space below me. I'd already completed my workout under her watchful eye and I was now sat on my bunk eating my breakfast and making stupid comments about her performance.

"You call that a squat, young lady. Get that ass to the ground," I joked, mocking her coaching which she'd given me the day before.

"Shut up, you cheeky bitch," she panted, trying to stay in the zone.

She switched from squats to jumping lunges. It was an impressive sight to see her switch her feet from front to back while hardly moving the rest of her body. She just gave her hips a quick flick as she bent her front leg and straightened the rear. What was more impressive was her magnificent breasts jiggling inside her tight bra. They looked like two jellies bouncing and coming to rest each time she jumped.

"You need to get more of a sweat on than that, Naomi," I laughed. "Spalding's going to want those knickers nice and stinky when he pops by."

She smirked, but didn't answer me.

"You never know your luck - he might even spunk them up for you again so you can rub it all over your pussy, you filthy skank," I continued.

"I'm going to throw something at you in a minute if you don't shut up," she scalded me playfully.

I just smiled and ate my apple. Despite a reasonable meal the night before, I was still hungry. Lunch time was hours away so I had to make do with this meagre portion. We were about to be unlocked some time soon, but I wasn't looking forward to another shower. I was distracting myself from the thought of it by annoying my cell mate. She seemed to enjoy the banter despite pretending not to.

After finishing her jumping lunges, she dropped down and started to do her press ups.

"I'll help you to count them if you like," I said. "But I'll only count them if you do them properly."

She didn't reply, but started bobbing up and down with powerful vigour.

She dropped down and back up and I counted to one in a long-drawn-out word.


She did three more, but I only counted to two. Her form was good, but I wasn't going to tell her that. It was much more fun to take the piss.


She did two more and I gave her the count of three.


She burst out laughing and collapsed onto the concrete floor, unable to continue, she was giggling so much.

"Fucking hell, Becca. You are such a bitch," she laughed uncontrollably. "What have I done to deserve a cell mate like you?"

"I don't know. You're just lucky I guess," I said. "Is that it? You've only done three."

"I've done six, you cheeky skank," she could hardly get her words out, she was laughing so much.

She rolled onto her back, folding her arms across her chest to hold her sides. That only made her breasts push up even more and wobble erotically as she laughed.

"You've only done three proper ones," I pointed out. "And your knickers still look dry. Spalding will be very disappointed in your performance."

She rolled over, picked up a plimsole and threw it at me. It bounced off of my head and I toppled backwards to try and avoid it.

"I've got another one down here to throw at you if you don't shut up," she sniggered. "Let me finish my set."

"I thought you were supposed to be against violence," I laughed, sitting back up. "Throwing shoes at people is classed as assault you know."

She ignored me and got back to her press ups. She'd barely finished them when I heard the familiar click-clack of the door panel being opened and closed, followed by a double knock on the door.

Bang -- bang.

"Time to unlock. Stay back from the door, girls," said a male guard.

Jangle -- creak.

The door opened and Spalding's head appeared with a big grin on his face.

"Morning girls," he smiled. "Hard at it as usual I see."

"I would be if this one would stop bothering me," she nodded in my direction. "She's a nightmare."

"The shower block's open if you want to use it," he said. "Play nicely together."

As quickly as he'd arrived, he was gone. Naomi didn't need anything from him today so she just let him leave. I waited until he was out of ear-shot before I started to mock her again.

"Awwww, it looks like your boyfriend doesn't want your smelly knickers this morning," I pouted. "I guess you'll have to save them for another day."

The other plimsole got hurled at me as she stood up and pulled her trousers back on. I jumped down off of the bunk and we both picked up our towels and wash bags ready to go out onto the wing.

"Try not to get into a fight this morning, Becca," she said as though she was talking to a small child. "If the governor catches you causing trouble again, he'll throw you in the hole with Melody."

"I'll try, but I can't promise anything," I smirked. "Other people's actions are out of my control."

"Yes, but your own actions aren't. Just behave yourself and let me handle it if The Sisterhood pay us another visit."

"Yes boss," I saluted.

Despite my joking, I was feeling apprehensive about taking another shower. Yesterday I'd been lucky that there had been only three of them and that they had been easy to take down. Today, I might not be so lucky.

The journey to the showers was quieter than the day before and they were almost deserted when we arrived. I felt relieved, but I knew I wasn't out of the woods yet. They could turn up at any minute. We got undressed quickly and shared a cubicle again, with me showering first.

The block slowly filled up, but no one gave us more than a second glance. I had no idea if any of the other occupants were part of The Sisterhood or not, so I stayed vigilant.

"All done," I said to Naomi after a few minutes, stepping out of the shower, dripping wet. "Do you need any extra soap?"

"No. Why would I need extra soap?" she quizzed.

"To wash that spunky pussy of yours," I laughed. "I can smell it from here."

"Fuck off, you dirty bitch," she laughed, slapping my ass hard as she passed me. "You don't have to tell the whole block about my little fetish."

She entered the cascade of hot water as I started to dry myself. My eyes glanced around the steamy room looking for danger, but it was all clear. I decided to get my fill of Naomi's sexy nakedness while I had the chance.

I didn't really have a type when it came to sexual partners, but I'd never slept with a black girl before. The colour of her skin seemed to accentuate her physique. Her muscles looked more defined and toned as she washed herself, oblivious to my perverted gaze.

Her body was shiny from the water and soap and I felt my heart rate increase as I took in every detail of her form. She moved with elegance and grace as her hands rubbed all over her sexy body. She looked down at herself as she washed her pert tits with both hands, lifting and stroking them all over. Her fingers grazed her nipples and her fleshy orbs jiggled as she let them fall back under their own weight.

She then moved down to her washboard stomach before dropping her hands to the heart of her being. I watched her lift one leg up to allow herself better access to her pussy and I finally got a proper look at it for the first time.

It was beautiful.

Her outer lips were in the shape of an inverted tulip, thin and womanly, delicate and smooth. Her pubic bone was prominent, due to her lack of body fat. It made it look like a meaty speed bump. Her fingers danced between her legs as she washed between her dark lips and her inner thighs. It was almost as though she was teasing herself, not wanting to touch it right away.

She added more soap from her bottle and started to wash her vulva. My view was momentarily obscured by the lather of soap, but it was soon washed away by the water bouncing off of her chest and running down her body. She parted her lips with two fingers and used her other hand to wash her meaty slit.

For the first time, I saw her fleshy inner lips which were short and hidden by her outer ones. Her insides were dark pink; almost purple as she held herself open briefly to allow the water to wash the soap away. I could even see her tiny clit between her fingers, innocently poking out and begging to be touched.

All too soon she was done with her womanhood and moved on to her ass. Her fingers slipped into her butt crack as she turned around as though she was deliberately showing it to me. She arched her back and stuck her booty out towards me, causing the water to run down her muscular back and wash the sweat and grime from her valley.

After soaping her legs and rinsing her entire body, she switched the water off and came over to join me. I was still drying myself as I'd been too distracted by her performance. Her breasts bounced gently as she walked the few steps towards me and she caught my eye.

Instinctively, I shied my gaze away, but I knew she'd caught me ogling her.

"I always feel better after a good shower," she sighed.

"Me too," I agreed. "It's nice and refreshing."

Neither of us had bothered to wash our hair today as we'd done it the previous day. I sensed that Naomi didn't want to be in here any longer than I did. We both dried off and put on fresh panties, but we kept with the same bras. They were still pretty fresh and we'd only been issued with two each.

"Ok. We need to get back to the cell and then I'm off to work," she said.

"What do you mean, work?"

"I told you about it yesterday. I work in the kitchens and I'm on lunch duty today."

"You said you worked in the kitchens, but you didn't tell me you were working today. Does that mean you'll be leaving me on my own?" I asked, suddenly feeling a little panic wash over me.

"I won't be with you, but I wouldn't leave you on your own on your second day in prison. I'm going to introduce you to one of my friends. She doesn't do much other than play video games, but at least you'll be out the way of The Sisterhood if they come looking for you."

"Thank fuck for that. Who is she?" I felt a little relieved.

"Her name's Aurora, but she goes by her gamer tag."

"Which is what?"

"Arrow. Don't ask me why. She's a bit quirky, but she's harmless enough," Naomi explained.

"Okaaaayyyy," I said, sounding unsure. "She sounds interesting."

"She's definitely on the autistic side and she gets a bit anxious, but the computer stuff seems to keep her calm. That's why she's allowed to have a games console in her cell."

"You're not really selling this to me very well," I laughed.

"Don't worry, she's not full-on Rainman or anything like that. She's just a bit different. I'll take you to her cell after we dump our stuff. Come on, you'll be fine."

We were both fully clothed by now and I followed her lead as she picked up her towel, dirty knickers and wash bag. I followed her out onto the wing and we were soon back in our cell.

"Just chuck your dirty washing in the linen bag in the corner," she instructed. "Wash day is later in the week."

She hurled her white panties in the direction of the bag, but they missed and landed on the floor. I moved over and picked them up so I could dispose of them along with my own. Hers felt heavy and damp and I couldn't resist teasing her again.

"Are you sure your boyfriend doesn't want them?" I laughed, waving them about and making sniffing noises.

"I think they're a little too soiled even for him," she laughed. "I'm sure he'd like a sniff of yours though."

"No, I think you're his favourite," I teased.

"I doubt that. He takes payment in dirty panties from a lot of the girls. He really does love the scent of prison pussy," she smiled. "If you want anything from him, I'm sure he'll trade with you."

I threw both pairs of underwear into the bag and stowed my wash things. My towel was hung on the end of the bunk to dry next to Naomi's.

"Right, let's get you to Arrow's cell and then I'm off to work," she sighed.

I followed her along the first-floor landing and we found an open cell eight doors down. Naomi knocked politely as she entered.

"Arrow, are you in here?" she said in a jolly tone.

"Oh, hi Naomi. How are you?" said a voice from the bottom bunk.

I couldn't see her at first. All I could see was the tv screen on the edge of the desk displaying bright colours of a fast-moving video game. As I got closer, I saw a skinny girl with thick rimmed glasses wrapped up in her duvet with a game controller in her hands.

She didn't even look up at first. She was transfixed on the screen as she ran around shooting at people. She was as mesmerised by the screen as I was when I'd been watching Naomi in the shower.

Arrow looked to be in her early twenties and was ghostly white. It was as though she'd never seen sunlight. Her hair was so long that it would have stretched to the small of her back if she stood up. She had it tied to one side and draped down her front like a scarf.

"I'm fine thanks babe. This is my cell mate, Becca. She's new here just like you were a few months ago," Naomi continued. "Can you look after her for a few hours while I go to work?"

"Hang on," she said, moving the controller as she negotiated a difficult section.

Her fingers bashed at the buttons and the joysticks as she blasted anything that moved. The whole screen was a mass of fire and explosions. After a few more seconds, she completed the level and finally paid us some attention.

"Sorry," she smiled, finally looking at us. "I just had to finish that mission. Pleased to meet you Becca."

"Likewise," I nodded.

"I've got to go to work soon," said Naomi. "Can you look after her?"

"Are you the one who kicked ass in the showers yesterday?" asked Arrow excitably, ignoring Naomi's question for a second time.

"I was defending Naomi," I replied.

"You were awesome. Those girls had it coming. They deserved it," she beamed.

"Violence isn't the answer. You know that Arrow," Naomi interrupted.

"I know, but it was still fucking awesome. It was like something out of Mortal Combat."

I looked at Naomi for her to give me a clue about what this girl was talking about.

"It's a video game," she explained.

"It's sooooo much more than that," scoffed Arrow. "Mortal Combat is one of the best fighting games ever created."

"Whatever babe. Can I leave her with you?"

"Does she like video games?"

"She's right here Arrow. Why don't you ask her yourself?"

Arrow shifted her gaze back to me. She had a vacant look on her face as though it was an effort for her to find the words. Her mind seemed to be somewhere else even though her body was present.

"What's your favourite game?" she asked.

"I don't know," I shrugged. "Call of duty?"

It was the only game I'd ever heard of. It really wasn't my thing to sit in front of a screen all day pretending to be a superhero or an elite soldier.

"Predictable," she said. "Everyone says that. I'm playing it right now. We can do two player death match if you like. I bet I'll kick your ass."

"I don't think Becca's as good as you are, Arrow. You'll beat her too easily. Why don't you do a joint campaign with her?"

"Oooohhh, okay," she grumbled.

She was like a moody teenager, but she must have had enough about her to be classed as a normal prisoner. She appeared vulnerable, but the prison system obviously thought she was alright to be in with the general population of A wing. If she hadn't, they'd have put her into a separate wing for people with special needs.

"Right... I'll see you later then. Arrow, play nicely. And Becca, try and stay out of trouble," Naomi sounded like a parent talking to two naughty children.

"Ok, mum," I stropped.

Arrow laughed and copied my piss taking.

"Yeah... ok, mum," she mimicked.

Naomi just shook her head and left us to it.

"Take a seat," said Arrow. "There's a spare controller on the desk. I'll jack you in."

I picked up the Xbox controller and sat next to her on the bed. She was very excited to have a new visitor and she soon had the screen set up for two players. She even unwrapped herself from the duvet and sat cross legged while she showed me how to play.

"You're the one on the right," she explained. "The left stick moves you around and the other one changes where you're looking. The right trigger is the fire button and the Y button will change your weapon. That should be enough to get you killing a few bad guys."

She was sweet, but definitely on the autistic scale. She wasn't bothered about her looks or her hair and she seemed a lot younger than she was. Now that the duvet had been discarded, I got a proper look at her.

Her blonde hair looked like straw and it hid half of her face. She had hamster cheeks and plump lips on the half of her face that I could see. Her glasses were black rimmed and looked way too big for her. She reminded me of cousin It from the Adams family, only better looking.

She was pretty shapeless like an under-developed teenager. She had no breasts at all and was as skinny as a rake. In her own way she was beautiful with flawless porcelain skin, but she looked like an easy target. I wondered how she faired with all the gangs and corrupt screws in the prison, but I decided it was better if I didn't ask.

"Just kill anything that moves," she said. "The cross hairs in the middle of the screen shows you what you're aiming at."

I soon got into the game, shooting the enemy and blowing things up as Arrow guided us through each level. I was surprised how realistic it was. The controller shook in my hand whenever I got shot or if there was a large explosion. I was no where near as good at it as Arrow who must have spent thousands of hours playing this game. She knew where every enemy was before they even appeared.

"Shoot the guys in the tower... get the guy in the truck... go left... throw a frag into the bunker while I cover you," her instructions were endless and it reminded me of being on an assignment with Lexa or Nat.

I missed them both so much and although I believed Natalie had nothing to do with my predicament, I knew that Lexa did. I had mixed feelings about it. I was angry and sad all rolled into one. My mind started to drift, but thankfully Arrow interrupted my train of thought before I went somewhere dark.

"So, what are you? Ex-military or something?" she asked out of the blue without even slowing her game play.

"What do you mean?" I was taken aback by her question.

"You kicked ass like a professional in the showers yesterday. I saw the whole thing. It was like watching a movie or something. Normal people don't have skills like that. So, what are you?"

She might have seemed a little slow, but she hadn't missed a trick.

"I did martial arts before I got banged up in here," I told a half-truth.

"What sort? Ju-Jitsu? Kung-fu? Karate?" she didn't seem bothered about being nosey.


"Cool. Are you a black belt?" she cooed, sounding in awe of me.

"Something like that," I giggled.

"Everyone's been talking about you, you know," she pointed out.

"Really? I hope they're saying nice things."

"They think you're a spy," she laughed. "Are you a spy Becca? Do you work for MI5?"

"Why would they think that?"

"I guess it brightens up their day," she shrugged. "You're someone new in here and you've already made a name for yourself after that fight."

"I suppose so. Who do they think I'm spying on?" I giggled.

"It could be anyone. This place is full of criminals you know."

I laughed, but I realised she hadn't said it as a joke.