Becca XXX - Hard Time Ch. 04

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Becca gets stuffed in the hole in more ways than one.
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Author's note: - This is a follow on to the previous chapter of Becca XXX Hard Time. Please read it before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Hard Time. Ch 04.

Solitary confinement.


The cooler.

The hole.

This place had many names, but none of them really described how hellish it was. You are deprived of everything when you're in solitary. You're alone in the darkness and it's deathly silent. All of your senses feel dull due to the lack of stimulation. You can't even see your hand in front of your face and the thick concrete walls cut out all of the sounds.

The concept of time evaporates and you have no idea if it's day or night. The feeling of loneliness and isolation creeps in within hours. At least it did for me.

I had no idea how long I'd been asleep, but I was naked, cold, hungry and lonely when I woke up. I was still on my rubber mattress, hiding under my blanket to keep warm. As I woke, I checked myself over. My face felt bruised and swollen from being punched during my fight and my stab wound felt sore, but apart from that, I was still in good shape.

I pulled the rough grey blanket off of my head and peered out. It was as dark as if I still had my eyes closed. I wasn't even sure which way the door was as there was no light spilling from underneath it. Keeping my blanket wrapped around me, I stood up and stretched my arms out tentatively until I touched something. It was a smooth wall which felt cold to my touch. I followed it for a few feet and found the corner of the room. I then kept going expecting to find the door frame. I was so disorientated that it took me two more corners until I found it. The cold steel frame was solidly built and housed a thick steel door with a horizontal flap in it. I ran my fingers along it, trying to prize it open or push it or slide it, but it was useless - it could only be opened from the outside. It wouldn't open until the screws allowed it, probably to serve me food.

Now that I had my bearings, I moved to the centre of the room and almost tripped over the mattress. It was spread diagonally across the room so I moved it to one side and laid back down.

There was nothing else to do but lie there and try to get my head straight. Being alone with my own thoughts wasn't great for me. I realised that I'd spent the last few years under constant pressure and it had prevented me from dwelling on the things that had happened to me. I had been trained to compartmentalise all the bad stuff and lock it in a box, never to be opened again.

Even on my rare days off, I'd always kept myself busy so that I didn't have to think about any of that. I'd usually go for long runs or do yoga or weight training; anything rather than face those dark moments in my life.

Now that I was alone in the dark with my senses dulled, there was nothing else to do other than think. For most inmates this would give them time to reflect on their crimes and come to terms with what they'd done.

For me it was different.

I tried to push the bad thoughts away and concentrate on positive things and happy places, but the darkness within me wouldn't allow it. It was clawing its way out of my subconscious and into my mind like black tar oozing from a felt roof.

Pretty soon it was at the forefront of my mind and I had no choice but to face my demons. My life had become one of sex and violence and although I enjoyed both, there were some aspects that I'd found truly terrifying at the time.

In the darkness I slipped into some sort of dream-like state as though I was half asleep or seeing a premonition. Lexa's face appeared in front of me as clear as the day we'd met. I was back at the facility on my first day, strapped to a chair and being raped by five men one after the other. This was my first introduction into Lexa's training methods and I was now reliving every second of my ordeal as though it was happening to me all over again.

I felt all of the same mixed emotions that I'd felt before - fear, anticipation, anger, terror and of course pleasure. I had eventually succumbed to my abuse and begged to be fucked. In my swirly vision, I was cumming hard as my pussy was pumped full of spunk over and over again. Five thick loads oozed out of my over-used cunt and dripped onto the floor. I felt satisfied and also guilty for enjoying it, but suddenly the scene blurred like a fog and it changed to something different, just like it does in a dream.

As it refocused, I found myself strapped to a bench surrounded by multiple men squirting their sticky spunk all over me. Lexa was there again, directing the proceedings and smiling down at me with wanton lust. This was my second kidnapping from Lexa and my first introduction to bukkake. I'd been taught how to deep throat a cock and then the room had quickly filled with men wanting to fuck me against my will. I was lying on the bench while they took it in turns to fuck me and squirt their jizz all over my body. Again, I felt contented to be the centre of men's desire even though I had no control over it. My initial fear had disappeared and I was loving the feeling of being a cum whore.

I tried to think of my life before all of this had happened to me, but my brain wouldn't allow it. It wanted me to see my journey and I was a mere passenger to my deep, dark, sordid past.

As I drowned in the jizz of thirty men, my dream blurred and switched again. I was now watching my sister, Amy, getting anally violated by a huge cock as I licked and fingered her pussy. I remembered it like it was yesterday. This was punishment for me breaking the rules and telling other people about Lexa. She had then kidnapped my sister and made me fuck her so that she was turned on enough to receive anal.

I'd barely spoken to Amy since that day and I hated Lexa for putting her through it. Amy had seemed to enjoy it, but things had been awkward between us since that day. We'd never mentioned it again, but gave each other knowing looks when we had met up at family parties.

The incestual session had ended with the pair of us swapping cum from one another's mouths before fighting over who was going to swallow it. I remembered feeling so slutty and disgusted with myself, but not wanting it to end. I swear that I could taste spunk and smell Amy's intoxicating scent as I lay in my cell. It was as though I was right there with her.

I had no time to enjoy the contentment as my dream switched again. This time I was on my first assignment, being held prisoner in a cellar at Sanchez's villa in Spain. I'd been caught doing something I shouldn't have been and I was being punished and sentenced to death. The guards were taking it in turns to fuck me as I was hung from a hook by my arms, naked and afraid. What they did to me was degrading and humiliating, but Lexa's training had gotten me through it. I was tag teamed by the guards in groups. The first three came inside me, one after the other while telling me what a dirty whore I was. They didn't need to tell me; I already knew. The next pair had fucked my ass and pussy at the same time despite my protests, before making me swallow their loads.

I'd then been further humiliated after being fed my breakfast like a dog. The men had made me eat toast which was covered in their spunk while one of them fucked me from behind. That session had ended in me cumming hard much to their delight, but at least I'd been fed.

I questioned my mental sanity and wondered why all of this was coming back to me in the darkness of a prison cell.

Was my brain trying to make sense of it all? I'd given up so much for Lexa and The Facility and then they'd betrayed me.


Was I missing something here? If I was, my brain wouldn't let me figure it out until it had shown me everything, so I got back to my dream.

My time in the rape cellar had ended when a huge dyke named Janice had fucked my holes with a steel butt-plug and a ten-inch metal dildo. She was brutal with me and then wanted the same treatment in return.

This is when my life changed forever.

I wasn't a violent person, but I had been given some training before that assignment. When I saw my chance, I used the huge metal dildo to knock the bitch out. It was the first time I'd ever used such violence against another human being. It was a kill or be killed instinct which is inside all of us. The feeling of revenge and justice had been overwhelming and almost as orgasmic as being fucked.

My vivid recap as an agent was showing me key turning points in my life. The first was the acceptance of being raped, which Lexa had shown me. Although her methods had been unorthodox, they worked. If the worst thing these people could do to me was fuck me, then I was ok with that. Sex is a pleasurable experience and even if it was against my will, I knew I could accept it and try to make the most of being fucked.

The second key point was that when the opportunity presented itself, I could dish out my own level of extreme justice as judge, jury and executioner. If you messed with me, I'd bide my time and then wreak my revenge - karma was always on my side.

My dream blurred again as though someone had thrown a pebble into a still lake. It rippled and then became still again with a new scene before me. This time I was in a bus depot, tied to a dirty table while a group of drug dealers took it in turns to fuck me. They were The Mancs from my previous assignment and I really was in deep trouble on this occasion. I feared for my life as these perverted fuckers violated all three of my fuck holes. My mouth, ass and pussy were all filled with hot sticky sperm while their boss interrogated me and the leader of the rivel gang, Brian York. Eventually he cracked and was led away for further questioning. However, I had been left at the mercy of my captors and knew I was in yet another life-or-death situation once they'd gotten bored raping me.

Once again, my escape had been violent and deadly. My combat skills had progressed at an exponential rate and I was now trained in martial arts and weapon handling. The men who'd raped me hadn't stood a chance. I'd managed to free myself and brought vengeance on every last one of them.

I suddenly realised that most of the people who'd abused me over the years were no longer breathing. It was satisfying to know that I had the means to despatch my enemies with ease. Lexa had trained me well.

The scene changed again to one that was more recent. I was talking in the farmhouse with Lexa before our final raid on a terror cell who were planning a dirty bomb attack at key motorway junctions. The same feelings of excitement and apprehension washed over me as though I was actually there. I could see Lexa's gorgeous face and even smell her scent. Her voice spoke to me and I heard her words as clear as day.

She was talking to me about Charles Hamilton. He was the guy I was supposed to be going after next, until I was betrayed. Hamilton was some someone high up within the secret organisation known as The Generals. We'd foiled their terror plot and he was next on the hit list. All we had to do was find a man who was impossible to find.

"We may have found a way of getting to Hamilton... amilton... amilton."

Her voice echoed around the walls of my mind as though we were in a cave.

"How far are you willing to go... o... o?"

"It will involve you going into cover so deep that you'll be working completely alone without back-up... ack-up... ack-up."

"Are you willing to go the extra mile... ile... ile?"

"Everything happens for a reason, Becca... ecca... ecca."

Why was my brain showing me this? It wasn't threatening, dark or dangerous like all the visions had been. So far, I'd relived the rapes and the violence, but this seemed completely different.

I knew this was important.

This was what my subconscious wanted me to see. My journey was almost complete.

As I tried to find the reason behind it, a new voice rattled into my head.

"Are you a spy, Becca... ecca... ecca?"

It was Arrow, the nerdy gamer whom I'd been playing Xbox with earlier that day. Why was she in my head?

I would have liked to have replied to her question by saying, "No, I'm not a spy - I'm an agent." I always preferred the word 'agent' to 'spy'. But then saying that I was an agent that wasn't strictly true either - not anymore. I was an ex-agent - just another civilian locked up for doing bad things.

I then heard my own voice screaming at me in the darkness telling me to get a grip and see the wood for the trees.

"Come on you dumb bitch. Figure it out, for fuck's sake. It's not rocket science."


My eyes snapped open as though a new day had dawned. The blackness still remained, but I could see things more clearly. I was approaching the end of the dark tunnel and the answers were coming. This wasn't darkness; it was enlightenment.

The voices got faster and louder and the key words filtered everything else out.

"...get you to Hamilton... amilton... amilton."

"Deep cover... over... over."

"Extra mile... ile... ile."

"Are you a spy... py... py."

"No... I'm a fucking agent," I said out loud, without realising.

Could it really be that simple?

Was I in cover so deep that I didn't even know about it?

Had Lexa been trying to tell me back at the farmhouse, without actually telling me? Even Ethan had given me some sort of warning that the police were after me.

I tried to tear my thoughts away from it, thinking that I was going crazy. Just because I wanted it to be true, didn't mean that it was. The pieces were all there, but was I adding two and two and making six?

It had never made sense to me that Ethan and Lexa would have handed me over to the police, without fighting my corner. They'd spent too much time and money training me. People like me were one in a million. They could throw me into any situation and I would complete my assignment without question. Psychological, physical and sexual abuse were all in a day's work for me. Torment me, beat me or rape me, I'd still win in the end. They'd never get rid of such a valuable asset.

"Holy shit," I grinned to myself. "Lexa, you beautiful fucking bitch. You put me in here for a reason."

Euphoria washed over me as though I'd just had the biggest orgasm of my life.

This was her plan all along.

This was how we were going to find Hamilton.

My dreamlike state evaporated and I was now back in the real world, but I had a thousand new questions that needed answering. The first one was simple.


Why hadn't I been told about the mission? I was always told what my objective was.

But then that got me thinking. Wait, I already knew what my objective was - Charles Hamilton. I was supposed to be finding him and bringing him to justice.

I sat up and put my back against the cold wall to try and wake up. I crossed my knees and realised how wet I was between my legs. My pussy was absolutely dripping. The dream about being fucked and remembering all those people I'd put down had got my juices flowing and I knew right there and then that I was back to my old self again.

"Everything happens for a reason, Becca," her voice echoed again.

"You're fucking right, it does."

I was here for a reason, but why Bronzefield? What could this place have to do with Charles Hamilton? He certainly wasn't an inmate in an all-female prison, that was for sure.

My train of thought was suddenly interrupted by a loud bang on the door.


Light spilled into my tiny box-like cell as the serving flap was opened. I screwed up my eyes and squinted at the small horizontal opening.

"Feeding time, cupcake," said Reid as she peered through the slot.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Feeding time. Are you fucking deaf or something?" she laughed. "Come and get it. I've not got all day."

I crawled over to the hatch and took the plastic tray from her. I tried to peek out, but she was blocking my view. I examined the contents of the tray in the light and saw that it had bread and some sort of stew on it which didn't look very appetising or hot. Reid threw two bottles of water at me which bounced off my tits and rolled along the floor to the corner. They came up against my plastic bucket and came to rest.

"Does your piss bucket need emptying?" she hissed, nodding at the corner.

"No. I haven't used it," I replied. "How long am I going to be in here for?"


The serving hatch was closed and I was back in darkness again.

I didn't care what food I'd been served or if it was hot or not. I also didn't care that the bitch hadn't given me anything to eat it with. I was so ravenous that I just ate with my fingers. I scooped it up and stuffed it into my face, not knowing when I'd be fed again.

As I ate like an animal in the dark, I went back to my train of thought.

If I was in deep cover in Bronzefield prison, who was I here to find? Charles Hamilton was like the invisible man from what we'd heard. Lexa had said they'd found a way to get to Hamilton, so someone in here must know where he was. With absolutely no intel, this was going to be down to me and me alone.

I thought about the people whom I'd met so far in the prison and tried to figure out who my target was. The most obvious answer was the governor. He was a twisted sick pervert and could well be a member of The Generals. As an ex-head master who abused his position of authority, he now seemed to be continuing his sex crimes within a prison environment. If he wasn't the target then I'd be very surprised - he fitted the bill perfectly. But maybe he was too obvious. Maybe it was one of the guys who was going to be attending the prison orgy that I'd been invited too. Maybe Hamilton had a thing for raping prison pussy like the governor did.

I stuffed more stew down my throat as I mulled it all over. What if it wasn't the governor or a member of his sordid gang. What if it was an inmate after all?

The most obvious person of interest in Bronzefield would be The Crow. I hadn't met her yet, but she sounded like a career criminal and a nasty piece of work. She'd tried to have me killed already and that's how I'd ended up in solitary. Maybe she had links to The Generals, but it seemed less likely. The Generals only employed men from what I could gather, but I wasn't ruling it out.

If it wasn't The Crow or the governor, it might be one of the screws. The whole prison was corrupt so it could be any of them. I had no idea what the link was between Bronzefield and The Generals, but there had to be one, otherwise I wouldn't be in here.

I finished my meal by mopping up the gravy with the bread and then went in search of my water. I knew I needed to stay hydrated and fed in order to function correctly. I was trained to always eat and drink whenever I could in case I didn't get another meal for a while. Rest was also important, but my mind was racing and sleep would be impossible.

I eventually found the water bottles in the corner of the room where they'd rolled. I downed the first bottle of water and realised I needed a pee. I'd been dreading using the bucket as a toilet, but at least it was only a pee. It was already starting to smell in my cell and I didn't want to make it worse. I moved the bucket away from the wall and then squatted over it. At times of humiliation like this one I always thought about Lexa. She loved seeing me taking a piss and this would certainly have turned her on.

Gripping the front rim of the bucket to steady myself, I relaxed and waited for my stream to start. I didn't want to get any on the floor, but it was impossible to see in the darkness.


The first dribble splashed over my labia like boiling water and I shuddered and tensed up. I'd pissed on my hands so I shuffled back slightly and relaxed again.