Becca XXX - Hard Time Ch. 06

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Becca has a shock when she meets with her solicitor.
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Author's note: - This is a follow on to the previous chapter of Becca XXX Hard Time. Please read it before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Hard Time. Ch 06.

"If you're name's not Melody Thomas, who the fuck are you?" I asked.

She stared back at me as though she was ashamed of her true identity.

"Sasha..." she replied. "... My name is Sasha. Louise. Hamilton."

A kaleidoscope of euphoria and shock washed over me as though I was bathing in a rainbow.

This young girl in front of me was the reason I was in Bronzefield. She was Charles Hamilton's daughter. My theory about being in ultra-deep cover must have been correct. Lexa and Ethan had set the whole thing up in order to get me in front of this girl. She was our only way of finding a man who couldn't be found.

My head was full of questions which needed answering by Melody, or Sasha, as she had now revealed herself to me. I also had questions for Lexa, but until I could get out of here, they would have to wait. The team at The Facility must have somehow unearthed the fact that Charles Hamilton had a daughter whom was presumed dead. How they found out that she'd switched identities with someone else was a mystery to me for the time being.

It didn't matter how they'd found out about her; I was now friends with my target's daughter. I had to be careful not to spook her, especially with Arrow thinking I was a spy.

"Are you Charles Hamilton's daughter?" I asked.

"What? Yes, how did you know that? Do you know my father?" Melody seemed shocked.

"Does he own The Hamilton Corporation?" I replied.

"Yes... oh shit... you didn't work for him? Did you?"

"No, no, nothing like that. I worked for a large accountancy firm and we helped them out with import duty on some of their goods after Brexit. I recognised the name. Holy fuck, it's a small world."

"It really is. Did you meet him?"

"Not personally. I was just an account assistant, crunching numbers and compiling spreadsheets. I looked him up on the internet to see who he was," I replied.

"Did it say he was a rapey, incestuous cunt who wanted to marry his own daughter?" hissed Naomi.

"Funnily enough, no," I giggled. "But it did say that he was a multi-millionaire."

"He is," sighed Melody. "And here I am stuck in prison doing time for someone else's crimes and getting gang raped once a week in the basement."

We all went silent, not really knowing how to respond to that. I wondered if she wanted her old life back to replace the one she was currently living. Being fucked by your own father and living a life of luxury may have been the lesser of two evils.

"Is that why you want to escape?" I asked. "Do you want to go back to your old life?"

"In a way, I suppose I do," she shrugged. "It's a damn sight better than this," she held her arms up to emphasise where she was.

"You can't go back to that," Naomi snapped. "You deserve a better life. You're no more free living with your dad than you are in here."

"No, but the living conditions would be better," she smiled. "I'd rather be back there than in here."

"Do you have a plan?" I asked.

"What sort of a plan?"

"A plan of escape?"

"Not really. I've looked at several options, but none of them seem viable at the moment."

"It's impossible," said Arrow. "No one has ever escaped from Bronzefield and no one ever will."

"Thanks for your positive input," laughed Naomi. "You're always so helpful, Arrow."

"It's true. Think about it. If you're going to escape, it will have to be at night so you're not missed until the morning. That means you've got to escape from your cell, get through umpteen locked gates to get outside, avoid all the alarms and cameras, scale a fence and then climb a thirty-foot wall," she pointed out, while never looking away from her gaming screen. "You'll then be pursued by hundreds of police and helicopters with thermal imaging cameras while you're dressed in prison clothing. Even if you did escape, you'd be caught within hours."

Arrow was right. I'd thought the same thing when I'd been assessing an escape plan while I was locked in solitary. Melody put her head in her hands as though she also thought the same.

I was about to add my comments when I heard the jangle of keys and heavy footsteps coming along the landing. We all fell silent and waited for the screws to pass.

They didn't.

Bang - bang.

The screw knocked on the metal door, but didn't wait to be invited in.

"Is prisoner Sloan in here... ah there you are," said Edwards. "We've been looking for you."

"I'm here Miss Edwards," I replied, getting up from the bottom bunk.

"You've got a visitor," she said.

"A visitor? Who is it?" I asked in shock.

No one knew I was in Bronzefield so I certainly wasn't expecting any visitors.

"Your solicitor," she smirked, knowing I was expecting someone more exciting. "Let's go."

"About time," I exclaimed. "I thought they'd forgotten about me."

"Less chat - more movement," snapped Davis from the landing. "You've got an hour and the clock's already ticking."

"Coming Miss Davis," I said.

"Good luck, Becca," said Naomi as I made to leave. "I'm sure it will go well."

"Yes, good luck," said Melody and Arrow in unison. "Let us know how it goes."

"Thanks. I will. See you in a bit," I smiled back.

I left the cell with the two screws and they led me down the stairs to the interview room. It was the same room I'd been in when I'd sucked off Spalding and his two colleagues in exchange for the wine.

My heart was pounding as we approached the door as I had no idea what to expect. I was going to have to discuss the murder of a drug dealer as though I really was Rebecca Sloan. Now that I'd found my intended target, I had to stay in deep cover. There was no point in trying to talk my way out of here.

"Fifty minutes left," said Edwards. "Make them count."

She knocked the door and waited to be invited in. She appeared to have a lot more respect for the solicitor than she did for the prisoners, that was for sure.

"Enter," said a female voice from behind the door.

Davis opened up and stuck her head in.

"Prisoner Sloan is here to see you, Miss Bradshaw," she said politely.

"Send her in please," replied the solicitor.

Davis moved aside and gestured for me to enter the room.

"Please be aware of the time, Miss Bradshaw. We'll be back in fifty minutes," said Edwards looking at her watch.

I slipped passed her and searched the room for my new best friend. She was stood staring out of the window on the other side of the desk with her back to us. It was as though the screws didn't warrant her full attention.

"Ok," she replied. "Please close the door on your way out and give me and my client some privacy."

Her voice was familiar to me, but it sounded like she was masking it with an authoritarian tone to make herself sound more commanding.

I stood in front of the desk and heard the door close behind me. The woman had long dark hair and a slender figure. She was wearing a black skirt-suit which was far too short for someone in her profession. It barely covered her ass and I wondered if she used her sex appeal to get her own way in a place like this. The male guards must have been drooling as she walked through the prison to get to me.

"Sit down," she ordered.

"Nice to meet you too," I said sarcastically. "I'll stand if it's all the same to you."

She continued to stare out of the window. There was nothing to see out there other than a barbed wire fence and a huge wall. This woman was already starting to annoy me with her superior attitude. It was as though I was just an inconvenience to her and that she didn't really want to be here.

"Are you enjoying the view out there?" I asked with more sarcasm. "Is there something worth looking at?"

She slowly turned around to face me and I noticed that she was wearing a white shirt which was unbuttoned to reveal her cleavage. Her breasts were full and pert and I knew I'd seen them before. My gaze moved higher as she turned her head and her face came into view.

I recognised her straight away and let out an involuntary gasp.

"There's definitely something in here worth looking at," she replied as she stared at me out of her cat-like eyes.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

This woman was the sexiest person on the planet as far as I was concerned.

I'd been in love with her since we'd first met.

She was my lover, my boss and my mentor.

It was Lexa.

"Hello, Becca," she smiled. "How are you?"

"What the fuck," I gasped, glancing back at the door to make sure it was definitely closed. "Lexa?"

"Are you ok?" she asked with concern in her voice.

I'd thought about this moment since I'd first been arrested. I'd wondered what I'd say to her after I thought she'd betrayed me to the police. I was so angry with her at the time, but that was before I realised why she'd done it. My attitude towards her and Ethan had gone from one of revenge to one of acceptance and respect. I'd been put into deep cover to complete my assignment and I knew that I'd be back in her arms once it was achieved. I had no idea that she would actually come and visit me in prison under the guise of being my solicitor and yet, here she was, standing in front of me like some sort of an illusion. I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

Of all the things I could have said to her, I just blurted out the first thing in my head.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" was the best I could come up with.

"I'm here to set the record straight," she replied. "You have every right to be mad with me, but things aren't what they seem."

"Why would I be mad with you?" I replied.

I wanted her to realise that I'd already figured out why I was in here. I could have just told her, but I wanted my little bit of revenge for her keeping me out of the loop.

"Because you've been arrested for the murder of David Banks, of course," she said, remaining standing. "But there's a reas..."

"Oh... is that why I'm in here?" I interrupted, raising my eyebrows at her.

"Yes, we had to improvise to get you close... oh wait... have you figured... no... already?" she stammered, unable to complete her sentences as she quickly worked out what I meant.

I folded my arms in a defensive posture and gave her a smug look, dropping my weight onto one leg in a sassy pose.

"Holy shit. Have you figured it out?" she quizzed. "You already know you're still on assignment."

"Of course I have. If I hadn't - your face would have been smashed through that table top by now," I snapped. "If you'd come in here a week ago, we'd be having a very different conversation to this one, but I've calmed down a lot since then."

"Fucking hell, Becca. I've been dreading this moment," she sighed in relief. "I've been feeling so guilty about putting you in here without telling you why, but it was the only way to get you close to the target."

"Why didn't you just tell me?" I hissed. "Don't you trust me anymore?"

"Of course I do. Ethan wanted to brief you fully, but I told him it was too risky. Your arrest had to look convincing and the only way to make it look real was to make it real," she explained. "We had to keep you in the dark until you were inside."

"You still should have told me. After my first few days in here, I was ready to kill the pair of you. I thought you'd thrown me to the wolves."

"I know it must have seemed that way, but we only had one opportunity with this and we couldn't risk blowing it. We have a theory about someone in the prison, but we needed to get you inside before we could prove it one way or the other. You're now in one of the deepest cover missions we've ever attempted," she explained.

I stayed silent wanting her to work for it. The fact that she felt guilty about the situation was enough for me, but a bit of grovelling on her part wasn't going to go amiss.

She flicked her hair over her right shoulder and slowly walked around the desk towards me. My heart fluttered at her beauty and there was no way that I could stay mad at her for long, even if I was just pretending. Her plan to find a way to get to Charles Hamilton had worked, but at that point, she had no idea just how well.

Her hips wiggled under her tight skirt and she gave me a sultry look, staring into my eyes as though I was all that mattered to her in the world. She always knew how to win me over, but I remained defiant. I wasn't going to let her off the hook that easily.

As she got close to me, she took hold of my hands and unfolded my arms, pulling them down by my sides.

"I've missed you so much, Becca," she whispered. "Please forgive me. You know I love you more than anything."

"You've got a funny way of showing it," I replied, still giving her a hard time.

"I know and I'm sorry, but there was no other way. If our theory is correct then we have a real chance of getting to Charles Hamilton."

I looked away from her like a stroppy teenager, but she wasn't giving up.

"Look at me," she said softly, moving her head to the side to catch my eye.

I turned my head back and stared into her big blue eyes. It was like looking into an ocean of love and affection. She was so close to me that I could smell her perfume and feel her breath against my skin. I instinctively moistened my lips with a lizard-like flick of my tongue and waited for her inevitable kiss.

She kept me waiting, gazing into my very soul. I felt so happy to see her that I could have burst into tears of joy. Time seemed to stand still for a moment until she finally leaned in and pressed her lips gently against mine. She held them there in a long, lingering kiss as we held hands and enjoyed the closeness with one another after so long. My heart melted in an instant and my legs felt weak and wobbly.

After several seconds, we parted, keeping eye contact with one another.

"Does that help?" she purred.

"I guess it helps a little," I smiled. "But you're not totally forgiven yet."

"I know, I'll make it up to you, don't worry," she said, giving me a big hug and holding me close.

I felt her hot breasts squishing against mine through our clothes and I wished that we were naked. In any other circumstances, we'd have ripped each other's clothes off and devoured each other like a pair of newly weds. Unfortunately, we had to be cautious.

"God, I love you," I whispered into her ear, squeezing her tighter.

"I love you more," she murmured. "I could stay in your arms forever, but we've got work to do."

"Awwww, just a while longer," I groaned, squeezing her ass.

She gave me a final squeeze, followed by a single kiss on the lips and then we parted.

"I want to play with you too, but the mission always comes first, Becca. You know that."

She walked back behind the desk and closed the blinds as I took a seat. I could taste her on my lips and I felt the blood rushing to my genitals. I was always wet whenever Lexa was around and today was no exception. Love honey dribbled out of my aroused pussy and soaked into my knickers as she sat down opposite me.

"Right, let me tell you what we know so far," she said excitably. "We've got a lot to get through."

She pulled a file from her bag and slapped it onto the table.

"When did you realise that you were still in deep cover?" she asked as she arranged the paperwork in the file.

"When I was alone in the dark in solitary confinement," I replied.

"Solitary? Jesus Becca what were you doing in there?"

"There's a strong gang culture in here. A group called The Sisterhood have been gunning for me since I arrived. It's a long story, but don't worry, I can handle myself," I said.

"I know you can, but be careful. No one can know your true identity or the assignment will be blown," she said. "I'm guessing you've been fighting from the look of your cheek."

I instinctively reached up and touched my bruise. The pain and swelling had gone down along with most of the discolouration. I was just left with a small amount of yellowing around the side of my eye.

"You don't miss much, do you," I giggled.

"Of course not. I hate to think what your opponent looked like?" she laughed.

"Opponents," I corrected her. "I've put nine of them in the infirmary. I think they'll be in there for a while."

"Nine? Fucking hell, Becca," she gasped. "You have been busy."

"I gave them a choice," I replied. "They chose poorly."

"Criminals usually do," she smiled. "Now, tell me... how did you figure out you were still undercover?"

"On my last assignment you told me that you'd found a way to get to Hamilton. You told me that everything happened for a reason. Ethan had also warned me about the police so I just pieced it together from there," I shrugged.

"You're not just a pretty face. I remember why we employed you now," she laughed. "You're a true asset to The Facility."

"Thank you. The other thing was that I knew you wouldn't have spent all that time and money training me, just to leave me in here to rot. It made no sense. I have immunity from prosecution after all. We don't play by the same rules as everyone else. Me being under cover was the only logical answer."

"That's right. I'd never leave you, Becca. I've always got your back. You know that."

"So, why did you turn your phone off?" I asked. "I tried calling you when I got arrested, but the number was disconnected."

"We needed to make sure there were no connections leading back to us. It had to seem like you were alone. Nothing was left to chance," she started to explain.

She flicked through the paperwork and passed me a photo of a young blonde girl.

"Now, let's get down to business. Have you seen this girl in the prison?" she tapped a finger on the photo.

It was a photo of Melody Thomas aka Sasha Hamilton which looked like it had been taken a few years ago.

"Yes. Her name's Melody," I said as though it were obvious. "I know her, why?"

I wasn't going to give Lexa all of my information until she asked me. I wanted to know what she knew about this girl before I told her my end of the story.

"She's our link to finding Hamilton," she explained. "As usual, things aren't what they seem."

"In what way?"

"She's not who she says she is," she continued.

"I know."

"She switched identities with someone after a fatal car crash which... wait... what do you mean, you know?" she finally picked up on what I'd said.

I smiled at her across the table.

"I know who she is?"

"Go on then," she said, with hope in her voice. "Who is she?"

"Her real name is Sasha Louise Hamilton," I smirked. "She's Charles' daughter."

"Yes!" she punched the air. "Arran's theory was fucking right. How the hell did you find out who she was?"

She seemed relieved and surprised that their theory had been correct.

"She told me everything about twenty minutes ago," I smiled. "We've been through a lot together in the last few days and she admitted that she's Charles' daughter and that she wants to get out of here. She wants her old life back."

"Fucking hell, Becca. You amazing, clever, sexy little slut. You've done all the hard work already. I knew we could count on you."

"If you knew you could count on me then you shouldn't have kept me in the fucking dark," I hissed playfully.

"I know, I know, but I've told you why, so stop trying to make me feel bad. The decision was made and it was the right one at the time. We wouldn't have gotten this far if there'd been any suspicion. Our plan has worked. You haven't told anyone who you are, have you?"

"Only that I'm Rebecca Sloan on remand for murder."

"Excellent, let's keep it that way. She's our only way to Hamilton."

"How the fuck did you find her?" I gasped. "She's supposed to be dead."

"We have Arran to thank for all of this. He did a deep dive into Hamilton's life and initially it didn't come back with very much. We tried his colleagues and work accounts and friends in order to look for a way of finding him, but we drew a blank on all of it. Then Arran decided to look into his family connections. He found out that Charles was an only child with no living relatives. He'd gotten married and had a daughter, but his wife had died during child birth and his only daughter had died in a car accident a few years ago. Arran checked the police files to find out what had happened to his daughter, more out of curiosity than anything else," she explained excitably.