Becca XXX - Hard Time Ch. 10

Story Info
Becca attempts her escape, but what's The Crow's agenda?
  • December 2022 monthly contest
17.3k words

Part 10 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 04/23/2022
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Author's note: - This is a follow on to the previous chapter of Becca XXX Hard Time. Please read it before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Hard Time. Ch 10.

It felt very claustrophobic and disorienting with a black bag on my head. My warm breath was condensing against the fabric as we were led out of solitary confinement. My hands were on The Crow's shoulders and Melody's hands were on mine. The routine was exactly the same as before, just like Melody had predicted.

Reid and Jarvis had come to collect me at around seven in the evening. I'd been in my cell at the time when there'd been a knock at the door. Jarvis told me that I was required for a night shift in the laundry room, but we all knew the real reason why they were there for me.

It was time to prepare for the basement orgy.

I'll never forget the sorrowful look on Naomi's face as I was led away, knowing that we'd probably never see each other again. We'd already said our goodbyes, but I felt a deep sadness in the pit of my stomach to be leaving her behind. All I could do now was focus on what needed to be done for my assignment. I wasn't there to make friends; I was there to let Melody lead me to her father. The mission always came first, no matter what.

I'd then been taken to solitary confinement to prepare for the night's event. The Crow and Melody had also been taken there, but the screws had kept us separated until it was time to go. After a decent meal and a shower, we did our makeup and then lined up outside the cells with a black bag on our heads.

It was show time.

I had a nervous feeling inside me as we stood still, waiting for further instructions from the guards. Not only was I about to be fucked by an unknown number of convicted sex offenders, I also had to escape with Melody after the rape party was over. If that wasn't enough to contend with, I also had the unpredictability of a tattooed psychopath on my mind. I had no idea if she was actually going to help us to escape or if she had her own agenda. I remembered back to her leaving our cell the day before and the wicked grin she'd had on her face. I hoped she was grinning because we were about to bring justice to these people, but there was no way of knowing what she was up to until it happened. I was going to have to keep my wits about me and hope that she'd do the right thing.

I kept myself calm by breathing in and out slowly, centring myself with yogic breathing. My heart rate was slow and steady, but my stomach was doing flips of nervousness at the size of the task before us.

'Keep calm Becca,' I said in my mind. 'Just take it one stage at a time.'

'Stage one: Go down into the rape room... get fucked senseless... enjoy it... its only cock after all.'

'Stage two: Get back to the lift... take out the guards... steal their clothes."

I talked myself through each step and visualised what I would have to do. Breaking it down into sections made it easier to digest and it stopped me from becoming overwhelmed with the bigger picture.

'Stage three: Go back down the lift and try the barred gate... go up the stairs... into the car park.'

'Stage four: Take the car and drive away.'

'It's as simple as that, Becca. Each step is a step closer to freedom.'

My train of thought was shattered as Jarvis bellowed for us to move.

The concrete floor was cold against my bare feet and there was the usual chill in the air as we were marched out of solitary. We went through the same start-stop procedure as each door was unlocked and then locked again after we went through them. I tried to keep my bearings, but it didn't really matter, I wasn't going to be coming back this way. I'd already memorised the route out of the basement, including my plan B in case the barred gate really was locked.

"Stop," snapped Reid as we got to the lift.

The Crow halted in front of me and I almost ran into the back of her. I felt the warmth of her skin and smelt the apple blossom shampoo that she'd used to wash her hair. I wondered what was going through her crazy brain as we waited for the lift to arrive.



There was a swishing noise as the doors slid open and we were pushed inside. We kept our hands on each other's shoulders to remain passive and non-threatening to the guards. We didn't want to arouse any suspicion as to what was coming next. The journey back up the lift was going to be a completely different story. They wouldn't know what had hit them.

There was a momentary feeling of weightlessness as the lift dropped to the basement and then a blast of warm air hit us as the doors swished open. We were back in the bowels of the prison with the door to the rape room being twenty metres ahead of us.

We were told to move forwards again as the screws tried to scare us with lewd remarks and comments.

"Don't worry you little sluts, we're almost there now," sneered Reid. "Your special party awaits."

"There's a hell of a crowd this time," laughed Jarvis. "I hope your little pussies are nice and wet, you'll be taking some big cocks tonight."

"Oh yeah. We've already seen the lovely men who are going to use you tonight. They've got fire in their eyes for sure."

"And spent in the balls, ready to fill your stomachs, cunts and assholes. It'll be a rapey fuck fest."

"Stop," Reid instructed. "We're here. Keep your bags on your heads and stay silent. There'll be no talking from here on in. You know the drill by now."

I knew where we were and I pictured the scene in my head. We were in the corridor outside the door to the rape room. I knew the barred gate was at the end of the corridor and that the lift was behind me. I heard the door open and we were led in one by one.

The Crow left my grip and a minute later I was led into the room, feeling the plush carpet under my feet. Although I couldn't see anything, I knew the room was full of perverts, I could feel their eyes all over my naked body like a rash. The room was silent except for my breathing inside the bag. I could practically smell the sexual excitement all around me as I was placed in front of the double bed. My nipples were already hard due to the cold, despite it being warmer in the basement. My heart rate increased again, knowing exactly what was coming next and I used my training to bring it back down.

The fight or flight response was difficult to control and my body was being filled with adrenaline at an alarming rate. It wasn't because I was about to be gang-banged again; I was actually looking forward to that part; it was because of what was going to come after. There were so many variables for our escape that it was almost impossible to plan for every eventuality, especially with The Crow being such a live wire.

'Put it all out of your mind, Becca,' I told myself. 'Concentrate on the here and now. You're about to be fucked in every hole over and over until they're done with you. Nothing you can do right now is going to prevent that from happening, so enjoy it.'

It was the only way to get into the right mindset. The voice in my head was right - I should just go with it and enjoy the attention. I felt my genitals swell between my legs as my labia became engorged in anticipation. I heard Melody shuffle in beside me and I knew that the governor was about to start his little speech. Everything was running like clockwork.

The door closed and the room filled with a dark silence.

After a long minute, I heard the governor's voice pipe up to the left of me.

"Remove your bags, girls," he bellowed.

I slipped the bag off of my head and saw the spotlight click on above me. It looked like I was going to take centre stage first.

My eyes squinted in the sudden brightness making it impossible to see anything in the darkness beyond.

"Rebecca Sloan, twenty-six years old, on remand for murder," announced the governor like a ring leader at the circus. "This is her second outing. She did well last week and almost won so let's see how she does tonight."

I heard murmurs from several people in the room. Maybe the word had spread about my performance and new people had come to try me out.


The spotlight to my left flicked on.

"Melody Thomas," the governor continued his introductions. "This is her eleventh appearance so you should all know her by now. She's twenty-three and incarcerated for multiple crimes, including murder, theft, assault and burglary to name but a few."

There were more murmurs and whispers of appreciation as they took in her nubile sexy body. Her large pert breasts looked beautiful in the spotlight and her blonde hair shone like sunlight. She had a shapely figure and a cute face which gave her an innocence that The Crow and I didn't have. I knew she'd be popular with the men who liked a more submissive hole to fuck. She was certainly an attractive, sexy young girl.


"Finally, we have Sheryl Scott, known in Bronzefield as The Crow for obvious reasons," the governor used almost the same speech as he had the last time we were down here. "She's twenty-eight and she's the original Bronzefield whore. She's banged up for multiple murders, rapes, arson, cybercrime and forgery."

All eyes were now on The Crow, including mine and Melody's. It didn't matter how many times I saw her naked body; I was always in awe of her artwork. The way her crow tattoo wrapped around her body, both front and back was incredible. I had no idea who the artist had been, but they should have won an award for this masterpiece.

"Melody, take the piece of card from the bed and read it out to everyone," the governor instructed.

She picked up the white piece of card and turned to face the invisible crowd. I watched her speed read the transcript and then wet her lips, ready to give her very best performance.

"Welcome, gentlemen," she said loudly. "Although we have been incarcerated for our many crimes, it is not nearly punishment enough. We have been brought before you tonight as rape dolls. We deserve nothing more than having every one of our holes stuffed with hard cocks against our will. The harder you fuck us; the more justice will be served. We want you to teach us a lesson and the only lesson skanks like us understand is to be hate-raped. Fuck us, anally violate us, make us suck your cocks and then cum inside us. We are here to serve you in any way you see fit. We are worthless and at your command."

"What delightful words from an angelic little girl," said the governor. "Looking around the room, I can see that we have some first timers so I will explain the rules."

The governor went over the same rules as before like a well-rehearsed script. He told the crowd that they could do anything they liked to us and that points were awarded to the girl who they gave their cum load to. It didn't make it sound any more appealing than last time and I watched Melody shudder. Her eyes started to glaze over as she got herself into the zone. I knew she hated being subjected to such awful treatment, but she just had to get through it one more time. After that, she'd be free.

The Crow's face was the polar opposite. She was smiling her usual wicked smile as she waited for the party to get started. I could see her practically feeding off of the energy in the room, maybe imagining her own form of fiery retribution if only she could bring it to fruition. She turned to me and winked and I nodded back at her as some sort of non-verbal respect. I just hoped she would keep her mouth shut about the escape plan until we were well away from here.

This was just a means to an end for me. It was something I had to endure in order to get my reward, like a mountaineer reaching the peak after an arduous climb in order to enjoy the amazing view from the top. Strangely, my heart-rate had returned to normal, but my horniness had increased ten-fold. My pussy felt hot, wet and slippery and I knew my clit was sticking out from behind its hood. I wanted these men to fuck the life out of me even though I knew what they were. The thought of bringing them all to justice made me smile inside, but for now, I kept a worried look on my face. These men had come here to rape us and I didn't want to look like I was enjoying it right away.

"Let us begin," cried the governor, clapping his hands together.

The lights illuminated the many men waiting to abuse us. As before, they were standing around the edge of the room completely naked. Every shape, size, age, race and colour stood before us with murderous grins on their faces. They looked like a pack of circling hyena waiting to devour their prey. I glanced at their faces and soon picked out two of the men I'd seen on Nigel Fisher's website. I was now in no doubt that my theory was correct - not that there was much doubt beforehand, but it was nice to get it confirmed.

I speed counted them as best I could and figured that there was around seventy of them. I didn't know the exact number, but there was definitely more of them than last time. The Nigel Fisher Foundation must have been doing a roaring trade in their rehabilitation.

The sea of hard cocks surged towards us like an incoming tide. They were busy stroking their dicks or rubbing their hands together in excitement as they decided which of us they wanted to fuck first. The governor was at the back watching his orgy unfold like an excited child.

"I'm going to fuck the tattooed bitch," leered one guy. "I've heard all about her tight cunt."

"I want the brunette in the middle that sucks a cock like a pro," said another, heading in my direction. "She's going to be gagging on my dick."

"And mine," added his friend.

"Come on mate, let's spit-roast the blonde one again," said a bald-headed guy, nudging his pal for approval and moving towards Melody's bed.

"OK, but I'm taking her pussy this time. You can have her mouth."

"Whatever, I'll probably finish in her shit box anyway," he laughed.

Men surrounded me and pushed me to the ground. I don't know what it was about rape parties, but they always seemed to start by making me suck their cocks. Men loved seeing a girl on her knees servicing them like a milk maid and that's exactly how I felt. My hands grabbed the two dicks nearest to me and I spat onto them as I started to stroke them up and down. My hair was pulled and yanked back as more meat was thrust into my face. The smell of sweaty cocks and raw maleness filled my nostrils making my heart skip a beat. They were practically oozing testosterone and lust from every pore in their bodies as they battled for position.

"Please be gentle with me," I begged with wide frightened eyes. "I'm not used to so many of you."

"Shut the fuck up and suck it," said a fat hairy guy with a fat shaft. "Get your mouth open."

Someone behind me grabbed hold of my cheeks and held my head in place. The guys around me started to jeer as the the guy forced his way between my lips. I resisted a little to make it look convincing and then opened up to receive my first taste of cock for the evening.

"That's it honey. Take it deep," he mocked me. "We know sluts like you love sucking dick."

I took it with ease as hands started to caress my body all over. The main target was my tits which were pawed and slapped, much to the delight of the guys doing it and the men watching.

"Yeah, make them bounce," giggled someone behind me. "Slap them titties."

"Awwww, look at the poor little lamb. I don't think she likes sucking off strangers?" mocked another.

The opposite was true, but I wasn't going to tell them that. More dicks were pushed into my face, rubbing their sticky bell-ends all over my cheeks and forehead. I felt a hand pushing my thighs open and worming its way between my legs in search of my dripping pussy.

"Oooh, fuck me, she's wet as fuck," said a skinny guy as his boney fingers spread my lips open. "She won't be needing any lube."

"She will for her asshole," laughed an onlooker. "Unless someone's going to spunk all over her shitter to lube it up."

One of the men dropped down behind me and spat on his finger before slipping his hand beneath my undercarriage. Without warning he stuffed his finger into my butthole, making me yelp.

"Ow, fuck," I cried. "Not so rough."

He laughed in my ear and wiggled his digit around inside my rectum.

"You love it," he snarled. "I'd say that both of her holes are primed for a good reaming, lads. I might as well be the first one to try her out."

With a cock in each hand and one in my mouth, I was lifted up and the guy slipped in behind me. His warm thighs pressed against the back of my legs and I felt his hot bell-end brush against my wet fuck lips. I lurched forwards as he thrust into me hard until his balls hit my clit.

"Aaaahhhh, tight, wet and worthless," he moaned. "Just the way I like it."

"Yeah, fuck that whore," said the guy in my mouth. "All of her holes are going to get ruined tonight."

He suddenly pulled out of my mouth and slapped his cock against my nose.

"She sucks dick like a cum junkie," he grinned. "Someone else had better try her out or I'm going to end up cumming in her slutty mouth before we even get started."

There was no shortage of volunteers. Three salty bell-ends were pushed forwards and I lashed my tongue over all three of them. I then bobbed my head back and forth, giving each one a quick suck before moving on to the next. I was about to go back to the first one, when the last guy grabbed the back of my head and pushed his cock down my throat.

"Oh no you don't, sweetie. You're gonna suck me properly before you try out the others. Fucking choke on it," he hissed.

My throat expanded and spit bubbled up to lubricate his passage. He was much longer than the previous guy and a lot harder to take. I had no gag reflex, but this guy and his fellow perverts would be expecting me to gag on it so I had to fake it. I wretched and tried to push him back, but he held me tightly, preventing my escape.

"That's it. Take it like a good little girl... I know you can," he cooed as though he was talking to a child. "I've heard all about you, you little slag."

"Yeah, choke on that cock," someone laughed.

"Look at her eyes bulging out."

The assault from these men seemed a lot more violent than the last time I was here. Some of the newcomers hadn't lost their lust for dominating women and I seemed to be getting the brunt of it.

I began to cough and convulse like a bird regurgitating food to its chick.

"Blagh... blagh... blagh," I choked.

He finally let me go and a huge gush of saliva erupted out of my throat and sprayed all over his crotch.

"Blurgh... you dirty mother fucker," I spat, gasping for breath. "Go easy."

I was rewarded with a slap across the face for my insolence.

"You're here to serve men, remember?" he shouted in my face. "Stick your tongue out and wank me off into your mouth."

I turned my head away looking for help from the governor, but he was nowhere to be seen.

The guy grabbed my chin and shook my face from side to side.

"I said, stick your tongue out, bitch."

I obeyed as he pushed one of the other men out of the way and grabbed hold of my wrist. He was a well-built guy and he obviously wanted to be the alpha male, demonstrating to his rapey friends what a big man he was.

My hand gripped his long thick shaft and made me wank him up and down while I licked his frenulum with my tongue.

"It's the only way to train them," laughed The Alpha. "Slags like this only understand it if you slap them about a bit. They need to know who's in charge."

Hatred bubbled up inside me and it took all my mental strength not to rip his balls off and jam them down his throat. I knew his presence would be short-lived and that he'd soon disappear into the back ground once he'd cum.