Becca XXX - Hard Time Ch. 16

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Is Becca's Hard Time finally over in this final chapter?
22.2k words

Part 16 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 04/23/2022
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Author's note: - This is a follow on to the previous chapter of Becca XXX Hard Time. Please read it before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Hard Time. Ch 16. Final Chapter.

Sasha had taken the news better than I had expected. Hearing that I was an assassin under orders to kill her father was a bit of a shock to her, but, as she wanted him dead anyway, that part didn't seem to bother her. She was more upset that I had deceived her in Bronzefield, thinking that my friendship towards her was purely to get the job done rather than because I liked her.

She couldn't have been further from the truth. Initially, I was using her just to get to my target, but I had grown very fond of her and I knew that I couldn't let her live this life any longer.

It had taken me nearly an hour to tell her everything I knew, including my previous encounters with The Generals and how I'd gotten to where we were right now. I told her about The Facility, Lexa, Ethan, The Patriots (who had later turned out to be CIA) and finally about her father and The Generals' plot to drag us into a war with Russia.

She was as shocked as I was about how big a deal this was and she understood completely that Charles had to be stopped.

"Why would he want us at war with Russia?" she quizzed. "Has he gone insane or something?"

"It would appear that we've always been at war with Russia," I pointed out. "I guess it's just about each of us playing our part in stopping it, but we need to stop your father first. I think I'm going to need your help."

Involving Sasha in her father's demise would make her feel like part of the solution. She needed to be set a task like the rest of the newly formed team and her assignment was going to be simple.

"How can I possibly help?" she asked.

"I need you to go and make things up with daddy. Tell him that you over-reacted and that you want to become his wife after all."

"Make things up with him how?"

"I need a way to get close to him, somewhere private. He seemed to enjoy our little threesome on the way here. Tell him that you want to do it again tonight. You can consummate the marriage in spectacular fashion with me by your side. Just tell him it's your wedding present to him."

She thought about it for a moment and then nodded in agreement.

"Ok, I can see where you're going with this. We should be able to get some alone time with him in the bedroom. That will be the perfect opportunity for you to take him out."

"Exactly, but we'll have to do it quietly. We cannot afford to alert the security team or even worse, Maurice," I explained. "If we can keep your father relaxed and pre-occupied, I can either break his neck or choke him to death before anyone knows what's happening. Are you sure you still want to go through with this?"

"Becca, I have the paperwork to prove that I'm his wife," she smirked. "If this goes according to plan, I'll be rid of the perverted fucker forever and I'll be a very wealthy widow. Of course I still want to go through with this. It's a win-win scenario for everyone."

I hadn't even thought about that side of things. Charles' wife, Sasha's newly awarded identity, Mary Louise Hamilton, would inherit his entire fortune if he died. Sasha would take over the Hamilton Group and The Generals would be left leaderless. I just hoped that cutting the head off the snake would kill the rest of it for good.

"Ok then. Arrange for us to meet at eight o'clock tonight in the lounge area. We can have some pre-sex drinks and then escort daddy to his death," I winked. "Go and make friends with him again."


I left Sasha to her new assignment and I headed back to my room to get changed. As far as Charles was concerned, I was still trying to find the mole within The Patriots. I threw on some running gear and trainers and made my way to the pool area.

I had no idea where Charles was, but if he was keeping an eye on me, it would look like I was going for a run down towards the industrial units. This served me with two purposes. Firstly, I would make my meeting with Sullivan and his CIA team in order to plan our assault. Secondly, I could do a little reconnaissance along the way without looking suspicious.

I ran at a gentle pace, making mental notes about the number of guards and their positions along the way. I also noticed the staff accommodation blocks as I ran past them. One block seemed to be for the housekeeping staff and the other looked like a guard house. Although most of the security team were out and about, I knew some would be sleeping to allow rest before their shift began.

I continued down the meandering path, feeling hot under the afternoon sun despite the shade from the palm trees. Apart from the paved walkway, most of the natural habitat of the island had been left untouched. It added to the beauty of the place, but also offered good cover from view and fire which would give Sullivan's team an advantage when they made their advance.

The three planes were still sat on the runway, fuelled and ready for take off. I jogged towards them along the tarmac in plain sight, taking in more details. If I failed to kill Charles, our biggest problem was going to be stopping him from escaping. The planes would be his first option for a rapid escape, closely followed by the huge boat in the marina if he couldn't make it to his private jet.

Sabotaging his means of escape seemed like a good idea, but short of blowing up the planes and boats with explosives or missiles, I didn't know how. I hoped that Sullivan and his men would have a better idea.

I ran unimpeded through the industrial area, making more mental notes about the number of militia I saw before finally making it to the beach. I was a sweaty mess and I was breathing hard, despite the short distance. The sweltering heat sapped my strength in minutes and I knew that the final assault wasn't going to be easy. It would be cooler at night, but only by a few degrees. The island and undergrowth would retain the heat after the sun went down and the humidity would take over like being inside a pressure cooker.

I pushed on past the industrial area where I'd stolen the weapons from the previous night and found The Patriots near the rocky outcrop. I made sure I wasn't being followed and then jogged over to join them. They were still dressed in Bermuda shorts with bare chests and looked more like a fraternity party than a group of CIA operatives.

"You're right on time," said Capitol, glancing at his watch. "Fourteen-hundred, on the dot."

"I hate being late," I smiled, stripping off my T-shirt and using it to wipe the sweat from my face.

All four men immediately glared at my tits as though they'd never seen a pair before. My actions weren't just about cleaning the sweat from my face, we all needed a reason to be here. If anyone was watching they'd see me arrive and immediately expose my bra-less tits to the men.

"Jeez you've got a good rack on you," cooed Pentagon. "I love how forward you are."

"Flattery will get you everywhere," I smiled. "But we all need a reason for being here in case we get compromised."

I thumbed down my shorts and sodden knickers and kicked my shoes off so that I was completely naked in front of them.

"That looks like a good enough reason for us to be here to me," laughed Liberty. "I love a nice sweaty pussy."

"Keep it in your pants for now, boys. It's just for show. Now, what's the plan?"

"Did you sort things out with Sasha?" asked Sullivan. "What was her problem?"

"Oh, just the usual stuff. Hamilton's made her his wife," I shrugged as though it was a daily occurrence.

"What the fuck? How sick is this guy?" spat Liberty quietly.

"Don't worry. She's as pleased about it as you are. She wants him out of the picture," I explained.

"Seriously? She said that to you?"

"Yes. After everything he's put her through over the years, she's had enough. I've told her everything and she wants to help. She's going to make things up with him with the promise of a threesome with me to consummate their loving relationship," I continued. "I'm not sure what your plan is, but getting into bed with them will give me the perfect opportunity to take him out."

"That changes things a little," said Sullivan. "But for the better. Are you sure you can kill him?"

I just gave him a look that said it all and he nodded.

"Ok then. I guess that makes our life easier," he smiled. "We'll leave Hamilton to you. How are you going to do it?"

"I guess we'll have a little champagne to celebrate the newly weds and then Sasha and I will put on a show for him. We'll get him into the master bedroom and I'll take him out when he's at his most vulnerable."

The men looked at each other and then back at me as though they needed a more detailed explanation.

"You men are so predictable," I laughed. "Once your dicks start doing the thinking for you, you lose all sense of danger and self-preservation. All you want to do is slide your manhood inside a young girl's tight wet cunt and pound away at her until you cum. You can't get much more vulnerable than that."

"You're going to kill him as he's cumming?" gasped Capitol. "Man, that's harsh."

"I can't think of a better way to go," laughed Liberty. "Balls deep in sloppy heaven."

The men all chuckled like school boys laughing at an immature joke.

"Make it quick and quiet," said Sullivan.

"I will, don't worry. What will you guys be doing while I'm getting down and dirty?"

"We're going to follow your fine example and steal some weapons from the warehouse. We've already reconned the area and we know that it has everything we need. We can rig the place to blow to ensure those weapons never get into the wrong hands, but we'll only blow it once we know you've completed your task."

"How will I signal you?" I quizzed.

"We found some radios in the warehouse. They're the same ones that the guards are using. I can bring one to you, along with your bag of goodies and leave it somewhere close to the villa. Once you've killed him, get your gear on and radio us so we can start the assault. Our plan is to quietly fight our way towards you, killing the sentries and patrols along the way. If things go loud, we'll blow the warehouse as a distraction and use it to our advantage to mop up any runners."

"In true American fashion," I laughed. "Shoot first and ask questions later."

"This is a search and destroy mission, Becca. I already explained that to you. None of these guys are leaving here alive."

"What about the innocent housekeepers, gardeners and ground crew? They're non-combatants," I pointed out.

"From what we've seen, they'll be holed up in one of the accommodation blocks when the shit hits the fan. We'll avoid that building. We don't want to kill innocent people, just those who are an obvious threat. We still have some rules of engagement to follow."

I agreed with them as Sullivan started to draw a plan of the island in the sand with the end of a stick. The guys were vigilant and kept an eye out for approaching guards, but there was no one around.

Sullivan drew the basic shape of the island and then added the runway, industrial buildings, villa, outbuildings and the marina in a crude arial view.

"Ok, listen in," he said to all of us. "Becca will be in the main villa overlooking the marina in the master bedroom, here," he pointed to an area on his make shift map with his stick. "I'll move your weapons bag from the beach and leave it just outside the master bedroom doors on the ground floor under one of the sun loungers next to the pool. Once you're done, contact us on channel eighteen and we'll start our advance."

"Copy that," I replied.

"Capitol will be on overwatch with the Barret," he continued.

"Barret?" I quizzed.

"The Barret fifty-cal sniper rifle," Capitol butted in. "I'll be your eyes in the sky and I'll call out targets to the rest of you as you progress. I can pick off any long-range threats as I see them."

"Pick off? Cut them in half more like," laughed Liberty, giving him a high-five. "That things like being shot with a cannon."

"Amen to that brother," Capitol high-fived him back.

"The rest of us will advance to the villa, cutting off any possible escape by plane if things go south," Sullivan continued. "We'll put up a wall of fire between the house and the runway in case anyone gets any bright ideas about leaving."

"Lock and load mother fuckers," Pentagon high-fived Liberty.

It was interesting to see the comparison between the Americans and Tony's team - The Grey Ghosts. The Americans were still professional, but a little more gung-ho than their British counterparts. I had no doubt that these men were just as skilled, but they seemed to lack the refinement of the Brits.

"You need to keep Sasha safe and then join the rest of us as we assault the villa. You can be our eyes and ears on the inside, taking out anyone who gets in the way, including that man-mountain that turned up yesterday."

"Wow, thanks for that," I replied, feeling a little nervous about taking on such a huge guy. "I'll look forward to taking on a guy five times the size of me."

"He'll drop like anyone else if you shoot him in the head," laughed Pentagon. "But don't worry, I'm sure my friend Capitol will help you out if he appears in his sights."

"It'll be my pleasure," he smirked.

"What about the marina?" I asked. "It will be the only escape route, once people start running. How can you stop that?"

"We're hoping to eliminate all tangos before they get any ideas about leaving," Sullivan said. "But, if anyone does decide to attempt it, we have a truck load of Strela missiles to use up. It would be rude not to use them seeming as we've effectively paid for them," he sniggered. "Karma will kick them in the ass, quite literally."

Liberty mimed an explosion with his hands, complete with the sound effects, making the others laugh.

"You'll need to call out your position to us, to prevent any blue-on-blue," said Capitol. "The last thing we want to do is shoot your sexy ass by mistake. We'll use our existing call signs to make it less confusing. Sullivan will revert back to Whitehouse."

"Copy that. Once I get comms, I'll let you know what's happening," I replied.

"Ok. I think we have the basic plan. Let's go through the contingencies," said Sullivan.

We always called them 'what if' scenarios but the meaning was the same. If things didn't go according to plan, we needed to have a back up plan so that we could react quickly to any eventuality.

"I guess the main concern is Becca not managing to complete her mission," said Pentagon. "No offence."

"None taken. I wouldn't think very highly of you if you didn't question everything. All I can tell you is; I'll do my very best to take him out quietly. The main problem is Maurice. If he gets wind of what's happening, my chances of survival will rapidly diminish."

"It's a risk we'll have to take. Just remember that your weapons and radio will only be a few metres away, outside the patio doors. If you can get to them, your chances of survival will increase ten-fold, even against a bear like Maurice."

"If she fails, Hamilton is going to make a run for the boat with Sasha," explained Liberty, pointing to it on the map. "It's only a stone's throw away and if he makes it there with his daughter, they'll be in the wind. He won't attempt to get to the plane, because we'll be blocking his path, but the boats are within easy reach."

"We'll just apply the same actions on," said Sullivan. "We'll hit the boat with the Strela and then follow up on the jet skis to make sure he's dead."

"And what about Sasha?" I hissed. "You can't just blow her up too."

Sullivan shrugged.

"I hope it won't come to that, but we are allowed collateral damage in order to take this guy out. Just make sure you do what you do best and then it won't matter."

"Great. No pressure then?" I scowled.

"It is what it is. We have limited resources against at least twenty-five militia. We'll hit them hard, fast and without mercy. We'll keep the momentum going and rule the fight, it's the only way to win."

"Hooyah," chanted Liberty and Pentagon at the same time.

We ran through a few more operational concerns and other contingencies such as injuries and evacuation procedures. After about thirty minutes since arriving, we were as ready as we could be for the end game.

"Any questions?" asked Sullivan.

There weren't any and the men now seemed subdued, thinking about their own individual tasks -myself included.

"Ok then," said Sullivan. "Becca will start her seduction at twenty-hundred and we'll be ready and waiting."

He scrubbed out the map he'd drawn in the sand and I put my clothes back on, much to the guys' disappointment. I'd cooled down somewhat, but that would soon change after a jog back to the villa.

"In that case, I'll see you guys later," I replied. "The mission is a go."

"Affirmative. Good luck."


Several hours later, my attire was completely different to my running gear. I was dressed in a slinky red dress with matching panties, ready to meet my target for what I hoped was the final time. There is only so much planning and preparation you can do in a situation like this; eventually you just have to throw caution to the wind and believe in yourself. My confidence had been on a steady increase since I'd found out that I was no longer alone on my mission. Knowing that I had back-up always made me feel better and tonight was no exception. I hoped that in a few hours this would all be over and I could get back to Lexa for a thorough debrief. Just the thought of seeing her again made my belly flutter and my panties wet. It seemed like so long ago when I'd last seen her and I couldn't wait to get back in her arms.

After a final check in the mirror and a deep breath, I made my way slowly through the villa to meet the happy couple, passing the master bedroom along the way. Sasha had arranged for us to meet in the lounge area for champagne, just as I'd suggested. Her perverted father certainly wasn't going to turn down a night with his new wife and her slutty friend and I was full of nervous energy and horniness as I approached the staging area.

The satin red knickers gently rubbed against my soft skin as I walked. As usual, no expense had been spared on my outfit and I knew that the dress I was wearing must have been worth thousands. I could feel the quality of the fabric and the perfect fit as it hugged my athletic frame, like it had been tailor made just for me. The shoe-lace shoulder straps struggled to support my ample breasts, but only accentuated my form as I walked. The shortness of the dress meant that the bottom of my ass cheeks was showing and I kept having to pull the dress down to stop it from riding up and revealing my Brazilian-cut knickers.

I felt in control.

I felt confident.

I felt slutty.

I felt deadly.

I knew that nothing was going to stop me from completing my mission, but my confidence was knocked a little when I saw Maurice standing at the end of the corridor. He was dressed in black trousers, but he'd removed his jacket. He now wore a white shirt and I could see the comms unit sticking out of his ear on a curly wire.

He watched me all the way to the double doors, never taking his eyes off of me and never changing his sombre expression. His size never ceased to amaze me. It made me wonder how much of his physique was genetic and how much of it was down to hard work or steroids to build himself up. Either way, I hoped I wouldn't have to face him in a fist-fight.

"Ms Mansfield," he boomed, using my real name which felt strange. "The Hamiltons are expecting you."

It sounded weird that he'd opted to call them 'The Hamiltons', but I figured that was the correct term now that they were husband and wife, or father and daughter, or whatever this sick charade was. Maurice moved to the side and opened the door to allow me to enter.