Becca XXX - Spring Tide Ch. 04

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Becca and Nat help Katya with some special counselling.
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Authors note: - This is a follow on to the previous episode of Becca XXX. Spring Tide. Please read it before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Spring Tide. Ch 04.

The sun was shining the next morning as we woke up back at The Surfiety. The storm had passed and things were far more tranquil. There seemed to be a theme developing here, involving me waking up with a sticky body and a wet pussy and, after the previous night's excursion, it was hardly surprising. Our night at the gloryhole being used and abused by Yuri, Dimitri and his happy band of perverts had left us both in a mess. I was awake first for a change with Natalie snoring beside me. Her hair was stuck to her cheeks and her make-up was smeared all over her face, but she still looked gorgeous to me.

My mind had been racing all night and I hadn't slept very well. After leaving the toilet block in Penzance, we'd got back to the van and driven straight to the railway station to retrieve our grab bag and weapons. We'd left the train tickets in the locker, knowing that they might come in handy in the future especially as we were going back to Penzance on Saturday. After the short journey back to Reef's camp, we'd arrived in the early hours and went straight to bed, feeling exhausted both mentally and physically.

I'd had a restless night trying to make sense of the new set of initials we'd been given and by the time it was light, I'd finally given up and decided to get up and give Naomi a call. She and Arrow needed to be updated about the new letters and I hoped my little genius, Arrow, would be able to come up with something useful. I knew she'd be working tirelessly to find out more about the Russian's objectives and that she'd be trawling the dark web to find more clues which maybe Lexa's team had missed.

I wrote a quick note for Nat, saying that I'd gone for a run and then I got dressed. I pulled on a pair of running shorts and a crop top along with my running shoes, picked up my phone and quietly slipped out of the van. I turned to look through the window to make sure I hadn't woken her, but she was still fast asleep.

The spring air was cool and fresh and laced with smells of the sea. I looked out across the ocean to see small swell lines approaching, but it barely looked surfable. The Surfiety's vans were parked up in a line next to us and the windows were steamed up with condensation. I guessed everyone was having a lie in, so I pushed past them and walked down the shallow-sloping cliff to the beach below.

As soon as I was out of ear shot, I dialled Naomi's number. It was just after nine and I knew she'd be at the gym with Arrow. The pair of them practically lived there. She answered after the fourth ring with her usual corporate response.

"Good morning. Naomi's Gym," she said in a professional tone. "How can I help?"

"Naomi. It's me, Becca."

"Hey, babe. How's the surf?" she replied, sounding happy to hear from me.

"It's flattened off for now, but there's a big swell heading our way in a week or so. How's the gym going?"

"It's going great. I'm signing up new members all the time and the classes I'm running are becoming very popular."

"That's brilliant news. I knew you'd make a go of it. How's our mutual friend getting on with her research project?" I laughed.

"She's right here with me. I'll put you on a video call," she said.

I'd made it to the beach by now and I walked over to a small alcove and sat down on a rock as the screen changed to a FaceTime call. The screen looked chaotic for a second as Naomi positioned her phone so I could see the two of them in Arrow's operations room.

"Hi Arrow," I said, in a jolly tone. "How are you getting on?"

"Hi Becca," she replied, sounding positive and excited. "I've got some news for you. I was going to call you today."

"I have an update for you too," I smiled. "We got some more intel yesterday that I need to pass on to you."

Arrow was sitting at her desk surrounded by computer screens. She had her usual messy hair draped over her shoulder like a scarf and she was wearing her black-rimmed glasses that she always wore. Being out of prison hadn't made any difference to her skin - she was still as white as a ghost.

Naomi was dressed in skimpy gym gear and looked as sexy as ever. Her neon-pink sports-bra and tiny shorts really showed off her amazing body, but this call was all about business.

"I'll go first," said Arrow. "I've found more initials on the Russian chat room you told me about. The traffic on the site has been increasing all week. I think this Victor guy is upping his game."

"Good work, but I already know about the initials," I replied. "The Facility have told us about them and that's why I'm calling you. They're F and A, right?"

"Two of them are yes," she said.

"Wait. What? What do you mean two of them are? We have GH and now FA. Are you telling me there's more?" I quizzed in shock.

"Looks like your intel team aren't as good as me after all," she said sarcastically. "Yes, I've found another set."

"Really? What are they?"

"Alpha Charlie," she said, using the phonetic alphabet.


"Yes, as in 'air conditioning'," she laughed. "But I don't think that's what it means unless the terrorists are getting too hot."

"Me neither," I giggled. "Does it spell a word if you put the three sets of letters together?"

"No. At least not a word I've ever heard of. I know it's all in Russian on this chat room, but these three initials are always referred to separately as though they are three different things."

"Like locations?"

"Yes. Or people. Or objects. They could be anything, but I'm convinced that whatever they are they are three separate entities," she explained.

"In what context are they being used?" I asked.

"My translation software isn't the best, but they appear to be targets of some kind. They talk about hitting GH and following up with FA and AC, but the order keeps changing. I think they're trying to come up with a plan of attack on either three places or three people."

"Do we know anyone important with those initials in their name?" I asked.

"I haven't found any. My algorithms are still searching for a pattern in the initials, but so far, it's come up with nothing obvious," she shrugged.

"This gets weirder by the day," I sighed. "Keep looking into it. Have you got any leads on Valentin or Victor's whereabouts? If we can find Victor it might not matter what the initials stand for. We'll just ask him before we take him out."

"I've managed to get hold of the CCTV footage from Folkestone from when he arrived," she explained. "I tracked his vehicle on the ANPR cameras, but they lost him somewhere near Exeter. He must have switched vehicles and there's been no other sightings of him or any of his team."

"Sounds like he was heading in this direction," I pointed out, forming a mental map of his route in my head.

"If you do come face to face with him, please be careful Becca," Naomi added. "I've read his file and he's a nasty mother fucker. He's a serial rapist and ends up killing most of his victims. Only a few have lived to tell the tale and it doesn't make easy reading."

I saw Arrow visibly shudder and pull a face of disgust as the conversation moved on to sex. She didn't like talking about it, but she had something to add.

"He has a thing for young girls," Arrow said. "And he has something weird about his... thingy."

She paused before saying the word 'thingy' as though she didn't want to say it or know what word to use. Her face went from pure white to bright red as though it was embarrassing for her. I didn't know if it was her autism or the fact that something had happened to her, but she was almost child-like when it came to talking about sex.

"You mean his cock," I corrected her. "Dick, penis, manhood..."

"Yes, that," she interrupted me.

"OK. What's weird about it?"

"It looks like a snake," she replied.

"They all look like snak..." I stopped halfway through my joke as my mind caught up with my mouth. "Wait? Holy fucking shit. Are you saying he has a tattoo of a snake on his cock?"

"Yes, one of his rape victims told the police about her ordeal and she even managed to get them to draw an artist's impression of it," Naomi took over to save Arrow from any further trauma. "Take a look."

She held up a printout showing what the girl had described. It was a large phallus with intricate scales drawn on the entire shaft and a snake's head on the glans with dead eyes. The pee-hole was used as the mouth and I felt like I'd seen a ghost.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me?" I gasped.

"I know. It's pretty elaborate, right? It must have hurt like hell to have that inked onto his dick," said Naomi, having no idea why I was so shocked.

"It's not that," I coughed. "I've fucking met the guy."

"What? When?"

"He was at a gloryhole last night," I explained. "Me and Nat went there to infiltrate their gang. Our plan is to work our way up through Valentin's network until we get to meet him and then use Valentin to get to Victor. The guy with the snake on his cock was the last one I serviced. I can't fucking believe it."

"You're joking, right?" Naomi's face dropped. "You were that close to him without realising?"

"He was literally inside me," I exclaimed. "I've still got his DNA in my knickers."

"Eeeewww," Arrow screwed her face up in disgust.

"If I'd had this intel, I could have ended this last night. For fuck's sake!" I spat.

"Sorry, Becca," Arrow apologised. "I only found the police file last night. I would have told you sooner if I'd known."

"I know. It's not your fault, Arrow. Don't beat yourself up about it. Fuck," I was so pissed off with myself for not knowing.

Arrow looked at Naomi for some sort of comfort and I watched her put her hand on Arrow's shoulder.

"You did good Arrow," she soothed. "Now we know that Becca's in the right place. If it wasn't for you finding it, we'd still be unsure if these guys were even down there."

"She's right, Arrow. You did amazingly well. The Facility didn't know about it either or they would have told me. We know we're in the right place and that we're on the right track. Victor must have risked a visit to the gloryhole after he found out we were there. You just said that he likes them young and we were posing as school girls last night. I guess someone must have told him and then smuggled him to the toilet block for a quick go on us before sneaking him back to wherever he's hiding."

"If that's the case, I might be able to track him," said Arrow, bashing away at the keys on her keyboard with new found enthusiasm. "What time was it and where were you?"

"Around eleven last night at Foster-Bolitho gardens in Penzance. Look for a toilet block on the sea front. We didn't see any CCTV cameras while we were there, but there may have been some further along the road. Perhaps he passed through."

"I've found the place on Google maps," Arrow said, speed typing, clicking and scrolling like a woman possessed. "I'll have to run a search on any cameras for all vehicles in and out of the area at around that time. It will take some time to eliminate any other vehicles, but I might be able to find out where he went."

"Maybe he went on foot," Naomi pointed out.

"I don't think so," I replied. "He wouldn't want to show his face for any longer than necessary. He'd go by car for sure. Excellent work, Arrow, keep looking and let me know if you find anything."

She barely acknowledged me as she got to work and Naomi picked up the phone and switched it back to a normal call. I heard her moving away from the clicking keyboard before she spoke again.

"Are you ok?" she asked me, sounding concerned. "I'm worried about you."

"I'm fine," I sighed. "It's all in a day's work for me. I'm just pissed off that I was so close to the guy without realising. I even had his dick in my mouth. If I'd known, I could have bitten the fucker off," I laughed.

"These guys sound dangerous, Becca. I just want you to be safe."

"I know. I've got Natalie with me and we're unbeatable when we're together. Don't worry. How's Arrow doing? I'm more worried about her being exposed to this type of stuff. I don't think it's healthy for her. Have you tried talking to her about any of it?"

"Yes, but she just clams up. I know something bad must have happened to her and I guess she's dealing with it in her own way. She's a lot happier now that she's out of prison and she has a purpose again. I'll keep chipping away at her and see if I can get her to open up," she said quietly so that Arrow wouldn't hear.

"Maybe she should see a counsellor," I suggested. "It's often helpful for some people to talk to a stranger about things like that, rather than a friend."

"I'll suggest it when I get a chance, but she's too obsessed with helping you catch these Russians. Maybe bringing rapists to justice is her way of dealing with it."

"It usually works for me," I laughed. "Although I find that a bullet to the head works better. I need to go; they'll be wondering where I've got to."

"I know. Just stay safe, Becca," she had heartfelt concern in her voice.

"I will. Nat and I will come and see you when this is all over. Bye for now."


I hung up the phone and turned to see Reef standing behind me. I'd been so engrossed in my conversation that I had no idea he was standing behind me or how long he'd been there. Had he heard the whole thing or had he only just arrived? There was no way of telling and his face wasn't giving anything away so I just carried on as normal.

"Oh, hi Reef," I stammered. "I didn't know you were there."

"Hi to you too," he replied. "Who was on the phone? It's nothing serious I hope."

"No, just a friend checking up on me," I smiled, putting my phone in my pocket. "I was about to go for a run when she called me."

"Well, at least you kept your phone out of the communal area," he laughed. "You're fitting in well here."

"We aim to please," I giggled. "It's a lovely morning compared to yesterday," I changed the subject before he asked too many questions.

"Beautiful isn't it," he looked out to sea at the small ripples breaking on the shoreline. "It's a shame there's not enough surf to ride though. Mind if I join you for a run?"

"Not at all," I smiled. "I'm just going to the end of the beach and back. Nat usually comes with me, but the lazy bitch is still asleep?"

"You must love her very much," he replied, following me as I ran out of the dunes and on to the harder sand near the water's edge.

"What makes you say that?" I gave him a confused look.

"The banter you have between you. You don't get that without having complete trust and love for one another. It's a rare thing to see."

"We've been through a lot together," I smirked. "She's definitely my soul mate."

I had three soulmates, but I didn't want to confuse him by telling him about Lexa and Tony and my three-way love triangle.

"It shows. I can tell she feels the same way about you."

"What can I say, I have that effect on people," I joked.

"How did you get on yesterday? Katya told me that you went to pirate city."

"Pirate city?"

"It's what we call Penzance. Like the film 'Pirates of Penzance"," he laughed. "You guys must have got back late last night. Was everything ok?"

"Yeah, we got waylaid and lost track of time. We did a bit of shopping and had a girly day for a change."

"I thought as much. Even hard-core surfer girls need a day of pampering, right?"

"I prefer to be in the thick of it," I laughed. "Although a bit of down time is nice too."

We settled into a steady pace and Reef glanced down at his Garmin sports watch to check his stats. A lot of runners wore them to get live feedback of their speed and heart rate and it tracked your position via GPS. It could pinpoint your location within three metres even without being linked to a phone and could plot your course so you could see where you had run.

"You run a good pace," he said. "Nine-minute miles is a bit quick for me these days."

"We can slow down if you like," I replied. "I forgot that you old timers liked it slower."

"It's fine. I like to be pushed and challenged. I'm not here for an easy life, I'm here for an exciting one. Katya was worried about you when you didn't come home. She thought something might have happened to you. I know she told you about Penzance's seedier side. I hope you steered clear of it."

"Yeah, she told us all about it and also about what she's doing here with you guys. Do you really help her out with the rape counselling?"

"Only if she asks," he smiled. "She does a great job with people and we try to show them that there's more to life than dwelling on the past. Surfing is the cure."

"And fucking," I tittered. "I find both pastimes equally as satisfying."

"We help out with that too if Katya thinks it's the right way to go. She likes our attitude towards women and she knows it's never forceful or violent. Women are too beautiful to be treated like that. They should be shown respect and love, not abuse and violence."

"I agree with you up to a point," I said. "Consent is always the right way to go, but a bit of ravishing and passion is nice too. There's nothing quite like being pinned to the ground and fucked hard when the mood takes you."

"True, but I don't think that would help a rape victim," he frowned at me.

"I wasn't talking about rape victims," I corrected him. "I was just talking about my own preference."

"Have you ever experienced rape or sexual abuse?" he just blurted it out as though it was an everyday question.

"That's a hell of a question. Why would you ask me that?"

"Katya picks up on things when she talks to people. She mentioned it to me and said that you and Nat both show some of the signs of sexual abuse. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry."

"It's fine, but I didn't realise I was under her scrutiny," I laughed it off.

"You're not. She just notices certain traits and phrases, like people avoiding the subject or saying that burying bad experiences was the way to overcome them."

"Wow, she really did tell you everything, didn't she?" I gasped.

"We share everything here," he pointed out.

"I saw that first-hand the other night," I laughed. "All seven of you in fact."

"And there you go again, making light of it," he seemed serious, but it didn't feel like he was judging me.

"I guess it's whatever works for you," I replied, looking out across the ocean and wondering how I could get out of this conversation.

It wasn't really bothering me, but I didn't want to blow my cover. Telling him that my way of dealing with it was usually to kill the rapey mother fuckers would take some explaining.

"So, has something happened to you?" he asked sympathetically. "If I can help in any way, just say the word or you can just tell me to fuck off and mind my own business and I'll change the subject."

I went quiet for a moment as I thought it over. This was no longer for effect, I was genuinely thinking about opening up to this guy, but where would I start? Lexa's so-called training when I was raped over and over? Being made to fuck my own sister? Being captured by drug dealers and fucked senseless in a bus depot? Going to prison and being abused by the guards? Or being on my knees in a dirty toilet, sucking cocks to get closer to my latest target? The list was endless.

"We all have our demons to confront?" was the best I could come up with.

"Is that why you're so sexually forward? To mask your underlying issues?" he continued his interrogation. "I've never met any girls like you and Nat before. The way you're both so open to fucking strangers, it seems like it's a drug to you."

"Just because we've been through some bad shit, doesn't mean we don't like fucking," I replied. "In a way, we do crave it. If we're not having sex with men, we fuck each other."