Becca XXX - Spring Tide Ch. 05

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Becca and Natalie get taken to see Valentin.
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Authors note: - This is a follow on to the previous episode of Becca XXX. Spring Tide. Please read it before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Spring Tide. Ch 05.

Penzance certainly looked a lot nicer with the sun shining. It was now Saturday afternoon and we were making our final preparations for the night's events which we hoped would lead us to Victor.

We knew he was in the area after I'd unknowingly let him fuck me at the gloryhole, but we had no idea where he'd gone after that. Arrow had searched for CCTV footage around the seafront at the time he'd left the gloryhole, but she hadn't managed to find anything. Victor would know that the authorities were looking for him and would have been extra cautious. Although there were cameras in Penzance, whoever was hiding him must have known where they were and had avoided them when he'd attended our suck and fuck fest.

However, all was not lost. It gave Arrow a new task of finding out which areas of Pirate city were not covered by cameras to see if there were any potential safe houses for Victor and his team. We knew there weren't any cameras near the toilet block so it may be possible for her to plot a course away from the gloryhole through the dead zones and come up with a list of potential targets. It was a long shot and it would be our plan B if tonight failed to come up with anything useful.

There were still no new leads as to what the three sets of letters stood for and I had decided to leave that side of things to Arrow and The Facility. I needed to get my head in the game and focus on our objectives. Yuri and Dimitri would be taking us to meet Valentin later tonight and it would be a major step closer to our target so we needed to be well-prepared.

Planning for a complete unknown wasn't easy. We had no idea where we were going to be taken and it was impossible to second guess it. Yuri and Dimitri were mere street thugs intent on corrupting young girls into a life of drugs and prostitution, but they must have known where Valentin was, he was their boss after all. Their attempts to coerce us into taking drugs had failed so they had resorted to another form of persuasion. They'd opted for blackmailing us with a pornographic video that Dimitri had secretly filmed when we'd been in the gloryhole. The video showed us on our knees servicing two guys like cum-hungry skanks and he'd threatened to put us on the internet if we failed to turn up tonight. He also owed us the rest of the money we'd earned pleasuring his perverted clientele and he knew we were desperate for the cash.

From their point of view, they had us exactly where they wanted us. I had no doubt that this wouldn't end with just one more night of service for their sick boss. They weren't going to delete the video because it was the only leverage they had against us and they would want us to do exactly what they said. Usually, he'd keep girls like us fuelled with drugs which would keep them coming back for more, but with us it was the threat of slut-shaming.

"So, let's go over the plan again," I said to Nat as we sat in the van near the harbour.

"Ok. It's a two-stage operation," said Natalie. "Tonight is stage one and it's all about recon. We'll do whatever they ask us to in order to gather as much intel about the place as possible. After that, we'll move to stage two and go back in fully armed to interrogate Valentin."

"Agreed. Let's go over stage one."

"We'll meet our two new friends at the toilet block just like they've instructed," she replied. "I'm guessing we'll be taken by vehicle to meet Valentin. We need to keep an eye out for any land marks along the way so we can find the place again."

"Lexa will be tracking our phones anyway, so she should be able to pinpoint where we're going," I stated.

"If they let us keep our phones," she pointed out. "I'm guessing they'll be confiscated before we leave the gloryhole. Valentin isn't stupid enough to give up his location that easily."

"You never know your luck, but you're probably right. If he's that cautious, I doubt we'll be in a vehicle with windows either. We may get stuffed into the back of a van so we don't know where we're being taken. If that is the case, all we can do is try to count the turns and estimate the distance to figure out where we are."

I had used that technique every time I'd been taken to The Facility to try and pinpoint its location. Whenever I was taken there, I had to wear a black bag over my head to keep the location secret. It was a hard skill to master, but after a lot of practice, I thought I had a pretty good idea where it was. It had taken me many journeys from different starting points to figure it out, but I'd managed to triangulate the position to within a few square miles. Tonight was going to be a completely different story. We would only have one attempt to figure out where we were and if the place was a long way away or followed an intricate route, we'd have no chance of remembering the way.

"That won't be easy, but it maybe our only hope. Listen out for familiar sounds or smells along the way," said Natalie. "It's surprising what the subconscious picks up."

"What sort of place do you think we'll be going to?" I asked.

"Yuri mentioned a club when he was abusing the crack-whore the other night. He'd said that she should have been working that night. I suppose he starts the girls at the gloryhole and then moves them up a level if they perform well."

"Well, they didn't have a problem with our performance," I laughed. "We might go up two levels. My first assignment involved something similar when I worked my way through the G-Spot clubs. The higher I got, the more important the clients became."

"And the more money you made," she smiled.

"Exactly. So, I'm guessing it will be some sort of exclusive night club or brothel. We'll probably be taken for a meeting with Valentin so he can try us out and decide if we're worthy or not. After that, who knows."

"Maybe. To be honest it could be anything. It might be an orgy setup or a private sex party. It could be group sex or individuals with certain fetishes that they want fulfilling. We'll just have to react accordingly," laughed Nat. "Anyway, that's going to be the easy part."

"And also the fun part," I giggled. "It doesn't matter how many times I get into these situations; I always get soaking wet before I even get there."

"Me too," she giggled. "I'm already pretty wet to be honest just thinking about it."

"You're always fucking wet, you dirty slag," I tittered. "That's why your stinky knickers sell so well."

"I've got four more pairs packed and ready to post," she waved the Jiffy bags at me. "They're never on the website for long."

"That's because your perverted customers want them fresh," I laughed. "They'll still be damp when they open them."

She'd put two pairs of her panties and two pairs of mine onto her website on Friday afternoon and they were sold by Saturday morning. Her 'Daddy's fuck toy' knickers went first closely followed by my 'Cream my pie' panties. The 'Therapy thong' and my 'Cummy cotton classic' went to the same buyer after Nat and I had described them as mutually masturbated into during a sex therapy session. It never ceased to amaze me what these dirty anonymous men would buy.

"After we've done whatever these dirty fuckers have got in store for us, our exfil plan will be the same as the other night. The rendezvous point will obviously be the van, but we'll park it nearer to the toilet block this time," I continued. "If we fail to find out where Valentin's place is, we'll have to follow Yuri and Dimitri once they drop us off and hope they lead us back to him."

"Copy that. If it all goes to shit and we get rumbled, the secondary RV will be the train station again. The tickets are still in the locker and we'll add our UCP's and a change of clothes like we did before," added Nat.

"Infil and exfil are sorted. We just need to take in as much information about the place as we can once we're there. We'll make mental notes of security, cameras, weaponry, the basic layout of the place and the exit and entry points. Tonight is about intelligence gathering, so we can go back in when it's quiet and have a more informed chat with Valentin when we execute stage two," I said.

"I think we'll have to interrogate him on his home turf. I don't think he's going to come quietly and we can't move the guy if we knock him out, he's the size of a fucking bear."

"I'd say more like a walrus," I laughed, remembering his file photos. "But if we're going to do it on site, we'll have to take out whatever security he has and leave him until last."

"Getting back in will be the hardest part. We need to look for a weakness in their defences. Maybe an unmanned fire exit or a window we can leave unlatched. This isn't going to be easy by any stretch of the imagination. If we're being fucked senseless all night, we're going to have to find an excuse to leave whatever debauchery they've got us involved in so we can do our recon."

"I suppose asking to use the bathroom is going to be the easiest option. Or we might get a break between clients," I suggested.

"I doubt we'll get a break. If they're anything like the usual deviants we attract, they'll like it sloppy," laughed Natalie.

"Don't we all," I giggled. "I know it's part of the mission, but we might as well enjoy ourselves."

"Dirty bitch," she smiled. "But I know what you mean. I loved taking all that cum in my holes at the gloryhole and having you by my side only made it better."

I gave her a knowing look of adoration. When it came to getting into dangerous, rapey situations there was no one I'd rather have with me than Natalie.

"What if Victor's there?" I asked, moving things back to the serious side of the operation.

"I think we'll have to stick to the plan. We'll be unarmed and most probably naked which isn't the best way to take someone out. Besides, we have another team to worry about now. If we take out Victor, we don't know what effect it will have on their objectives. They may bring the schedule of their attack forwards before we even know what's happening. We need to get to Victor and interrogate him before we take him out. Finding out about additional teams has changed everything."

She was right. I wanted nothing more than to put a bullet in Victor's head as it was the easiest option. A guy like him was unlikely to give us any information, but we needed to be cautious. Hamilton was so convinced that the Russians were planning something big, that he was willing to risk a nuclear war to bring people's attention to the Russian threat. Killing Victor without knowing what was going on would be potentially disastrous.

"The whole night is going to be very fluid and we'll have to adapt as things change," I shrugged. "I guess that's it for now, but we need to go shopping. Yuri told us to wear something pretty."

"I've found a trendy clubber's shop just up the road," said Natalie, fiddling with her phone. "I'm sure we'll find something slutty in there."

"Right then... let's go and take a look."

I started the van, but Nat waved her phone at me.

"Becca, it's a couple of minutes up the road. We don't need to drive, you lazy bitch," she said it as though I was stupid. "Come on, you could do with a walk, fatty."

"What am I? A fucking dog?" I joked, realising I'd let myself in for an immediate follow up from Nat.

"Who's a good girl," she cooed, like people do when they talk to a pet. "Walkies."

"Fuck off," I laughed, switching the van off. "Bring those knickers with you, I'm sure we'll find a post box for your disgusting hobby."

"And maybe we'll find a nice little choccy treat for you for being such a good little bitch."

We got out of the van and I locked up, following Natalie onto the main shopping street. Market Jew Street seemed to be the place to be on a Saturday afternoon and it was rammed with shoppers of all ages and genres.

The good spring weather had brought them all out and it felt weird to be part of the normal world again. Before I'd met Lexa, this would have been my usual Saturday, shopping with friends or getting a coffee or lunch. Being back amongst the crowds felt wrong, as though I was the only person moving forwards in a backwards world.

These people had no idea that something was afoot. If they bothered to tear their eyes away from their phones for more than five minutes, they might witness something beautiful - like a sunrise or a magnificent view or just mere silence amidst the chaos that the world had become.

I knew that Natalie was feeling the same way and that we somehow no longer fitted into this reality. Our world was one of danger, sex and violence and it was a million miles away from whatever this was.

As I looked around at the Pirate city full of people with ear-buds in or chatting on the phone or messaging each other on some app or other, it made me wonder if the internet and modern technology had really advanced us. It had its pluses, but the more I saw these phone zombies, the more I understood where Reef was coming from. They were everywhere we looked and I could see why he'd chosen the life that he had. For a moment it made me wonder if my line of work was worth it. Did society deserve saving from terrorists when it couldn't even save itself from this?

I snapped out of it as Nat found the shop we were looking for. It was time to get into the mind of a teenaged college girl and pick out a clubbing dress for the evening.

"In here," said Nat excitably. "This is the place."

"CyberDog?" I read out the neon sign as we walked through the door. "Did they name it after you?"

"No, but if it was named after you, they'd have called it slut-whore," she laughed. "It's the trendiest place in town for club wear, but remember, we're short on cash. We can only spend the hundred quid that we earned from the gloryhole or we might arouse suspicion with Yuri."

"That'll give us slim pickings in here," I replied. "It looks expensive. We'd better check out the bargain racks."

The shop was pumping out loud drum and bass music which didn't give a relaxing atmosphere. It was a far cry from picking out clothes at The Facility for free, but we had no choice. Teenaged girls were milling about in small groups trying to find something cool to get noticed in that night. We headed for the sale rack near the window and started to sort through it. It was arranged by size and Nat and I both went for a size ten.

The attire was mostly tight-fitting Lycra dresses and two-piece skirts and tops. They were all revealing and skimpy and it was just a matter of finding something that suited us.

After several minutes we both found a colour and design that we liked within our price range and headed for the changing room. There was a small queue of girls doing the same thing, but we were soon in a cubicle together trying things on.

Underwear wasn't going to be an issue. We wouldn't be bothering with a bra and we had plenty of sexy panties back at the van to choose from. We also had thigh-high boots and a coat each which would fit well with a clubbing dress. Most girls would check their coats on arrival at a club anyway.

My dress was bright orange with only one shoulder strap. The strap was cut low across my chest to show a lot of cleavage and a hint of side-boob. The centre section was cut away to reveal my belly-button like a slash across the front and the hemline was extremely short. It fit me like a second skin and I immediately felt slutty wearing it.

Natalie's dress was white and equally as revealing. It was a strapless design which hugged her heavy breasts. It had an asymmetric hemline which started high on her left hip and finished just above her right knee. She'd have to wear a high legged thong with it if she didn't want her knickers on display, but I was sure she'd have a pair back at the van.

"Fucking hell," I gasped, taking in her beauty. "You look stunning babe."

"You too. Yours looks like it was painted onto you, it's so tight."

"Like my pussy then," I tittered. "These should have the desired effect."

"Definitely. With a pair of thigh-high boots, we'll look like a couple of hookers," she laughed. "Let's pay up and get out of here, this music is doing my head in."

"I know what you mean. I love it when I'm dancing in a club, but not when I'm shopping. Let's go."

We got changed into our original clothes and paid for the dresses. In today's disposable society they cost less than I thought. Both dresses in the sale came to less than eighty pounds and they were well within our budget. Most girls would wear them once and then sell them online or simply throw them away - they couldn't be seen wearing the same thing twice.

We walked the length of the Main Street as though we were just like everyone else, stopping for a coffee and observing the crowd as well as the area. There were a couple of pubs and nightclubs along this stretch and I wondered if any of them belonged to Valentin. He was reported to be running most of the illegal activities in Pirate city and clubs and pubs were a good front for money laundering.

I doubted that we'd be going to any of these venues, but it always paid to check and get the lie of the land. Maybe one of the clubs had a back room for private liaisons where girls like us would get used by paying customers. It was amazing what went on behind closed doors.

"We should check out as much of the town as we can," Nat suggested as we drank our coffee. "It will give us a good idea of the areas and it might come in handy later when we try to pin point where we are."

"That's a good idea. We need to go back to the train station too and drop off the grab-bag. We've got nothing else to do this afternoon so we might as well make good use of the time."

We finished our drinks and headed back out onto Market Jew Street. It hadn't got any less busy and we rejoined the procession of shoppers while we took in more details of the town.

We kept an eye out for anyone who might be watching or following us. We may have looked like regular shoppers, but we were far from it and we never knew if we were under surveillance from a Russian hit team or not. The pubs and clubs were easy to spot and we went off the beaten track to check out the service entrances at the rear of the buildings. They were strewn with bins and the usual mess that you'd find behind a club or shopping centre, but we made a note of the fire exits and made sure they were clear on all the obvious establishments.

We didn't see any Russians hanging about and I guessed they'd be keeping a low profile during the day or resting up until the night's depravity began.

After a couple of hours, we took a wide route back to the car park, which no sane person would have used, posting Natalie's dirty knickers off along the way. Happy that we were alone, we got back in the van and threw the shopping bags onto the back seat. Natalie got her iPad out and began to divide Pirate City into different areas for further investigation. We looked at it as though the town were the rings of a tree stretching outwards in a radius from the seafront.

The town stretched along the coast from South West to North East and it wasn't very big. We had already recced the inner ring which was the sea front and harbour area before we'd gone to the gloryhole so we didn't need to do it again. The second ring was the main town and that too had now been covered so we looked on the map to the next ring of buildings. The suburbs were mostly housing estates stretching around its perimeter where the town was boxed in by the A30 ring road. Beyond that, we could see fields and farmland with small industrial estates and farms dotted around.