Becca XXX - Spring Tide Ch. 08

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Becca and her new team pay Valentin a visit.
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Authors note: - This is a follow on to the previous episode of Becca XXX. Spring Tide. Please read it before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Spring Tide. Ch 08.

The planning stage of any assignment was always as important as the actual mission itself. I was taught to remember the seven P's during my training and I'd never forgotten them. Proper Planning and Preparation, Prevents Piss Poor Performance was echoing around my head as we sat in the bar with The Crow and her side kick - Nicole.

After The Crow's weird and wonderful ritual to initiate us into her Sisterhood, we had all showered to wash away the blood and sex juices from our skin and hair, before returning to the throne area to plan the night's operation. Her attitude towards us didn't appear to have changed, but she was very difficult to read at the best of times so there was no way of knowing what was going on in her head. Her facial expression was still emotionless as we all sat on the sofas upstairs from the bar.

Mave had even cooked us some food and supplied us with drinks as we told The Crow and Nicole everything we knew about the Russians. We informed them as to why it was so important that we got the information off the laptop which was locked in Valentin's safe, and what we knew so far about the terror plot.

"So, you can see why it's important that we get into the safe without anyone realising," I explained. "We don't want to tip off Valentin or Victor that we are onto them until we know what they're up to and how imminent their attack is."

"Yes, I understand," said The Crow. "But the Russian plot doesn't interest me. I'm more excited about bringing these rapists to a fiery end and freeing the girls who are held captive by his sick regime."

"I understand that, but the mission comes first. These fuckers will get what's coming to them, but not until we know the repercussions of killing Valentin and anyone who's protecting him. This isn't Bronzefield and, once we get on target, you need to do exactly as I tell you. There's more at stake here than a group of perverted sexual abusers. Do you understand?"

"I guess so," she frowned. "What's your plan?"

"We'll travel back to Penzance in separate vehicles," I began to explain. "You'll need a vehicle to get back here because I'm not driving all the way back after we've completed the mission."

"That won't be a problem," she replied.

"It'll be dark by the time we get there which will help us to remain unseen," I continued. "Natalie, pull up the satellite imagery."

Nat placed her iPad on the table so we could all see what Google maps was showing us. She zoomed in to show the target building in the centre of the screen and we all leaned in for a closer look.

"We can park the vehicles here," Nat said, pointing at a small gateway on the country road which led to Valentin's farm track. "From there, we can walk across the fields and approach the building from the west, using the trees as cover. That way they won't see or hear us approaching in a vehicle. We know that he has sentries posted around the grounds of the house so we'll have to stay quiet."

"I don't think that will be a problem for Nicole," I joked.

She gave me a forced sarcastic smile and then held her right hand under her chin and brought it sharply forwards towards me. As it stopped a few inches from her chin, she used her other hand to point at me with venom.

"She says 'fuck you," The Crow translated.

"Yeah, I think I got that," I giggled.

"The safe is located in the main living room at the back of the building, here," Natalie continued, ignoring my joke. "Hopefully, everyone will be asleep except for the guards so we can sneak in through the bi-fold doors undetected."

"What about alarms or cameras?" said The Crow.

"We didn't see any cameras and I doubt it will be alarmed. There's no point if you've got sentries keeping watch."

"And what about getting through the door?"

"I can pick the lock," said Natalie. "Unless Nicole wants to do the honours."

Pretty Eyes shrugged to say she didn't mind either way.

"Ok then," Natalie continued. "Once we're inside, Nicole will break into the safe while the rest of us keep watch."

Nicole started a series of rapid hand movements, touching parts of her body and making different shapes with both hands as she asked some questions which The Crow translated.

"Can you describe the safe to her? She needs to know as much information as possible so she can do a little research before we get there."

"It was built into a wall and was dark grey with a combination lock," I said.

Nicole signed some more and The Crow spoke for her.

"Electronic or mechanical?"

"A clicky dial like you see in the films," I said. "It wasn't electronic. Valentin spun it left and right and then pulled a lever to open it."

"Mechanical then. What shape was the handle?" she added as Nicole signed another question.

"I think it looked a bit like the top of an old tap," said Nat. "It had three prongs sticking out."

Nicole moved forward and took hold of the iPad, asking for permission to use it by gesturing and widening her eyes.

"Sure," said Natalie, handing it to her. "Help yourself."

Pretty Eyes opened a new search tab on Safari and typed in some key words. She then switched to Google images and started to scroll down, looking at both of us to see if we could identify what we saw. There were many different images of safes in all shapes and sizes as she scrolled through.

"Stop," cried Natalie excitably. "Go back up, I think that was it."

Nicole navigated back up two images and opened the link to a large dark-grey safe with a tri-top handle. She tapped the screen and signed something to ask us to confirm it was the right make and model.

"I think so," said Nat, looking at me for my opinion.

"We only got a glimpse, but I'm pretty sure that's it," I agreed.

"The Chubb DuoGuard Grade one," The Crow read out what was on the screen. "She's cracked them before... many times."

"You can do it?" I asked Nicole.

She nodded.

"How long will it take?"

She held up both hands with all her fingers and thumbs extended and shrugged making an unsure face.

"Ten minutes?"

She nodded while holding her hand out and wiggling it from side to side. It was the universal sign for approximately.

"So, we'll be exposed for about ten minutes while she cracks the safe," Natalie continued with her overview. "Once she's in, we need to hack the laptop which will take another couple of minutes depending on its level of security."

"Hack it how? Why not just steal it?" asked The Crow.

"We can't steal it. If they know it's missing, they'll know someone's been in there," I said. "Besides, we don't need to steal it. We have a special hard-drive that literally sucks all the data out of the laptop and clones it without it even being switched on. It's a self powered hacking device."

"Becca's right. We'll clone the laptop's hard drive and recreate it onto a blank platform. From there we can view the video and anything else he's got on there," said Natalie. "We'll get the data and then put everything back how we found it and get back to the vehicles."

"You make it sound simple," said The Crow. "What if something goes wrong? What if we get caught? What if this Valentin asshole is still awake in the living room wanking off or throwing one of his rape parties? What if they start shooting at us?"

"I like the way you're thinking," I smiled. "That's actually the next stage of the planning and we call it just that - the 'what if's'."

"Are we going to be armed?" she added.

"Me and Natalie will be armed with sub-machine guns as a precautionary measure. We'll only draw down if we're fired upon."

"Don't we get one of those?" she asked.

"Unfortunately not. You're classed as civilians, but don't worry, we'll protect you if it goes to shit," said Natalie.

"Gee, thanks. That fills me with confidence."

"We're hoping it won't come to that," I said. "As far as the 'what if's' go, we can't cater for every eventuality, but we can plan for most. The key with all of this is to remain quiet and get in and out without anyone knowing we were even there. If Valentin is still up, we'll have to wait until he goes to bed. If we get caught, we'll have to change things and fight our way out."

"If that happens, we'll kill everyone we come into contact with and make sure don't leave any witnesses," added Natalie. "We'll probably torch the place before we leave to make sure we don't leave any evidence behind. Valentin must have a lot of enemies and the authorities will just think it was a rival that bumped him off."

"I like this girl," laughed The Crow. "Let's hope it does come to that."

"Let's hope it doesn't," I replied. "As much as I'd like to see them all dead, we don't know what will happen if we kill Valentin. If the terror cell goes to ground, we may never find them again until it's too late. You need to put your personal feelings and ego to one side before we start this mission."

"And what if he's throwing a rape party?" she hissed impatiently. "What then?"

"That's highly unlikely," I snapped. "He threw a party last night, remember? Even that sick fucker won't do it two nights running."

"But he might," she replied with an excited look on her face. "What's your contingency for that?"

"From what we saw last night, none of the participants were armed," Natalie interrupted. "The only real threats are the guards. We counted six of them positioned here, here, and here," she pointed on the map to show their positions. "We can take them out in pairs and then lock the rest of them in the rape room."

"And then set it on fire," The Crow added with an insane look on her face.

"For fuck's sake," I spat. "No one is burning the place down. Get that into your thick skull. This is a covert operation, not a vendetta against rapists. We stay quiet, we get in and out and then we go our separate ways."

"I love you too, Becca," scowled The Crow. "What happened to unity?"

She was being argumentative to try and prove that she was still in charge. I needed to put her back in her box before she got any grand ideas of going off-mission and blowing the whole assignment.

"Listen, Sheryl," I hissed, using her real name to annoy her. "You've got to look at the bigger picture here. Whatever these guys are up to it's big enough to rattle the leader of The Generals to a point where he'd risk nuclear war. Everything Charles Hamilton told me so far has come true. We're as convinced as he was that this has something to do with the war in Ukraine and we think the Russians have sent a small covert unit to tip things in their favour. I've told you about the three sets of letters we've found and our theory about them hitting GCHQ. It's not the big battles that win a war, it's the small ones you never get to hear about. I'm sure we're doing something similar over there, but we need to do our part over here to stop Victor. The Russian president won't stop if he takes Ukraine. He'll keep coming across Europe until he's got all his old countries back. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, he'll keep advancing until he takes them all. With the EU arguing with its own member states and us leaving after Brexit, they are significantly weakened and Europe will be his for the taking. This is just the beginning and it's people like us that stop it from happening. So, see the bigger fucking picture here and do as you're told or I'll leave you here and just take Nicole with us. Is that clear?"

There was a stunned silence and a look of defiance from The Crow. I was beginning to sound like Lexa talking about the bigger picture and the irony wasn't lost on me. I was usually the one talking like The Crow and arguing with the person in charge and now I understood what a pain in the ass I could be.

"Becca's right," soothed Natalie, trying to calm the situation. "There'll be plenty of time for your cause when this is over. We are unified and the overall goal is the same. These rapists will get what they deserve, but it may have to wait. Come on... you know it makes sense."

The Crow's scowl looked like a moody teenager as she stared at me through the top of her eye sockets.

"Ok," she replied. "But if those cunts start shooting at me, I'll be picking up a gun and firing back."

"I wouldn't expect anything less," I giggled. "Now, let's get back to the what ifs and then go over the plan one more time. We need to get moving."


It was two o'clock in the morning by the time we arrived. It was the perfect time to infiltrate the target building. The human body goes through various states of sleep from light, to deep and finally REM. Rapid Eye Movement sleep usually occurred at around two or three in the morning and was the deepest state of sleep. If we infiltrated the house at that time, it would be less likely for anyone to hear us moving around.

We'd driven straight to Valentin's place from Bristol in separate vehicles with Nicole and The Crow following us all the way. We reversed into the gateway just as we'd planned and switched off the engines and lights. I sat still for a moment, listening and watching for anything out of the ordinary. At this time of night there shouldn't be anyone about and if there was, they were probably up to no good.

Satisfied that we were alone, we both got out of the vehicle and Nicole and The Crow followed our lead.

The first thing I did was move to the rear of the van and I unbuttoned my black jeans. I pulled them down along with my knickers and squatted for a pee.

"That's a good idea," said The Crow. "I could do with one too."

Nicole joined us as Natalie kept watch.

I soon had a good flow going, feeling the hot pee squirting past my sore piss flaps and onto the mud below. My pussy was stinging a little after our biting and fisting session earlier that day, but I knew it would soon recover. My wrists had also stopped bleeding and a small scab had formed at the base of each palm.

I watched Nicole and The Crow peeing in front of me as I pulled my panties back up. I loved watching other women pee and I felt my pussy twitch at the sight in front of me. My knickers were already damp with excitement like they always were on a mission, but the last droplets of pee made them even wetter.

"I'm done, Nat," I whispered. "Do you need to go?"

"I'm fucking bursting," she said. "Keep an eye out."

She quickly undressed and squatted down, barely getting into position before her snatch pissed urine all over the ground.

"Aaahhhhh, fuck, I needed that," she cooed.

As the Crow and Pretty Eyes sorted themselves out, I opened the back of the van and checked my weapons. The UCP pistol already had a silencer fitted and was made ready, but I checked the chamber before holstering the weapon on my right hip. I always double checked everything and it was details like that that kept me alive. I already had my spare mags fitted into the belt and moved on to check the MP7.

"That's some serious fucking hardware," The Crow said arriving by my side. "Are you sure I can't have one?"

Click - clack.

I racked the cocking lever to chamber a round and smiled at her. She already knew the answer, but I couldn't blame her for trying. Hopefully we wouldn't be needing any of this, but if we got compromised, we needed to be able to engage the enemy with overwhelming firepower. We knew they were carrying sub-machine guns so we needed something that could at least match them.

I glanced over at Nicole who was checking her own equipment. She was dressed all in black like the rest of us and had a matching black knife harness on. She'd insisted on bringing it and I thought that it might come in handy if things didn't go according to plan. If she was as good as The Crow had made out, she could take out the sentries much quieter than we could with silenced weapons.

She took her knives out and ran her finger across the razor-sharp edges before spinning them around and sliding them back into their sheaths. She put her black jacket over the top and checked her pockets for her safe cracking equipment. A medic's stethoscope was all she needed.

Natalie finally finished her extra long piss and pulled her knickers and jeans back up and came to join us. She checked her pistol and MP7 and took the lock-picking kit out of the back of the van. She gave it a once over in its small leather pouch and placed it in her inside jacket pocket.

We were both wearing black jeans, a black T-shirt, and a black tactical jacket. The jacket wasn't anything special, but it had lots of pockets for spare mags and equipment. I pocketed two extra magazines for the MP7 and slung the weapon on its three-point harness across my body. The last item I picked up was a small hacker's drive complete with cables and I stuffed it into my inside pocket.

The Crow was watching on intrigued, dressed in her usual gothic black, but she was completely unarmed as far as I could tell. I couldn't help but feel that she was an unnecessary passenger on this mission, but at least she could translate Nicole's sign language. She'd also be an extra pair of hands if we got into trouble.

Normally on a mission like this, we'd have four people storming the building with at least one other on overwatch with a sniper rifle. I'd discussed it with Natalie on the way to the location and we'd decided against it. There was no higher ground to gain a better vantage point and, although she could lie in the field out of sight, she could only cover one side of the building. It was better to have us all as one unit so we could split into pairs if required. For that same reason, I handed out the earpieces which would be our comms for the night.

"Just stick it in your ear and press the button on the end of it to talk. Say 'over' when you're done and then release to listen," I said, giving one to each of us.

We all fitted them quickly, checking that the two civilians had them in correctly.

"Comms check," said Natalie, pressing her finger into her ear.

I could hear her in my earpiece as well as standing next to me.

"Copy that," I said, pressing my button. "Receiving."

I looked at Nicole who nodded to say she could hear us and I suddenly realised that she wasn't able to talk back.

"Press and release the button on the end of the earpiece," I said, showing her where it was. "It will make a clicking noise. One click for yes... two clicks for no... three clicks for an emergency."

She pressed the send button and I heard the click in my ear.

"Receiving," I said. "Can you hear everything?" I asked The Crow.

"Copy that," she repeated my command, with her finger to her ear. "Can you hear me?"

"Loud and clear. Comms check complete. Are we all ready?" I asked, as Natalie slung her weapon onto her shoulder.

Nicole and The Crow nodded and I knew Nat was ready. We locked the van up and put the keys on top of the front passenger's side tyre. That way anyone of us could come back and make our escape if the others were captured or killed.

"Let's go," I said.

We crossed the quiet road and entered the field heading north. The house was about half a mile away and we gave it a wide birth to our right. The ground was dry and grassy and the sky was partly covered with cloud. It was a mild night, but the nervous energy inside us and the brisk walk soon had us sweating.

After about five minutes, Natalie checked the map on her phone and we turned east towards the house. I could see the glow of lights about five hundred metres away through the thick foliage of the trees and bushes which surrounded the property. Once we were through those trees, we'd come out in the back garden where the swimming pool was, in front of the lounge area.