Becky & Lisa: The End of Summer

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Further adventures of exhibitionist Becky and her friend.
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The following takes place after the story Lisa & Becky: The Camping Trip


My best friend Becky is an exhibitionist. She thinks nothing is more fun than taking all her clothes in places where people are quite likely to see her. It's a side of herself she has chosen to share with me alone out of all our other friends, although I often find myself wishing she wasn't "Naked Becky" quite so often, to spare my own embarrassment! It's made worse because (despite thinking of myself as straight) I have something of a crush on Becky - something I can usually ignore, but not when she's naked!

After our camping trip to celebrate the end of our exams and the start of our long summer holiday before we started university in the autumn, Becky became even more liberal about being naked around me (if such a thing were possible). It was as if the few days we had spent camping in the woods (during which Becky had been completely naked for all but a few hours) had given her a real taste of freedom and she was determined not to give that up.

So her nudism and her exhibitionism became all the more common. Now she would not just strip off when she visited me and I was home alone, but would also often undress if we were hanging out in my room, even if other members of my family were home! That led to a few narrow scrapes and a couple of times when I would have to awkwardly explain to my mum or dad (who had walked in without knocking) that Becky was "just trying on clothes". I'm not sure they believed me, they probably assumed that Becky and I were doing something weird and possibly sexual - even though I was nowhere near her and fully-clothed myself, my embarrassment at them seeing her naked probably gave them a completely different impression...

Because yes, I was embarrassed at people seeing Becky naked, and the less embarrassed she was (and she was hardly ever embarrassed) the more embarrassed I felt. The fact that seeing her beautiful body and being privy to her completely casual attitude to nudity was a massive turn on for me only made the embarrassment even more acute.

I could just about stand it when she was accidentally getting caught naked in my bedroom by my parents - but Becky's an exhibitionist as well as a nudist, and she can't help herself sometimes. I even started to get the feeling that Becky was into teasing me as much as she was other people, if not more...


I'm not a big fan of the recent trend in summer blockbusters – superhero films. But Becky is and she can usually cajole me enough that I go along with her to watch the latest batch of (I admit, good looking) muscle men hitting each other very hard in order to save the world, or something.

That summer, when we were 18 and getting ready to go off to university in the autumn, I'd managed to hold out on going to see the latest comic book flick for longer than usual, but I eventually relented and accompanied Becky one weekday afternoon in late August to the cinema.

The cinema was a big out-of-town multiplex. Neither of us had a driving license yet, let alone access to a car, but it was easy enough to hop on a bus and ride out there.

When we arrived, the cinema was quiet. There hadn't been any big releases that week and it wasn't a time when a lot of people chose to go (compared to, say, Friday or Saturday nights). We were able to walk straight up to the counter to get our tickets, then buy some popcorn and drinks and head into the screen.

When we got into the screen, there were maybe 20 people sitting in their seats – the rest were empty. The film we had gone to see had been out for quite a while, so I suppose most of the people who were likely to want to watch it had already caught it in the first few weeks. The audience was couples, a few teens, and some guys on their own – people whiling away a couple of hours at the cinema as a result of having nothing else to do with their time.

The screen was one of those where you came in near the front, crossing in front of the big blank space where the film would be projected, and walked up towards the back to find your seat. As usual, all the patrons in attendance were sitting as far apart from each other as possible while still having a good view of the screen – and interestingly there was nobody on either of the back two rows. Most people prefer the middle seats I think, but Becky made a bee-line for the empty back row and I was happy to follow.

We sat down and chatted idly, munching popcorn and checking our phones, until the lights dimmed and the adverts came on. Why, by the way, is there always an advert for the cinema when you go to the cinema? Surely they have already got your business?

After about five more car commercials than I needed to see, and a bunch of trailers to promote the next set of comic book adaptations, sequels and remakes of old movies from 10 years before I was born, the dim lights went fully dark and the movie proper started.

I'm not going to bother going over the plot of the film for you – you know the deal. There's probably some sort of mystic artefact, there are people in costumes, lots of punching and explosions and in the end the world is saved. Anyway, as it turned out, I didn't end up paying much attention to the screen...

We were no more than 5 or 10 minutes into the film when Becky next to me began to squirm in her seat. I didn't realise what she was doing at first until I looked over and noticed she had kicked off her trainers, and was in the process of unfastening her jeans. I watched, aghast, as she lifted her bottom from the seat in order to pull down her skinny jeans, before leaning forward to pull them off completely. She leaned back and grasped the hem of her t-shirt, then pulled it up quickly over her head and off.

"What are you doing?" I hissed. Becky paused, sitting on the upholstered cinema seat in nothing but her bra and panties.

"Getting naked. I always wanted to do this," she whispered back. "Get naked in a cinema, I mean."

I groaned.

"Nobody can see us," she explained, "they're all in front and all watching the film."

So I watched helplessly as Becky reached behind her back, unhooked her bra and shrugged it off, baring her beautiful breasts to the world (well, me and anyone who might have turned around to look at us. Lastly, she again lifted her bottom up and pulled down her panties, slipping them entirely off by hooking them round one foot. Then she sat back, my best friend, gorgeous and completely naked in the cinema.

I looked at her. The cinema was dark, the only light coming from the screen, and the intimate details of her body that Becky was revealing were hard to make out. But I could see the smooth whiteness of her belly, the pale swells of her breasts, her nipples hard and dark pink. Shadows hid much of the rest but it would be beyond doubt to anyone looking that she had removed all of her clothes.

I could feel myself blushing, despite the darkness. My stomach knotted – I was in mortal fear that someone was going to turn around and see us both, see me sat here next to a naked woman. This was by far the most public place Becky had chosen to strip off so far – a big open room with only one route out and around twenty other people all sitting there. The only cover for her nudity came from the darkness, and the fact that people were watching the screen away from us. I was convinced we would be discovered at any moment and – who knows? Thrown out of the cinema? Arrested? There was no way that people would see two girls sitting side by side on the back row of a cinema, one with absolutely no clothes on, and not assume we had been doing something sexy! Who would believe me if I denied it, when the truth was much more unbelievable?

Becky, of course, was completely blasé. She scooched down in her seat a little, making herself comfortable, and returned her attention to the film.

I forced myself to relax. I'd probably have a breakdown if I didn't. Who ever actually looks behind them in a movie theatre, I asked myself? Had I ever? Of course not. You come to these places to watch a movie, not to take in your surroundings. And it really was dark. I knew Becky was naked because she was sat right next to me, but I couldn't make out what even the closest of the other people in the screening looked like. So it was doubtful they would realise even if they did turn around.

Gradually my nerves calmed – but I didn't take my eyes off Becky. How could I? She was beautiful, naked and completely nonchalant – a combination that, I think I have established by now, is a bit of a turn on for me. She was lost off in her attention to the movie and had no idea I was staring at her the way I was, but I noticed every little movement, every rise and fall of her perfect breasts. Occasionally she would unconsciously caress herself, one hand lightly brushing a breast or rubbing a nipple, and my breath would catch as I remembered seeing her that time in the woods, nude and utterly aroused, pleasuring herself with no idea I was watching. I knew she would not do the same here in the movie theatre, with me next to her – no matter how much I secretly wanted her to, she wouldn't want to cross that boundary with me – but those little movements alone told me the story of how she was aroused by her own public nakedness.

My body gave in to my own arousal. My pulse quickened, my breathing grew shallow. My nipples pushed against my bra and I felt wetness on the fabric of my panties when I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. In years gone by I had made out with boys on the back row of the cinema – in my head now I pictured myself doing the same with my naked friend, my tongue exploring her mouth, my hand cupping her breast and teasing her nipple, before I would shift and do something I had never done before in the cinema, and kneel before her in the dark in the well of the seat and hungrily, delightedly eat her moist and exposed pussy.

Well, I wasn't really bothered about seeing the film!

I shook my head to clear away those thoughts. Who knew if Becky would have reciprocated, or been horrified if I did what I longed for? I had no way of knowing and no courage to test it out, so I resolved simply to watch and store away those thoughts until tonight when they could be explored at leisure while I was naked in my own bed, hand between my legs.

Of course, I was barely paying attention to the movie and before I knew it, the film was ending. The world was saved once again and I'm sure there was probably a whole bunch of stuff left over for them to do in the inevitable sequel. The final scene smashed into credits, and I assumed Becky would have to quickly dress again as we would need to leave the cinema.

Becky, however, still sat there, still completely nude. So, for that matter, did everyone else (well, they weren't nude. But they were sitting). The house lights hadn't gone up, either, which confused me for a moment.

Then I remembered – these comic book movies always have another scene after the main credits, to further tease a sequel (or the next film in the same shared universe at least)! I began to get antsy, then. Was Becky really going to insist on remaining nude until the very last moment? These end credits scenes were always short, maybe 30 seconds at most – after which everyone in the theatre was going to be getting up and walking out, and the lights were going to go up. If Becky was going to wait until that scene had finished before getting dressed, she was going to be a lot more exposed, with no darkness to hide her nudity and no movie on screen to distract people from looking our way. She had to put something on soon, surely?

But she just sat there, watching, as the main credits ended and we were rewarded for staying in our seats with a short scene which I am sure would have been very exciting for comic book fans but just confused the heck out of me. The scene ended, and the "full" credits began to roll – and Becky wasn't moving!

The lights in the cinema began to come on – not all the way, but bright enough for the patrons to be able to see and not fall down the steps as they made to leave. The first people ahead of us stood up and began to leave the screen, and still Becky made no move to get dressed or even cover her body at all.

I didn't dare say anything to her unless people heard me and it drew their attention. All I could do was sit there, blushing furiously and completely terrified, as one by one the people got up out of their seats and walked down and out of the cinema via the exit door. Becky, of course, was completely unconcerned and just sprawled in her seat, making no move to conceal her nakedness.

Did anyone see her and realise she was nude? I honestly have no idea. I don't think anyone glanced our way, they were perhaps all too focussed on chatting about the movie they had just seen, or just on getting out (and getting to the loo – it had been a long movie!). Certainly nobody reacted the way I would have expected them to upon seeing a gorgeous naked teenage girl sat in the cinema – they all just trooped out without a second thought.

I breathed a sigh of relief when the last patron left the cinema, and Becky and I were alone.

"Can you please get your clothes on now?" I asked, exasperated. "I know this is no big deal to you, but we're lucky we aren't getting banned from the cinema for life or something!"

"Hold on," Becky replied, "I want to see if there's another scene after the end of these credits."

The names of the thousands of special effects artists scrolled down the screen.

"Well can you at least get dressed?"

"Why?" Becky grinned. "There's nobody here now?"

She had a point, I suppose.

The credits finished, and there was no additional scene. The house lights came up on full.

"Sorry," Becky said. She at least had the good grace to look sheepish. "I was sure we were gonna see Spider-Man at the end or something."

I groaned. "Never mind," I said. "But can you please stop being naked now? I don't think my nerves can take much more."

"Oh, alright," she pouted, and stood up from her seat, stretching like a cat, her whole body taught, breasts thrust outwards, arms up in the air.

I looked. I'm only human.

At that moment, the guy walked in.

"Oh wow," he said.

His arms were covered in tattoos, and he was wearing the black trousers, coloured polo shirt and black baseball cap that was the uniform of the cinema chain staff. I guess he was there to check and make sure nobody was left behind, either asleep or because they wanted to try and watch the movie again for free.

"Oh wow," he said again as he beheld Becky in all her naked glory. "Hey Andy!" he called back through the doorway. "Andy! There's two lasses in here and they've been having sex!"

The burning need to correct this overtook any speechlessness my surprise or embarrassment may have caused. "We have NOT been having sex!" I retorted, shouting down at him.

His brow crinkled for a moment, then he turned again to call through the door. "Hey Andy! There's two lasses in here who have definitely not been having sex! But one of them is definitely naked!" He paused, looking back up at us, before going back to the doorway. "And she's got really cracking tits!"

A second male employee appeared in the doorway – shorter than his colleague, with glasses and an unshaven face.

"What are you on about?" he asked, then cut himself off as he looked up at us. "Whoa."

"See? Naked girl."

"I can see that mate," he said, not taking his eyes off Becky. "I can see that."

"Um, hi." Becky said, with a little wave. She hadn't meant to get caught naked quite like this, I'm sure – but now she had been, she obviously didn't see any need to cover up.

"Hi..." said Andy. He stared open-mouthed.

His colleague was a bit more together, though. He and Andy had walked up the steps to join us at the back of the auditorium. "What are you doing here like that?" he asked Becky. "Why are you naked?"

Becky shrugged. "Why not?" she asked, innocently.

"Touche," the first guy replied, before turning to me. "Why is she naked? Are you sure you guys weren't having sex?"

"We were not," I answered.

"So why does she have no clothes on?"

"Um," I struggled. I went over some options in my mind. She was hot? She's from Europe? She's part of a religion that forbids clothing? You've just been Punk'd? In the end I went for honesty. "She just does this sometimes. She just likes to take her clothes off. We were at the back and nobody could see us so I guess she figured there was no harm in it. We were just leaving, she was just about to get dressed and you guys walked in."

"Oh." The guy thought for a minute. "That's kind of weird. Is she, y'know... alright?" He made a mime to indicate "crazy".

"I'm fine," Becky retorted hotly. She was clearly a little offended by the suggestion but I didn't have much sympathy – she was naked in public, after all.

"She's fine." I echoed.

"Well fair enough then," they guy replied.

"You need to get dressed," I said to Becky. "We need to go."

"Hold on a minute," said the second guy, Andy. "I'm not sure you girls should just walk out of here like nothing's happened. Maybe we need to call the manager about this... or security?"

Did they even have security, I wondered briefly? But I had a sinking feeling in my stomach. I should have known Becky's exhibitionist ways, and my complicity in them, would land us in trouble eventually.

"Although," Andy continued, "we might be persuaded to look the other way..." He had a wicked grin now.

"Mate, what are you doing? Don't be so rapey, it's creeping everyone out," his colleague said. I couldn't help but laugh – Andy had been trying to be intimidating but his companion had just punctured his act completely. That took the wind out of his sails.

Andy looked crestfallen. "I was just going to ask for some photos," he said sullenly.

"Mate..." the tattooed lad said in a worldly tone, "you can't just say stuff like that to lasses. No wonder you don't have a girlfriend.

"I'm sorry ladies," he continued, turning to us and (it was immediately obvious) trying to turn on the charm. "He's not got a lot of experience with women. Especially naked women." Andy seethed.

"'course," he continued. "It'd be nice if we could just get a selfie, or something. I mean, nobody's going to believe us about this otherwise..."

His tone was hopeful, and Andy (who had brightened up a little at this) had already produced a smartphone from his trouser pocket. I was ready to tell him exactly where he could stick his smartphone (sideways, too), but Becky gave a friendly smile.

"Sure," she said, "I'll do that." Typical Becky – when her clothes are off she doesn't shy from attention, she revels in it.

The pictures ended up being fairly tame. I had worried as soon as Becky agreed to post that she would go into full exhibitionist mode and I'd have to watch her pose like a porn star, legs akimbo and everything on display. I'd seen her in such intimate positions before of course – you couldn't very well not with a friend who spent as much time naked as Becky did – but always on accident, as a result of her own self-consciousness and body freedom – not because some strange guy is pointing a camera at her pussy.

But I needn't have worried. Becky was obviously enjoying herself, being the centre of attention, but she wasn't about to be giving these guys a come-on. They got plenty of pictures of, and with, the naked lady in their place of work, but Becky posed like a pin-up, not a porn star.

Eventually, the fun was over. Becky returned to where we had been sitting and put her clothes back on, and the two lads walked us out of the cinema.

The tattooed one turned to me as we were leaving. "You're girlfriend's something else," he confided.