Becky & Lucy - Twins Get Messy Ch. 03


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I passed them to Lucy and she shuffled through them slowly pausing a little longer to look at the more explicit ones.

"Wow! Some of these are pretty hot. Very sexy! Nice pair of tits and look at those nipples. They're so big. Why didn't we get those nipples? No wonder Sarah says we were hard to wean. I mean, who'd not want one of those in their mouth. And this one where she's spreading her cunt wide. That's so dirty and inviting. John was right, from the evidence of these, Sarah can be a strumpet."

"I wonder who took them." I said. "She didn't meet John until after uni and she's still a teenager in these. Some earlier boyfriend?"

"I think I know who took them." Lucy said with a chuckle. "The clue is in the pictures."

"What d'you mean? Where?"

"Well these aren't all of Sarah. These ones with the bench are Auntie Vicky." Lucy passed me one of the photos taken in front of the bench. "Look at the back of her right ankle and calf in that one, you can just about make it out. And these two." She passed me another two. "The scar where she had to have her Achilles' tendon repaired. That's Auntie Vicky. And there's no scar in these ones without the bench. That's Sarah."

Vicky was 10 months older than Sarah, but they looked so alike that many people assumed they were twins, especially because their birthdays meant that they were in the same school year - Vicky born in September and Sarah in June.

"Oh fucking hell! You're right!"


"Well done Sherlock. So Sarah and Vicky were taking sexy pictures of one another?"

"Looks like it." Lucy smirked.

"There's all these other bundles too." I said.

"Well get a move on slow coach! Let's see what other surprises they have in store."

With some excitement we untied the other bundles. These all contained sets of ordinary photographs produced from film. They had the muted colours of seventies photographs and appeared to be about the same age as the Polaroids. They were, presumably, the prints from the negatives in the box. The scene was indoors and appeared to be one of the girl's bedrooms. There was a pool of light on the floor coming in through a window and posters of David Bowie and Thin Lizzy were on the wall above the bed. The girls were naked together this time. Their hair was a bit shorter and they had both trimmed their pubic hair shorter as well. The poses left nothing to the imagination and it was clear that Sarah and Vicky were sexually involved.

"Well it looks like we're not the first sisters in this family to discover the pleasure of sister sex. Go Sarah! Go Vicky!" Lucy commented.

In one set they began by kissing, then touching and kissing the other's breasts. This progressed to them touching each other between the legs then fingering each other. Then one was sitting on the other's lap, then on her face. Next the camera position changed to a higher angle which, probably a shelf. They were laying on the bed pleasuring each other with their tongues.

It was my mother and my aunt and I was getting quite turned-on. My nipples were hard. I had watched messy porn with women in, somethings straight couples, but I had always imagined myself in place of the female protagonists. Even with the lesbian messy porn I had sometimes watched, it was the mess that had turned me on rather than the women specifically. I had always imagined that I was one of them; that it was my bum or breasts, face, body or pussy to which the mess was being applied. Now, I realised, I was enjoying looking at these images without putting myself into the action. Was this the newly awakened lesbian part of my mind asserting itself; enjoying the sight of two women fucking. Did it have anything to do with the protagonists being my mother and aunt? It had to. Nevertheless, after my voyeuristic musings on the woman in the street the evening before, it was another confirmation of a genuine and broader lesbian attraction.

The third and fourth bundles recorded similar exploits, also photographed in the same bedroom. One started with them in knickers and tee-shirts and ended with Vicky on her hands and knees being fingered from behind by Sarah. The other was less sexual, with just touching and kissing but no actual sex. The next set was the largest and appeared to have been taken on holiday at my grandparent's house in Provence, the one that they had recently sold. There were at least four films worth of pictures in the bundle. It started with a static shot of both of them together dressed in one piece swimsuits in sand dunes, next there were individual shots of them naked on a beach and in the water. Now their pubic hair was longer again. The next shots were of both of them again from a static position back in the sand dunes. They were wet and sand clung sexily to their bodies as they kissed. Back at my grandparent's French house, they were in short summer dresses in a couple of individual photos then they were in a bath together and kissing, then silhouetted against a sunset kissing. The last twenty or so photos were of them masturbating themselves and then each other. In one sequence of pictures Vicky had the toes of her right foot in Sarah's pussy.

"I've never seen that before." Lucy said. "I want you to try that sometime; your toes in my cunt."

"'I'll make sure I've had a pedicure first then." I said. The though of having my toes inside Lucy was a turn on. "These pictures are so filthy. I love them."

The last set was the most amazing. They were in another bedroom probably back at home in Ealing and they had a cucumber. This, they used as a dildo, taking it in turns to push it into one another before they used it together.

"Oh Gosh! Fuck me!" These are unbelievable!" Lucy said.

The last few photographs from the bundle showed Vicky's breasts covered in overlapping slices of cucumber like a dressed salmon, followed by a photograph of a dressed and smiling Vicky holding a plate of salmon and cucumber sandwiches and a final one of Vicky serving them to a group of female friends.

"D'you think they really served sandwiches made using a cucumber that they had fucked themselves with?" I asked Lucy.

"I think they did. Filthy little cows! Is that all of them?"

"From this box, yeah. Have a look in the other one. I"m going to wrap these back up again."

I started rewrapping the bundles back into their tissue paper. Lucy opened the other box.

"No photos. It looks like this a box of mementos."

Sitting on top of a folded piece of white fabric were several braided friendship bracelets and a necklace made of pink and mauve beads. Unfolded, the fabric was a pair of cotton knickers with a faded lipstick kiss where it would have covered the wearer's pussy. Under that, there were numerous concert tickets for concerts in the mid-1970s. We shuffled through them and found tickets for the Rolling Stones at the Empire Pool and Earl's Court Arena, Led Zepplin at Earl's Court Arena, Roxy Music at the Empire Pool, Pink Floyd at the Empire Pool, a flyer from Queen's Hyde Park Concert, tickets from Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young at Wembley, David Bowie at Hammersmith Odeon and the Empire Pool, tickets and flyers for Knebworth 1974, 1975 and 1976 and many more tickets for concerts by bands we had never heard of.

"I never realised Sarah and Vicky were such rock chics. Is there any band they didn't go to see? She hardly ever talks about music now." Lucy said.

"I would have loved to have been to some of these concerts. Sarah must have photos of them somewhere. There's no way she wouldn't have taken a camera to these events."

"We'll have to ask her somehow, without letting on, we've seen all this."

Other souvenirs in the box included postcards from Vicky in France to Sarah in London and from Sarah in Rome to Vicky in London. The messages were apparently innocuous and talking about their trips.

"Look." Lucy said. "Some of the letters are underlined in a different colour. They've hidden secret messages in the text." We spelled them out: the underlined letters in Vicky's postcard spelled "Gon eat n fuk u soon", and Sarah's message to Vicky was "Wet thinkin bout u wnt yr kises."

"It's like a hidden text message."

"They were pretty hot for each other weren't they." I said.

"Just like us darling." Lucy said and gave me a kiss, holding her lips to mine for a few seconds.

"Mmmh! That's nice."

"Very. And now we know that it runs in the family." Lucy said.

We were nearly at the bottom of the scarf box. There were some valentines card's, unsigned of course, but presumably sent by the girls to each other, and little scraps of paper with hearts, "Kiss Kiss", "Love You" and similar written on them in both their handwriting. Bottommost in the box was an envelope unsealed and unaddressed containing a sheet of Grandad's headed letter paper with a love poem written in ink in Sarah's handwriting. We read the poem silently kneeling side by side.

"That's so sweet." Lucy said, when we finished. "It's so clear that she was yearning for Vicky romantically not just sexually."

"Sarah was really feeling it here." I said.

"Yeah. Really loved-up. I wonder when it came to an end."

"Perhaps when they went to uni. and started meeting more boys. I know they both had boyfriends there, we've seen the photos. Or maybe it didn't stop. Maybe it continued for longer."

"We'll they did both go to Newnham. I think they shared a room in college and then had a flat together, so the opportunity would have still been there."

"Maybe they still do it." I said.

"That would be cool. Erm. I can't believe I'm saying that! I'd be furious if Sarah cheated on John with another man, and likewise if he cheated on her too. Some how, though, it feels okay with Vicky."

"Yeah. It does. Sarah and John obviously love each other and we're here, so, what Sarah and Vicky did back then hasn't impacted on their marriage and Vicky and uncle Peter have been married nearly as long, so that seems to be working fine as well."

"Well. Let's get these things put back the way they were." I said. "It doesn't look like anyone's seen these in decades, but just in case..."

We put everything back in the camera trunk. There was no point trying to re-seal the flap in the lid, it would be obvious if anyone ever opened the box again. I just tucked the boxes back into their home and pulled the lid down. I put the trunk back in it's place and returned the other boxes to their original spots. We closed the windows. All was as before. Lucy took her blazer from the hook.

"Let's see if we can find my blazer now." I said, as we stepped back out of the hot loft into the cooler hall. "I'll get a bikini for our swim as well."

My bedroom was next to Lucy's. I hadn't lived in it full time since we went to university and barely at all since grandad had given us our flats, but it was still ready and welcoming. I probably used it once or twice a fortnight. There were still plenty of my clothes in the walk-in dressing room. Too many; it really did need some editing. Maybe I could interest Lucy's clothes and handbag dealing client in some of the better things, I thought.

"We don't need to look in this one." I said, indicating the first rail we came to in the dressing room. "I completely emptied and rearranged that one last month. If the blazer's here, it'll be either in that one by you or this one." We began looking.

It took a couple of minutes and then a triumphant Lucy exclaimed. "Found it. It's here. It's really creased, though. Worse than mine."

"Great put it on the bed and I'll find a bag and some brogues like yours to go with it. Have a look in that drawer there. That's where I keep scarves and things and I think my school tie is in there."

Lucy rummaged around for a moment. "Yes. Here it is."

I took a tote bag down from the shelf and found a pair of black brogues like Lucy's. I gave them to Lucy and she took them into the bedroom.

"Swimm-inngg time." Lucy sang poking her head round the corner from the bedroom. "Get your clothes off, Babe."

I took a red bikini out of a drawer and walked through to the bedroom. Lucy was already stripped and ready in a green bikini.

"Someone's in a hurry!" I said.

Lucy sat down on the sofa in the bedroom's bay window. I started to remove my clothes.

"I put mine on earlier when I changed out of my dress."

"That love bite I gave you on you thigh is pretty obvious you know. If Sarah sees it she'll ask you about it."

Lucy smirked. "Another thing I didn't think completely through earlier. Should have waited until this evening, but I was so fired-up by the thought of the ones I gave you, that I wanted my own. Yours are visible as well, but not as much."

I put my clothes on the bed as I removed them then put the bikini on. Lucy watched me intently. I couldn't remember when someone had paid as much attention to my body as Lucy was. I liked it.

As soon as I was ready, Lucy jumped up and closed the gap between us. She pulled me into a hug and a kiss, which I happily accepted. Our hands found their ways to the other's bums as we kissed for a minute. No tongues, just passionate smooching.

"Sorry. Couldn't help it. You look so sexy in that."

"Apology accepted. And likewise. Now let's get wet before we make each other wet. You know what I mean?"

"Yeah. But sunscreen first. Don't want to burn do we." Lucy took a bottle of SPF 50 sunscreen from the dresser, flipped the lid and squirted a large dollop into her hand. She passed the bottle to me and spread the creme from hand to hand. I did the same. I thought Lucy was going to start applying it to her own body, but she closed on me and started spreading it across my stomach.

"I'll do you and you do me." Lucy said.

I had put sunscreen and lotion on my sister many times, and she on me, without incident, but the sensation of her smoothing it into my skin felt beautiful and erotic now that we were lovers and rubbing it over Lucy's soft, smooth, hairless body felt so great. Lucy apparently felt the same as we both let out a number of small moans of pleasure. We managed mostly to keep our hands under control, but Lucy slid her fingers into the rear of my bikini bottom and mine sneaked around the sides of her breasts.

When were were finished, we hurried from my bedroom and downstairs, thought the conservatory and out into the garden. Lucy got ahead of me as we crossed the patio to the pool and made a running dive into the water. I followed her and landed close to her. She gave me a splash as I surfaced. I splashed her back and there was a bit of splashing for a while, before we calmed down and started behaving like adults again rather than kids.

Lucy climbed on to one of the two reclining chairs that floated on the water. I swam lengths for a few minutes then pulled myself on to the other floating chair. I paddled with my hands towards her and brought my seat alongside. We held hands to keep the two chairs from drifting apart. We lay there silently, enjoying the sunshine and its warmth for many minutes, drifting into a doze as our seats drifted together on the water.

"What a great day to have off work." Lucy eventually said, breaking the silence. "shower sex, sugaring, shower wanking, mezé, discovering Sarah and Vicky had a secret lesbian relationship, sunshine. Perfection." Lucy said. She reached out and squeezed my hand.

"Not perfection quite yet. I'm having a sauna next, then, later, we've an appointment to test drive that new toy you bought. But now I'm going to swim a few more lengths before I have that sauna." I slid off the floating seat and started swimming again. Lucy followed me and we did lengths for ten minutes, serious swimming, racing each other up and down the pool. Physically, we were very nearly perfectly matched, but Lucy had a better technique, so she gradually pulled ahead of me. When she was a length, ahead she stopped and waited for me to join her.

"Okay. That's enough exercise. Let's go and have that sauna." Lucy said. "Though, I'm not sure we'll notice much difference given how hot it is out here."

I agreed and we climbed out of the pool and walked back into the house. The sauna was in the basement next to the gym. We removed our bikinis and we each had a quick shower to wash away the chlorine and sunscreen. We grabbed towels and entered the sauna.

The sauna was large for a domestic one. It had two tiers of benches facing each other and a single, wider bench between those. The door and the stove were on the fourth side. Each side was long enough for someone to comfortably lay length ways on the bench and the single bench was wide enough for two to lay next to each other. We spread the towels out on the benches and sat opposite each other. The heat was fierce and dry. The smell of baked cedar wood filled my nostrils. I felt the shower water evaporating from my hair as the sweat started to bead on my skin.

"You've turned it up to maximum again, haven't you!" I said. This was a habit of Lucy's. She liked her saunas hot and quick. She got bored sitting in the wooden room with nothing much to do, so liked to get the greatest impact in the shortest time.

"I did and now I'm sitting here getting sweaty looking at your sweaty body, Babe, I'm getting horny."

"I am too." I admitted. "I don't know if I can wait until later to make love to you again."

"This is much more interesting than normal."

I took the towel off my lap and spread my knees apart. Lucy did the same. I moved my knees further apart and felt my pussy lips part stickily. Lucy moved her legs apart as well and placed her hands so that they were on the insides of her thighs at the junctions with her hips.

"That's a much nicer view." Lucy said. "I might not get bored in here now."

"Pretty nice from here too, Doll."

We sat there for a few minutes leaning back with our arms stretched along the upper bench behind each of us, silently looking at the other's body, feeling the heat and watching the sweat run down out breasts and bellies. Lucy started massaging her thighs running her palms down to her knees and back again. I spread my lips with the middle two fingers of my left hand and pushed two fingers of my right into my pussy.

"Oh yes, Babe. That is very interesting." Lucy said and mirrored my actions.

Slowly at first, we stroked and finger-fucked our pussies, building the pace.

Lucy let our a long moan.

"Have you ever had sex in a sauna?" Lucy asked. She increased the pace of her masturbation.

"Aha! I thought you might be thinking alone those lines. Have you?"

"No. I haven't, but I'm looking at you fingers in your juicy hot cunt and those hot sweaty thighs and tits and I'm seriously thinking about it. Very seriously thinking about it. And you didn't answer my question."

"Yeah. I have. I brought Ben Clarke in here once."

"Ben? That history student you dated for a few months in the first year at uni.?"

"Yeah. That didn't last very long because he was more interested in activism than studying and he went off to save the whale or something. I brought him in here one evening and he got very 'excited' when I took my towel off."

"That's definitely something to get excited about." Lucy interrupted.

"It was the first time we'd done it. I was trying to seduce him and it worked. Fingering my pussy in front of him succeeded. The poor boy had the most rock hard erection. It sprang to attention when I told him he could take off his towel and it looked like it was going to snap off in his hand when I asked him to stroke it for me. I was sitting over there where you are and I moved over to the middle bench and laid down. I invited him to come over and fuck me good and hard and he did exactly what I asked him. It wasn't the biggest erection, but it was quite thick and it was a very good fuck. He was one of the best lovers I've had for a guy."

"Well Becky, in the same spirit, tell me what you'd like me to do to you and I will do it to you too." Lucy said.
