Becky Brings in a Breeder

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A happy housewife calls in a breeder to conceive.
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The thickly made mother of two looked at herself in the mirror naked, her keen green eyes looked over the rear view of herself revealing a pleasantly plump bottom that jiggled just below her curled Jet black hair. She turned her body to the front to show off her matronly assets, heavy and soft with wide pink nipples. She kept herself nicely, if a bit indulgently. She had a little bit of belly yet fortunately much of her weight travelled to her posterior and breasts. It was a gift of genetics that pleased her, now if only she could loose a few pounds. She was pale of flesh, and fairly tall, and she had yet in her late thirties to loose the gravitational battle all women faced. She was not getting younger however, and she had plans.

It had been two years since the Reproductive Promotion and Family Health Bill had been introduced to governments around the world. It was unanimously endorsed by much of the first world. The fact that procreation levels were dwindling and many of the worlds nations were in population decline meant that careful, deliberate action must be taken. It had been decided that world governments would prioritize procreation.

Beyond the obvious laws such as banning birth control and ending certain surgical procedures which might impede the populations growth governments in the first world went further, fundamentally changing the way parents were incentivized.

Mothers having children were soon offered monetary incentives so that being a mother and father became more attractive. Also women at 18 would have the expectation of becoming a mother by the time they are 21 in order to ensure that they will have at least one child during their most fertile years. This course of action was met by some opposition but after a number of years the clear benefits of the program to both the individual and the economy became more accepted. Government promotion and education of the act soon brought complacence and understanding of the necessity of the law, and its enforcement.

One fundamental hurdle for the new Family Health division to overcome was how to make it easy for women to comply with the law, and how to ensure that all fertile women were having their needs met. The Breeders division was soon created to meet the need. The breeders were a hand picked group of men that were tasked to ensure that all women in their local area were serviced if necessary. Strict testing of sperm motility and physical fitness were taken from each prospective breeder. He was also upon accepting the role, given training regimen to adapt them to their new vocation.

Nation wide health reporting was utilized to ensure that when women that was of legal age those women who wanted to take advantage of government stipends on child rearing had a way to start on the program or increase their monthly stipend. For many women it was quite popular as the monetary boost was quite valuable. Much of the state sponsored advertising used the tagline. "Need some cash? See your local breeder." Or "Tired of working all day on your feet? Do it on your back instead!" Of course there were other ads which tried to get couples to conceive on their own. "Forget the diamond earrings. Have hubby give you a baby for your anniversary."

All in all, despite lowered fertility worldwide within a few years government efforts to increase the birth rates increased. Which is why Becky, also known as Rebecca Smith, also known as Becky Big Bottom by more than a few of her neighbours and friends made a call to the "Family Health Division" and put herself on a wait list for a breeder.

Becky had two children and both had come to her well before the new laws were passed. She had always loved kids, and her husband John was a good man. They had talked for two years about having more, but after a year of almost constantly trying she had come up empty. It wasn't for a lack of trying, Becky had pulled him into bed promptly at 9:00 almost every night, she had spread her legs, and preemptively masturbated to prime her body. She had let him pump her hard for nice and easy quickies and forced him into long drawn out sessions, forcing him to hold in his boiling ejaculate for in excess of an hour before letting him drain his blue bursting balls into her greedy swollen cunt.

He was a good sport, and wanted another child of course, but it seemed soon enough that nothing was going to help things along. They started to talk treatments, and other such things but both were hesitant to involve doctors visits and considerable cost to the situation. Then one day she had watched a program on the internet "Top 5 was to make babies." The internet of course is just a place to watch porn now days, but sometimes you learned something.

The video clip described a number of helpful suggestions, all of which she had tried. Then the clip mentioned the breeders program and she realized with more than a little embarrassment that she wanted to bring in a ringer. She had never thought she could do such a thing, but it could solve her problem.

"I mean, he was an expert, and the video even said they could be discreet." She thought to herself.

After a surprisingly short wait, and a pre interview where some some basic questions were asked she was all set. He would call in a few days and she could set up an appointment with James, who she was informed was the local serviceman in her area. As she hung up she realized the gravity of what she had done and almost called again to cancel. It was almost all she could think about for two days, and even her very gentle happy husband seemed to notice a change in her, though he had no idea what to make of it.

It was three days after her call to the family health centre that she received a phone call from an anonymous number. She answered "Hello?"

"Hello M'am, am I speaking with Mrs. Rebbecca Smith?"

"Yes, this is she."

"Ah good. My name is James. I'm from the Family Health Department."

"Ohhh, yes. I see."

"I understand that you wanted to make an appointment."

She was instantly red cheeked. Her body was strangely peeked at the thought of an appointment with a "Breeder."

"I called yes. I need to be discreet." She said, her voice trembling as she spoke.

"Of course m'am, your appointment is at your availability and discretion. We understand fully your situation as you are married."

"Oh yes, I did mention that on the phone." She realized he would know that.

"And your health records state you have already been pregnant."

"Yes, twice."

"Very good. We should of course schedule for your time of ovulation."

"Ohh... Yes, of course."

"And that would be?"

"Oh. Umm. Today. Or tomorrow." She said wincing as she thought through her cycle. She had spoken without realizing what this meant of course. She hoped he would need to come tomorrow.

"I can come by today if you would like. I have another appointment this evening, but this morning I'm free. An appointment usually takes about 3 or four hours. I try not to rush things." He said and he couldn't help but smile a little as he said it. He did like his job.

"Oh today?? Now?" Her heart started racing and her face burned with shame or excitement, she couldn't tell which.

"He could hear the flutter in her voice, and the nervous excitement she spoke in. Wives going behind their husbands back accounted for a noticeable portion of his job, he admitted to only himself he tended to like these appointments the most.

Young girls were often about tact and diplomacy. Often having to navigate family politics and bullshit. Everybody tried to hide behind that boyfriend that would "knock her up" any minute now. There were also women that men in his profession called "professionals" they tended to be rough and business like. In it for the money. The housewives were used to sex, enjoying it, and they were not used to strangers. He got a certain pleasure at turning their nervousness to sexual pleasure. Just part of the fun of the job. He hoped she was a looker.

She said in a voice that was half committal and filled with dread. "You'll have to come by 10AM and leave by 2PM. My kids come home after that and you need to be gone."

"Of course m'am. I am close by so I can be there in minutes. Shall I just drive up and knock on the door?" He asked almost chuckling at her squeak of surprise.

"NO! Park down the street and come in through the back yard, you can open the back gate from Riker's drive." She gave him instructions to navigate and enter the back yard.

"Sure Rebecca, or do you go by Becky?"

"Rebecca, or Mrs. Smith." She said appalled embarrassed, and confused at the tone he used, almost as if he knew her old nickname in high school.

James was good on his word as he showed up almost 20 minutes after the phone call. She had only had enough time to shower quickly and put on a basic pair of sweats and T-shirt. Her skin was still damp and though she had never wet her hair it was still wet on the ends from the dampness of the shower. He was at the back sliding door when she came down from the shower. She almost squeaked in surprise at him, then realized he was supposed to be there so she let him in.

He entered quietly with a smile on his face. "Nice pool." He said with a wry grin on his face. She she tried to be formal, but she couldn't help but look him over fully as she stepped in the house.

He was a younger man, no more than 25 and likely younger, he was of average height, an inch or so shorter than her. He was stoutly muscled and wore the type of sport fashion that men who have muscles wear. In shorts and a fashionable looking tee he looked ready for the beach. She couldn't help but notice that his shorts bulged a little at the groin, she almost gasped at that, a fact that he noticed observantly.

Her eyes searched him for signs of this being a prank or a reason to send him on his way. "Where's your ID?" She said in a moment of clarity. She knew he would have to have that. Men impersonating Breeders were already well established in the minds of popular culture.

"Oh sure, right here Rebecca." He said still grinning. "Of course I have a few questions if you don't mind. Perhaps we could sit in the living room for a minute. Its just part of the process. I promise everything is confidential.

He passed her the badge, much like a police officers ID it displayed his name, and position, a serial number attached to him. She memorized the number and placed it in the notes section of her phone as she sat down. "Do you want a drink?" She asked, suddenly realizing that that was an unprofessional thing for him to do, and a downright unhealthy thing for her to do. He smiled, almost chuckling as she spoke then sat back down in embarrassment.

"Perhaps a coffee? I suggest a herbal tea for yourself, maybe it will calm you to do a task while we talk." He said with surprising insight and more than a little bit of an indulgent smirk. She got up wordlessly and started the kettle.

"I have just a few questions. Some are basic and demographic, others are more invasive, and required in order that you can receive the stipend if we are successful today."

"I already receive a stipend for my other children, can't it just be increased and placed in the same account?"

"Children birthed after the family health laws are part of a different stipend." He went into the legal aspects briefly. "The rate of remuneration is much higher, but the information kept on new children is deeper. All in the effort of making sure we never have these problems again. Bio data collection will be a requirement. First for you, then of course for the little ones later. Think nothing of it, all of that will be done at the time of delivery, all on the down low as it were." He said soothingly as she made tea and coffee.

She really didn't have time to think on it, and she wanted this to work as she sat down and passed his coffee, she listened to the lengthy legal description of the cost, benefits, and breakdown of the process. She didn't realize there was so much to think about, nor did she realize how much she stood to gain from another pregnancy, let alone two. He carefully described the process and legalities of making children for the state. When she had first called she practically had some pornographic idea of what would happen. Then the invasive questions began.

"So, how often are you intimate? Husband or otherwise?"

"Oh, um... A couple of times a week. Lately. Since we've been trying."

"And before?"

"Once a week. Usually." Once again her cheeks were flushed, to be honest, several times a week had been hard on John, his back had been bothering him.

"And your libido would prefer more often... Or less?"

"Oh, a few times a week is fine." She lied, she had always wanted more. In fact as she was getting older, and the kids were going to school she was really very interested in much more.

"Alright. Then, favorite position?"

"Ummn? You need to know that?"

"Well, I would like you to enjoy things, but during our appointment I will vary up the positions."

She sighed and looked about flustered, never having talked intimately with a stranger. "Missionary... No... Doggie style." She said as she moved uneasily on her seat. She could feel her body react to this questioning, the whole situation. He looked over her as she uncomfortably squirmed in her seat, he could almost smell her arousal. He smiled widely as he took in her breasts, and that big ol' ass as she sat uncomfortably on the couch. He shifted himself, his cock swelling slowly in the confines of his shorts.

"Oral sex?"


"Do you enjoy oral sex?" He asked promptly, politely.

"Yes." She said simply as she looked at her hands and wrung them.

"Giving and receiving?" She looked at him almost pleadingly before answering. "Yes, both."

"Good, and do you like anal sex?" She suddenly looked up at him fearfully, thinking he might expect that today. He quickly made a gentle motion with his hands to soothe her.

"Don't worry, its just some women are very used to that, and orgasms are the goal here, right? I use all techniques in my sessions. Its not a requirement." James said with a bit of a wink, his eyes a little mirthful despite her obvious discomfort.

"Alright. I understand. I mean, I don't want to... Go there today. " She said the last imagining James going there, she had not had a man fuck her ass for years. John, on his birthday, it had been alright... Not her thing.

He noticed her looking at his groin as he asked the next question. To her it seemed to be taking more and more space in his shorts. He asked with only a hint of a smile "But you do orgasm right? From regular vaginal intercourse?" She sighed a little and nodded. "Yes, usually." She said as she had gone over the last couple of times in her head.

"Good. I suppose we are ready to begin." He said as he closed up the laptop he had placed on the coffee table. He sipped at his coffee and smiled over the brim of the cup. She caught herself forgetting to breathe for a minute and took a deep sighing breath. She looked at him nervously and he relaxed into the couch, enjoying the awkward nature of the encounter.

"We can of course proceed as you wish, there are no regulations on how we do this. Perhaps a massage, or a little petting. I understand if you just want to do this more anonymously, say using a blindfold, some women prefer to imagine someone else, or prefer to pretend I'm their husband. You are in complete control." He said with diplomatic perfection, his experience in these delicate situations clear as she thought of her options.

"No offence, James. But I think I would prefer if we just did what you are here to do. Perhaps at the side of the bed, doggie style, no need to do anything fancy." She said calling out her particular poison. She thought it might be nice to have him warm her up, but she realized as she felt the immense sodden feeling between her legs that she didn't need foreplay, her nervous excitement was indeed warming her up.

"Of course Rebecca. Straight doggie on the bed, no problem. You are a beautiful woman so I will enjoy the view." He said grinning with perfect teeth once again. She couldn't help but to grin and blush in response. "You must be kidding me. You sleep with so many woman. How could I be anything other than work to you?" She asked surprisingly delighted.

"Oh you are going to be far from work." He said as he leaned into her and put a hand on her leg playfully. "I have a thing for thick older women. You're actually my type." He often liked to butter a client up, it helped along the orgasm's and thus the pregnancies, but he wasn't really lying with her. She had a perfect curvy mommy bod. And he was throbbing between his legs. Then he reminded her of what she was getting into. "So once at the side of the bed to take the edge off, and then we can wing it, I prefer to get in about three loads by the end of our session, but the longer we make it last the better." He said as he stood, his cock tenting his shorts obscenely.

Becky gasped at the tent and looked up at him, her legs felt like jelly under her. "You are so huge!" She said as she got hold of herself, pushing out a long breath she stood nervously. Her eyes fixed on the big old tent pole in his pants. "I'm not sure I'll be able to handle several hours... I mean, its not what I'm used to. She said as she went to the sink for a glass of water,

"That's fine, we'll only go as long as you want. You can call me off at any time." After a minute he asked. "Shall we?"

She realized she was at the edge of the precipice, and she really wanted to jump. She instantly turned on a dime and went upstairs with her glass of water in her hands. James followed her closely enjoying the sight of her cheeks moving deliciously in her basic grey sweats as she climbed the stairs. The master bedroom at the end of the hall was decorated in the way that only a white upper middle class housewife could. Its prim and proper settings held comfortable furniture, basic paintings on the walls and far too many pillows. Becky let him in and closed the double doors shut as she hesitated.

He looked at her calmly, eyes intent and mature, he always waited for their cue. When she exasperatedly began to pull her t shirt over her torso and push her sweats down her legs he smiled and did the same. She stared at him and he stared back. His cock was hard and thick and ready. It twitched on its own occasionally as she stood in front of him, her body pink and swollen and gushing.

"Please James, take it easy on me." She said her body screaming silently at her as she crawled onto her hands and knees on the bed.

"No worries Becky, I mean Rebecca. I'm a professional. You'll be satisfied, I promise, and you'll bring a new little one into the world." He said in a soothing voice as he watched her assume the position. Her ass flared out lewdly in front of him and he couldn't help but sigh to himself at the sight.

Her thick legs jiggled, and as she placed her head on the bed in order to lower her upper body he could see her soft white flesh press against the bed. He walked towards her and he found himself breathing heavy. He held his cock in his hand as he pressed it satisfyingly against her upturned sex lips, and he paused at her opening enjoying the sensation of her quivering slick nethers against the head of his cock.

She let out a little sigh and her cunt glistened with moisture, the hair of her ebony bush standing out against the pink of her pussy. His bulbous head slid between her slick lips, teasingly at first he stroked himself against her playfully and sucking in his breath as he enjoyed the feel of her wetness anointing his achingly hard cockhead. She had her eyes closed tightly and she ached to feel him inside her, his pausing at the precipice drove her up the wall.