Becoming a Slave Couple Ch. 11-16

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A couple seeks to be dominated and humiliated.
5.3k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/11/2017
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Chapter 11 "Dave and Tracy Arrive"

I'm already drained. My wife has been reduced to a semi-hysterical whore, and I've devolved into a cumbucket. That all in a 25 minute car ride to wherever the fuck we are. With all the commotion in the back seat, I truly have no idea where we are. It's pitch black. My guess is we are on the outskirts of downtown, but the nondescript nature of the surrounding buildings gives me no clue. I've never heard of the street names.

The driver opens the passenger side back door. I get out first, trying to maintain decorum in my best suit, now marked on the knees by the grit on the floor of the backseat, and the clear cumstain on my silk tie.

Tracy staggers out second, barely able to negotiate the cobblestone road with her perilously high four inch heels and her wobbly legs from the fucking she got from two men in the backseat. She is also trying to preserve some semblance of decorum in her $3000 outfit and her $850 shoes.

It doesn't help that there is a residual stream of cum running down her right leg as she is walking. Panties would have helped. Her tits are zig zagging wildly in her blouse as she wobbles braless on the uneven pavement. The driver guides us to an unmarked steel door in a nondescript warehouse.

Reggie knocks on the door. After a brief pause, the door slowly opens. A bald man's head peeks out. He breaks into a wide grin. "Reggie my man. Welcome!! What have we here? Fresh meat? Such an elegant woman. And who's the douchebag with this beauty?"

Reggie replies "Norman, she looks like a CEO, but she's really just a well-dressed cock slut. The douchebag is her shithead of a husband."

Norman ushers us in. We walk silently down a long corridor to a bank of unmarked elevators. You can hear only the clicking of Tracy's heels echoing on the cement floor.

Reggie presses the "Up" button and we are soon greeted by a luxuriously appointed elevator cab with a uniformed attendant inside. The attendant recognizes Reggie and punches the button for the top floor.

More silence. This silence is jarred by our arrival at the top floor and the sudden opening of the doors into an expansive open space. "Good evening Master Reginald" barks the attendant. We exit the elevator cab and the doors quietly close behind us.

A nattily dressed woman emerges from a crowd of people and shouts a greeting to our group. "Welcome Master Reginald. Many of our guests have already arrived." On closer inspection, the woman is missing the top half of her suit. Her tits, supported by a woefully small demi-cup bra, jut out in all of their splendor, with her nipples clamped and a chain dangling between the clamps. Reggie jerks the chain, which elicits a gasp from the hostess.

This is not going to be a run of the mill party.

Chapter 12 "Dave and Tracy are Welcomed to the House of Pain and Pleasure"

Reggie negotiates his way through the crowd. I note that everyone is well-dressed, though some are wearing masks and some are in various states of undress. As we make our way through to the middle of the expansive space there are a good number of people that are completely naked, and engrossed in various sex acts. There are crowds of people watching. I've seen "Eyes Wide Shut." I never believed it happened in real life. Believe it.

Reggie now reveals all to Tracy. "Slut. This is a House of Pain and Pleasure. I'm the chief butler. One of my jobs is to procure new talent. I've found that my job at a high end shoe department affords me with almost unlimited access to horny cocksluts like you. And cocksluts that can afford beautiful clothes and shoes and can carry themselves as women of stature that just happen to enjoy a cock in their mouth, pussy and ass at the same time. Our clients demand the finest and I bring only the finest."

"Slut, you should be honored to be here among the elite. You are drop dead gorgeous, and every man and women in this place will eagerly sacrifice their right arm for the opportunity to sample your wares. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Tracy pauses for a moment before replying. She has had twenty minutes to compose herself since that crazy car ride, and that time has given her an opportunity to reflect upon her willingness to join this lifestyle. With her eyes cast to the floor Tracy says "Master. I never dreamed that I could be taken to such heights of desire, sexual pleasure, want, and humiliation. I want nothing more than to be your whore, to do with as you please. I can only hope to be an obedient slut, and to satisfy Master's every whim."

Reggie nodded with approval and turned to me. "So cumbucket, what sayeth you?"

I also had time to reflect on this tumultuous journey, and was fully aligned with Tracy. My former life seemed beyond boring. Every nerve and fiber of my being was being constantly stimulated. I craved more. Looking at my shoes, I said with conviction "Master, I am honored to be your cumbucket. I only hope that I exceed your expectations as a worthless piece of dog shit. I want to live in the service of Master and Mistress Tracy. She is a goddess to be worshipped. You are her Master, and therefore mine as well."

Reggie beamed with approval. "Well said. Now you are both probationary slaves. I will offer you to the Master of the House as slaves in training. If you perform well tonight, the Master of the House may find his way to making your house slaves. Watch the others and learn. Now I have some clients to attend to. Follow me. Stand behind me. At no time are you to speak unless spoken to. Our clients pay well for the privilege to be here, and I'm not in the business of disappointing them."

Chapter 13 "Tracy's Surprise"

"Come along," as Reggie continued to the far corner of the room with us in tow. The far corner of the room has a significant amount of furniture, as well as equipment mounted on the wall. We dutifully stand behind Reggie as he addresses the assembled crowd. The crowd consists of about a dozen people, mostly impeccably dressed men and a few stylishly dressed women. A few are wearing masks.

"Ladies of Gentlemen. As most of you know, I'm Reginald, the chief butler of the House of Pain and Pleasure. As our valued clients, I will be bring before you an assortment of house slaves that you may do with what you may, consistent with our house rules. Some you may be familiar with from earlier visits, some will be new. To refresh your memories, the principal house rules state that you may not leave permanent marks on the slaves, and that if a slave utters the safe word, which is 'blue," you are to immediately discontinue your actions. Are we clear?"

There are nods of approval from the crowd.

"OK, let us proceed." Reggie claps his twice and four women and two men emerge from behind him. All of them are naked, but for the usual assortment of piercings. "These are the house slaves for your consideration. Slut One, come forward."

Slut One is a beautiful woman, probably in her late 30's, with C cup breasts, silky long blond hair, and long lean legs. A classic beauty. She is wearing a studded collar, indicating her allegiance to the House of Pain and Pleasure.

"Slut One has been a house slave for five years, so many of you may have taken her through her paces. She loves gangbangs and rough anal sex. Slut One, tell the group your purpose here." Slut One speaks in a soft voice with her eyes focused on the floor in front of her.

"Master, my purpose is to serve to the best of my ability as a house slave. Therefore all of Master's guests are my Masters and Mistresses. I willingly offer all of my holes to you as a fuck toy." Reggie runs through the remaining four slaves with similar introductions.

Reggie then continues, "You will notice there are two fully clothed slaves in training behind me." All eyes turn to Tracy and me." I feel about 6 inches tall. "They are here to watch and observe. I will also start their initial training as slaves. You are welcome to witness or participate in their training."

"Cumbucket, come forward and tell us why you are here."

The spotlight again. I'm off balance. I wasn't expecting to speak. Sensing my hesitation, Reggie jerks my cum stained tie and says "Speak up you worthless piece of shit. There are fine men and women here who don't want to waste their valuable time waiting for you."

I want to dig a hole and crawl in it. I meekly offer "I am a cumbucket. I am here to watch and learn. I would like nothing more than to lick your precious cum and juices off these house slaves. I am here with my slut wife, who is also a slave in training."

Reggie then pulls Tracy forward. Tracy still looks absolutely ravishing in her new outfit, and her nipples are protruding prominently through her silk blouse. Her DD tits gently sway as she shifts her weight between her feet. With newfound confidence, Tracy declares "I want to be a cock slut. I want to learn the obedience of a house slave and to one day wear the collar of the House of Pain and Pleasure."

Right before Reggie prepares to continue, and man and woman step forward. Neither are wearing masks. They are an African-American couple in their early 40's. The man is wearing a custom tailored dark blue pinstripe suit and the woman is wearing a formal floor length gown with drop diamond earrings. A striking couple to be sure. The man points at Tracy and says "I know this slut. She works for me. I'd like to participate in this slut's training."

A flash of recognition crosses Tracy's face. It's Ezekiel "Zeke" Carpenter, an Executive Vice President of Tracy's employer, a large regional bank. Zeke works in the main office, and occasionally visits Tracy's branch office, where she is a loan officer. She probably met him no more than twice.

She faints.

Chapter 14 -- "Tracy Fucks Her Boss"

"Cumbucket, pick up your slut wife and bring her over to the refreshment area." Reggie points to an area about 20 feet away. I put my arms under Tracy's arms to bring her to her feet. Her eyes are now open.

"Dave, what happened?" whispers Tracy in a thin voice.

"You fainted. Your big boss Zeke Carpenter is here," I reply.

"Oh my God! I'll have to quit my job. I can't go back there!" Tracy is now sobbing with her face in her hands.

I'm at a loss for words to comfort her. How do you comfort a woman who has been outed in front of her boss as an aspiring cock slut?

Before this uncomfortable silence goes further, Zeke comes over and offers encouragement. "Tracy, I didn't mean to startle you. Even though you don't know me well, I've noticed you on my visits to your branch. You are one hot woman, even in the conservative business suits you wear to work. The outfit you are wearing today accentuates your natural beauty. Listen, we both have to keep our mouths shut. I don't think folks at the bank would be pleased with my extracurricular activities, especially if they involve bank employees. I'm sure you don't want anyone at the bank to know about your desires as well. As far as I'm concerned this is a private matter between consenting adults. Are we on the same page?"

Tracy wipes the tears from her face and nods in the affirmative.

"Good. My wife Shana and I will be looking forward to getting to know you better. I have always wondered what kind of rack you were hiding under your suits. Now I'll know."

Tracy and I return to the group. Reggie has already organized the slaves and the guests. There are a series of low rise narrow benches in the "play" area and some large wooden X's anchored to the walls. Two of the female slaves are secured face down on the benches and two of them are secured ass backwards to the X's (I learn later the benches are spanking benches and the X's are Saint Andrew's crosses).

The guests are whipping the asses of the slaves who are attached to the Saint Andrew's crosses with bundles of birch branches. The slaves secured to the spanking benches are being mouth fucked by the guests. Off to the side on leather sofas, two of the female guests are kneeling on them and are having their asses eaten by the male slaves. Looks like they are started without us.

Reggie comes over and addresses Tracy. "Master Zeke and Mistress Shana want to participate in your training. He's requested you put on the demi bra, suspenders and hose that are sitting over there on the bench. Leave on the shoes. There's a small closet next to the bench for you to hang up your outfit. Now move your slut ass and be back here in three minutes. And shithead, lose the suit."

I follow Tracy to the changing area. I take off my clothes so I'm buck naked. She carefully takes off her outfit puts it in the closet. She picks up the demi bra and suspenders. They're powder blue! She leans over with her tits hanging down so she can put on the bra. She stands upright and fastens it in the back. The bra is so low cut that part of her areola is showing. Her tits are magnificent.

She pulls on the sheer lace suspenders and lace topped hose to complete her new ensemble. She then slips on her shoes and is a breathtaking sight to behold. Better than my porn video. My cock approves.

She struts over to the play area. Zeke and Shana are there waiting. "You are one fine bitch!" declares Zeke. Shana is silent, but you can see her eyes moving up and down Tracy's practically naked body with delight. I feel like the fifth wheels, as Zeke and Shana don't even give me the recognition that I am there. But of course Tracy is the main course.

Reggie takes Tracy by the hand and directs her to lay face down on the spanking bench. He secures her hands by handcuffing her under the bench. He secures her ankles to the bench with leather shackles. Tracy's eyes are as wide as saucers. "All right slut. The first thing a real slut learns is how to mouth fuck her Master. Now Zeke here is willing to help with your training so you can learn how to mouth fuck a cock."

Reggie grabs a handful of Tracy's hair and pulls her head up so it's even with Zeke's crotch. I notice that Zeke has kindly removed most of his clothing so he's only wearing an unbuttoned dress shirt. Shana has skinnied down to a matching set of a black lace bra and suspenders and hose. She's already pulled the bra down so it is now underneath her E cup tits. At this point I would gladly swap Tracy for a chance at Shana's luscious tits.

Zeke moves forward with him semi-erect cock. It's a good six inches and growing. "Stick out your tongue bitch!" barks Zeke. Tracy complies. Zeke slides his cock on top of Tracy's tongue and into her mouth. He pushes forward, gagging Tracy. He pulls back to allow her to catch her breath. He then resumes his assault with increase vigor. Now Tracy is practically foaming at the mouth, with her spit starting to hang lewdly from her mouth.

Reggie shoves me in the back towards Tracy. As I stagger forward Reggie yells "You worthless cumbucket. Can't you see the slut's precious spit is going to hit the floor? Get on your back underneath her and catch it with your worthless mouth."

Now I've been in this position to change the oil in my car, but I've can't say I've had the privilege of assuming this position so I can catch my wife's spit as her boss is ramming his now 9 inch cock into my wife's mouth. Another day of firsts. I assume this position just before the first bit of hanging spit reaches the floor. I catch it in my mouth and keep it open. It's delicious. It's clear that some of Zeke's precum has already mixed with Tracy's spit.

Zeke has now managed to get most of his cock in Tracy's mouth but he can't manage the last few inches. Tracy is now gagging almost continuously and I'm on the receiving end of a waterfall of spit. My erect cock betrays my joy as I lay in this most compromising of positions.

Shana steps forward and pushes Zeke away. "Slut, let me show you how a real woman sucks a cock." She gets on her knees and slowly slides Zeke's glistening cock into her mouth. When it hits the back of her throat, you can see her seamlessly relax her throat as the last 3 inches of Zeke's mouth disappear into her mouth. For good measure, she holds her position at the base of Zeke's cock for at least five seconds before slowing moving back on his cock. She continues her ministrations until Zeke starts tensing his body.

Shana recognizes this body language as Zeke's signal that he's about to cum. She latches onto his cock with her lips as he pulses his load into her waiting mouth. I'm still on my back on the floor so Shana calmly stands up, walks over to me, bends over, and slowly releases Zeke's large load. It travels in a long rope into my waiting mouth. That scores a "10" on the humiliation scale, as Tracy watches with disgust. My cock is ready to explode.

Recognizing this, Reggie directs me to seek relief. "Cumbucket, you did a fine job of catching Tracy's spit and Zeke's cum. As a reward, you can mouth fuck your slut wife until you cum. She needs the practice."

I get up off the floor and stand before my wife. I pull her head up by her hair and slide my raging erection into her mouth. Now I've never gotten my 6 inches completely in her mouth. I push in the first 5 with little resistance. She starts to make some slight gagging noises but pushes her head toward me until her lips are entwined with my pubic hair. I mouth fuck her with increased intensity. I feel the familiar tingle, and she pulls slightly back to catch my load.

Welcome relief washes across me. While in this momentary reverie Reggie slaps me on the side of the head. I know the drill. I get on my back underneath Tracy and she releases my load slowly into my opened mouth. In a day of firsts, I get to experience my own load mixed with Tracy's spit. I'm convinced it's an acquired taste.

With the completion of these festivities, Reggie declares to Tracy "Now that we've worked on mouth fucking, we are now going to focus on a slave taking it up the ass. You can't be a slut without begging for a good ass fucking." Then Reggie turns to me. "That includes you, Cumbucket." Now my eyes are as wide as saucers.

Chapter 15 "Tracy Has Her Anal Cherry Taken"

Reggie leads us over to an empty spanking bench and brings 3 different size dildos. I have a strong suspicion they're going to find their way up my ass.

Reggie starts by bending Tracy over the bench so her ass is in the air. Her pussy is highly aroused from the strenuous mouth fucking she engaged in, as well as the general sordid ambiance of this high class dungeon. Her juices have covered both her pussy and her asshole.

Reggie points to me. "Cumbucket. Your dick is about the size of the smallest dildo. Since it's your slut wife, I'll give you the honor of taking her anal cherry in front of all of us. Get moving."

I have been looking forward to this moment for years. I've never gotten my finger into Tracy's asshole, let alone my dick. I just never envisioned I'd be doing it in front of a dozen virtual strangers. My dick is happy. It's erect and ready to go again.

I approach Tracy and touch the head of my cock against her puckered hole. She jerks forward, and is quickly admonished by Reggie for doing so. I then slide my cock across her puffy pussy lips to acquire some lubrication. I reintroduce my cockhead to her asshole and push forward. No dice. Closed for business.

Reggie gives a power assist by taking an electric prod and touching it to Tracy's ass. She jumps up at least 6 inches in the air.

In a firm voice Reggie says "Take his cock in your ass you ungrateful slut. If he doesn't get in on his next try we are going to paddle your ass till it's cherry red."