Becoming a Slut Couple Jeannie


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"How do I do that?"

"Let me think on it."

The next day Alice called her. "I thought about what we talked about last night and I think what we need is a girls night out."

"A girl's night out? How will that make Martin notice me?"

"We salt the mine."

"We what?"

"It's what they did back during the gold rush days. If a man wanted to sell a low producing mine he planted gold in the mine for the prospective buyers to find. It was called 'salting the mine.' What we will do is go out with the girls one night and the next morning when Martin walks into the kitchen he will find you cleaning out your purse. You will be taking several pieces of paper with phone numbers on them out of your purse and dropping them on the table in front of you. When he asks you what you are doing you tell him that guys kept hitting on you all night and giving you their phone numbers and you are just getting them out of your purse. If that doesn't make him stop and think and take a good look at you maybe you need to dump him and go find yourself a live wire."


The night she and Alice were going to put their plan into effect Martin called home and said he would be working late. She told him that she might not be home when he got there because she was going out with Alice and the girls for drinks. It was a blast! She, Alice, Tina, Marge and Bev had a table near the dance floor and five attractive, unescorted women were a magnet that pulled at every man in the place. There was a steady stream of men asking them to dance and offering to buy them drinks.

The plan Alice had of all the girls writing down a phone number on a slip of paper so the handwriting wouldn't look the same if Martin checked them never got put into play. All of the girls got hit on so many times and so many phone numbers were pushed at them that fake numbers weren't needed.

Jennie had never had so much attention paid to her by so many different men in her life. The drinks were flowing and she was in a very good mood when she heard Bev say:

"I certainly wouldn't mind a taste of that."

"A taste of what?"

"That hunk sitting over there at the table by the hallway to the restrooms."

She looked over and saw Todd, the trainer she worked with at the gym, sitting with an older man and then she did something that was so out of character for her that she couldn't believe she did it.

"You want a taste of that? Well, since you are my friend I'll see if I can't get you that taste."

She got up and walked over to the table where Todd was sitting and he saw her coming and stood up and greeted her with a brotherly hug. She cut right to it.

"I need a favor."

"If it is something I can do you've got it."

"See that gorgeous redhead at that table over there" and she pointed to where Bev was sitting, "She has been sitting there and staring at you and I decided to try my hand at match making. Do me a favor and ask her for a dance."

Todd turned to the man he was sitting with and asked, "Would you mind if I abandoned you?"

"Not at all, but I think it only fair that if she takes you away from me she should have to stay and keep me company."

Todd looked at her and raised an eyebrow. She smiled and said, "I guess I can make that sacrifice for Bev" and she sat down on the seat that Todd had just vacated and extended her hand as she said, "I'm Jennie."

The man took her hand and as he said, "Hi Jennie, I'm Frank" she felt a spark. Something about the man appealed to her and the thought caused her to shiver. She looked over and saw Todd walking Bev out onto the dance floor and Frank asked her if she would like to dance. Given the strange feeling she was having she decided that maybe it would be best to get away from the table where they were alone and get out there on the crowded dance floor where there were a lot of people around.

Bad move she realized as they got out on the floor. It was crowded enough that she and Frank were pushed together and as he took her in his arms she felt her body tingle and that wasn't all she felt. He was hard and it was pressing into her. What made it worse was that he looked a little like one of the actors she had seen on one of Alice's porn tapes. The thought of that tape and what she had done while she was watching it and now dancing with a man who looked like...Oh God, what was she thinking? Why was her entire body tingling and why were her panties getting damp?

The dance turned into three and then he took her back to his table. Several drinks and several dances later she noticed that the other girls were gone, including Alice who was her ride. She excused herself and checked all the bathrooms, but couldn't find Alice. When she returned to the table Frank asked:

"Something wrong?"

"My ride is gone."

"No problem" Frank said, "I'll see to it that you get home. One more drink and we'll dance the rest of this set and I'll run you home."

It was three more drinks before they left the bar. She felt....well, she didn't really know how she felt. She was turned on from all the close dancing she had done with Frank and from having his cock rubbed against her so much. She was pleased knowing that she had turned him on - knowing that she was sexually alluring.

She was uncomfortable being in a car with a strange man (well, even though they had danced for hours she didn't really know him) but at the same time she was excited. He wanted her and it had been a long time since she had felt wanted. There was something about him, some sort of animal or sexual magnetism that had caused the spark when she first met him.

The drinks had her feeling really good and upbeat and all the confusing thoughts were rolling around in her head so she really wasn't prepared for it when Frank slid across the car seat, took her in his arms and kissed her. His tongue teased her lips and she shivered as she opened her mouth to let it in. The drinks, the excitement she felt and it having been so long since she'd last had any affection at all combined in that one moment and caused any idea of resistance to fade. She eagerly returned Frank's kiss, sending her own tongue searching. She didn't even notice when he got his hands up under her blouse and unsnapped her brassiere. It wasn't until she felt one of her nipples being rolled between a thumb and forefinger that she was aware of how far he had gotten.

Little electric shocks were flowing through her body directly to her pussy and she spread her legs which Frank took as an open invitation and his fingers sought out her treasure. When his fingers entered her she moaned and Frank broke his kiss long enough to murmur;

"Cars are for teenagers, but you are so hot that I just can't pass up this opportunity."

He kissed her again and as their tongues played he unzipped himself and pulled out his erection. He took her right hand and put it on his erect cock and she grasped it and started stroking it. Suddenly that hot tube of flesh reminded her that she was a married woman, that she loved her husband and that what she was doing was wrong. She let go of Frank's cock and he sensed that things were about to change, but before she could do anything he pushed her back on the seat, pushed the gusset to her panties aside and pushed his cock into her cunt.

She felt the cock drive into her and even though she knew it was wrong it still felt good. All the protests she was going to make were forgotten as Frank drove deep into her and started fucking her. "Oh God Martin, I'm so sorry" flashed through her mind as she gave herself up to Frank. Her arms went around him and she pulled her knees back to open herself to him and all thoughts of Martin disappeared.

Cars may have been for teenagers, but then the two of them fucked like teenagers. Frank came in her and as he pulled out she whined at being left hanging so he got her onto the back seat and fucked her some more. They did some serious necking and then Frank fucked her for a third time. When it was over she told him that she needed to get home before her husband got worried. Frank stopped a block from her house and they kissed goodnight. When they pulled into her driveway and she was about to get out of the car Frank said:

"I'll call you."

She only hesitated a moment before saying, "I'd like that" and then she went into the house worried about how she would be able to face Martin. It was a wasted worry as he was in bed sound asleep. She crawled in next to him and then she lay there staring up at the ceiling. A tear trickled down her cheek at the thought that she had betrayed her husband and she didn't even know why. Not only that, but she had left the door open to do it again. Why had she told Frank that she would like him to call her? She didn't want Frank, she wanted Martin.


The phone rang as she was fixing Martin's breakfast. She answered it and it was Alice.

"What happened to you last night?"

"What do you mean" she asked, terrified that Alice somehow knew about Frank and would think she was a whore.

"Where were you when I came back to get you?"

"You came back?"

"Didn't Bev tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"Tina got sick and I had to run her home. I told Bev to tell you I would be back to get you."

"She must have been so wrapped up in Todd that she forgot."

Alice giggled, "He is a hunk. You didn't seem to mind the one you were with."

"I made a deal so I had to stick to it."

"A deal? What kind of a deal?"

"I had to promise to keep him company if Todd went over to Bev."

"I'd say that she owes you big time. How did you get home?"

"Frank drove me."

"How is our plan working?"

"Martin's still in the shower so I don't know yet."

"Call me and let me know."

She was hanging up the phone when Martin came into the kitchen. "Who was that" he asked.

"Alice. Checking up on me to see if I'm still alive or if the hangover killed me."

"Tie one on last night?"

"Had a good time."

Nothing more was said as Martin dived into his eggs and bacon and she left the room to take a shower. As she used a soapy rag on her pussy she remembered how good it had felt when Frank had been in her and then she remembered he said he would call. And she remembered that she had not said, "No, please don't." She HAD said that she would like it if he did. Why had she done that? Why hadn't she fought him off? She had known it was wrong, but she had still allowed it. And then she had let him do it two more times and what was worse - she had loved it! When Frank had kissed her good night a block from the house if he had suggested they get in the back seat again she probably would have done it. How could she love Martin and do that? And she did love Martin; she was in no doubt about that.

But did Martin love her?

The memory of Frank in her pussy flooded in on her. No, no more of that! She was Martin's and by God it was time to do something about that. She finished her shower, quickly dried off and then, still naked, she headed for the kitchen. She wasn't going to wait for Martin to notice her. No, damn it, she would force the issue. She would take him on the kitchen table if she had to. When she reached the kitchen he was gone. She heard the garage door opener and she went to the window and saw him back out of the drive and head off to work. All right then, she would do it that night. No matter what time he got home she would be awake and waiting for him, naked and ready.

She dressed and called Alice and told her that she hadn't done the phone number thing. She lied and said that Martin had been in a rotten mood over something at work and she didn't think the time was right. They talked for a couple of more minutes and then she headed for the gym and her morning workout. She didn't see Todd there and she smiled to herself as she thought that Bev might not have left him enough strength to get out of bed that morning. Thinking about Todd brought Frank back to her mind and she felt her pussy tingle again as she remembered her night in his car.


She had just taken a load of laundry out of the dryer when the phone rang. She answered it and it was Frank.

"I'm on my cell baby. I'm parked where we stopped last night and I can be there in sixty seconds."

No, she told herself, end this now and she took a deep breath and got ready to tell him "Thanks, but no thanks" but what came out was, "Hurry, I'll be waiting." She met him at the door naked and hurried him to the bedroom and helped him undress. She knew it was wrong and that she was giving away what should have been Martin's, but Martin didn't seem to want her and Frank did. She had worked so hard to make herself into something Martin would desire, but he ignored her. She had primed herself for sex and Martin did not seem to care at all about the new her. She was ready and she needed sex and Frank was there and Frank wanted her and Frank was ready.

Their first coupling was frantic and frenzied and she clutched at him, pulled him to her, pushed up at him and begged him to fuck her. Words she had never used with Martin flowed from her like water from a faucet.

"Fuck me, push your cock deeper, fuck my cunt, fuck your slut, make me cum."

All the words she'd heard on the porn tapes became hers to use and she used them on Frank.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me hard and make me cum" and Frank did his best to give her what she was demanding. She came twice before Frank moaned, "I can't hold back any longer" and then released in her. She hugged him to her as he drained and then he got off and said:

"Get me hard again baby."

She knew what he wanted and she had never done it before. She had planned on doing it to Martin the next time they made love, but the way things were going only God knew when that would be or if it would ever happen at all. Well, she would practice on Frank and that way Martin would get her best when she did get him in bed. She thought about all the blow jobs she had seen on the porn tapes and then she tried to copy them.

When she took Frank's cock in her mouth it was the first time she tasted cum. Actually, it wasn't cum, it was a mixture of her juices and Frank's sperm and the taste wasn't as bad as she'd imagined it would be. She licked Frank's cock clean and then licked all the juices from his balls. He moaned and she thought that the videos did a marvelous job of instruction. Once she had his cock licked clean she took it in her mouth, clamped her lips tight and started bobbing her head. Should she suck him all the way off and get an undiluted taste of sperm? A picture of Martin entered her mind and to herself she said no, she would save that for Martin.

Frank's soft cock began to harden and she gloried in being able to do that; to give the gift of life to Frank's cock. It was a great feeling. Why had she denied Martin and herself these pleasures all these years? Why had not Martin pushed her into doing these things? She knew the answer to those questions even as she asked them - he loved her. He would never make her do anything that she didn't want to do and she had been a prude. God, how had Martin been able to stand her. She knew the answer to that one too. He stood it by ignoring her, but by God that was going to change. He wouldn't know what hit him!

She swung over Frank and like she had seen Angel Dust do on the videos she used one hand to guide Frank into her pussy as she settled down onto his hard cock. It was the first time she had ever been on top and she loved the sense of control it gave her. She slid up and down on Frank and rocked back and forth. More words she had never used before came out of her mouth:

"Oh God your cock feels so good in my pussy. I love the way your cock fills me."

Several pleasurable minutes went by and then Frank gripped her in his strong hands and rolled her onto her back and then he started fucking her as hard as he could. He was breathing hard and sweat dripped off him as he pounded into her pussy. She moaned and pushed herself up at him as an orgasm ripped through her body. He pushed hard and deep into her and her nails bit into Frank's back as her legs clamped tight around him.

Frank moaned and she felt the hot splash of his tribute to her. She held him tight as his cock softened and he gasped out:

"I don't think I'm ever going to get enough of you."

"Does that mean you want to go again?"

Oh Jesus yes. All I need is some time to recover enough to get it hard again."

"I'm afraid that I can't give you that much time. I want to go again too, but you need to go. I have to change the sheets and then shower before my husband gets home."

"When can I see you again?"

"Why Frank," she asked coyly, "Why ever would you want to see me again?"

"Because you are the hottest piece of ass I've ever had and I want more. I want much, much more."

"Well then, give me a number where I can reach you and I'll call when the opportunity arises."

She took the number from him, but she knew she would never call. What she had done with him was very enjoyable, but he was only a diversion. Martin was her target and if she did things right she would never lack for a hard cock again as Martin would keep her very, very busy or she would keep him very busy, whatever!


Freshly showered and the bed made she dug through her closet looking for something sexy and enticing that she could be wearing when Martin came home from work. She found nothing. She suddenly realized that she wouldn't. She had never been one for sexy under garments or frilly things. She would have to do something about that. Maybe talk to Bev. Bev was always having lingerie parties so she should be able to give her some idea of what was needed. She did have high heels though so that would have to do. She would greet Martin at the door wearing nothing but high heels and hand him a chilled martini. That would certainly get his attention.

By six-thirty dinner was ready and so was she. Anticipation had her pussy wet and she wasn't sure that she would even let Martin eat his dinner. She might drag him straight to the bedroom or (giggle, giggle) take him on the kitchen table.

At six thirty-five the phone rang and she answered it. When she hung up a tear was trickling down her cheek. God damn him and that fucking job of his! Another damned emergency out of town business trip. She made herself a drink, polished it off and made herself another. Halfway through it she put it down and picked up the phone and punched in a number. When the call was answered she said:

"Hello Frank. Busy tonight, or could you stop by."

To be continued.

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GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesabout 1 year ago

Thanks for your writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Just another slut.

Buster2UBuster2Uover 2 years ago

Pretty good story of a cheating slut wife that can't wait for hubbys attention. 5 stars for Bob. Thanks

dark2donut2dark2donut2almost 3 years ago

Two pages of what is basically a bullshit. Nothing in it other than a diary of becoming a cheat. Where is the plot dude?

26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

Another of Bob's stories about a poor cheating whore who just can't help it.

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