Becoming A Slut Wife: Alma


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"Where were you last night?"

"Moving in to my new apartment."

"Brian, what are you doing?"

"I'm getting out Alma. It seems that you don't want to be my wife anymore and that somehow you got the idea that you could be a whore and it would be okay with me."

"Brian, you aren't thinking clearly on this. We both know that you married me for my money and pretending to be the outraged loving husband is a waste of time. I told you that it didn't matter. Now I'll expect to see you tonight. I'll have dinner ready and then we can go to bed and I'll show you how much it doesn't matter to me."

I said, "Goodbye Alma" and I hung up on her.

I didn't go home that night and I didn't take Alma's calls the next day. I went and talked with my father in law and told him what was happening and why.

"She actually brought him home while you were there?"


"God, what has gotten into that child."

"If I had to guess I'd say that it was her new face. She is no longer the ugly duckling and she's trying to make up for all that she thinks she missed out on. I'm going to need some time off. I'm not taking her calls and sooner or later she will just come down here to the office and I don't want to see her or talk to her until I serve her with the papers."

"You are determined to divorce her?"

"I don't want to, but if she doesn't change I don't see that I have a choice."

"I'm sorry that I got you into this Brian."

"Hey, I went for your offer out of pure greed dad. I'm as surprised as anyone as to how it turned out. I'm not sorry I did it, I'm just sorry its ending."


My cell phone rang a dozen times a day for the next two weeks and I didn't answer it if I didn't know who the caller was. Alma figured out that I was using caller ID to screen out her calls and she tried using pay phones or a friend's phone and if she got through I immediately hung up.

The day my lawyer called and told me that the divorce papers had been served I finally took a call from Alma.

"Brian damn you, where have you been, why haven't you taken my calls and what the hell is this about a divorce?"

"You are a college graduate Alma so you should be able to figure out that your third question is the answer to the first two."

"Brian you are being stupid about this. We don't have to be divorced. I told you honey, I like being married to you. You don't have to do this."

"Of course I do Alma. It is a pride thing, an ego thing if you will. No man, if he is any kind of man at all, is going to let his wife pull the shit on him that you have been pulling on me. My detective, the one who took the photos that were in the envelope with the divorce papers, also found out that you have been doing this shit for the last seven or eight months. Did you get a kick out of it Alma? Did it turn you on to come home to me and let me go down on you after you had been with another man?"

"I never did that to you Brian. I always showered and douched before getting in bed with you."

"Sure you did Alma and we are both absolutely sure that the douching got every last little bit of your lover out of you, aren't we? Did you always brush your teeth and gargle? I know how much you like to suck cock Alma so how many times did you kiss me with peter breath?"

There was silence on her end of the line.

"What, no answer to that one? Well here is another one you can try and answer. What did the divorce papers ask for? You don't have to answer that one either; I'll do it for you. They don't ask for a thing. Not the house, not the furniture, no settlement of any kind. All they ask for is to let me out. I walked into my marriage with nothing but my love for you and I'm leaving with nothing but my pride. That's how much your money means to me."

"Please don't do this Brian. We can work it out."

"No we can't Alma. It was too late to work things out when you brought that asshole home with you and fucked him in my house and it was already too late when you started using that bullshit about my marrying you for your money as an excuse for fucking other guys. That is a lie that you tell yourself so you won't feel bad about what you have been doing to me. The truth is that you had plastic surgery and now all of a sudden men are hitting on you and trying to get you into their beds.

"You lived your life as an ugly duckling who was ignored and now that you have turned into a beautiful swan you have decided to make up for lost time, to see what all you have missed out on. Well you got it Alma. You always had the sexy body and now you have the face to match. Don't sweat it Alma, your bed will never be empty. Goodbye Alma."

As I hung up the phone I looked across the desk at my father in law, "How did I do dad?"

A little melodramatic, but not bad, not bad at all. In fact, if I'd have had a son I could only have prayed that he be as big an asshole."

"Heady praise coming from the master."

"What now?"

"Well, I'm not dumb, so I guess we will go through with the divorce. After that, we will just have to see."


It wasn't easy avoiding Alma until the divorce was final, but with the help of a few others I managed it. The receptionist in the lobby warned me every time Alma came into the building and I managed to be gone from my office when she got there.

The security guards let me know whenever she camped out in the parking lot next to my car and I would call a cab and have it pick me up at the loading dock out back.

She tried going through her father, but he wouldn't help her. "You made your bed Alma. Brian didn't deserve what you did to him so you have no one to blame but yourself."

We lived in a No Fault state so she couldn't contest the divorce, but she did show up in court the day the divorce was granted. She came up to me when it was over.

"Please Brain, talk to me."

"Nothing to say Alma, you said it all the last night we lived together, remember? Let me see if I can remember the exact words. "While being married to you is nice and it is convenient it is not a necessity. As long as you don't get difficult about the way things are going to be from now on I see no reason to change things." Is that about right? Well consider this as my being difficult Alma.

"Oh, and one last thing, let's read this decree together to see just how your money hungry ex made out after marrying you for your money. Where is it? It must be in here some where. Damn. Nothing, not a dime. In fact it even says that I have to pay attorneys fees and court costs. Boy, did I ever fuck up. Marry you for your money and end up with nothing and have to take money out of my own pocket to pay for the divorce. I'll just have to do better the next time I marry for money."

"Brian, please. Let me talk to you. Please listen to me Brian."

"I did listen Alma. I listened to my private detective tell me about nine of the men you fucked behind my back. I listened to your screams and moans when you brought a man into my house and fucked him while I was there. It's over Alma. Rejoice at seeing the gold digging asshole slinking away with out a dime of yours in his pockets. Now if you will excuse me I have a date with a woman who will try to help me start a new life. It won't be much of a start though; the lady is as poor as a church mouse so marrying her for her money will be a waste of time, but then I don't do well at that, do I?"

I turned and walked to the back of the courtroom where a drippingly gorgeous blonde stood waiting for me. She had been hired from an escort agency just for the occasion, but Alma didn't know that. I offered the blond my arm, she took it and we left.


The divorce decree, the pictures and the detective's report satisfied the requirements and the trust was released to me. I offered Jason the 500k back and told him I'd settle for just keeping the interest, but he refused.

"A deal is a deal and you more than fulfilled your end of it. What now?"

"I don't have a clue."

"You going to take her back?"

"What kind of a deal do I get this time?"


"Yes dad, but an asshole after your own heart."

"You do know that she hasn't seen another man since a week after you left and she finally realized you weren't coming back?"

"No, I didn't know that. The main reason that I went forward with the divorce is because I didn't think she would stop. I thought that once she shed the ugly duckling image and started to get hit on that she would glory in it too much to stop."

"You still love her?"

"Fraid so."

"Well, from all the crying on my shoulder that she has done I know that she knows that she fucked up big time and I also know that she loves you."

"She didn't get it wrong dad. She was right; I did marry her for the money. What she did wrong was to not confront me with it so we could have worked it out. Hell, if she had confronted me I would have admitted it, not your part of course, but I would have told her that I married into the family because of the money and then I would have shown her that everything had changed and that I'd come to love her for herself and that I'd prove it by signing a predated prenuptial. And that was before her new face. That new face is what fucked everything up."

"You still haven't answered my question. What now?"

"I avoided her until the divorce was final. Now that it is over I will no longer be unavailable. If she wants to chase me fine, but she is going to have to do all the work and she is going to have to convince me that she is worth taking back."

"Why not cut out the bullshit. I'll make you a vice president if you'll marry my daughter."

"No dice dad. You'll make me a vice president even if I don't marry your daughter."

"Yeah, you're probably right."


It took her a while, mostly because I wouldn't make it easy for her, but Alma finally got me to agree to talk to her. I listened for three hours as she confessed and begged me to forgive her. I told her that I didn't know if I ever could do that and that even if I could it would take me a hell of a long time to get over what she had done. We left it that we would get together and talk again and we did.

She invited me home to have dinner with her and I told her that I would never set foot in that house again because I would always hear the noises echoing through the halls that she and her lover had made that night. It was all bullshit of course, I was deliberately trying to make things hard for her. She surprised the hell out of me by putting the house up for sale the very next day.

Alma tried hard and I gave ground a little bit at a time until the day came when she asked me to marry her again.

"If I do there is one condition that you will have to meet."

"What's that?"

"You will have to sign a prenuptial agreement. Now that I'm a vice president and dragging down a big salary I have to make sure that you aren't marrying me for my money."

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Just_WordsJust_Words2 months ago

That is one asshole that I can support! I don't think I could marry her again, but a man in love is a fool. Good story!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

If the first thought upon learning your wife is the town bike, is to "work it out", you deserve sucking cum of her used cunt. A bona fide cuck this MC and it's amusing that story has him pretending he is not one. And posturing in the end like he can enforce any prenup. He is too well trained for that

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Good story til the end. But the ending was meant to be ironic. Ignoring banging 9 guys in 8 months, which is already a death knell of a marriage, the malicious stunt where she banged the guy in the house while he was there was insane. Why would he even stay that night? Anyways that act alone makes trying agin impossible. But the ending was already preset in order to be a wicked irony. I dud like the FIL. MC degenerated with time. Alma's reversal seems odd. Just because he got nothing in the settlement? Better get a vasectomy. Still a fun read.

deependerdeepender9 months ago

Yet another story wholly dependent upon a 180* switch in a character's character. Without it, there is no story. At least this one has an excuse.

RuttweilerRuttweiler10 months ago
Fun story


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