Becoming Chloe


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"Yes Kate, I've already made up my mind and I'll be OK. I never thought about what to do when got back from your date. How would you expect me to act?

"Oh silly, we are girlfriends and girlfriends always talk about their boyfriends and their dates. They talk about how he looked, how he treated you if he held your hand if I flirted with him if he put his arm around me when we kissed. If he was a good kisser, and well you can fill in the rest." I then realized it was going to be an interesting night and didn't answer as the bell rang.

"That's him. Now be a good girl and let him in and tell him I'll be right down."

"You want me to let him in?"

"Of course, you're my girlfriend and roommate and that's what girlfriends do, now go answer the door. It's not polite to make him wait," she said running back into the bedroom. I stood there frozen in fear and not knowing what to do when the bell rang again.

"Chloe, answer the door. Stop playing around," she yelled from behind the closed door.

Walking towards the front door I stopped and looked at myself in the mirror to make sure I looked presentable. My makeup was good and the outfit I wore looked nice so I gathered up my nerve and turned the handle and opened up the front door. There was Ricky dressed in a very stylish suit and I had to admit, looking very handsome. He walked in and towered over me as he said, "Hello Chloe, you look lovely tonight. Is Kate about ready."

"Thanks, Ricky, you look nice as well. Yes, Kate will be down in a few minutes, please come in."

He confidently walked past me and into the living room and sat down on the couch. He looked over and waved me over to him, "Sit with me for a minute, Chloe."

Nervously I walked carefully in my heels on the wood floor and sat on the couch next to my wife's date.

Ricky smiled and looked deeply into my eyes and said, "I wanted to thank you for letting your wife go out with me tonight. She told me all about your desire to live as a female and I respect that and honor your choices. I know it must be difficult to know she will be with an exboyfriend but I want you to know I will treat her with respect and I promise to make her happy and keep her safe. I don't want you to worry."

That was something I didn't expect and was stunned by his knowing I was really her husband and not her live-in girlfriend. I sat there for a few seconds in shock without saying a word and after an awkward moment said the only thing I could think of, "Thank you."

"Your welcome Chloe and I have to tell you I was shocked when she told me about your current situation but after seeing you I can see you really were meant to be a woman, I mean you're beautiful and a completely passable. Even your mannerisms and voice are naturally female and if I didn't know you were Kate's husband I would have thought you were really her roommate and girlfriend. Well, I'm happy for you and we're happy to support you. I'm not sure when we will be getting back tonight but I'll make sure that Kate sends you some text messages so you won't worry.

Just remember, she's in good hands and since I dated her for a long time, I know exactly what she likes and needs so I'll be taking good care of your wife tonight," he said with a wink and a smile.

Before I could answer Kate came into the living room and Ricky quickly got up to say hello. When he saw her in that short dress with her exposed breast pushing out of her bra he just smiled and took her in his arms as I sat there.

"Oh my god, I forgot how sexy you can look," and then kissed her as she put her arms around his neck. After a what seemed like an eternity they broke the kiss and Kate looked over at me and said, "Don't wait up honey, I'm not sure when we'll be back. Have a good night and if you get a chance can you please do a quick wash of my laundry basket?"

"Of course and have fun. Love you," I said as they walked out without looking back. My heart was heavy as I watched as he immediately took her hand and walked her to his car. It was clear that my desire to dress and live as a girl had taken its toll on our marriage and I always knew that if I continued to live this lifestyle that there would probably be an impact in our relationship so even though I felt that I was giving my wife up to another man it was always my choice.

Being selfish and depriving Kate of her needs would eventually make her resentful and most likely end in either her leaving me or having to give up my life as Chloe. I realized that living as Chloe was more important and given the opportunity of Kate dating someone she knew and trusted, made us both feel safe.

It was getting close to 3 am and I was starting to fall asleep on the living room couch when I heard his car pull into the driveway. I was waiting up for her to return safely and her text said she would be late and not to wait but I had to be there for her to welcome her home. After about fifteen minutes of waiting for her to come in, I started getting worried and then realized that they were probably talking and maybe even giving each other a good night kiss. For some reason, it didn't bother me as much as earlier in the evening. Was I already getting used to her being with other guys? I contemplated my feelings when the door opened and Kate came walking into the hallway.

"Hi Kate, welcome home," I said in a happy tone.

"Oh hello sweetie, I told you not to wait up. We had such a good time that we decided to go dancing after dinner and we ended up having such a fun time at the club," she said with a big smile on her face.

"Was it like old times, like when you used to date him?" I asked trying to get her to talk.

"Wow, it was much better. I forgot how fun he is to talk to and he was so attentive all night. He opened my car door, pulled my chair out at the restaurant, and made me feel so special all evening. It was so much fun going out like that. We danced and danced for hours and just laughed about old times and really had a good time."

I hadn't seen her this happy in a long time and that wasn't what I really wanted to hear but I really was happy for her. I was happy she got to enjoy herself and get the attention all of us girls crave and long for. To be told how pretty we are, to be treated special, and to have fun with someone you enjoy being with.

"I'm so happy for you, Kate. I'm glad you had fun, you deserved it."

"That sweet, baby. I'm happy you're not upset or jealous and I appreciate you waiting up for me tonight," Kate said as she held my hand on the couch. Ricky told me he had a chat with you while he was waiting for me and told me how nice you were to him. Thank you for being so sweet and I want you to know that you're the best girlfriend ever. Ricky wants to take us both out to dinner one night this week. I think it would be fun and told him it would be OK, but I can always tell him know if you don't want to."

"You two can go without me, you really don't want me along."

"Well, it was his idea, baby. He wanted to thank you for being so understanding and special. He knows that there aren't many guys that would let their wife go out on a date with an ex-boyfriend. I'll make the plans for us, baby."

"What was the club like? Did you two get to know each other again?" I asked trying to get more information about the evening.

"As you can imagine after a few drinks I did relax and enjoy myself and I forgot how much I liked being with a big strong guy, like Ricky. We need to find you a date so that you can really understand what it's like to be out with a man like him.

We talked about old times and some of the feelings we had for each other returned. It was like we both forgot about all the bad things that happened between us and only remembered the good things."

Feeling a little pang of jealousy I asked, "Did he kiss you?"

"Oh yes, all night and it was marvelous. I forgot how good a kisser he was and I really enjoyed it, baby. He made me wet down there all night and I really wanted him to fuck me but we didn't. No not on the first date anyway."

She took me by the hand and led me to the bedroom and pushed me down on the bed and climbed on top of me after she removed her very wet thong. Tonight she didn't seem to mind that I was Chloe and still dressed and in full make-up. For some time now she didn't want me in a sexual way dressed as Chloe but it was clear that she didn't care tonight as she clearly needed sexual relief. She quickly moved up and sat on my face as I licked her to several very intense orgasms. Kate was clearly excited by her date night and was extremely horny. We kissed and fondled for a long time and I made her come at least 4 times. After she was satisfied she removed my nightgown and then pulled down my panties and unlocked my cage that held my clit captive for so long.

The feeling of release was exciting but for some reason my cock only got semi-hard. "Baby, you're little clit has been caged up so long that it seems it forgot how to get hard. It looks like you won't be able to penetrate my pussy tonight." It was true, it never got hard enough but the feeling of freedom and her stroking it was amazing. I might not have been that hard but it was hard enough for her to stroke it to an intense orgasm. I screamed when I finally came on her hand and she made sure to get every drop before bringing it up to my mouth. "Open up, baby. If you ever want to come again you will lick it all up and tell me you enjoyed it."

I did as she ordered and I licked every drop off her hand and told her I loved it and thanked her for letting me out of my cage. I was still not sure why I didn't get hard enough to penetrate my wife but at least the orgasm was intense. I was able to relieve the weeks of being caged up at that moment and would have done anything she requested. After that, I laid next to her and fell asleep satisfied and happy to have Kate back home from her date and in bed with me.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of Kate coming out of the shower. I rolled over and desperately wanted to get into the bathroom to clean up, fix my hair and makeup because I knew how horrible I must have looked after all that sex last night. It was then I realized that my cage was back on and I was locked up again. Kate saw me looking at it as she was putting on her bra.

She looked over at me fumbling with it and said, "I slid that back on when you were sleeping baby. As long as you continue to live as Chloe I think you wearing it symbolizes that you don't have a penis. As long as Chloe exist you will keep it locked up, besides you proved to me last night that it really is useless and won't satisfy me in bed anyway."

There was nothing else for me to say as she was right. For some reason, it didn't get hard and there was no way I could have made love to her. It made me realize even more that my choices have led us to this situation and I realized that even knowing this I was unwilling to give up living as Chloe and accepted her terms. I also realized that tonight will lead to a new chapter in our relationship. Between her date, with Ricky and me not being able to satisfy her needs I realized that her dating will continue and most likely escalate to a sexual affair. I also know all I needed to do was stop living as Chole and tell her I'm her husband and there will be no more dates with Ricky or anyone else but we both knew that wasn't going to happen.

"I understand and I'm sorry about last night. I don't know why I didn't get hard, maybe being caged up like that had some type of impact."

She gave me a consoling smile and said, "It's OK baby, you're still a good pussy licker and I did enjoy that."

She was now putting on her makeup as I headed for the shower. "Why are you getting all dressed up, Kate?"

"Ricky texted me this morning and said he was going to stop by and bring lunch over in an hour. You might want to start getting ready as well and wear something nice because he wants you to join us for lunch and I'll want you to take care of things while he visits. I want you to put out the dishes, serve the drinks, clean up, you know, be my housewife while my boyfriend visits, that is so sexy and it will be fun as you'll get the opportunity to get used to him being around more often."

"Why would he be here more often?" I asked.

"Well, if things work out I might have him over to visit and keep me company, you know, guy company," she said with a smile and a wink.

My heart sank as I realized that she wanted their relationship to continue and escalate as I saw how happy she was when she spoke about him. As she got ready I removed my makeup that was smeared over my face from last night, I took a shower, shaved my legs and body and applied a liberal amount of lotion before I worked on my hair and makeup.

After I styled my hair I started on my face adding some eyeliner to my usual look. For some reason, I felt I needed to impress Kate and Ricky and wanted to look good for them so in addition to the liquid eyeliner I added some additional mascara, smoky eye color, along with some glossy pink lipstick. I touched up my hair and added some hairspray, applied a little color to my cheeks, touched up my nail color, and admired myself in the mirror. This is why I loved being Chloe as the image looking back at me was a pretty girl, the girl I always wanted to become and I was now her.

When I came out of the bathroom I saw an outfit on the door and heard Kate as she said, "I picked out that dress for you honey, will you wear it today?"

It was a tight silky white dress with a cute pink flower print, short and a little sassy and sexy, but of course, I agreed, "Yes, I'll wear that but what shoes should I wear with it?"

"Maybe your white heeled sandals, I think they will match nicely. He should be here in a few minutes, let me help you with that dress," she said as she zipped it up and then stepped back giving me the once-over.

"Oh that looks sexy on you, I remember buying that with you and I knew it would look nice on you, baby." I put on some earrings and we sprayed each other with some perfume as the doorbell rang. I saw how excited and flustered she got when it rang, which continued to make me realize I was losing her as a wife.

"That's Him! He's here! OK, you finish up and get your heels on and I'll meet you downstairs."

I watched her check herself out it mirror before going down to open the front door and I watched as came inside and kissed her hello. She didn't resist as I watched them kiss for several seconds before closing the door and putting on my heels. For several seconds I sat on the edge of the bed contemplating my choices but it seemed I didn't have any at that moment. I really didn't want to go down and spend time with them together and I hoped I'd be able to just stay in the bedroom for his entire visit, but that didn't last.

After a few minutes, I heard Kate call up to me, "Chloe, please come down and join us for a drink outside on the patio."

After hearing Kate call up to me I realized I had no choice but to come out and spend time with my wife and her boyfriend. Worse yet, I was expected to serve them lunch and drinks. I would clearly be presenting myself as a domestic and even submissive as I performed the duties of a housewife or maid. As I carefully walked down the stairs in my heels I thought to myself, "Oh good god, what have I gotten myself into? Where does this end?"

As soon as I made it down the stairs, the sound from my heels on the wood floor alerted them I was on my way.

"Chloe, come on out and say hello to Ricky."

I stepped out on the patio and saw Ricky and Kate sitting on the patio couch holding hands. I felt those now familiar pains in my heart as I saw my beautiful wife giving her love to another man as I willingly allowed it all to happen.

"Hello Ricky, nice to see you again," I said.

"Hello, Chloe, nice to see you again as well and may I say that dress looks lovely on you and you're even prettier then I remember."

Kate jumped in, "She really is and she was so happy to hear you were stopping by for lunch today that she picked out that outfit special to please you. Your compliment made her blush and I'm sure she appreciates it."

"Thank you, Ricky," I said as I wanted to run and hide.

"Chloe, can you please get Ricky and I a drink. I'll have a glass of Coke and pour one for yourself and join us, baby."

"And I'll take a cold beer, doll," Ricky said with a smile.

I turned back inside and felt his eyes on me as I walked in to get them drinks. The awkward feeling of pouring drinks for my wife and her boyfriend was surreal. By serving drinks for them, I was reinforcing my place in the relationship. I was establishing the new pecking order and my role in our house.

Bending over I handed at the waist and making sure I was maintaining my feminine appearance and movements at all time, I handed Ricky his beer and Kate here drink.

"Sit down and join us, Chloe. Ricky said he wanted to speak with us as together."

I sat across from them and crossed my legs as not to keep myself properly and not give anyone a look up my dress. I found myself rocking my crossed leg clearly showing a sign of nervousness.

"That's right girls, that's the reason I came over today. You see Chloe, I had such a good time with kate last night that it rekindled my old feelings I had for her and it made me remember how much I missed being with her," he said squeezing her hand and leaning over to gently kiss her.

My heart was breaking as I sat there listening and watching them show their affections to each other.

"I wanted both of you to understand my feelings and intentions as it's important that we all get along. It might be awkward for you at first Chloe, to see me with your wife but I intend to see a lot more of her. Since you've taken on this new role as Kate's girlfriend, I'm hoping you'll understand that we want to be together. You should feel good about her being with me as I will keep her safe and take care of her needs. I wanted your blessing in this because I know how much you mean to Kate. I'm sure she will feel much better about our being together if you tell us it's OK and you're happy for us."

Kate looked shocked as he spoke and all I wanted to do was run up the bedroom and cry but at the same time I also realized that this would make Kate happy. If I was going to be true to myself and admit I wanted to continue to live as Chloe I had no choice but to approve and accept his wishes. I sat there feeling defeated and powerless as I replied, "If that's what Kate wants then I'm happy for both of you and you have my blessing to be together."

Just then Kate looked over at me and gave me a warm smile and I saw her say, Thank You, silently as she leaned into Ricky.

"Well, I'm pleased to hear you say that Chloe because I truly enjoy being around Kate and having you in our life is very important. I'll be spending much more time here and frequently staying over so I feel it's important to make sure we all understand our place.

Kate tells me you've taken up the housework and chores and I'm very impressed with how you keeping up the house. I'd like you to add food shopping and cooking dinner to your chores. Your place will be to cook dinner, serve the food, and clean up afterward. I'll expect you to maintain your very feminine appearance as I won't allow you to look masculine in anyway as that would anger and repulse me. I never want to see you looking anything but feminine at all times, do you understand me, Chloe?"

Shocked at his sudden posture of being in charge and the forceful tone, all I could say was 'Yes Sir.'

"Now since I'll be spending most nights here we can't have you sleeping in the same bed so I want Kate to set up one of the other bedrooms for you, Chloe. Kate, please move all her clothes into that room along with all her cosmetics as it will become her new bedroom. I can't have my girlfriend sleeping in the same room with her any longer, it would make me jealous and we don't' what that. We can do that this afternoon and I'll assist with the move."