Becoming Her Wife Ch. 04


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"I got your flowers and their lovely. I'm sorry my sweet my period started today so I can't reward you." She told. My reward for anything I did, that she liked was her sitting on my face for an hour or more.

"That's okay, your happiness is all the reward I need." I told her

"Are you at the hotel yet?" She asked though her giggles

"Yes I'm waiting for you"

"I'll be there at seven meet me out front with your bags. And please wear something sexy under your suit." She told me before hanging up.

I knew that something sexy meant stocking garters and camisole all of which I was already wearing. My bags were all ready backed and all I had to do was count the minutes till she came.

Each minute seem to take forever. I was so nervous I could hardly sit still. I had a bourbon and soda to calm me, but it didn't work. The TV didn't help either.

At six forty five I went down to the lobby to wait. To my surprise I found Josie already waiting outside. This was unusually as she was always on time, almost to the second. After putting my bag in the back seat I got in next to her. I expected to get one of her long deep kisses like I always got but instead I got a peck on the cheek. I was extremely disappointed. I let it go, I didn't want to start the night off on the wrong foot.

The restaurant was very romantic with its candle lit tables. Josie chatted on endlessly since the time we came in till she had ordered the food and the wine. When she stopped speaking I pulled the ring box out of my jacket pocket and when to one knee in front of her. She looked at me in stun silence; her eyes were as big as saucers. I cleared my throat and said.

"Josie my love, you are the most wonderful women I have ever met. Would you please consent to be my wife?" I said as I offered the ring to her.

The answer I got was not what I was expecting. Tears pour out of Josie's eyes almost instantly. She then reached for the ring, but stopped before taking it then she jumped up and ran out of the restaurant. I was shocked at this move. I didn't know what to think or do for that matter. After a minute or so I realized I was still on my knee holding the ring in my hands in a restaurant full of people. I knew they had seen what I had done and Josie's reaction.

I stood and closed the ring box and put it in my pocket. I then pulled a hundred-dollar bill from my wallet and threw it on the table and walked out of the restaurant with out lifting my head to look at anyone. I couldn't stand it if they laughed at me.

I walked out of the restaurant and found out from the valet that Josie, had took her keys and found her car on her own then drove away in a squeal of tires. I had the valet call me a cab to take me back to my hotel. On the way I had the driver stop at a package store and picked up a bottle of bourbon to drown my sorrows in.

I was back in my hotel room about two hours when I heard the first knock on my door. I had already drunk a third of the bottle of bourbon by this time. Most of it was straight as I had run out of soda and didn't care to go out for more. When the fourth knock sounded I was starting to get annoyed with it so I got up to see who it could be

When I open the door I found Josie on the other side. I had just enough bourbon in me to feel tore between dropping to my knees and asking her forgiveness for being so bold or slamming the door in her face. I almost did slam the door, but when her tears started again I stopped.

"Please don't be mad at me. I couldn't stand it if you were mad at me." She said just before she started crying in earnest.

The cold facade I had put up came crumbing down as my heart went out to her. I took her in my arms and pulled her into the room and closed the door. I guided her to the couch and after sitting her down I went to get the facial tissues from the bedroom I poured her a drink and once she calmed down I said.

"It's ok I guess you don't love me as much as I love you." She went to say something but I put my hand over her mouth to stop her then I continued. "You have to understand I never met anyone like you and with me leaving next week I had to ask. I should have known you wouldn't want to marry someone like me." She pulled my hand from her mouth and asked.

"What do you mean by that?"

"You know submissive to you. I'm sure you want someone who is more domineering then you are. Not some one like me."

"You are just the man I would marry. You have all the traits I've been looking for in a man, except one. If it was up to me I could live with out that trait but unfortunately it isn't up to me its up to my mother. You have to ask her for her permission to beg me to marry you. Even then she'll probable say no because you're not bisexual."

I knew what she was saying. I knew that this was going to be a problem but I was willing to take my turn as hostess for the chance of marrying her. I told her this and she said

"You still don't understand. Neither my mother nor I would make you do anything that was against your nature. I just don't think you would enjoy yourself submitting to my brothers in law sexually. I couldn't ask you or tell you to do that if I know you really don't like doing it." She said as she started to cry again.

"Look we don't know if I would like it or not. I never tried it and you won't do my bottom. I know I've wanted you to do that since I first saw it in that movie." I told her

"You also never have taken Bobbie up on her offer either."

"That's because she doesn't turn me on. And lately she has been a real bitch to me. I haven't had a chance with Misty again she turned me on. And I haven't met Fannie yet." I told her she laughed and said

"Bobbie's mad at you because every time you don't do anything with her she gets a spanking. Jolene wants her to figure out on her own why you don't find her attractive."

"Well that's not fair. How is she suppose to know she's doing something wrong if no one tells her?"

"My sister has given her enough hints, besides Jolene is really enjoying spanking her bottom every week." Josie told me. Her mood had lifted during this conversation she was even smiling now. I still didn't know where all this was going. Finally I said

"Josie I love you with all my heart, but if this relationship is going to end maybe we should end it now."

"Nick I love you too. I have since that first weekend we were together, but there are some things I need from you before we can go any further. First you have to ask my mother for permission to beg me to take you as my husband. And I do mean beg. Secondly I have to know if you would enjoy servicing my brothers in law and any other man I tell you too. There are other things like quitting your job and you moving here but those can wait until I know the answer to the second part."

"Well how are we going to do that? I mean you won't do my bottom because I know you want me to be a virgin on our wedding night." I told her

"If your comfortable sucking a cock I think you would enjoy getting fuck. I think I can get Cathy to let you have Michael this weekend if you want to try it."

"I want to try it, I'll never know if I don't and I want you to marry me so of cause I want to try it. Besides you know I love the taste of my own cum."

"Yes I do know it. Now let's pack you up and get you home and I'll let you practice on my strap on. Just so you know what to expect. Then I'll give you your reward for the flowers."

"What a minute you told me your period started today."

"I'm sorry I lied to you about that. You have to understand every time you went back to your hotel for the week it reminded me that one day your would be leavening for good. It tore me up every week. So this weekend I wasn't going to get sexual with you and I was going to be very mean to you so you would call it off. I couldn't because I made that deal with you. Can you forgive me?"

"I'll forgive you anything. I always wondered why you looked like you were going to cry when you dropped me off."

"That's because I always did. I would go home each Monday and cry my eyes out. You don't know how many times I wanted to ask you to move out of this hotel and into my house, but I knew that would only make things worse in the end. Now come on and lets get you packed up I can't wait to start filling you mouth with my cock." She said with a smile

"I have one question why do I have to give up my job? You could stand to have me gone for six weeks at a time couldn't you." I said teasingly.

"Oh no I can't. My husband will be home every night to cook me dinner and tend to my needs. And if you even think I'm going to move to Chicago, you have another guess coming. I will not leave my family for any reason." She told me

"I was only teasing you. I knew you would leave your family. I guess I could go to work for your sister, she did offer me a job."

"There is that possibility, but I think you should take the job of my house keeper for the first year were together. Or I'll find you something else to do that you won't need to go to every day. And don't give me any of that I'm a man and I need to work crap. When you become my husband you will do as I say. You do understand that don't you."

"Yes Mistress I understand." I told her and I truly meant it. The smile that lit up her face spoke volumes.

We packed up what was left of my belongings from the room, with the exception of my boxers, which I haven't worn since the Monday after Nikki came into existence. I wore them that day, but felt guilty the whole day, so from then on I only wore my Nick or Nikki panties. I threw the boxers in the trash then left the room for the last time. After packing my suitcases in my rental car I checked out of the hotel. Since I still was obligated to the job site for another week I kept the car.

About an hour later we pulled into her drive way. After emptying the car and putting every thing away, we eat the pizza she had ordered on the way home. We sat for a few minutes then she said

"I think we should start. We have a long drive tomorrow and I like to get started early. Do you have any questions?"

"Just one when I do Mike do I do him as Nick or as Nikki?"

"That's up to you. On our wedding night you will be Nikki, but you will submit your bottom to me when I want it regardless of which persona you are in at the time." She told me

"I understand that. I will submit to you when ever and where ever you wish, but for the first time I'm with another guy I think I would rather do it as Nikki." I told her

"Good I was planning on you going as Nikki anyway because you still owe me two days. Now why don't you go put on a nightgown while I get my strap on? Also I want you to put on some make up and fix your hair."

"Yes ma'am, where should I meet you?" I asked, already Nikki's persona was coming out.

"I'll come to you, just wait for me in the bedroom" She told me as she left the room.

Twenty minutes later I was freshly showered and had my make up on. My hair was in a French braid and I was dressed in a white peignoir set. I felt like I was a bride on her wedding night waiting for her husband. Josie came in wearing a pair of jeans with an obvious bulge where she shouldn't have one. She was wearing a polo shirt and her hair was pulled back in a ponytail.

With out saying a word she came to me and took me in her arms and kissed me. While we kissed she took my hand and placed it on her bulging crotch. It felt like she really had a hard on. It was firm, yet pliable. My hand stroked it through the jeans as we kissed I could also feel the head of it under her polo shirt. So I knew it was long, longer then I was and thicker too.

I next felt Josie push down on my shoulders so I knew she wanted me to go to my knees. Once I was knelling in front of her my hands went to the waistband of her jeans automatically. I just wished that I could stop my hands from shaking. The shaking wasn't from fear as one might guess, but from excitement. Nikki had taken over my mine and she thought like a girl and this was what a girl did. She was excited to finally do something that girls do.

When the button on the waistband was undone and the zipper was pull down Nikki pulled on the pants of her lover to lower then to the floor. The black satin panties were still holding the object of her desire. She then pulled on those to release the pink rubber cock that was trapped inside of them.

Nikki took the cock in her trembling hand, as a smile lit up her face. Her mouth watered at the thought of taking it in her mouth for the first time. Her hand moved up and down the shaft of that cock for a minute while she gathered herself control then she knelt up and took the head into her mouth.

A groan escaped her lips as her tongue touched the head of her lover's cock. Her mouth sealed around the head and she sucked it as her tongue swirled around the head. Then her mouth moved down the length of the shaft taking it in till it hit her throat. Her head bobbed up and down on the shaft while one hand held it steady and the other hand went in search of the testicles that should be attached to it.

She didn't find any, but she did find the leather strap that held the cock in place. The strap went between the legs of her lover and up the back. Nikki sneak her fingers under the strap and found the slick slit of her lover instead. She slid her finger up the slit till it made contact with her lover's clit. Her finger played with her lover clit while her mouth continued to suck the hard cock in her mouth.

She knew she had to do more with the cock. Men loved when their woman could take their cock into their throats. Nikki's mouth slid down the cock till it hit her throat. She willed her throat muscles to relax then she slid down the rest of the way. At first it felt strange to have such a large object in her throat, but after a few seconds she welcomed it. Some how it felt right for it to be there.

She heard her lover groan when she felt warm liquid on the fingers that were under the strap. She knew she had just made her lover cum and she felt proud that she had. Her mouth started to go up and down on the cock. Though it came out of her throat she made sure that it went back in again on each down stroke. She did this a few more times till the cock was pulled out of her mouth and her lover stepped away.

Instantly I took my mind back from Nikki I was disoriented with what had just taken place. I knew what had just happen, but if I tried to tell someone they would think I was a nut case. I tried to compose myself as Josie sat on her make up chair. She was getting herself under control from the orgasm she had just experienced. When she was able to speak she said.

"You’re going to tell me that was the first time you ever done that aren't you." I nodded my head afraid what would come out if I spoke.

I have a tendency not to believe you. But that dazed look in your eyes while you were doing it tells me that Nikki was more in control then Nick was. Am I right?" I nodded my head stun that she knew what had happen.

"I've seen that look before. It happens mostly while your putting on make up and doing your hair. I've also seen it when you picking out something to wear. I think it happens when you need to think like a girl. That's why it happened now because sucking cock is a girl's thing so Nikki took over. If you suck Mike off like that tomorrow you'll have him cuming in no time. But the big question is did you enjoy it?"

"I did, but Nikki enjoyed it more." I told her she laughed and said she thought so. I took a good look at the dildo that was still attracted to the strap on around Josie waist. It was longer and thicker then mine. I know Josie told me once that I was one of the biggest she ever had so I asked.

"Is Mike as big as that one?"

"No he's smaller then you are. I thought I would use this one so when you sucked his, it wouldn't seem that big. Besides I don't own a smaller one. Don't worry you going to do just fine. Let me take a shower then we'll make love."

Josie stood and removed her strap on before going into the bathroom. I quickly lit all the candles and got on the bed in just my panties. Josie came out in the nude and climbed into bed next to me still damp from the shower. We kissed for a few moments before she said

"I was thinking in the shower, maybe Nikki isn't attracted to women." I looked at her speechless then she continued, "Think about it, the only time you've seen Bobbie you were dressed as Nikki. Maybe she isn't sexually attracted to other women."

"That can't be she's attracted to you." I said

"No Nick is there when we make love I don't see that dazed look in your eyes. When we kiss, even when you're dressed I don't see it. I do see it a lot when we go to my sisters house when you flirt with all the men."

"You said I flirt with the women too." I said through my embarrassment

"The flirting you do with the women is harmless. In fact if the woman isn't attracted to other women she probably wouldn't notice it, but what Nikki does with the men is outrageous. I feel sorry for you if we get married. The first party you host, your going to be in the bedroom more then you are out of it."

"Maybe I'll get lucky and I won't be the big loser for a while." I told her

"Honey you know as well as I do you're not that good at picking football games. Besides you're forgetting about the weekly Friday poker and movie night."

"You mean that happens every Friday. How do you decide who has to do it." I asked

"The wives take turns except for this month. Susie and Cathy are taking turns because Bobbie has to do the football parties."

"How come Bobbie has to do all the football parties?"

"She was the big loser on the last Sunday of the regular season. So she has to do all the post season and the super bowl. That's why she was so upset." She told me

"I could see why. Having to service the other husbands every weekend for a month." After I said this Josie sat up and said

"It has nothing to do with servicing the men. It has to do with all the work that goes into the party. She has to cook all the food and make sure every thing is cleaned up. She has to make sure every one is happy. Offering she sexual services to the men is easy compared to that. If you think giving a blowjob and offering you bottom to three men is a chore maybe you shouldn't talk to my mother. The husbands love that part it's all the work before hand that they dread."

I realized she was right so I said, "Let's see what happens tomorrow. I know that I like what we did to night and I know Nikki loved it." When I told her this she laughed and said

"Wouldn't it be terrible if it was because I made you go as Nikki and she wasn't attracted to Bobbie because Nikki saw her as another female. And all this time Bobbie's been getting spanked because she couldn't entice Nikki into the bed room."

"That would be terrible. I would really feel bad if that were why she was punished." I told her.

"Oh don't feel too bad. Robert loves to be tied down and paddled. At lease he liked it when I did it."

"I have another question how come I can't work if all your brothers in-law work?"

"First of all none of my brothers in-law work. Robert has the dealerships, but he has sales managers run them he just checks up on them once in a while his real passion is cars. He has thirty-two classic cars and is always looking for more. Frank is a Doctor, but he doesn't have much of a practice. Mostly he does surgery for the needy as does Michael. Neither of them really works, but they do devote their time and talent to the needy. And god bless them for it."

"The real reason your not going to work for the first year is your going to go to school. Unless you think you can cook like Bobbie has every weekend for the last month. Plus you're going to have to learn flower arranging and a host of other things. When you host your first party I want to be proud of you. You do want me to be proud of you don't you?"