Becoming Her Wife Ch. 05


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At first I tried to tell myself that it was Nikki that was doing this, but deep down I knew that it really wasn't. The line between Nikki and Nick was gone and only Nick survived. It was a different Nick then the one that came to San Francisco only a month before. That Nick was gone and I was glad to get rid of him. I knew that not only was I going to like myself more but I was also going to marry the best women in the world. When Mike pulled his lips from mine he said

"I'm sorry I could help myself. I forgot you weren't that way."

"Apparently she's more that way then we thought." Cathy said from behind me. I turned and both Josie and Cathy were standing there. Josie had a huge smile on her face and Cathy had a frown but I could see a sparkle in her eye that told me she wasn't as upset as she was trying to make us think. Cathy turned to Josie and said

"You know if we left them alone I think this slut would be on her knees already. What do you think?"

"No I don't think Nikki would do that with out my permission. Would you Nikki?" Josie asked

"No ma'am I wouldn't. I would have waited for you to say it was alright." I told her and I hoped I meant it.

"See there, there's nothing wrong with a little kissing is there?" Josie asked Cathy and then came to me and put her arms around my neck. Cathy did the same to Mike and they kissed, as did Josie and myself. After we kissed Cathy turned to Josie and said.

"Who's bedroom are we using?"

"Mine it's bigger." Josie told her

"Okay but keep your screaming down, the whole house heard you earlier."

"So, it's not like it the first time screams of ecstasy were heard in this house. Remember the last family reunion."

"Do I ever I still blush thinking about it. And you know it takes a lot to make me blush." Cathy told Josie.

"Your just blushing over what everyone said to you the next morning." Josie said

"Well yea they were pretty graphic in their description of what they heard. I think they were just jealous." Cathy told her. Mike blushed, a deep red as well before asking.

"Cathy what's going on here?"

"Nothing my sweet. Nikki wants to see if she likes sucking a real cock. And Josie wants you to provide one for Nikki. Would you like that?" Cathy asked him. A big beautiful smile came to his face before he asked.

"Is it okay with you my love?"

"Of cause it's okay with me silly. If it wasn't I wouldn't have told you. Now come on up stairs and let's get started. Besides I have an incentive to let this happen that I need to talk to you about." Cathy told him as she walked back into the house leaving Josie and I alone.

When they were gone Josie said. " I need to talk to you too." She then looked at the floor between us and blushed before saying. "I need to tell you, I did a little bragging about your size and your ability to stay off your orgasm till I was completely satisfied." this really made my chest fill with pride and I'm sure Josie could see it before she said

"Don't go all macho on me just yet there is also a down side to it. Cathy wants to give you a ride herself to see if I was telling the truth. As payment for letting me use Mike. Do you think you can handle doing with her what you do with me? And I do mean everything we do together."

This had me concerned, not because of doing it with Cathy. If that was what Josie wanted then I would gladly do it for her. My main concern was I have had a hard on since before dinner and I could feel my panties were soaked from the pre-cum that was pouring out of my cock. I knew that with out the tingle that I felt from when Josie and I made love I would cum too soon with Cathy. My concerned must have showed on my face because Josie frowned and said

"If you don't want to you don't have too." I took her in my arms and said

"Josie I would do anything for you, even this, but I'm afraid without the tingle I get when we make love I may cum to quickly seeing how wet my panties are right now."

A big smile lit up Josie's face and then she looked around before reaching a hand up my dress and felt my panties. "Oh you poor thing they are just soaked though. What if I have Mike return the favor after you do him? Do you think you can get hard again for my sister?"

I told her I didn't see a problem. "Thank you my love. Now one more thing I need to ask, while your having fun with Mike and my sister, would it greatly upset you if I have fun with them too?"

I quickly told her I didn't have a problem with that as I have often thought of what her and her sisters did together. Just the thought of them licking each other was enough to get me hard. The quickness of my answer and the smile that was on my face told her what I was thinking

"You obviously have thought about what my sisters and I do together and it must really turn you on. Just like it turns me on to watch you suck another man's cock. If the thought of watching me eat pussy turns you on you will get your fill of it, and not only my sisters. Once we're a couple officially then we can join the swingers group that my sisters belong too. They're all safe and they only swing with each other. I'm sure you'll have a blast there too I know I will. If what my sisters have been telling me is true."

I didn't realize that she would want to take this outside her family. I wasn't sure if I like that or not. Josie must have read my thoughts "Nikki honey no matter what we do with other people it will only be sex. I will love only you; I will make love only to you. With any one else it's only sex, even my sisters. Though I love them what we do is sexual, not love. Do you understand that?"

I didn't know what to say I knew I had to share her with her sisters. I didn't realize that I would be sharing her with her brothers in law as well. Now she wants to bring in total strangers in to the mix as well. I didn't know what to think of this, all I knew was I wanted her to be happy. If this is what she wanted and that would make her happy then I was all for it. So I told her

"Josie love of my life I want to make you as happy as I can. If you want to have sex with other men and women then I'll be happy to share you with them. As for myself I only need you."

"Nick I can't enjoy myself if I know your just waiting for me to get done. If you don't want to have sex with other men and women then maybe we shouldn't get married." She told me sadly

"I didn't say I wouldn't enjoy it, I said you are all I need, but if the opportunity present itself I sure I would enjoy myself too." I told her She then put her arms around me and kissed me and said

"I know I haven't told you this yet, and I don't know how many times I've bitten my tongue to stop myself from telling you, so as not to let you know how I really feel. I love you Nick I have from the first weekend we stayed together. I love you with all my heart. Nothing and no one will ever come between us."

"I love you too. I will do anything and everything to make you the happiest women in the world regardless of what you want. All you have to do is ask and I will make every effort to see that your wish is full filled." I told her

"Thank you my love I just wish we could tell my mother how we both feel and get that over with."

"So do I. Why don't we go up now and see if I like sucking cock as much as I love sucking your strap on." I told her. Josie looked into my eyes and saw that it wasn't Nikki saying this. She smiled and said

"Are you really looking forward to sucking Mike's cock? Or is that Nikki speaking?"

"No Nikki's gone, well actually Nikki an Nick are now one in the same. Yes I am looking forward to this, I really want to do this I want to feel his cock in my mouth and I want to suck it till it cums. But mostly I want to show you that I can enjoy it so there will be nothing that would stop us from becoming wife and husband."

Josie threw her arms around me as she squealed with delight at this. As we kissed I felt a presents near by I open my eyes and saw someone in the shadows. If I were a betting man I would have to say it was Josie's mother but I couldn't be certain. When Josie ended the kiss I looked back to where I saw the person but they were gone.

Josie and I went up stairs almost at a dead run, not and easy thing to do in heels. When we reached the top she whispered, "Remember that no one knows about your proposal and if anyone finds out before you ask my mother. She'll have a fit and probably not give permission to beg me." I told her I wouldn't say a word

We entered her bedroom to find Cathy naked and sitting on the couch. Mike, fully dressed, was kneeling in front of her with his face pressed firmly to Cathy's pussy. He must have been doing a good job by the moans and squeals coming from Cathy. We watched till Cathy shuddered and came before pushing Mike away from her. Once Mike was out of the way I could see that Cathy was as free of hair as Josie and I were. I knew that Mike must be the same way.

"Couldn't wait for us to get here could you?" Josie asked as she went behind me.

"No why should I? I can have more then one or two orgasm in a night, quit a few more." Cathy told her. I felt Josie lower the zipper on my dress before she said to me.

"Let's take off this dress. I don't want you getting any cum stains on it, their hell to get out once they set." Then she peeled the dress off me.

I was now standing in just the corset, panties, stockings and heels. Cathy came to us and ran her hand over my corseted body. "Nice corset. I really like it and it fits her so well." Cathy told Josie.

"I know my Nikki has the perfectly body for it too. Take a look at her ass framed with the garters, doesn't it look lovely."

"I'd say. You must really love fucking her when she's dressed like this?" Cathy asked

"I'd love to but that's virgin territory back there. I wouldn't want to ruin her for her wedding night." Josie told her as I felt a hand on my ass.

"Some woman's is going to be one lucky bitch. Misty already had her cherry popped before I met her. Then again I didn't have to wait till we got married to start fucking her." Cathy told Josie then I felt Josie's hands on my side and she whispered in my ear.

"Why don't you go and give Michael a kiss. I think you want to. Then you're free to let your instincts take over. You don't need my permission to do anything you want." Then she gave me a slight push.

I slowly walked over to Michael my knees were weak and my hands were shaking. Not from fear, but from anticipation. I was resigned to the fact that I was going to do this. I knew that once I sucked Mike's cock and let it cum in my mouth that Josie would know I could do it. I also knew I wanted to kiss Mike again I really like it when we kissed before. It felt good to have his tongue in my mouth and I was going to have it again.

As I stopped in front of Mike I could smell his after-shave, but I could also smell Cathy's pussy on his face. She smelt good not as good as Josie, but she did smell good. I was really going to enjoy her sitting on my face later. But right now my main thought was Michael. I wanted him to kiss me like he did before. I wanted to feel his tongue in my mouth again.

Mike took me in his arms and pulled me to him. I felt his cock poke me in my pubic area. If my cock weren't trapped between my legs they would have rubbed together. I smiled at the thought and Mike smiled back at me. His lips moved toward mine and we kissed. His lips were soft and tender. When I felt his tongue on my lips I open my mouth to let it in.

As we kissed Mike held me tight to him. His hand rubbed up and down my back before coming to rest on my bottom. When he gave my left cheek a squeeze I moaned into his mouth. At the same instant I felt his cock swell between us. God I wanted to drop to my knees and take his cock in my mouth, but I didn't want to release his mouth, it felt so good on mine. We kissed for a few minutes then I took his cock in my hand and squeezed it. Mike jumped as his cock expanded in my hand. He pulled his mouth from mine and whispered in my ear.

"If you don't watch it I going to shoot off in your hand." I giggled and said.

"Well let's not waist it." I then dropped to my knees.

Once on my knees I saw his cock pushing out the front of his khaki pants. I quickly unbuckled his belt and open the button of his pants. I then pulled down the zipper being careful not to get his underwear caught in the zipper. Once the zipper was down I pulled his pants down to his ankles. When I looked at his crotch I saw that he was wearing red satin panties with the name Michael embroidered on the heart over his cock. This must be where Josie got the idea for my panties. There was a large wet spot right where the head of his cock was, so I knew he was as excited about this as I was.

When I pulled down his panties his hairless cock and balls came into view. The head of his cock glisten with his per-cum and all I wanted to do was lick it clean. It was small in comparison to Josie strap on, smaller then my own cock. It was around six inches long and an inch and a half wide, but for some reason it looked so inviting.

I knelt up and took his cock in my hand and gave it a pump. A large drop of pre-cum appeared at the tip. I licked at it with my tongue. As my own, there was very little taste and as my own it was very slippery on my tongue. I looked up at Mike and gave him a smile just before taking the head of his cock in my mouth.

When I took the cock into my mouth I heard Josie moan deeply to my side. It wasn't easy, but I looked to the side of me and saw Josie standing with Cathy behind her. Cathy's arms were wrapped around Josie with her right hand on Josie's left tit and her left hand was busy between Josie's legs. Josie's face was a mask of pure pleasure as she watched me suck my first real cock.

This cock was so much better then the strap on that Josie had on yesterday. It was warm in my mouth and it felt alive as it pulsed. When my mouth slid down the length of it I could almost feel the blood flow in it. When I pulled back as I sucked I was rewarded with a large stream of pre-cum.

My mouth seemed to work on it own as I continued to suck Mike cock. When I took him into my throat for the first time I felt his legs start to shake. I looked up as best I could with his cock still in my throat and when he saw me look at him he groaned deeply then he looked to the side where Cathy and Josie were and asked.

"May I cum in her mouth. I don't think I can last much longer." The pride swelled in me as I heard him ask for permission, knowing I had brought him so close in very little time.

"God yes cum in her slut mouth." Josie screamed then to me she said, "Don't swallow it all save some of that for me."

With permission from Josie I felt Mike's cock swell then the head expanded before I felt the first squirt of hot cum hit the back of my throat. It was so hot I thought it was going to burn me. I quickly pull the cock out of my mouth with the exception of the head and I started to jerk on his cock to coax out all his cum. To my surprise it tasted good, not to salty but it did have a slight bitter taste to it. Almost like the bitter taste you get from beer, it was very slippery as I swirled it around my mouth.

When Mike stopped cuming and I had sucked out the last of his cream. I released my grip on his cock and let him fall back on to the couch. In less then a heartbeat Josie was kneeling in front of me her arms were around me and her mouth was on mine. Her tongue pushed deep into my mouth and I felt her playing with the cum that was there. I pushed as much cum into her mouth as I could and she pushed it back into mine.

Between the mixture of saliva and cum our mouths were full with in seconds. I felt Josie swallow and I did the same then we kissed some more. We continued to kiss for a few minutes till we heard Cathy say.

"I hate to break up this little love feast you two have going but when am I going to get my turn."

"Cathy Nikki's been hard for hours now, I don't think she'll be must use to you until someone sucks her off to take the edge off her. Then I guarantee she won't cum until you tell her she can." Josie told her

"Well who's going to blow her? I don't think I should do it, after all I got you off and it was my husband that she used to see if she like sucking cock. By the way if neither of you two have figured it out yet I think she loved it." They both laughed, as did I then they both looked at Michael. Mike heard all the noise stop he open his eyes and saw everyone look at him. What? Was his question when he saw everyone looking at him?

"Well you see Josie promised me I could have my way with Nikki after she sucked you off. And poor Nikki has been excited for hours now and we're afraid that she'll cum to soon for me. So we thought that if someone would give her a blowjob then she last a long time and I'll get my fill of her. "

"Say no more my love I'll be happy to calm Nikki down for you. More then happy." Mike told her

Josie helped me up and took me over to the bed. She then pulled my panties down and let my cock snap up. I sat with my bottom on the edge and Mike came over and knelt between my legs. Mike was now dressed only in his panties, his chest was as smooth as my own as was his legs. He looked almost boyish as he knelt ready to take my hard cock in his mouth. I did notice that he had both his nipples pierced with rings.

He grasped my rod in his right hand and I saw him lick his lips as a large drop of pre-cum flowed out of the tip. He took the head into his mouth and I felt his tongue swirl around the head to clean it off. I almost lost it right then, but I held on so he could get some enjoyment out of it.

"That's a nice cock she has doesn't she Mike?" Cathy asked

"She sure does but she not as big as your dad is." Mike told her after he took my cock out of his mouth.

"I wouldn't know about that. Daddy would never let us see his. I do know that guy in the Bahamas was pretty big what was he ten inches long and pretty dam thick." Cathy told him

"He was at least that. All I know is I was sore for a week after he fucked me. Dam that was a great time, I hope he comes back again this year." Mike told Cathy before he took my cock in his mouth once more.

"Enough about that other guy I want you to get Nikki off so I can get my pussy on her mouth. I want to see if Josie's been lying to me." Cathy told Mike

Mike really went to town now and I did my best to hold off, but my best wasn't good enough. When I felt the head of my cock pass the ring of his throat I just flat lost it. I came three times while I was in his throat and then three more times after he pulled me back out and in his mouth. I know I screamed like a girl when I came, but I really didn't care what I sounded like.

Once I was done cuming I realized that Josie didn't say I could. I looked at her while she sat on the bed next to me holding my hand. The smile on her lips told me she wasn't upset but I had to tell her I was sorry anyway.

"For what sweetheart?" She asked

"I came with out you telling me it was okay."

"When you have sex with another man you don't need my permission. Only when you're with another dominant female or me do you need permission, that includes all my sisters and my mother." She told me before she leaned over and kissed me. After a minute or so Cathy said

"Okay you two it's my turn now. Josie if you want to kiss some one kiss Michael while I see if Nikki's mouth is as good as you say it is."

Five seconds later I had Cathy sitting on my chest and I was looking up at her pussy. There was very little difference between them, the only difference between Cathy and Josie was Cathy was slightly taller then Josie so she weighed a little more, but that was minor. The only real difference was that Cathy had a ring pierced through the hood of her clit where Josie didn't.