Becoming Her Wife Ch. 07


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"So you are the man that stole my women from me?" He asked taking my hand in his.

I expected my hand to be crushed by this giant of a man but surprisingly his grip though strong did not hurt, but he left no doubt that he could crush me if he chose. At first I thought he was serious then a wide toothed grin lit up his face. Then he said

"You are one lucky man if I had meet her before I married my Linda I would have married Josie in a heart beat."

"You did. I think I was six the first time we met." Josie told him.

"Yes we did met then and you were beautiful even then. Now let us get the paper work out of the way so you can start your honeymoon." He said reaching into his brief case.

He handed us each a custom formed that we filled out and signed then he stamped our passports. Once the paper work was out of the way he handed Josie three envelopes and took his leave of us. Josie stuck the envelopes into her purse and then took my hand as we left the plane.

We rode in a limousine to the house that Josie's mother own. It was large, though not as large as Josie's sisters homes but large enough to house Josie's family quite comfortably. There were ten bedrooms a large dining room and a very large kitchen. There was a veranda that faced west looking out over the ocean. When the sun was setting it was very lovely.

The first night there I didn't see the sun setting seeing that we arrived after dark. When we did arrive we were greeted by the house hold staff which consisted of one housekeeper a cook and a maid. Josie dismissed the staff once she had introduced me to each one. She said that she didn't want to anyone in the house that night.

Since we arrived in Tahiti I had noticed a change in Josie's behavior. Where she always seemed confident and sure of her self, now she seem unsure almost as if she was frighten of something or someone.

We went into the master bedroom to get changed. The bedroom was very large, there was a king size bed, three dressers, two make up tables and two walk in closets. There were also a couch a love seat and two armchairs.

Josie's unusual behavior continued. Where she would always remove her cloths before going into the bathroom this time she grabbed her make up case some cloths and quickly ran into the bathroom. If I didn't know better I would have to say she was acting like a virgin bride on her wedding night.

When she came out of the bathroom wearing a floor length white silk robe and from what I could see very little, if anything else. And as always her exotic beauty struck me. The way her deeply tanned skin showed up sharply against the pure white robe was breathtaking.

With out even realizing it I had move to her and slide my arms around her slim waist. When she melted into me as her arms reached up and around my neck I felt her tremble. But this tremble was different from the trembles of pleasure I always felt from her. This was one was more from fear then pleasure. When I looked into her normally large eyes I saw that they were even larger then normal. She looked as if she was about to start crying any second.

"What's wrong my love? You look so scared." I asked

"I am scared, I'm about to do something I've never done before." She told me.

"If you talking about me taking your cherry we don't have to do that if you don't want to." I told her giving her a way out if she was that worried about it.

"No I want to do it, I've wanted to do it for a long time now. What I'm afraid of is giving up my control to you. I've never done that before and it scares me to be so vulnerable. I know you'll be gentle with me.

"You have always been a kind and considerate lover, always think about what I want and how you can please me. This time it'll be different, this time you'll be the one in control and you'll decide how fast we go. I just hope you can control that dominant side of you, seeing this is the first time I'm going to see it. I'm also worried that you'll like me too much in the submissive role and you won't like being submissive again."

I just about laughed, but seeing how serious she was I held it back. "Josie you don't have to worry about any of that, I love you. I love the relationship we have. I would never do anything to jeopardize our love. And as far as me being too aggressive, I'm not even sure I can do what you want me to do tonight. I know how much it could hurt you if I go to fast or to hard. The last thing I'd ever want to do is cause you pain."

A smile came to her lips and she said. "Now I know why I love you so much." We kissed after she told me this and it was one of those special kisses that we share from time to time. When our lips did finally part she told me. "Shower and meet me in the small dinning room. I'll get dinner ready."

If that small confession I just made had helped her or not, I'm not sure, but she did seem to physically relax. We kissed once more then I went into the shower. It wasn't until I was in the shower that I realized that she had said that she would get dinner ready. I presumed she meant that she would put it on the table, because I knew that she couldn't cook worth squat. In the six months that I have know her, Josie never once tried to cook anything. She once told me if she was meant to cook then why were there so many restaurants.

After my shower I found a black silk robe and a pair of black silk boxers waiting for me on the bed. At first I was thrilled to see the boxers, but once I had them on I felt uncomfortable. They didn't hold my package as tight as the panties did and over the last six months I really have become accustom to that feeling.

Once I was dressed I made my way to the small dinning room. This room was meant for intimate dinners between two people and no more then four. The room was now dark, lit only by two candles on the table and half a dozen more scattered around the room. There was a large window that looked out over the ocean that glittered in the light of the full moon.

Josie was deep in thought as she stared at one of the candles on the table. Before she could break her concentration I covered the distance between us and took her head in my hands and bent over to kiss her. She jump with surprise but responded instantly to my kiss.

Josie stood as we kissed, our arms embraced the other as our hands moved over each other. And still after six months together we both still felt that tingle when our bodies touched. Though we had gotten use to it by this time we still felt breathless when we end our kiss.

Josie had me sit down then served me dinner. This felt extremely odd seeing I was the one that always served her before sitting down to eat myself. Josie told me that the meal was cook by the house hold cook before she was dismissed for the evening.

During the dinner conversation Josie in formed me that two of the three envelops that she received from the customs official were invitations. One was from the American Ambassador inviting us to the Fourth of July celebration at the Embassy. The second was an invitation from the Governor of the local providence for dinner. The third was from the local orphanage thanking her for her latest gift.

Dinner consisted of fish, vegetables and rice. It wasn't an elaborate meal but it was sufficient for Josie and I. Josie and I are not big eaters, preferring to eat several small meals then one big one.

Once we had eaten our fill Josie put the left over food in a refrigerator that was built into the serving buffet and the dishes went on to a serving cart. When she was done I pulled her onto my lap where I kissed and caressed her. For Josie part she returned my kisses but her hands never strayed from my neck.

I realized that if we were going to move to the bedroom that I was the one that was going to have to make the first move. Josie was deep into her submissive role and quite content to have me make all the decisions.

I wanted nothing more then to pick her up and carry her to the bedroom but I knew I didn't have the strength to carry her all the way. So instead I stood us up and after placing my arm around her we slowly walked to the bedroom. When we were outside the door to the bedroom I scooped her up and carried her across the threshold. This brought a smile to her face in fact she was beaming.

Inside the bedroom I put her down on her feet and kissed her once more as I pulled the belt that held her robe closed. When I released her lips I slowly removed her robe. I saw a slight blush come to her cheeks as I took in her beauty, as always she was magnificent. Under her robe she was wearing only a pair of white lace panties.

Her breast though smaller then some would like, were perfectly shaped and they stood proud on her chest, there wasn't even the slightest hint of sag. Her nipples were hard little bullets sticking out and the areola's were dark brown almost chocolate in color.

I couldn't stop myself as my hands reached out and took one breast in each hand. Josie made no move to stop me with the exception of closing her eyes when my hands surrounded them. When my thumbs slid past her nipples she merely sighed with contentment.

I fondled Josie's breasts for a few moments before removing my own robe. My own aroused state was evident the second I open my robe. My cock was pushing out the pant leg of my boxers. There was also a large wet spot where the head of my cock was.

When I looked at Josie I saw her smile and her tongue darted out and licked her ruby red lips. When she saw that I was looking at her she quickly composed herself and looked down at the floor, but that smile never left her lips.

I pulled her to me once more and we kissed. When this kiss ended I very gently pushed on her shoulders. Josie took my signal and went to her knees. With out hesitation she rubbed her face over my cock.

Josie rubbed her face over my silk covered cock for a minute or so then she started to kiss and mouth my cock. She even tried to suck the head through the boxers. When she had enough of that she looked up at me as if asking what should she do now.

"Take off my boxers." I told her

Josie very slowly eased the boxers down my legs until I could step out of them. My cock was sticking straight out from my body pointing straight at Josie's face. I once more I saw her lick her lips before looking away.

I grasped my shaft in my right hand and Josie's head in my left. Then I leaned forward and let the tip of my cock touch Josie's lips. She could have pulled away if she wanted to and I'm pretty sure she didn't want to, but she didn't open her mouth to take me in either.

"Kiss my cock Josie. Kiss it then take it in your mouth." I told her

Josie's lips parted slightly as she kissed just the tip of my cock. Then her lips surrounded the head and I felt her tongue lick at the slit. That was as far as she would go so I pulled on her head ever so lightly pushing her mouth down on to my cock.

Josie looked at me with a sight bit of fear in her eyes till she realized that I wasn't going to force too much into her mouth all at once. When I stopped just short of her throat she relaxed and sucked as she pulled back off my shaft.

We did this for a few minutes till I pulled my cock free of her mouth. I had enjoyed what we did but I much prefer it when the person sucking my cock wants to do it instead of doing it because I'm making them. I knelt down on one knee and kissed her.

"Did I do it ok? Did you enjoy me sucking your thing?" She asked eagerly. I told her she did, a smile came to her face, but her eyes called me a liar.

We kissed again as we stood then I picked her up and carried her to the bed. I laid her down gently before lying down next to her. We kissed for a few minutes as our hands caressed each other's body.

I next kissed her face, her eyes, cheeks and nose, then I moved to her ears and throat. I moved on down to her chest and lovely licked sucked and bit every inch of flesh I could find. I avoided her nipples as much as possible preferring to tease her. When I did pay attention to her nipples I did so teasingly first by licking the areola until I could feel the skin become bumpy.

When my tongue caressed her rock hard nipple Josie squealed but cut it off quickly making it sounded more like a chirp. When I did finally suck on her nipple Josie backed arched off the bed cramming as much tit into my mouth as she could possibly get. She moaned then groaned before ending up squealing with delight. Her body trembled violently as if she was having a seizure.

I made love to her breasts for as long as I dared before moving down to her hard flat tummy. Josie's tummy was not a sensitive erogenous zone for her but she did like having me kiss and lick it. After leaving a trail of licks and kiss on her tummy I moved down to her legs bypassing the womanhood altogether.

I know she expected me to lick her pussy next, but I decide to give her something she had never asked for. Leaving her soak and wet panties in place, I started to kiss and lick her legs. First down one thigh to the knee, then the other one. Then I moved down each leg till I reached her tiny feet.

Josie had beautiful feet they were small, fitting neatly in my hand. I loved looking at her feet especial when she wears open toe heels. She never once asked me to kiss her feet, something I loved to do with other women I've been with.

I first licked each foot on all sides then moved to her toes. Her toes I licked and nibbled on before taking each toe into my mouth and sucking it like a tiny cock. If Josie liked the treatment I couldn't say, but she did ooed and ahhed a lot during it.

After her feet were properly worshiped I turn Josie over on to her tummy and kissed and licked my way back up her body till I was kissing and nibbling on the nape of her neck. This she really seem to enjoy for each time I nipped at her neck her bottom would come up and grind itself against my cock.

I rested there a short time as Josie, now back on her back, and I kissed. She still had made no demands on me or offered any word of encouragement besides her squeals moans and groans. I could tell she was pleased with the way it was working out by the gleam in her eyes.

After a short rest I kissed my way down her chest and tummy tenderly but quickly. Leaving little doubt where I was going and what I was going to do when I got there. When I pulled off Josie's wet lace panties my nose filled with her scent. The smell that rose off her crotch was almost more then I could handle.

Once her panties were off and out of the way I nestled myself between her thighs with her legs over my shoulders. I first started to lick the cream that coated her labia before sinking my tongue into her hole. The smell was addictive and her cream was the nectar of the gods. I don't know if a man can survive on just eating pussy cream. I knew I would like to give it a try, as long as it came from my sweet Josie.

I licked out her hole of all her cream I could find. I know that a woman's clit is the most sensitive part of her, but I couldn't resist licking up all her cream first. When I couldn't find anymore cream, I went to work on her clit. Josie clit was standing hard and proud with it's gold ring glistening in the candle light.

I first ran the flat of my tongue up her slit passed her clit. The roughness of my tongue on that sensitive organ had Josie squealing. I did that once more before I started batting her clit with the tip of my tongue. When I clamped down on it with my lips and sucked, Josie whole body seemed to vibrate as her legs stiffen up squeezing my head like a vise. No matter how hard she tried being the docile bride, her dominant side came out.

I sucked hard driving her on to another orgasm then another till finally her legs released their grip on my head and fell open. This gave me the chance to once again to lick out her hole of her fragrant pussy cum.

I knew what I wanted to do next and I was sure it was what Josie wanted next too. I just could decide how to go about doing it. Should I just push her legs forward, doubling her over, or should I flip her over onto her tummy once more. I figured I'd flip her over onto her tummy, which would be the most comfortable for Josie.

Once Josie had calm down some, I eased her over and went after those two firm globes of sweet tender flesh. I spread her legs as much as possible and then lay down with my face inches from my intended target. My hands went under her then around her waist till they each grabbed one firm cheek.

I slid my tongue along her crack, which earned me a moan from Josie. On each pass up her ass split my tongue would go in a little deeper till finally my tongue touched her sweet hole. Through out this Josie was panting and moan, as her bottom would push up into my face trying to get my tongue deeper in her crack. When I finally did touch her sweet puckered ass hole Josie wailed with pleasure. Her bottom couldn't stop moving as my tongue ran circles around her anus.

When I pierced her ass hole for the first time Josie body went completely stiff. For a second I thought I had done something wrong, but then a very quite moan that grew into a screech came out of her mouth. When I felt a gush of fluid splash on my arm I knew that she just had an orgasm.

I continued to plunge my tongue into her hole till it grew tired. Then I kissed and nibbled on it for a few moments more. Knowing I was going to have to do what she wanted, I pulled my face from her lovely derriere. When I knelt up between her spread legs I felt Josie tense up.

During my tongue's assault on her bottom Josie had pulled all the pillows on the bed close to her and now she hug them to her like a big teddy bear as she looked back at me. I smiled at her trying to reassure her. She smiled back put you could see her heart wasn't in it.

I reached over to the nightstand for the bottle of anal lube that Josie must have put there. Josie watched my every movement as I poured a generous amount of lube on to her exposed anus. My next move surprised her as I slid my hard cock into her pussy.

Her pussy was so hot I thought I would cum instantly, but surprisingly with the tingling I felt my orgasm subsided quickly. Once I was firmly embedded deep in her pussy my fingers went to work on her bottom.

I slowly eased one finger into her hole, Josie moaned at this. When my finger was in up to the third knuckle. I started to rock my hips, thrusting my cock in and out of her pussy as I match the same rhythm with my finger. I did this for a few minutes until Josie seemed comfortable with it then I slid in a second finger. Josie seem to be getting onto this as her hips were moving back to meet my forward strokes. When I slide my third finger into her Josie didn't seem to notice Except for a slight moan.

I knew that I needed to pull out of her pussy soon because I could already feel my cum starting to rise. I also knew that once I pulled out, she would know that I would next try to put my cock into her ass and that would make her tense up again. I slowly backed out of her by not going in as deep as I was on the previous stroke. This put more attention on her ass then on her pussy. By the time I was out of her, Josie was pushing up to meet my hand instead of back to meet my cock.

The next part was really going to be tricky getting my fingers out of her and my cock into her. I placed the head of my cock at the entrance to her ass hole as my finger continued to move in and out. When I pulled my fingers out, her hole remained open long enough for me to slide the head of my cock in without causing much pain. Josie had not realized what I was doing till she noticed the slight difference in girth.

Josie stopped all movement as she took in this new feeling. I in turn pushed my cock in an inch or so, till I saw a slight grimace on her face, which caused me to pull out just slightly. I then started fucking her with an inch or two of my cock till Josie relaxed and started to move again.