Becoming Her Wife Ch. 09


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Jim was wearing shorts and a tee shirt with sandals much like I was wearing. His shorts were on the tight side, which showed off the bulge of his cock. This was the first time I've seen Jim as Jim since I sucked his cock two days ago, surprisingly my mouth started to water at the thought of it.

I pulled my eyes from his crotch to his face and saw that he had been watching me. I quickly turned my face as it redden with embarrassment at being caught starring at his crotch.

"You're up kind of early?" I said

"Not yet but if you keep starring at it I will be very shortly." Jim said then laughed. I laughed with him then he said, "I'm sorry I just couldn't help saying that." He handed me a cup of coffee and said, "Jill knows Josie want to get started early even though Josie knows Bill won't be at the boat till six thirty. That's the way Josie is when it comes to diving. If it were up to her we would have left last night so we could hit the water at first light."

"She does seem excited about going. Is she always like this?" I asked.

"If it was up to her she'd stay in the water. You've never seen someone as bitchy as she is when its time to come back in." Jim told me as he started to butter toast.

I too started to make a breakfast plate for Josie and I. Once breakfast was ready Jim and I took it in to the dinning room where Jill and Josie were waiting. I sat down next to Josie with Jim next to me. Josie took her coffee and drank it with out touching her food. I could see her hands shake with what I took for excitement.

After she took a couple of drinks of her coffee she said, "Jim are you sure the boat's ready?"

"Yes every thing is ready. All four-fuel tanks are filled. All the dive tanks are filled and certified. All the equipment is ready and there is enough food on board to feed a small nation. The fresh water tanks are full. Is there something I have forgotten?"

"No of cause not but you know how I am, I just had to ask." Josie told him

"I know you did, just like you asked three times yesterday." He told her with a slight laugh. "You know Bill's going to want to come back in right after the first dive?"

"I know. But we'll be ready to go again tomorrow except for topping off the fuel tanks and refilling the air tanks we use today." Josie told him as she stood to leave.

"I just don't want you getting into an argument with him like you did the time he took out Michael." Jim told her.

"Then he shouldn't have tried to tell me how to drive my boat. That's what started the argument in the first place." She told him

"Just remember that boat's not your Porsche." Jim told her. Josie was about to say something then she realized that Jim was giving her a hard time. She stomped her foot then turned and left the room dragging me with her. Once we were out of hearing I asked what that was all about.

"Bill is a male chauvinist pig. He thinks I shouldn't be driving a boat as big as mine is and he was quite upset that I drove and not Michael. Speaking of that I want you at the controls while he's aboard. I couldn't care less what he thinks about women drivers but I don't want him thinking that you are some pansy that lets his wife walk all over him."

"Josie I don't care what he think or anyone else for that matter." I told her

"I know you don't. It will make everything easier if we put on a front that shows us as a happy couple and I do as my husband tells me." She told me and I could see she was serious.

The boat that Josie owned was sixty feet long and twenty feet wide. It was a cabin cruiser that had three separate bedrooms or staterooms. The main stateroom took up a third of the front of the boat and was quite luxurious. It had a queen-size bed and it's own bathroom or as Josie called it a head. There was also a shower, though it was as small as the one on the plane was.

Josie then showed me the other two staterooms before moving to the main salon. This room was where you would sit while the boat was moving unless you were outside or in the pilothouse. The room was beautifully done in rich wood and marble.

The outside main deck had several chairs and along both sides and the back stood dive tanks like soldiers waiting to be used. The forecastle was covered with a thick mat that we would use to sunbathe on when we weren't diving.

Josie and I moved to the pilothouse and she explained the operation of the boat. She told me where the four fuel tanks were and how I was suppose to empty them so I didn't cause the boat to list. She explained the electronics so I knew where we were at all times.

At six thirty we got underway much to Josie's displeasure. Bill and her agreed that we would be leaving at six, She got more upset as the minutes went by. When he did finally arrived, Jim and Jill handled the mooring lines and I eased the boat away from the dock.

Going though the harbor was not an easy task, as the boat didn't respond the way a car would. You had to anticipate your turns well in advance. Once we were in the channel I did little more then to keep the boat going in a straight line behind a French man of war.

On board the French destroyer there were several men standing on the fantail. Soon that number grew to about twenty and all were yelling and waving their hands. Josie started to look around to see if there was a problem with the boat till she looked down at the forecastle.

"Jill you are such a slut." Josie said more to herself then to anyone in particular. When I asked what the problem was she said, "Jill down on forecastle with her shirt off showing everyone her tits."

When we reached open sea the destroyer went north while we went south. Josie told me what course to hold while she went down and put on her wet suit. She came back wearing a black rubber wet suit with bright yellow side. It looked more like a bathing suit then a full wet suit. Her legs as well as her arms were bare and the zipper was undone down below her breasts. Giving me a view of the sides of her breasts. She gave me a knowing smile then looked at the GPS

"You better go and get yours on, we'll be anchoring soon and I want you up here so I can show you how to anchor." She told me with a playful slap on my bottom.

It didn't take me long to put on the wet suit as I had tried it on several times before and even swam around the pool at home so I could get use to it. It was basically a pair of tight fitting shorts with the top attached. There were no sleeves and the zipper went from my crotch to my throat.

As I made my way back to the pilothouse I heard the twin diesel engines slow to an idle. When I got back to the pilothouse Josie show me how to check the bottom for obstructions. Once she was sure there was nothing we could harm she showed me how to drop and set the anchor. When the anchor was set we shut down the engines and hoisted the diver down flag before going down to the main deck.

We reached the main deck just as Jim and Jill went into the water. I helped Josie on with her tanks and Bill helped me on with mine. Bill then explained what we were going to do. Basically he wanted to make sure I was comfortable in the water and I kept my eye on my gauges so I had enough air to decompress on the way up.

We went into the water together Josie and I held hands as we descended and Bill stayed right at my side all the way. We worked our way down to the bottom and then swam along the bottom till I saw that my air supply was half used up. I got Josie's attention and pointed at the surface. She looked at her gauges and then at mine before nodded her head. I let Bill also know I was going up. He looked at my gauges and then at his before nodding.

We made our way back to the surface. This was the worst part of the whole dive. I enjoyed the decent, there was anticipation as you went down and there was the beauty of the bottom. The assent was boring and I couldn't wait to get it over with, which made it seem even longer.

"Well what did you think did you like it?" Josie asked once we were back on the surface.

"It was great I just wish it lasted longer I could have spent the next week down there!" I told her excitedly

"Next time we'll take two tanks each so we can stay longer. You need to control your breathing a little better. I only used half the air you did." Josie told me and Bill agreed with her.

We got out of the water and saw that Jill and Jim were already back aboard. Josie and I dried off and went back to the pilothouse after stopping in the salon for something to drink. We would have celebrated my first dive but Bill was in a hurry to get back. So we decided to wait and celebrate tonight.

"Did you really like diving or are you just saying that because you know I like it so much?" Josie asked once we were back in the pilothouse.

"I loved it, I can't wait to go again." I told her

"Really good. We'll take Bill back and then we'll go out again tonight. We'll anchor off an island tonight, so we can go diving first thing in the morning. If it's ok with you and everyone else we'll stay out till Sunday." She told me, which was just fine with me.

We raised the anchor and started back. Once we were underway again Josie went to go get changed. When she came back she said. "Jill want's to go to that store were I bought the gaffe for you. Is that okay with you?"

"Sure I don't see any reason it shouldn't." I told her

"You have to remember that I bought it there for you and the owner will know it was for you. I guess you can wait in the car while Jill and I went in." She told

"How did the owner react when you bought it?" I asked

"It did bother her in the least. In fact she wanted me to bring you in so she could see how it fits."

"I don't see any problem in going except I don't have it with me." I told her. Josie smiled and said

"I packed it this morning. Just in case we stayed out and I wanted Nikki to sun bath with."

"Well where is it? I'll put it on so she can see it" I told her. She came to me and hugged me real tight and said

"I can't tell you how much I love you. It's in the top draw of the right hand dresser. Put on the lavender panties too." Then she kissed me.

I went down to the stateroom and took a quick shower. I found the panties and the gaffe and put them on. I put on the same shorts as I wore this morning and a clean polo shirt. I then made my way to the salon for something to drink. Bill gave me my divers certification and I thanked him before making my way back to the pilothouse. Josie and I held each other as we let the autopilot take us back to Tahiti.

Josie brought the boat along side the refueling pier to top off the fuel and water tanks as well as refill the air tanks. Bill was off the boat before we had it tied up. Jim talked to the attendant on the pier to let them know what needed to be done. The four of us then went out for lunch before going to the shop.

When we got to the shop there was no mistaking what was sold inside. The store's front window was fill with all kinds of sexual paraphernalia. From whips to restraints and I even saw a few dildoes. Jill Josie and Jim walked right in as if they were walking into a restaurant, I on the other hand felt embarrassed to be seen walking in. Josie saw my embarrassment and my hesitation she wrapped her arm around mine and guided me in to the store

"Bon jour, bon jour mademoiselle and monsieur." The owner said as we walked in to the shop. Then she started talking in French with Josie and Jill. After Josie explained that I didn't speak French she turned to me and said in a very strong French accent. "Pardon Monsieur I did know you could not speak French. Welcome to my shop, my name is Antoinette and I'll be glad to help you any way I can."

I thanked her and excused myself for not being able to speak French. She was quite pretty in her red leather jump suit and very high heels. Her hair was short in a bob fashion. Her skin color was dark and her eyes had an almond shape to them. Even though her heels were at least five if not six inches long she still was only as tall as Josie was in her sandals.

After we gave each other the once over she turned to Josie and asked, "Mademoiselle, the gaffe did it fit properly?"

"I believe so I was hopping that you would look and see if it was too tight." Josie told her

"Of cause Madam I would be very glad to see if it fits properly. This way please." She told Josie and started walking to the back of the shop. "Please Monsieur remove your cloths and stand on the platform." She told me once we reached a dressing room. The platform was about a foot higher then the floor.

I removed my cloths as quickly as I could to hide my embarrassment, but even so it showed on my face. Once I my cloths were off and I was standing on the platform Antoinette ran her hand over the gaffe and even tried to slid a finger down between the gaffe and the my skin.

"I think it is too tight maybe the next size larger." She told Josie after her inspection.

She left and returned with another gaffe that was slightly larger and a lighter shade. As she and Josie watched I removed the gaffe and put on the other one. This one was much looser though it still was skintight. It was much easier to put on and to get my cock into the sheath.

"Better oui?" She asked once the gaffe was in place

"Yes much better." I told her.

"And the color is better, no? With breasts no one would know the difference between you and a real girl." Then she said to Josie "I can't take the other back, but I'll give you a discount on this one." Josie told her she understood. "Will there be anything else Madam?"

"We'll look around but my friend was also looking for a gaffe for her husband." Josie told her

Josie and I looked around while Jill and Jim went into the dressing room with Antoinette. When she saw what Jim had between his legs you could hear her gasp across the store. She went hustling past us as she said.

"Monsieur is big, but this one." She said pointing to the dressing room. "This one is very big. He must make Jill very happy." This caused Josie and I both to laugh.

While we waited Josie found several skirts and blouses for herself and a few for me as well. "I like taking you shopping with me. At least I know everything I buy you will fit." Josie told me

When we were done shopping we went back to the boat. Jim and I emptied the trunk of several bags and three suitcases. With in a half- hour we were once more sailing out of the harbor. It was just passed three thirty when we stared sailing west. Josie and Jill were both on the forecastle sunbathing nude. Jim was down in the galley preparing dinner while I was in the pilothouse.

Right around six I saw what looked to be an island just ahead of us. At the same time Josie came back in to the pilothouse. Her skin was slick looking from the tanning oil she used and she smelled of coconut oil. She was still naked and her nipples were hard little pebbles.

"That is an uninhabited island. We'll anchor in small bay and spend the night. There is some excellent diving just to the north of the bay. Go down and change I left out your bikini to wear. Oh take off the gaffe it would be to obvious with the bikini bottoms" She told me.

I did as I was told and returned to the pilothouse just as the boat was pulling into the bay. When Josie had the boat anchored where she wanted it we went down to the main deck. Jim had set up a table on the outside deck and he and Jill were sitting enjoying a glass of wine. Jill was also naked and Jim had on a tee shirt and a Speedo, which showed off his cock to perfection. Josie had me sit on a chair and then she sat on my lap as we share a glass of wine.

I could tell Josie was sexually excited as I felt her juices drip out of her and on to my leg. It didn't take long before we started kissing. The kissing lead to caressing as my hands roamed over her oil slick body.

Josie hands were busy as well, as she pinched and twisted my nipples. Before I knew it my top was off and my breast forms were lying on the floor. Her mouth moved down to my chest and she tried to suck my nipples.

I looked over to where Jill and Jim were. Jim was now on his knees with his face between Jill's spread legs. Jill was sitting with her knees on the arms of her chair as she held Jim's head tightly to her.

Josie, having seen that my attention had shifted took the nipple ring in her mouth and pulled on it hard, which brought my attention back to her. Then she pulled my cock out of my bikini bottoms and started to slowly stroke it as she continued to pull on the ring.

She kept this up for a minute or two, then in one move she stood straddled my legs and sat back down taking my cock deep inside her. We both sighed with the pleasure of that move. Her hips then started a light up and down motion as her nipples rubbed up against my pierced ones.

It didn't take her long before she was cuming. Her whole body shook and tiny whimpering noises were coming out of her throat. Her body shook even harder and a high pitched squeal came out of her mouth before she collapsed onto me. Her lips kissed my neck as I held her close.

At first I was disappointed that I wasn't allowed to cum as well, but I also knew that before this night was over I would be completely sexually satisfied. I knew she had a plan and before this night was over I would experience something new or different.

"Thank you I really needed that." She told me after she had calmed down and was able to speak. She looked to Jim and said, "I don't know about anyone else but I starving."

Jim was now sitting on the deck between Jill's legs facing away from Jill. Jill was sitting with her legs on Jim's shoulders as she slowly ran her hands though Jim's hair.

"I guess we can eat now, it's all ready." Jim said as he got up off the floor.

I told him I would help but Josie stopped me saying, "Let Jim get it tonight you can do dinner tomorrow." I didn't think she wanted to get off my cock, which was still hard inside her. Since having her hot wet pussy surrounding my cock was quite pleasurable I didn't put up an argument.

"What are we doing tonight?" Jill asked

"There isn't much to do out here at night except for screwing. I think we should do that." Josie told her.

"Sounds like a good idea to me. Are we all going to gang up one person or are we going to split up into couples?" Jill asked

"Tell me, has Jim had an orgasm since before the club?" Josie asked

"No the poor dear. I thought he was going to break a blood vessel last night trying to stop from cuming." She told Josie then to me she said, "He just loves being denied an orgasm. It really makes him feel like he's being used. I never let him go more then two or three days without an orgasm. It's not good to keep him backed up for to long."

"Since he's gone two days already I think he should be allowed to cum tonight. I think he should be the first person with a real cock to fuck Nikki." I couldn't help it. Just the thought of having my ass filled by such a big cock caused my cock to jump and swell inside of Josie. "Ooo obviously Nikki thinks its a good idea too. How about you Jill?"

"I have no problem with that as long as he has something left for me. In payment I think one of you should eat my pussy after dinner." Jill told us.

Josie told her that one of us would and left it at that. Josie then got off my lap and had me tuck my cock back between legs and to put on my top. She then told me to go get robes for us to wear during dinner. It's not proper to eat while naked was her thinking.