Becoming His Slut Ch. 07


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"This used to be such a nice neighborhood," he said leading me to Nick's car and opening the door for me, "but I also used to be much taller, things change."

"I bet you were always a hit with the ladies!" I said truly enjoying the exchange as I stepped off the curb to the car.

"None were as pretty as you," his eye gleamed again as I slowly slipped in the driver's seat then swung my legs inside, "but I did my best."

Rupert seemed to take a moment to hang the dry cleaning in the back of the car, looking up I realized it wasn't because of his age but the fact that he was looking straight down my blouse. I couldn't blame him for looking, whether he was 70 or more he wasn't dead! He finally managed to hang the items in the back, then stepped from the door.

"If you need anything tailored," he said finally prying his eyes from my chest, "please think of me."

"Actually," I said feeling my own eyes gleam as inspiration struck, "I have this bathing suit, and no matter what I do the back has this excess material that is just unflattering."

"Feel free to bring it in," he had the wickedest little smirk telling me he was being a bit cagey about his way with the ladies when he was younger, "I'll have it fitting like a glove!"

"Could you turn it into a thong?" I asked feeling inspired by his reaction to me.

"Anything for you Lady Alicia." He replied as he closed the door.

I swear that on the way back to his little shop that gentlemanly little Rupert adjusted his crotch! Driving away I felt rather excited about the prospect, now I'd just have to go buy a bathing suit for him to tailor! I'd driven three blocks before I realized I hadn't looked at the list to see where I was going next! Thankfully I pulled up to a red light allowing me time to take a look. As I did, and tried to figure out which way to get there, I ended up glancing to my left. A gentleman in a moving truck was happily looking down my blouse as we waited for the light to change. When he finally looked up from my chest, which I made no effort to cover, I made sure to give him a wink and a slow lick of my upper lip as the truck pulled away. I was fairly positive I made his day, then I upset everyone behind me by cutting over the lane the truck was in and taking an illegal left toward my next stop. Luckily there was not a cop around. A few minutes later I pulled into a small old school garage and gas station. Nick's note she needed a state inspection, so I pulled up to a bay door which opened almost automatically. With the glare of the sun I had a hard time making out the mechanic's face but I could see him waving for me to drive the car in. Once inside I focused far more on his hands than anything else, he stopped me after I got the car in position between the large blue lifts. The garage door closed as my door opened.

"Well you look good enough to fuck," Jimmy said as he held the car door, "but you always look good enough to fuck!"

"That's because you always want to fuck me!" I replied swinging my legs out of the car.

Instead of helping, Jimmy watched with great amusement as I shifted and slid out of the car.

"Cute tail," he smirked, "how's that feel whisking behind you as you walk?"

"It's a good thing I'm not too ticklish," I replied managing to stand finally, "or I'd pee every ten steps or so! Speaking of which, is there a lady's room?"

"There's a toilet right over there," he said pointing while his eyes devoured me, "don't try to lock the door, it's broken."

"Thanks!" I replied awkwardly stepping around the lift and through the garage to the bathroom.

The well-worn knob didn't turn, the door was hollow and falling apart at the bottom, and the tile floor was easily as old if not older than Rupert! The toilet, referring to the entire room, was just as I'd expect, filthy. The walls were a yellowed shade of white covered with posters of scantily clad women strategically holding tools, the mirror seemed to be rotting out of the pitted metal frame, while the sink had spots worn through the enamel from the dripping faucets. I wiped down the seat, then realized that stepping out of my skirt may be my best bet as holding the skirt off the floor and my tail off everything else would take too much work and focus. Removing the skirt, I found a hook behind the door to keep it relatively safe. Barely a minute after I settled in to do my business Jimmy entered the cramped space, leaving the door open.

"You should take the blouse off too," he said as he leaned on the door knob, "his note may say he needs a state inspection, but he doesn't need it for three more months." My confused look must have given me away. "The errand you're here for is my cock!"

"He should have put that in the note," I replied as I unbuttoned my blouse, "I would have gotten here sooner!"

"That's why he didn't!" Jimmy chuckled as he undid his jeans.

Handing him my blouse, I then managed to step out of my panties, which he hung on the door knob. Flushing the toilet, I stood, at which point he descended on me, turning me around to face the wall then bending me until my lower back was practically parallel with the floor.

"How wet is my slut today?" He asked huskily.

"I'm fucking soaked!" I replied spreading my legs for him.

"That's what I thought," Jimmy said as he lifted my tail with his left hand before grabbing my hip, "but I like my sluts wet and ready!"

I was going to ask how many he had, or say something smart, but he pressed the head of his cock inside me and I lost the ability to focus. He pulled out entirely before pushing back inside me, tugging the tail upward which pushed the plug down against him, which sent me over the edge.

"I'm fucking cumming already!" I half moaned half screamed as it caught me by surprise.

Jimmy used my flood to lube the rest of his massive shaft, quickly burying himself inside me. Unlike his usual pounding, Jimmy took his time, fucking my pussy slowly while tugging the tail enough to the tip of the plug pressed against his rock-hard shaft. Leaning forward, his right hand moved up my chest to my throat as his mouth neared my ear.

"What kind of woman gets fucked in a filthy gas station bathroom?" he hissed.

"A slut!" I groaned leaning my torso into him to allow his cock better access.

"Beg me slut!" he said backing out enough so just the tip of his magnificent cock was inside me.

I fought valiantly, harnessing all my effort for all of 10 seconds before I caved to his will.

"Uhhhhhh FUCK!" I mewled. "Please Baby, please, fuck me!" I begged. "Fuck my pussy, it's yours! Fuck me til I fucking scream! Fuck me until I can't fucking scream anymore! Fuck me like the fucking FUCK SLUT I fucking am!"

"Ohhh, look at you," he chuckled from behind me, then rammed his cock into my pussy, "you suck cock with that mouth?"

"You fucking know I do!" I grunted. "Now fuck me so I can get that cock in my mouth and suck you dry!"

As usual Jimmy didn't disappoint! He immediately started pounding his cock into me, his hips loudly slapping into my ass, forcing me to brace myself with my elbows against the filthy wall. I didn't care, his cock could take me to places I'd never dreamed of before! Jimmy's cock seemed to rearrange my internal organs and stretch not only the width but length of my pussy. I knew his fucking would leave me sore, but also make me cum harder than I had since the last time he fucked me!

"OHHHHHHHH YESSSSSSS!" I screamed loudly, resting my head against the disgusting wall as my pussy quaked with a violent orgasm.

Just as I was coming down from my orgasm Jimmy slammed into me one more time before erupting himself. He was lifting me off the floor with his cock as he pulsated inside me, filling every crevice with his cum. I could feel him seeping out of me, taking my right arm off the wall I cupped it between my legs to catch it. Jimmy slipped his cock from my pussy, without a word I grabbed my tail with my left hand, spun, and knelt in front of him so he could feed me his wet cock.

"Such a well-trained slut you are." He said proudly.

My mouth was too occupied to answer. First, I took his length into my mouth, pressing my chin against his cum covered balls while licking him clean. Laying the tail over my leg, I lifted his shaft to lick his balls and inner thighs clean.

"You're very thorough," he chuckled, "just don't let that tail get dirty, I may have you wear it to the bar one night!"

"I don't usually wear enough to hide a tail hanging out of my butt!" I laughed as I released his cock.

"Who said I'd let you hide it?" He asked earnestly.

I trembled a bit from excitement but also from a massive aftershock brought on by the idea. My mind raced, would I wear a short skirt and panties like I had on? Maybe no panties? Tight fitting pants with a hole for my tail? Leather chaps, a thong and a tail? The ideas were endless, what I also knew is that I would be very, very popular! Jimmy helped me stand, the looked at the pool of cum in my right hand.

"Lunch?" He asked with a wry smile.

"I have a high protein diet," I replied with a wink, "good thing I get lots of workouts during the day!"

"Hang on one second," he said pulling out his phone, "okay you can go ahead now."

As if I didn't feel slutty enough, getting fucked in a gas station bathroom, wearing slutty lingerie, the fox tail butt plug, but now Jimmy was going to take photos of me devouring our bodily fluids. I embraced it, all of it, he'd brought out my inner slut and it had possessed me! While staring into the phone's tiny lens I lapped at the pool of cum with my tongue, pursed my lips and sucked from it, before tilting my hand up and pouring it into my mouth before licking my hand clean.

"Very nice!" Jimmy said dripping with pride. "While I hate to fuck and run," he said taking my skirt, panties and blouse out to the garage area, "my lunch is almost over. You'd better clean up before you go."

I wasn't sure why he was walking my clothes to Nick's car but it definitely meant I'd be walking through the garage in my lingerie, heels and tail. My make-up wasn't bad, which was a good thing because I didn't bring a bag with me, and either was my hair. I wiped a bit of drying cum from my chin, checking my face in the crusty old mirror. With really no other option I stepped out into the garage, where Jimmy waited one bay away.

"Hold this," he said handing me some kind of shiny silver air tool, "and stand over by that tool box." I did as he said wondering what he was doing. "Hold that in one hand in front of your pussy," he instructed as he produced a rather expensive looking camera, "then lift your tail with your other hand."

Jimmy walked me through an impromptu photo shoot while behind him cars pulled in and out of the gas station or passed by. Whether they could see me or not I wasn't sure, but it was exhilarating to be so bare with so many people all around! The last picture had me standing with my back to him, tail hanging straight down, with one foot up on a tool box drawer while I looked over my shoulder.

"That one's for Steve," he said with a smile, "you know how he loves your ass!"

"He loves every ass," I replied with a smirk, "he loves mine more because he gets to fuck it!" Jimmy nodded in agreement while putting his camera away. "So, what are all these pictures for?" I finally mustered the courage to ask.

"One will go on the bathroom wall," he said pointing to the bathroom we'd just fucked in, "there will be more than a few guys that will jack off looking at you!" That idea excited me as I reluctantly put on my crotchless panties. "Some select friends will get a calendar," he continued, "with you and a couple other girls on it." I shuddered at my image being hung up and stared at for a month or more! "And Nick will get them to share with his friends as well." He watched my reaction intently. "You probably didn't notice," Jimmy continued as I put on my blouse, "but the guy at the sex toy store has one of our calendars behind his counter and in his office."

"So, I'll know at least one or two guys rubbing one out," I said buttoning my blouse while feeling the tail tickle the backs of my legs, "to my image, then won't I?"

"Keep wiggling that ass like that," Jimmy said nodding toward the overhead doors behind me, "and the gas jockey will be rubbing one out to you much sooner than that!"

Looking over my shoulder I noticed the kid who had been working the gas pumps peering into the window with his hands cupped around his eyes. He moved his hips a bit to adjust his crotch, giving me a bit of inspiration. Stepping into my skirt, I kept it low around my ankles until I had both feet inside it. Giving Jimmy a wink, I bent forward as far as I could nice and slow, while keeping my legs out and sticking my butt directly toward the young peering man then slowly pulled my skirt up my legs.

"I think he just came!" Jimmy said with a chuckle.

"Another satisfied customer I guess!" I giggled while tucking my tail into the skirt so I could zip it up. "I should ask," I said looking over at Jimmy, "do I get to go now?"

"Yup," he replied with a smile, "I'm sure you have more errands to run!"

"Thank you!" I answered while walking carefully to the driver's door. "Oh, by the way," I started as I buckled the seat belt, "I'll need a couple of those calendars too."

"I'm sure we can work something out." Jimmy chuckled.

It took a bit to get into the car, as expected, but I managed. Jimmy opened the overhead door, allowing me to back out. The gas jockey was still by the other overhead door, watching me intently, and sporting a rather impressive bulge in his jeans. I decided to pull up to him, making sure my blouse was pulled out enough on the right side to afford him a clear look at my right boob.

"Hi Baby!" I said as I pulled up next to him.

"Hi." He sheepishly replied.

"Did you enjoy the view?" He was nodding yes before I even finished my question. "I hope you saw that Jimmy took pictures," his eyes lifted enough to stop at my exposed breast, "make sure he shares like a good boy!"

"Okay." He replied shifting his crotch through his jeans while shifting his feet nervously. "Can I uh," he stuttered a bit then continued, "how's that tail held in?"

I leaned toward the door, denying him a view of my boob while using my right index finger to summon him closer. He nervously leaned forward, eventually placing his hands on his knees to get close in the low car.

"There's a silver plug that it's attached to," I said in my best, most sultry voice, "that's in my ass driving me fucking wild!" He let out an audible groan finally meeting my eyes with his. "Plus, it tickles my legs when I walk," I said slowly sitting back into the driver's seat, "I wish I had more time; I could use another cock in me!"

Diving away I noticed he was still leaning forward but looking at the back of the car in shock! At the next light I looked at my list, I was now heading to Nick's house! While Jimmy's fucking had certainly taken care of any need I had, the 25-minute ride to Nick's brought the need back rather quickly. His house was what I expected, a large colonial with a perfectly manicured lawn and shrubs outside. The driveway led to the left side of the house where there was a two-car garage. I parked under an overhang connected to the house then stepped out of the car.

"Did you get my car inspected?" I heard Nick call from somewhere.

"It wasn't due for another three months!" I replied looking around for him.

"Oh, that's right," Nick laughed as he spoke, "but from the looks of it Jimmy had fun!"

"Yes, he did!" I replied finally realizing that he had one of those doorbells with a camera. "Then again so did I!"

"Apparently, within a couple minutes of you leaving," Nick said with his typical air of cockiness, "the kid pumping gas ran into the bathroom to take care of an issue he was having!"

"Blue balls?" I asked as I slowly walked around the car toward the camera.

"I'd say so," Nick chuckled, "take the skirt and blouse off, you'll rarely if ever wear clothing here."

"Yes Sir!" I replied undoing my blouse immediately.

"Hopefully you didn't get cum on your tail," Nick said as I removed my skirt, "Rupert can clean it but you'll be the one dropping it off!"

"I'm okay with that!" I replied tossing my skirt and blouse into his car. "He was a sweetheart!"

"He's also a dirty old man," Nick laughed loudly, "and don't let him fool you, he's sweet because he wants to fuck you!"

"Sweet little Rupert?" I replied feigning shock. "Who kissed my hand and looked down my blouse?"

"That's him!" Nick was still laughing as he spoke. "If he gets a chance, he's going to accidentally touch a boob!"

"What if I want him to do it deliberately?" I asked leaning forward to the little camera. "He did call me Lady Alicia after all!"

"That is up to you slut," his tone was a bit more serious, "from what I've heard he's a horny bugger!"

"Thanks to you," I replied squeezing my boobs together with my arms, "and Jimmy I'm a horny bugger too!"

"That you are!"

"By the way," I said as I turned to retrieve his dry cleaning, "I asked Rupert to fix a bathing suit for me!" I wished I could see his face for this conversation but it was too late. "I told him the back is unflattering and I need it fixed."

"Really?" he replied obviously intrigued. "Fixed how?"

"I asked him to turn it into a thong for me," I replied while approaching the camera again, "it seems most of the men in my life enjoy my ass bare!"

"He should enjoy that," Nick replied, "but he also does good work so it'll fit perfectly!"

"Great! I replied pulling out the key and opening the door to his house. "Oh, on my way home from work I have to pick up a bathing suit!"

"Slut!" he bellowed as I closed the door behind him.

"Hello!" I said as I answered my phone seeing Nick's face pop up on the screen.

"Did you really tell him you need to alter a bathing suit you don't even own yet?" He asked through the screen.

"YUP!" I replied proudly. "Now where do you want your dry cleaning?"

"My bedroom is up the stairs," he said raising an eyebrow at me, "on the right-hand side."

There was something decadent about sauntering around your bosses' home in your lingerie. I made sure to hold the phone low enough that my face was in view just over my chest, which he seemed to enjoy.

"Are you really going to fuck my dry cleaner?" He eventually asked.

"Would it make you feel better if I just sucked him off?" I asked without looking down.

"That's not really what I'm saying."

"If you think about it," I responded, "this weekend I could have had sex with any number of guys, you sent me to see Jimmy knowing he was going to fuck me in a gas station bathroom, but you're concerned about sweet old Rupert fucking me?"

"You do have a point." He replied.

I hung his dry cleaning up in his closet, then setting the phone down on his dresser, I walked around his bedroom taking it all in. His bedroom was half the size of my apartment! he even had a set of doors leading out to a private balcony.

"Is anyone going to see me if I head out here?" I asked.

"Not unless the landscaper is still there." He replied.

I opened both doors with zero concern! If they were there, I wanted them to see me! His back yard was the size of my apartment building's parking lot, but perfectly manicured with luscious green grass and a large in ground pool. It was liberating to stand outside dressed as I was! I could feel the cool outside air embracing my body, the sun shining on me as I stretched my hands to the sky. No one was within sight. Returning to the bedroom I wondered when I'd get to spend a weekend naked in his backyard!

"When's the office pool party?" I asked with a wry smile.

"I'll let you know," Nick replied returning to his cocky self, "I'm expecting a delivery soon, I'll need you to get dressed so you can meet the driver."