Been Waiting for Love Ch. 02


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"Good morning." Katrina looked up to see Jade walk in wearing her bright smile.

"I forget I gave you a key." she blinked, pouring a cup of coffee.

"Oh, someone is in a bad mood. I'm guessing Mr. Wonderful didn't show up."

"No, he showed up, it's just that I didn't make it to the mountain top." Jade sat down immediately on Katrina's stool.

"What happened?"

"We were here talking and I made him get up to dance with me. We were slow grinding and touching each other. When I told him to kiss me, he backed off."

Jade shook her medium length brown hair, "That's where you messed up."


"You don't tell a guy like that what to do. He's probably use to dominating women or something or maybe he couldn't get it up."

Katrina shook her head, "There weren't any problems in that area from what I felt. I knew for sure he wanted me. I think he remembered that I'm his best friend's little sister and stopped. Now he's going to move down here and drive me crazy."

"It's amazing that guys feel such loyalty like that for their friends, but can't show that same loyalty for their girlfriend."

"That is only some men, besides I thought with how happy you waltz in here you and Dante made up."

"Yes, I just get so tired of him sometimes. I know I shouldn't be with him, but I can't help myself. I think I'm sick. I know what it is, it's his special tool." she said wiggling her eyebrows and Katrina couldn't help but laugh.

Katrina just wish Jade would dumped that asshole she been dating off and on for the past couple of years. She deserved much better. She is a very attractive girl. She is just a little bit shorter than Katrina and a little plumper in the bottom region, but Jade loves her body that way. She would show it off as much as possible, which made men's mouth water. Unfortunately her attention was on this guy Dante she met. He has cheated numerous times and Jade has caught him at least 3 times. They would get into stupid arguments, which made Jade leave and come over to stay with Katrina. Later, he comes crawling back begging her to forgive him. She just wished Jade would find someone who knew how to treat her.

"Well, you need to get rid of that tool, there are plenty more out there."

"Oh come on Katrina, I do love the guy. He just has a hard time committing." Jade didn't see Katrina roll her eyes, "Besides we are trying to concentrate on you. We need to go out tonight."

"I don't feel like it."

"Come on, it can be me, you, Kendra, and Dominique. We can find someone to make you forget about this guy. I mean he can't possibly be that fine for a white boy." as if on cue, the door swung and Scott appeared slightly flushed.

He had a white tank top that was soaked with his sweat and jogging pants that hung from his lean hips. Jade even felt her tongue go numb watching the muscles in his arm. Scott was a little shock; first he didn't expect her door to be unlocked and didn't expect company. He got up early to go for a jog to get his mind off of her and yet here she was looking at him as if she wanted to tear off every piece of clothing he had on. He knew that feeling. Last night he was tossing and turning trying not to think about her heavy breast in his hands or how wet she was.

"Good Morning." he finally said breaking the silence.

"Yes it is." Jade replied and Katrina cleared her throat.

"Scott, this is my friend Jade the one I told you about."

"Nice to meet you, Jade." he said shaking her hand.

"You too, those old pictures don't do you justice Scott." she smiled and Katrina immediately felt sick to her stomach.

"Thank you. Are you going to work?" he said directing his attention back to Katrina.

"Yea, I have a party that I need to get the menu together and other stuff. Um, how are you going to get around?"

"Your brother is coming to get me and take me to get a rental car."

"I heard you were moving back here." Jade interrupted.

"Yea, I am. I just need to find me a job around here."

"What did you do back there?"

"Off duty, I was at school and working as a bookkeeper at a law firm. I'm hoping to get something similar here."

"If you go down to Dallas County, I heard they were hiring for something like that. The DA is looking to hire someone quickly with some experience."


"He can't do it." Katrina said.

"Why not?" he asked crossing his arms across his chest.

She cleared her throat, "The DA's name is Franklin Thomas. You slept with his daughter in his bed years ago." Jade's eyes widen as Scott rubbed the back of his neck.

"Surely he has forgotten about that, plus I have enough experience for the job." he walked up a little closer, "and if he gives me any shit, I'll make sure to take more than his daughter's so called virginity." Katrina gulped as he reached for a coffee mug.

"Don't mess with a Marine, baby." Jade laughed, "So, what about a place?"

"I'm going to look at a couple of them today, see what they are asking for."

"Can't wait to getaway from me, huh? I'm going to get my purse then we can leave." she said walking past him before he could say anything.

"Don't mind her, no breakfast makes her go crazy in the head. Well, good luck in finding everything you want and more."

"Um, thanks." He said and she watched in amusement as his eyebrows drew together in confusion.

"Anyway, Jade let's get out of here. Can you do me favor and give him your key? I'll give you one back." She said coming back into the living room.

"You have a spare key here?" Scott asked Jade.

"Yea, I have issues with my boyfriend and I need to get away sometimes." she handed him the key.

"It's not dangerous issues, is it?" Scott asked and the look of concerned touched Jade.

"No, sweetie. It maybe dangerous for him one day though." Jade smiled hoping to put him at ease.

"I'm suppose to go out tonight, so I may not see you tonight." she said grabbing Jade's

"We are?" and she felt a pinch on side, "We are! Yep, we are going to the bar or club or something." Scott knew something was up with Katrina. He didn't realize how pissed she was at him for stopping.

He followed behind them as the moved over to the door. Once Jade was outside, he closed the door trapping Katrina in with him. She turned around to see his narrow blue eyes meet hers. He leaned closer to her and she nearly forgot how to breathe.

"What was that?" he asked in a low tone.

"What are you talking about?" she gulped trying not to show how nervous she was with him so close.

"Are you mad or something?"

"I'm peachy keen Scott, I just have a busy day today alright?"

"Look Katrina, you have to understand why I stopped last night." she crossed her arms in front of her, "I mean, I've known you for a long time and I don't want to mess up my friendship with..."

"My brother. I know already."

"You're right and more importantly, I don't want to mess up anything with you."

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm a big girl now and I know what's best for me. I don't need you or my brother to watch over me anymore. I do want something from you, but you're too chicken shit to give it to me." She could see the vein on the side of his neck pop out as he continued to stare down at her, but she didn't break the contact. She could tell he was pissed but she didn't care, like she wasn't either. Even though the tension was thick, it was that same tension that turned her on. Damn traitorous body!

"Can you move your hand off the door?" slowly he backed away and she walked out quickly before he could say anything.

Scott was frustrated, pissed off, and hard. His cock returned the same throbbing need that kept him up last night. He felt the muscles in his jaw clench as he thought about what she said.

"What the hell is going on?" Scott said to himself as he headed to take a cold shower.

Katrina was in her office sorting through some items in the menu. She just finished her meeting with the Angel Henderson for a surprise birthday party. She wanted to keep her mind on work, but it always reverts back to Scott. She didn't understand what was the big hold up. It wasn't just a sex she wanted; it was something more than that. From the moment he kissed her, she realized most of the qualities that she wanted in a guy, Scott had. She had plenty of boyfriends and she always compared them to Scott. In the end, they wouldn't measure up. It always been him she wanted.

It was getting time for lunch and she found herself getting a little hungry. Guess it was time to wrap things up, that's when Jade came in.

"Hey girl, how's it going?" she asked.

"Pretty good, I'm just finishing up some stuff."

"You know Katrina, I have been thinking of something. You said that hottie Scott is in the Marines."

"Does that mean he been in combat?"

Katrina blinked, "I guess, he hasn't said anything about it."

"I was just thinking about it. Could you imagine what he probably has gone through over there? I mean I hear so many stories of men who comeback seeing horrible things." Katrina's stance softened, she never thought about that.

"Is there a reason this thought came to you?"

"Well yea, I know you like the guy but you may want to let him relax a little. Ask him some questions about it."

"I know Scott, he won't let me."

"Never hurts to try and then everything so far as you getting him will come eventually."

"Is this your way of telling me to back off a little." Katrina sighed.

"Yea, somewhat. Just think about it." Jade said leaving.

Great, she hated when she had to do the grown up thing. She groaned her frustration and reached for her phone. Well, no time like the present. She listened till she heard his deep voice pick up.

"Hello." he said.

"Hey, it's me Katrina. Look, I was wondering if you could come by the restaurant and I'll treat you to lunch."

"What's the price for this?"

"No price, just us hanging out like we use to, but make sure it is just me and you. Do you need me to come get you or something?"

"Nah, I rented me a truck. Just give me the direction there and I'll show up."

"Okay cool. I'll go ahead and make us something." she gave him the direction to the restaurant and hung up.

In an hour, Scott was in her office eating sandwiches she made herself. He had fully changed into some dark blue jeans that hugged his thighs and a dark button down shirt. Katrina tried to bring up so many other subjects to get her mind off how he looked. He really made her mouth water, as she smelled his musky after-shave. She had to cross her legs trying to hide her desire.

"This is really good." he said taking another bite.

"Thank you, it's my own recipe." she paused, "Can I ask you a question?"


"Did you go into combat?"

His body tensed thinking about his time there and he sat back in his seat, "Yea, I did."

"What happened out there?"

"You don't want to know Kitty Kat. There were so many things that happened out there that it would keep you up at night."

"You don't mainly because I really don't want to relive them. Seeing the things that I have seen there help me realize that I did need to come back home. I just need that one chance to feel something that wasn't paranoia, anger, or fear."

"Have you talked to someone about it?"

"Yea, every time I come back from being over there, they make us see a psychiatrist. I really had to speak with one about a year ago when I came back. I got hurt real bad."

"Was that when Ricky came to see you and meet Kendra?"

"Yea, he found out through my mom and rushed over with them. Kendra and him helped take care of me till I was better."

"What happened to you?"

He paused not sure if he wanted to tell her the horrible things that happened. He pushed so much of it aside just from being here that he really didn't want to reflect on it, especially here with Katrina.

He sighed, "We were doing our usual patrolling around and we spread out a little at this abandoned camp. I heard this woman screaming far off. We are always told to ignore things like that because it could be a trap. I followed the screams till I saw three men pulling a woman into this cabin. When I got in, I felt someone hit me from behind. When I woke up, my hands were chained above my head. They left me with just my pants on. The whipped me and cut at me trying to get me to say where we were stationed at. They would do it almost everyday. I just went numb after awhile. I remember thinking is this the day that they would kill me. I remember one day that same woman that I tried to help came to help me escape, because she so called felt bad for me. The last thing I remember before I blacked out was grabbing her neck. When I snapped out of it, I saw some of the soldiers including my Lieutenant. He escorted me back to camp and I was sent home. My Lieutenant never told me what happened to the people in that cabin, but I use to dream about what I thought happened." he looked up and saw tears in Katrina's eyes. It pulled at his heart to see her like this.

"Why didn't you let me come see you?" she said.

"Would you really want to see me like that?"

"Yes, you know I would want to help you." She wiped the following tears from her face.

"Katrina, I didn't want you to see me like that. The fact that I see how emotional you are getting is further letting me know that nothing could happen between us."

"Am I suppose to apologize for getting emotional when someone I love goes through all

His brow wrinkled, "Someone you love?"

"You know what I mean."

"Kitty Kat, that's the main reason why I haven't really gotten involved with anyone. You are more to me than someone that I can use to get off. I told you that before. Do you really think that you can handle me being called on duty and possibly not hearing from me for days?" he pushed away from his seat, wanting to end this conversation.

"I've been dealing with that for 11 years now." his hand paused at the doorknob and he turned to her.

She moved over in front of him, gazing up into his darken eyes, "After you kissed me eleven years ago, you left me before anything good could happen between us and I wanted to hate you for that. Then I realized the reason I couldn't hate you was because I wanted you so much. Just honestly before you say anything, did you ever think of me as anything more than Ricky's little sister?"

He continued to look down into her beautiful face. Her full lips parted and her eyes still damp from her tears earlier. He remembered that kiss eleven years ago. He remembered how much he craved her and wanted to be with her too. There were a couple of things that kept him from doing so, his friendship with Ricky and he didn't want to put her through the torture of what happens during the war. It was that moment he knew that Katrina was strong enough to handle it. She didn't hear from him in years and here she still stood in front of him strong as she ever was. She wasn't the little Kitty Kat; she was a full-grown woman.

Katrina took the pause as him denying her, she was about to turn away when she felt him grab her wrist, "I do, I think of you as a desirable woman. So you think you can shut up long enough for me to kiss you?" he grinned and she laughed.

"You're the one that keeps talking." she reached up to wrap her arms around his neck.

He bent down to give in to what he desired. He kissed her soft lips and she sighed into the kiss. He pushed his tongue into her mouth, coaxing her tongue to duel his. As he felt her tongue against his, he lifted her up against him, grabbing the one thing he wanted, her ass. She moaned into his mouth wanting to feel more of his body. That familiar feeling came back to her. Everything hit her all at once. She was burning hot for him and she poured that into the kiss.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and she felt his cock against her warm clothed center. His kisses became more demanding as the smell of her pussy filled the room. He need her right now, he needed to feel her wrapped around his hard cock. She moved her arms from around him long enough to shrug off her suit jacket leaving her in a tank top. He carried her over to her desk clearing things out the way before he sat her down. She clawed at his shirt, trying to unbutton it. Scott was a little hesitant in helping her with his shirt; it's one thing to tell the story of what happened to him, it's another for her to see the way wounds. He stilled her hands holding them to her sides. She groaned trying to free her hands but moaned at feeling his lips on her neck.

"More Scott. I want more." she panted wanting something to quench this fire going on inside of her.

As he freed her hands, there was a knock on the door, "Katrina, Tonya Jacobs is here to see you about a party for her."

"Um, tell her I'm busy right now." she moaned tugging on the little bit of hair as she felt his hand reach down between them.

His wandering hand unbuckled her pants and he reached to feel her scorching hot pussy. His lips returned to hers, pushing his tongue into her mouth as he rubbed her tender nether lips. She jumped at first contact as she felt his thick digits teasingly touch her, but he wasn't reaching where she wanted it the most. The feel of her juices on his fingers had his cock begging to take the place of his fingers.

"Katrina, she said it was pretty important." She groaned feeling his hand slowly leave her

"Fuck me." she heard him whisper as he laid his head on her shoulder.

"Believe me I was trying to." she sighed, "Just give me a minute Jade!"

"You still going out tonight?" he said looking over at her.

"I did promise Jade, so I do have to." he nodded, "Hey, don't let this little interruption get you down."

"Believe me it won't. If you have been waiting for eleven years, what's a couple more hours." he pulled away from her.

She noticed the tent in his pants as he tried to cover it with his shirt. She giggled at his failed attempts.

"Believe me, you want think this is funny later on tonight." he warned before kissing her briefly.

"I can leave after this meeting."

"No, I have some calls to make, but I'll see you tonight."

"Okay." She reached up to kiss him again and he hurried to pull away before he forgot about her appointment.

"Let's put that on hold, beautiful."

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AMHJ89AMHJ89over 10 years ago

Even with typos and grammatical errors this is still a story worth reading and one I am thoroughly enjoying

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Too Many Typos

There were so many typos it was hard to pay attention to the story. If this was spell checked one more time it would have been much better.

JezellenJezellenalmost 13 years ago

wow! really enjoy your story. looking forward to reading more.


Besides the grammatical errors and the misuse of homophones, this is a nicely strung together story thus far.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Like the story

And like the raw potential of the writer, but the editing.... Okay, no more comments about editing.

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