Before the Right Fit

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Hubby and wife explore boundaries in Jamaica.
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Authors note: This is the continuing story of a Polyamorous husband and wife, very much in love with each other, rediscovering the joys of having sex with others after years of keeping to themselves. The husband is bisexual, and as such there are scenes that involve two men, so if that's not your cup of tea you should be open to having your boundaries expanded a bit or tap out now. His wife is not bi, but as you will read below, she may be starting to get curious.

While this is the second in the series, it takes place before The Right Fit. I recommend reading that story first, but you are fine to start here if you prefer.


I woke up before Marie the morning after our incredible first night with Donnell and spent a few minutes looking at her naked body beneath the thin sheet and the soft grin on her face. Sleeping like a baby indeed.

Before I go on to what happened next, I thought it a good time to go back and tell the story of those first two trips to Hedo, and how that began to change our lives.


"Hey babe," I called to Marie as I came through the door. "So I found an adventure for us to celebrate our 40th birthdays."

"Oh yeah," she replied from the kitchen. "Let me guess, Vegas?"

Vegas had become our go to birthday celebration spot over the last decade or so as it was just a 4 hour drive and always a good time. Something about Vegas always brought out the sexy and playful side in Marie. She wasn't as wild as in the early days of our relationship, when we were in a long term Poly relationship with our boyfriend Evan, but I continued to hope that one day we would find the right fit that would fully bring that side out again.

Still, in Vegas we would get too drunk, sometimes head to a strip club, fuck up against the window of our room looking over the strip, or even fool around in public. Marie wasn't a girly girl type, but in Vegas would do up her hair (even while she complained how much she hated it) and her nails and put on a tight low cut dress that showed off her 5'10" 155 pound body and C cup breasts in all the best ways.

Since things had ended with Evan a few years back, I'd also enjoy the looks that men gave her as we walked the strip or hung out at a bar or nightclub always wondering if one of them would proposition her and hoping she would accept if they did.

"No," I replied as I walked over to the desk she was working at and kissed her forehead. "It's a bit further than that. Wanted to do something a bit crazy for our 40ths."

I had her full attention now, and she looked up at me with those beautiful blue eyes of the Nordic princess she was, blonde hair waving across her face.

"We are booked at an all-inclusive resort in Jamaica for the first week in February."

"That sounds amazing! What's the resort? I want to start stalking it now!"

"It's called Hedonism II and before you look, let me tell you it's a nudist resort that also caters to swingers." Her expression instantly changed to a much more wary one. "But I didn't book us there to swing or even to try and hook up with a guy. I booked it because I want to be wild and wicked for a week with you. No one else involved. That's the promise I'm making you."

"Hmmmm," she said, looking a bit less concerned now. "Okay let's see what this place is about." I sat down next to her and surfed to a travel review site with testimonials from patrons. We spent the next couple of hours looking through that and other sites so Marie could get a feel for it. Finally she closed out the screen and looked at me.

"Okay, this sounds like it could be fun. And your promise to me is the reason I'm going to say yes, but I have two things for you to consider. I won't guarantee I'll go to the nude side or that we will have sex in a public space, so be sure you are okay with that. But it does really look like a fun place, and sitting on a beach for a week with unlimited drinks, food and entertainment sounds great, plus I couldn't imagine going to one of those stuffy places nearby. Deal?"

"Deal," I said.


Two months later we stepped off a plane into the sweltering humidity of Jamaica with two huge suitcases in tow. Hedo has a different theme night every day, and Marie was insistent that we have something to wear for each.

We made it through customs with ease, and 30 minutes after we landed we were on a bus with three other couples on our way to Negril. It turned out that the other couples were all headed to the resort next door, so we of course got a round of curious questions about our going to Hedo. We explained that we weren't swingers, and that it seemed like a place where you could just be yourself without judgment, but I don't think they believed us.

We were dropped off first, and as we drove into the resort we got our first taste of how the week would be, as we were mooned by several couples in their 60s standing by a fountain. The Sandals couples quickly averted their eyes while Marie and I looked at each other and laughed.

It didn't take long for us to get checked in and taken to our ocean view room on the "prude" side of the resort. We got unpacked quickly and decided to head down to the beach grill and then to the beach itself. After eating and grabbing a couple of frozen rum drinks, we found some loungers on the beach. As this side was clothing optional, I got out of my shorts, but Marie stayed in her cute and skimpy bikini. I didn't say a word, just lathered on some sunscreen for the sensitive areas and laid back.

"Well you didn't waste any time."

"Nope! And it feels great!"

Looking around the beach it was a pretty close to 50/50 split on nude versus clothed as well as over and under 50. The nude side was quite a walk down the beach from where we were, and though you couldn't see it, you could definitely hear the occasional cheer and laughter rolling down the beach.

As we finished our first drinks, Marie said "Come on, let's get in the water."

We eased into the warm Caribbean water and waded out until it was chest high. Marie put her arms around me and kissed me deeply, then wrapped her legs around me.

"It's not really in public if no one can see what we are doing," she said. She then reached down to grab my quickly hardening cock and pull her swimsuit to the side, slipping me into her soft and moist pussy. We moved together in a slow rhythm, not trying to get off, but rather just enjoying the sensation.

After dinner at the main buffet later that night, we decided to try out the piano bar. Marie was in 4 inch stilettos and a white floppy hat for the nights theme, and the result was her being a couple inches taller than me. As we had at dinner, we kept to ourselves at the back, and after a few songs decided to head out, exhausted from the long day of travel.

It was then that we met, though we didn't really believe it until we saw their names on Facebook, Jack and Jill. They were about our age, she had dark skin, long brown kinky hair and nerdy black glasses covering dark brown eyes, he with olive skin and thick jet black hair. They were both on the very good looking side and were passing a joint between them as we walked out of the bar onto the patio behind.

Jack saw us and immediately spoke up, "Want to share?"

"Ummmm," Marie stammered, unsure of what to say.

"We're not swingers," I added.

Jack got a big grin on his face. "Good! Cause neither are we. I meant the joint. Guess you gotta be careful how you say things around here." He had an accent, which we would find out later was from Spain, though they both lived in Montreal.

We all laughed, and an instant friendship was born as we took them up on their offer.

An hour later, the four of us stood at the border to the nude side hot tub, all still very much in evening wear.

"Well," Jack said, "the nude grill is just to the other side, and it's the only place they have food this time of night." Jack and Jill had been here three nights already, but like us had not yet ventured to the nude side of the resort. There was a strict policy that you had to be nude on this side of the resort in order to prevent looky-loos.

"Well you only live once," Jill said and began to take off her dress, showing off absolute gorgeous breasts a bit larger than Marie's and just as full, with dark tiny nipples that were already hard as rocks. She stood 5'8" and maybe 135 lbs, a bit thinner than Marie but still with a nice curve to her butt and belly. She pulled off her panties next to reveal a completely bare pussy just as the rest of us stopped staring and began to undress ourselves.

Marie was a bit more tentative at first, but soon was nude as well, showing a nicely trimmed bush and those perfect tits. Her skin still was pale white where the bathing suit had been covering her and just a bit pink everywhere else.

"Let's get some food!" Marie said and began to walk. Jack's eyes catching her ass as she strode by him. We waited in line with a bunch of other naked people that ran the gamut of thick and thin, old and young, white, black, brown and no one without their flaws, but all very friendly and by the time we had our food had already stopped checking people out and instead just looked people in the eyes when we talked.

We found a bench to sit at, grabbed some towels to sit on and ate some of the best jerked chicken of our lives. Every few minutes something wild would catch our attention from the hot tub, but for the most part we just continued our conversation. I could tell Marie was feeling tired though and so by the time our food was done and Jack and Jill were asking if we felt like checking out the water, we politely declined and went back to our rooms with only a promise to meet them for dinner the next day.

The next couple of days we spent at the beach during daylight, at dinner with Jack and Jill and enjoying the shows, and evenings excusing ourselves early to go back to our room to bang like we were teenagers. Jack and Jill had become a bit more adventurous. They were spending days on the nude side and then heading back to the nude hot tub in the evening. On our fourth night at the resort, which was Toga night, Jill and Jack convinced us to come with them after dinner to the Foam Party. If I had to pick one moment that began to change things with Marie, that would be it.

"You can wear your Toga," Jill said to my wife. We had retreated back behind the Piano Bar to smoke another joint after dinner.

"All right I guess we can check it out for a few minutes."

After finishing the joint, we made our way across the resort to the small nightclub, where other guests entered in either Togas or nothing, and a few left wearing only bubbles.

We entered the bar area, and could see into the dance floor where the foam had risen above everyone's heads. A good number of people were in already. Jill, Jack and I all stripped off our togas and as we threw them to the floor, Marie said "Well, when in Rome..." and took off her toga as well as we all went in.

I'm not quite sure how to describe the feeling of being covered in soapy suds and surrounded by dozens of other naked people other than to say from the moment we stepped in, the grin never left any of our faces. The four of us established a bit of space and danced together, all the time very conscious of our naked soapy bodies trying not to bump one another in an inappropriate way.

That proved to be both extremely difficult and erotic as hell. Because the four of us were all trying to dance with each other but not touch any sexy bits, every slight brush and accidental bump was heightened. I felt more than once as I danced with Marie a breast brush my shoulder or a slippery ass tap mine. I knew it was Jill, but my focus remained on Marie. And I could see the same look of concentration and surprise on her face when she would come into contact with Jack. I could almost feel the electric current between us, made all the stronger because we knew it would go no further.

We danced for well over an hour, taking occasional breaks out to the bar for hydration and giggles, our nakedness only barely covered by foam. As the party began to wear down, Jill became a bit bolder and put her arms around Marie, pulling her away from me. The two ladies danced, a Viking princess and a Southeast Indian beauty laughing in the night. Jack made his way over to me while the ladies danced and said, "we aren't swingers, but I would be perfectly fine with them playing."

I smiled and said back, "me too, but Marie has never been interested in other women."

"Jill either." Jack replied. But then, as if she could hear us, Jill went behind Marie and wrapped her arms around her, feeling Marie's breasts. Marie smiled as if she didn't even notice what was happening, until a moment later when Jill's hand began to move down her belly and toward her sex.

Without missing a beat, Marie turned around and planted a closed mouth kiss on Jill's lips, her hands having grabbed Jill's and moved them back up to her own breasts as she tenderly touched Jill's. Marie brushed her thumb over Jill's rock hard nipple, the weight of Jill's breast in her hands, then gave her another quick peck and turned back to me.

"Show's over boys! Let's head down to the hot tub to clean off and get some food. I'm starved after all this dancing."

We all walked naked in the moonlight towards the ginormous hot tub on the nude side, our togas in hand and dripping foam behind us. A few minutes later the four of us were to our waists in the water with more than 20 people around us. Once again, we created our own little bubble of space that would quickly reject any intruders.

Marie had gotten used to being naked around other people at this point, and hardly noticed anyone outside our little group. Meanwhile, the scene around us was turning into a full blown orgy.

Three men with huge cocks sat on one side of the hot tub while three women went down on them, rotating every few minutes between the men. Two women in their 20s, one with flaming red hair and another light brown and curly, lay on towels on the pool deck, their legs wrapped around each other's heads, their tongues lapping at each other's clits. At any given time three or four other couples were fucking under the water or against the side of the hot tub.

It was getting more and more crowded, and our circle of trust continued to shrink, until finally Jill said. "Okay, I'm tapping out. Let's get some food."

When we finally got back to the room that night after filling our bellies, Marie pushed me down in the bed and got me to full attention in moments with her mouth on my cock and a finger in my ass. It's a wonder I didn't explode immediately, but she climbed on top of me, put me inside her and began rubbing her clit while she ground her hips into me and squeezed my cock with her pussy. Not a minute later we both came harder than we had in years.

We saw Jack and Jill the next morning at breakfast and decided that we would all take the sunset sailing cruise. It was their last night at the resort and they're heard great things. They also invited us to the nude side to lay out with them during the day, but we preferred the relaxing quiet of the prude side.

Marie remained in her suit during the day, but as we got ready for the sailboat, she took it off and wrapped a see-through flowered sarong around her instead.

We met up with Jill and Jack at the catamaran, which had about a dozen other couples on it. We found a spot for the four of us and lay back in the late afternoon sun as the tour got on its way. I laid back, and more exhausted than I realized from all of the partying during the week, promptly fell asleep.

The sun was nearly set when I awoke to the sights and sounds of an entire boat of people fucking and sucking, including, right next to me, Jill going down on Jack as Marie went down on me.

"I was wondering what it was going to take to wake you up," Jack said with a smile. "Can you believe how lucky we are?"

I really couldn't. Both women lifted their heads and came up to kiss their men. "I think that's a good enough preview." Jill said and Marie smiled.

"Preview? Preview of what?" I asked.

"Patience, Nick. You'll see tonight." Marie said.

I wrapped my arms around Marie, and Jack around Jill, and the four of us watched the sun set into the ocean.

That night as Marie was getting into her sexy schoolgirl outfit for dinner, she let me in on the secret. Jack and Jill didn't want to swing, but they had fantasized about having sex in the same room, on the same bed, as another couple. Jill had asked Marie if we might be interested. Marie had agreed, and the ladies, while Jack and I were asleep on the catamaran, decided that tonight after dinner, we would all go to the playroom together, find a private room, and fulfill their fantasy.

"If that's okay with you?"

"Um, yes. I love you" I replied.

"I know."

And oh my god was I a sucker for a girl in a too short plaid skirt and a white button down top. Marie looked as sexy as hell that night as we walked over to the Japanese restaurant to meet Jill and Jack for dinner. I was completely unprepared for Jill to be in a cheerleader outfit of orange and white, her long dark legs exposed and the top tight around her breasts. I'd seen her naked for hours by this point, but she never looked as sexy as she did right then. I didn't know how I could resist fucking her if she asked me that night, but I was determined to keep my promise to Marie. Even if Marie were to suggest it, I knew I had to be the cooler head.

The dinner was excellent and the air was charged with the tension of our plans for later in the night. After dinner we we smoked the last of Jack and Jill's weed and then made our way down to the club to dance for a while. After the fun of the foam party the night before it just wasn't the same.

We left the club after only a song or two and were trying to figure out where to go next when we saw a long line of naked people in a conga moving down a path toward us. "Where are you going?" I called out to them. "To the water slide!" Was their reply.

It looked like half the resort was in the line.

"I bet the playroom isn't crowded now." Jill observed. We looked at each other, nodded, and headed towards the back of the resort. Like everywhere at Hedo, security was posted and keeping an eye on things. The playroom was what was during the day, the spa. As we walked in there was a large centralized mat that looked like it could fit a dozen or more couples, as well as a couple of small pools and smaller mats around the edges. It was empty. We moved down a hall and found a room with a king sized bed lit by soft glowing red lamps. A bowl of condoms were on a table by the bed. The door behind closed, but there was no lock.

The four of us sat around the bed. I began to kiss Marie and Jack kissed Jill. Marie went down to her knees between my legs, and Jill followed suit. She released my cock, already rock hard, and began to suck and stroke it, while Jill did the same with Jack, who I noted was just about the same size as me when hard.

Jack and I continued to undress, but the ladies kept their costumes on, eventually standing back up. Jill put her foot up on the bed and began to remove her panties, allowing Jack to take them the rest of the way down with his teeth. Marie put her foot up on the bed to follow Jill's lead, but when I moved forward to grab her panties in my mouth, she playfully pushed me back and motioned to Jill, who did the honors expertly as Jack and I watched.

Jill then went back to Jack and sat on his lap grinding her ass into him while Marie did the same with me. She didn't let me inside her, instead just moving along my cock, getting it soaked with her juices as it slid along the crack of her ass. I could hear a low moan of pleasure come from Jack's lips beside me. It was heavenly torture.