Behind the Lines of the Were War Ch. 05

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Love involves sacrifice.
7.7k words

Part 5 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/30/2015
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"Breathe, breathe in the air.
Don't be afraid to care.
Leave but don't leave me.
Look around and choose your own ground.

Long you live and high you fly
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry
And all you touch and all you see
Is all your life will ever be."

Pink Floyd, "Breathe"

The Alpha command thundered through the bond. "All Betas and above meet in the main cavern immediately. All others begin packing for evacuation."

Gary looked at Renee who was gingerly getting up. "Come on," she said, "You're second in command now that you're my mate." Pulling on a loose dress, she led him from the bed she had been recovering on.

Gary asked, "Honey, are you sure you are up for this?"

"You should know the enemy doesn't care if you are up for it or not, you just have to deal with it." It was weird considering that he was now hoping they could evade the same people he was in league with just a week ago, but much had changed, including him. He was now stronger, had better eyesight and smell, healed faster and could change into a powerful wolf at will. He had a Pack he belonged to and an Alpha who was wise and a good friend to him. Most importantly, he now had a woman he would spend the rest of his life with. She was quick to pick up on his arousal as he undressed her with his eyes. "No time for that, let's go." Hand in hand, they walked out to meet the other leaders.

They joined Derek, Amanda, her squad second in command Andy, and two other squad leaders, Rich and Barry, in a small circle near the entrance to the cave complex. Derek updated everyone on the scout's reports; the paratroopers were still consolidating their camp in the next valley. Aircraft patrols were constant. When Gary questioned if the pattern of the flights was changing, Derek asked him to explain what he was looking for. "Right now, the flights are long and in one direction, parallel lines. That kind of search pattern indicates they really have no idea where their objective is. If they had a starting point, they would be doing circular or square flights expanding outwards. The question is, what are they looking for?"

Amanda looked at him and realized they were looking for him. "Gary, one of my men put your uniform on and took out the rescue helicopter that came for you. I bet they finally figured out that you are missing."

Gary gave a deep sigh. "They won't stop until they find me or my body. We haven't lost a pilot yet... I mean they haven't... fuck. It's not like I can just let them rescue me, they'll shoot me as soon as they figure out you changed me. Then they will level this whole mountain because you did."

Derek considered this for a moment. "There is one advantage, I don't think they will shoot so fast if they think you might be a prisoner."

"No, and they won't carpet bomb you back to the stone age either. Although, looking around this cave you're halfway there!" The men and women laughed a little, something that the last five years had missed. "The real problem is that they will have the whole area under continuous surveillance using every asset at their disposal. Satellites, drones, aircraft. If they haven't found you yet, they are probably using the paratroopers as scouts- they will dig in on mountaintops and use nightvision scopes and binoculars to search, plus they can send patrols to look at anything that doesn't look right. If they spot a cave entrance, they'll be all over it."

Amanda looked worriedly at him, then asked, "So should we abandon this cave and move farther in?"

Gary shook his head. "I don't think it would do any good. They are going to surround this whole mountain range and shake it until I fall out, and kill anything else they find. It would be impossible to get the whole pack out of here under this kind of surveillance, and when they find you the whole might of the US military will descend upon you."

"What about if we go out in small groups?"

"More of you might get out, but they would make pretty short work of you. If a quarter of the Pack made it to safety it would be a good day. They would just see if I was with you, and if not they would kill you. It would be a turkey shoot."

Derek thought about this a little more. "Well, we could hole up here and wait it out. We have enough food to last a few weeks. If we used the loose rock in the cave and pile it in the entrance, sealing ourselves in, we could disguise the cave entrance without exposing ourselves to the aircraft above." After some discussion, this plan was adopted. Derek sent the new plan to the entire Pack, and people started to gather stones and bring them to the front of the cave where one of the elders supervised making it look like a rockfall.

Gary brought up the biggest problem with the plan, though. "You can hide for a while, but they will keep looking until they find me. The only way to give you a real chance is for me to lead them away from here. I have to make a break for it, then draw them in to me. Do you have any of the equipment I had when I was captured?" Andy left for a minute and came back with a bag. "We kept a few things, but we took all the batteries out so they couldn't be tracked." He handed the bag to Gary who pulled a few things out. A cheap flip cellphone, some flares, and then his face lit up. "Ah, my Prick-7!! Perfect!" There were a few raised eyebrows, so he explained. "It's my AN/PRQ-7A Combat Survivor Evader Locator Hand-Held Radio. It's a walkie talkie on steroids- over the horizon, secure satellite, voice and text message and integral GPS. When I turn this on, everyone will know exactly where I am." Thinking about it, he said, "So, I figure I go ten or fifteen miles due east, then turn it on to draw their attention. Head northwest another 10-20 miles and then another signal. That will lead them away from here and make them think you are off to the southeast. I need to go in wolf form, though- how do you carry stuff that way?"

Andy showed how the bag had a couple straps that could be used to attach it to a wolf's back. "Put in on loose enough it stays on during the change, or have someone put it on you in wolf form."

"I'll do that for you," said Renee. "I just found you, there's no way I'm letting you leave without me."

"Honey, I need you to be safe. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you."

"I couldn't either, that is why I'm going with you. I also know these woods and have been surviving out here for years. I can show you how to evade the patrols and aircraft. We need to be together if you are going to make it."

Derek hated sending them out, but he also knew that both of them were right- as long as Gary was there they were all in danger. "What will you do if you can get away from them?"

"I have to find a way to stop this. I have a few ideas, I just need to find someone in my old life who can help. Come on, Renee, we need to get ready. Derek, we'll leave in 30 minutes, that will give you time to fill in most of the entrance and give us a good run before sundown."

Renee looked up at him. "Why wait thirty minutes? We could leave now." The predatory glare he gave her shivered her to her now wet core. "Because I'm not leaving this cave until I'm properly mated to you. Back to bed, love, I have something for you!" They quickly stole away as everyone else snickered, in all the stress of war they all understood the draw of the mating.

Renee practically ran back to their room but a wolf loves a chase, so Gary was close on her heels. As soon as she reached their alcove her dress went flying and she leaped into his arms just as he got his jeans pushed down his legs. "No time for you to undress, I need you NOW" she whispered as she ground her wet sex onto his already hard member. "I wanted to make this perfect for you but this will have to do," he whispered back. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she pulled herself up and positioned herself, reaching down with one hand to grab his long shaft and guide it into her. He devoured her moan with his lips as she sank down onto him, pausing just a moment as her barrier was torn aside. Slowly she took more and more of him as he drove her passion ever higher by grasping her breast with his right hand and flicking his thumb across her erect nipple. She paused to adjust to the invasion, but soon the pain was gone and the pleasure remained. The sensation sent heat surging down to her clit, which was erect and sensitive as she started to lift off and sink down again. Gary walked forward until her back was against the cave wall, and grasping her firm ass with both hands he took over the thrusting. It was hard, fast and desperate, a long awaited completion they both needed. Renee was crying with joy as her senses were overwhelmed by the first time making love. She leaned back in his arms against the wall as he attacked her breasts with his lips, sucking like a man possessed as she screamed her approval. He pounded up into her, and she ignored the pain and the soreness and focused only on the smell, taste and feel of her mate as they approached the moment her wolf was waiting for.

Her eyes started to roll back in her head as the pleasure built to a peak. She leaned her head back, exposing her neck and bringing his wolf forward. The wolf knew exactly what to do, and as his teeth slightly elongated he focused on the area between her neck and shoulder, licking it in anticipation. She screamed as her orgasm hit, screaming again as he bit down hard on the junction. The coppery taste of her blood sent him over the edge, and with a loud grunt and a final thrust he emptied his balls deep inside her. Her wolf recovered enough to see his head back, and without hesitation she surged forward and clamped his shoulder under her jaws as his blood filled her mouth. Finally stilled, they gently licked each others mating bites closed, and she wrapped her arms around his neck while he continued to cup her fine ass.

"Holy shit." Gary smiled, "I love you."

Renee said, "I love you so much," but without saying it. Their mate bond had opened, now they could speak directly into each others minds in human or wolf form. The bond had voice, but it was so much more. They could share emotions, sensations, thoughts and images directly between them. Gary could feel her inner muscles caressing his erection, but he could also feel how her canal was stroked by his cock. Sex before was amazing, but this was well beyond that, he could feel both sides and knew exactly what she was thinking and feeling with the bond open. Gary had to stop and just revel in the feeling of connection he had, and Renee was breathless with the completion of the mating she had dreamed of.

A few minutes later, his cock had slipped out and he gently set his mate back on her feet. He would have loved to have set her down and ravished her again and again, but there was a threat to the Pack and they needed to leave. They gathered their equipment, some light clothes and some dried food in their packs and walked out to the entrance of the cave. The pack had made a rockfall at the entrance, leaving just a small opening at the top. Derek put one hand on his sister's shoulder and the other on Gary's. "We put a couple rocks just outside, we need you to cover the opening and make it look natural. Then get out of here as quickly as possible. Do you have a plan beyond drawing them away?"

Gary smiled. "I do, but I'll need some help. We'll see if it works. We will keep in touch with the bond, you guys lay low until this blows over. I want a place to come back to in a few weeks."

Renee hugged her brother and Alpha, then they both hugged Amanda. No one said it, but they knew it might be the last time any of them saw each other. The last five years had seen no lack of tragedy, but they were intent on surviving as a Pack and sometimes hard choices were made. That was why Derek was letting them go on what was probably a suicide mission, it was their best chance at evading the troops and the Pack always came first.

There were handshakes and hugs all around as they made their way to the exit, but no tears and no goodbyes. Then they were outside, the new rocks were in place and the cave entrance was dark. More rocks were brought in to further seal it, and bear urine was splashed along the top in case the troops brought dogs with them. The Pack retreated to the far end of the cave to wait and hope.

Air Operations Command Center, Cheyenne Air National Guard Base

General Thaddeus Martin was leaning back in his chair, watching the icons on the projected map that showed the location of the ten thousand troops and over a hundred aircraft now involved in the search and rescue operation. Every road down to the most overgrown logging trail leaving the mountain area was covered by at least a platoon of infantry. Every ten square miles there was an Airborne or Ranger unit doing surveillance and sweeps. Enough manned aircraft, drones and satellites were in the area that forward air control was one of the biggest headaches, there was only so much room to fly. If a mouse farted in that area, one of his assets would detect it. There was no way to hide.

His greatest fear was that Capt. Johnson had been spirited out of the area before they knew he was missing. The weres were smart, they would know they would be coming for them so they either dug in or bugged out. He really hoped it was the first option because then he had a chance.

The media coverage didn't help. Most of the war had gone on below the radar, very few losses on their side and no cameras on the other side so people didn't care. That all changed when a good looking young pilot was shot down. He avoided most of the coverage, but the press conferences each day were packed. He didn't have much to tell them, just to promise his parents and the country that every asset at their disposal was being put to use.

10 miles East of Pack Cave

"I think this is a good spot, my love" said Gary over the bond. The two were running through the forested lower mountains at high speed. In any other time, the joy and freedom of the run would have led to some hot mated pair sex, but he pushed that thought back. Renee did too, but her emotions betrayed her arousal. They had come to a thick wooded area above a narrow, rocky ravine with a small stream at the bottom. There was no good landing spot nearby and plenty of hiding places. "I'm going to change. We need to head north to northwest next, so find a good hide up that way while I set this up."

As Renee picked her way up the mountain, Gary in human form pulled his AN/PRC-7 radio out and inserted the battery in the compartment. Turning it on, he radioed in. "Mayday, Mayday, this is Eagle 31 escaping and evading, Eagle 31..." and then he tossed the radio into the ravine. It didn't matter if it broke, as soon as he turned it on the satellite would lock on to his location. He put on his pack, turned into wolf form and tore up the mountain where Renee was already moving quickly along a hidden trail. They had to get out of there quickly because Hell was soon to follow.

Air Operations Command Center, Cheyenne Air National Guard Base

"UPDATE!" The operations center went quiet as the satellite communication operator yelled out. "CONTACT EAGLE 31 NORTH SIDE MUDDY MOUNTAIN!" Soon the location was highlighted on the map projection. All flights in the air were diverted to the area, and three companies of infantry were loaded up and sent on the way. "Finally," Thaddeus thought, "we can bring him home."

13 Miles Northeast Pack Cave

Renee and Gary were making the best time they could given the terrain and the aircraft screaming overhead. They used their hearing to detect the jets and took cover under heavy brush or fallen trees when they approached, before taking off again. It was tough going but they soon left the heavy air traffic behind as they put the miles behind them. As they ran, they used the bond to tell stories and get to know each other better. It was hard to believe that their love could be that strong in so short a time, but they both felt it.

The sun was starting to set as they started looking for a place to bed down for the night. A large pine that had fallen over in a storm left behind a good spot, the root ball providing cover uphill and they gathered branches and piled them over the base to make a small tent. It was just the kind of thing you needed to keep the prying infrared eyes in the skies from seeing you. Renee pulled him under, leaving their packs to cover the entrance, and shifted into wolf form. He quickly followed suit, rubbing his muzzle against hers, the ache of his legs from the run quickly forgotten as another feeling took over.

He sniffed down her back and legs to her tail. As a man he could never understand why dogs sniffed each other's butts. It was nasty, right? The wolf nose did not find it so. The scent of her was complex and overpowering at the same time; he could sense her fear, her excitement and mostly her arousal. His tongue snuck out to taste her sex, the taste exploded on his tongue and set his arousal at peak. He started lapping at it like a starving man with a near empty jar of peanut butter, intent on getting every last bit out. Renee was quivering as he attacked her sex, but she was able to reach back under him and licked at his now very aroused shaft. She paid particular attention to the deep scar left behind from his torture, cleaning the dust and grime off the entire length as she basked in his musky flavor. Neither could wait too long, so she stretched her front legs forward and wiggled her butt in the air. He got the hint. Moving around behind her, he moved up over her back and pulled forward with his front legs against her haunches. She moved her tail to the side and he slammed home into her wet depth.

They both growled and moaned with the sensations coursing through their minds. She was so wet, so tight, so perfect, and his cock was long and wide and hit all of her places just right. It wasn't gentle, it was a fucking so full of passion and need that it couldn't last too long. He pistoned in and out of her, the orgasm building quickly as she buried her head between her legs and held on for her life. The knot formed on his penis and he pushed it home, she yelped at the invasion but quickly the new sensations made her forget the pain. His hips were flying in and out as he built to his climax. She shuddered and broke beneath him when he grasped her neck with his jaws and jackhammered her into oblivion. As he filled her womb with his love, he licked her neck and sent his love through the bond. Both were spent, he carefully laid their joined bodies on the grass and they fell asleep quickly, still tied together.

Horse Creek, Wyoming- Northwest of Cheyenne

Linda Remington had set up base at the Horse Creek Diner along with her cameraman Tony and technician Len. Their TV van was parked outside. She had quickly grown tired of the air base coverage, so she talked her producer into letting her do some reports from the field. Horse Creek was one of the towns with roads leading into the mountainous search area, and it was a good place to get the human interest stories.

Finishing breakfast, they set out for the hills. They knew they would not get to pass into the Prohibited Zone, but reports were that the Army had a small camp near the entrance and that was good enough for now.

It was closer to her friend, wherever he was.

Overnight Den, wilderness

Renee started to wake up, stretching and moving her legs and neck against the fur of her mate. She was pleasantly sore and incredibly happy. Despite the circumstances, just being together was the best time of her life. She licked at his muzzle and snuggled in against his neck while he began to stir.

"I'll never get tired of waking up to this," he said through the bond. "I can feel your soreness, and we have a lot to do this morning, so maybe we should get up and get going." He changed to human form and pulled some dried meat out of their backpack, tenderly feeding her as she looked up at his naked body. She sent him an image of her impaled on his raging cock, but he didn't rise to the bait. "Come on love, we need to start a distraction here and be miles away before they arrive." She sat up, remaining in wolf form, and he attached her backpack. Reaching into his backpack, he transferred the rest of their stuff into hers except the flare gun he kept in his hand. "Head due east, love, I will catch up with you in a few minutes." She took off through the forested hillside towards the rising sun. He waited five minutes, then looking away fired the flare into the air. He immediately shifted and took off like a shot after his mate.