Behind The Potted Plant


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When Jim stood up and Nina stripped him naked, I pulled Brook just a little closer into me, but I didn't feel her tighten up. Instead, I felt her hand move and then put my hand on her breast, and then her other hand went looking for my zipper. I didn't want to make love to her. Maybe someday, but not then. The whole idea was for her to watch as Jim and Nina made love on the floor right in front of us.

When Jim lowered Nina to the floor, Brook looked up at me for several seconds as her hand found my cock, and then she went back to Jim and Nina as he moved over her and she guided him toward her now puffy lips. When he entered her, Brook moved and unconsciously squeezed my cock in her hand as she leaned forward to better see what was happening.

I was holding my breath, because if anything was going to set her off, the site of Jim's cock sliding into Nina would do it. When I was sure that she was handling it, I pushed her and then stood her up and then joined her. She looked at me, but I guided her around past the coffee table and coaxed her down so both of us would have a clear and close up view of Jim's now shiny wet cock slide in and out of Nina. She seemed to be transfixed by the sight. It still wasn't too late for her to fall apart, but I wasn't going to interfere unless it was necessary. From behind her, my hand went back under her blouse and bra, and after liberating her breasts I caressed her and kissed her neck. She responded to my touch, but she seemed spellbound by the sight of her husband fucking Nina while she watched.

Nina was rising to the occasion and was fully engaged in what was happening to her. She moaned, perhaps louder than seemed real to me, but her movements seemed real, and for sure, Jim's movements were genuine. He was going faster and I leaned close to Brook and whispered, "I think both of them are close to cumming love."

The woman in my arms was now tense, but from excitement and interest, or at least I hoped that was the case. When Jim half whispered to Nina that he was so close, I pinched Brook's nipples slightly and when I bent down to kiss her neck again she whispered, "Oh my god Neal, look at them make love. He has her so close to her orgasm...oh there it is," and we watched Nina as her climax became her whole world for several seconds. Then Jim shoved hard and stopped as he held his breath and came in Nina and then withdrew so Brook could see his last two or three contractions, sending his cum up onto her belly. Neither of them moved or talked at first, but then we saw Nina smile up at Jim and he bent down to kiss her, his cock still wet with her juices, and more or less hard and only a couple of feet from Brook.

I put my lips to her ear and whispered, "What do you want to do right now Brook? Touch Jim, Nina, me or do nothing?"

I saw her swallow as she looked at me and then she reached for Jim's cock. Her hand became wet with Nina's fluids, but what she was focusing on was her husband's cock. He was startled by her touch, but as her hand slipped off of him, he carefully moved away from Nina so he could face Brook. I was the one to watch intently as they came together in a long and gentle kiss and then whisper back and forth.

I moved over to Nina and we sat there and watched them share a long embrace. Then as Nina and I watched, Brook moved over to me and I knew what was to happen next. I was still upset with Nina, but for the time being that thought left me and in a somewhat faster pace, Brook and I undressed each other as Nina and Jim watched. Then in the same spot on the floor where Jim and Nina had just been, Brook and I made love while they watched. First Brook had been tested, and now it was Jim's turn to stare as his wife was stabbed by another man's cock.

Our lovemaking was very straightforward, and I hadn't even wanted to make love to her in the beginning, but that thought had changed even before we were both naked. I managed to grab quick glances at Jim once or twice and he and Nina were practically one as they watched me take Brook fast and hard. Brook was the pure essence of runaway passion now. She had survived watching her husband with another woman for the first time, and now she could make love with me without fear of condemnation or retribution. She inspired me and we lasted longer than I would have ever guessed. I ended up taking her from behind and she ended up looking at Jim as her orgasm locked her up in sweet spasms. I was right behind her, and taking a page from Jim's book, I shot cum up over her ass and onto her low back.

I was glistening with sweat, but we recovered and sat up and smiled at the other two still watching us. With her strength returning, Brook moved over to Jim, and Nina came to me. I stood up and with my arm around Nina, I led her to our bedroom so they could be alone and talk. We left our bedroom open as we talked and kissed, and then we jumped into the shower for a quick rinse down and then went back out.

Jim and Brook were on the sofa, and when they saw us they both smiled, and Brook went straight to Nina and they shared a long embrace, a light kiss and whispers started back and forth. I could have understood a few words if I wanted to work at it, but I'd hear from Nina later about what had been said. "You okay Jim?" I asked him.

"This is all so incredible. To answer your question I have to say I think I am. I'm rattled and confused among many other emotions, but at least I'm not falling apart, and I feel like I can sort the rest of the mess out later."

"Watching the real thing kind of takes the mystery out of it I think."

"Maybe that is part of it, but damn, that was so freaking erotic, exciting, painful and loving, all at the same time. Is that how it is with you and Nina?"

"Take out the painful part and you'd be close. Nina and I have some firm rules that we must live by, and we aren't interested in wild, no holds barred sex, but jealousy is a very minor player in our lives."

"I can see that." As we talked, the women went to the bathroom and it was awhile before they reappeared and Brook went to Jim and said, "We better get home honey. You and I have a lot to talk about and I don't want to wait until tomorrow."

Chapter Thirty Nine

I didn't hear from Alexis and I wasn't about to call her, and fortunately the next few days passed uneventfully. I was as busy as ever and perhaps even more so. Nina was proving to be a big help for me and spent more of her time in my office than ever before. But April still brought me coffee, sat on my desk and let me stare at her legs all the way to her little panties and I loved every minute of every tease.

I was going to lose out on a very good opportunity if I didn't do something, so I met with Dick Peabody, the business manager of Seiwart, and we talked for almost an hour. He was trying to feel me out and I was trying to lay the groundwork for a low but acceptable offer. I knew they had to unload the business soon so they could pay off creditors and close the books for Ada Seiwart. No matter what happened though, she would never have to worry about financing a very comfortable life of retirement.

I met with Dick Peabody again Friday morning for another hour, but I took a gamble and held back on my offer and I asked for another sit down next Tuesday and he agreed to that. As Nina and I were driving home just before six, she asked me, "So how are you and April getting along?" I knew she could answer her own question so that told me that for whatever reason she wanted to talk about that issue.

"Just fine honey. She does a fine job, she smiles a lot and she takes good care of me."

"I'll take very good care of you."

"You want to go back to bringing me coffee and waiting on me?"

"Of course not and I'm sure you knew what I meant."

"Okay, so what is it you really want to talk about?"

"Do you still really have the hots for her?"

"Like in the beginning? No. Does she still tempt me? Of course she does, but again, not as much as in the beginning."

"So this mysterious attraction you two share is waning?"

"It's changed. She no longer blushes or appears sweet and vulnerable and that was part of that early magic."

"No woman can work around construction crews and survive if she's shy and appears vulnerable."

"That's true."

"So maybe a lot of that whole experience was the thrill of the chase."

I thought about what she had just said and told her, "You know, you just might be right. Oh, she's still tempting enough, but now it's more teasing than anything else. Does it bother you to have April there?"

"No. But I watched you two interact today and I could still see little sparks dancing back and forth between you two."

"If you see the need for any kind of change, just tell me okay?"

"I will, but I'm okay. I really don't feel threatened, but I just felt the need to talk about it."

"Have you selected the date for our wedding?"

She smiled at me and said, "Good timing stud, but I didn't know I had control over that issue."

"I really don't care what date we get married on so you pick it okay? My only contribution to that is don't make it right away because of the Seiwart deal. Unless of course you don't mind delaying our honeymoon."

"Okay, I'll decide, but I'll have to think about the honeymoon issue for awhile."

We were just inside when my cell phone went off. I checked the caller ID and looking at Nina I said, "Hello Alexis." Nina stood still and silent as she waited to hear the latest from her.

"Neal we need to talk."

My shoulders dropped and I tried to think. I tried not to sound hostile as I told her, "Where and when?"

"Now and here."

"Now will work but I just can't come there."

"Okay then damn it, I'll come to you, but I have to see you. We have to talk."

Glancing at Nina again, I said, "Okay Lexi, we'll be looking for you."

As soon as I closed my phone and stuffed it back into my belt pouch, Nina said, "I'm surprised you called her Lexi when you're mad at her."

"I don't know if it made a difference, but I wanted to show her that I'm not mad at her."

"But you are."

"Of course I am, but hopefully we can discuss what's on her mind without her coming unglued again."

"I can't believe that she didn't insist that you go to her again."

"I made up my mind I wasn't going to jump just because she said so."

"You're picking a dangerous time and woman to decide to show your independence."

"That's probably true, but it's too late now."

I made it a point to be the one to open the door when Alexis arrived, and to my surprise she showed me a very thin smile and she seemed a little contrite. We went to the living room where Nina was waiting and they shared cautious smiles before I asked her, "Have you heard more nasty rumors?"

"One more, but I now know the story behind everything." I looked over at Nina and then back to her as she added, "I know that you have done nothing wrong, and I'm so very sorry to have been so quick to condemn you and to verbally assault you."

"Can you share more with us Lexi?"

She looked like she might cry so I put my arm around her and waited for her to tell us her story, and a moment later she was pressing into my shirt with her cheek and she did indeed cry. Nina joined us and put her arm around Alexis until she could recover enough to talk. "Neal, do you remember Delia? She was there when you came out to see me a week or so ago."

"Yes, I remember her, but I don't think she liked me a whole lot."

"You're right, but that's even more true than you might guess. She's been a part of my social inner circle long enough to know a lot of my friends and acquaintances."

We had relaxed our hold on her and taking a deep breath she added, "She was more than a friend. We loved each other." I glanced at Nina and Alexis took another breath and paused to collect herself before adding, "She was the one to tell me about you revealing our secret about the party."

"Was she at the party?"

"The first one, but not the second one because she was vacationing in Italy. Anyway, we got into a heated discussion about those parties and the dangers of them. The more we argued the more I pushed back so we went from discussing to arguing. That's when I learned that she was inventing the very things that I was accusing you of. I trusted her so much, and as it turned out, far too much. She was so against me having any more parties, more out of jealousy than fear, and she was so totally jealous of you. She saw her stunt as a way to stop the parties and at the same time get you out of my life forever."

Nina put her arms around Alexis then and softly told her, "You poor thing, that had to be so painful for you."

I was suddenly the observer as they held each other close and Alexis told her, "It hurt me so very deeply to realize that she could do anything like that to me, and in the name of love. Needless to say, she's out of my life now."

"What can we do to help you?"

That put a soft smile on her face as she said, "Just knowing that both of you can forgive me takes such a burden off of me. But the rest of this mess is something that I alone have to deal with."

"How about a glass of wine to help settle you?"

"I'm afraid I won't stop at one glass and then I'll be crying all over both of you."

"We're not worried about that Lexi. You and Neal get comfortable and I'll get the wine."

As Alexis and I moved to the couch she said, "I'm serious Neal, I'm such a mixed up emotional wreck."

I made up a quick and harmless lie telling her, "I've learned that Nina always knows just the right thing to do in traumatic situations." My arm was around her and she smiled up at me and then leaned into me slightly.

"Neal, do you really forgive me?"

"Of course, we both forgive you honey. I understand to a point that she was insecure and acted out of what you and I see as a desperation. But she almost left a large trail of destruction and sorrow and lasting damage. Thankfully, you learned the truth and stopped her." I tipped her chin up and kissed her and then told her, "But I was so burning mad at you for awhile."

That made her smile back at me and apologize again before she added, "I'd say we are even. I was so out of control furious with you when I caught you at my first party."

"But look how great that turned out."

"Great for you, and that's for sure."

"Seriously Lexi, I owe you for making it possible for me to be a part of the second party. I know that you moved some mountains to make it possible for me to be there and to share in the festivities, and I'll never forget that, and of course I'll never forget the party either."

"I was so impressed with how well you handled yourself, not to mention how well you held up to the...well the excitement let's say."

Nina came in with the tray of full glasses and a fresh bottle opened and ready for us. I was still tired from the long hard day, but the situation had the makings of becoming pretty interesting, and I wasn't about to miss anything. It seemed strange to have Alexis at our house. She was much more inclined to summon people to her house and I suspected that's how it was with her friends as well. I just couldn't leave that alone, so I said, "Lexi it's nice having you here for a change instead of seeing you in your suite."

"I'm coming to the conclusion that I've been spending too much time in my suite. In fact I'm thinking of talking to Jim about some redesign so I can have a small but comfortable living room."

"That would be a very large project Lexi."

"I know it would be and I've decided that if that's what I do, I'd move out until the construction was complete," and she emptied her glass. I refilled hers, and topped off Nina's and mine, and then the relaxation, drinking and conversation continued.

It took awhile, but Alexis was soon relaxing and Delia, though still on her mind, seemed to be far from her thoughts as we talked and even laughed. Then Nina, while topping off our glasses, said, "Lexi, why don't you stay here with us tonight?"

She was slightly buzzed from the wine, and maybe that played into her pausing for a second and then smiled as she said, "Thank you, I accept. And since I'm with you and Neal, I don't even need pajamas or a robe. I just smiled and kissed her before I tasted my wine again. We talked about how Jim and Brook were mending their relationship and how much we thought of Logan and Kitty.

Nina almost whispered to Alexis, "Neal loves Kitty."

She looked at me and said, "You do not."

"I'm afraid I do," I told her and then added, "But not like I love my Nina."

"I think you just love women."

"Not all women, but a few. You for example, but then you knew that."

"I'm glad to hear that. After my big mistake I wasn't hopeful that you'd even speak to me again."

"Nina put her glass down and said, "If we're going to talk about love, I think we'd do better in our bedroom," and Alexis and I smiled at each other.

The three of us were soon naked and I was sandwiched between the women in our queen size bed. Nina was the guide for our romp in the queen size bed and I finally had my time with Alexis. Despite her broken heart, Alexis was an eager partner, but I was a little surprised and disappointed. She was a pretty good lover, but nothing like I'd built her up in my mind to be. But even with that said, I was awhile recovering before Nina and I made love while she and Alexis caressed each other and shared kisses.

After we had exhausted each other, we lay together in that too small bed and talked about something that none of us would soon forget. Alexis was on her side with her arm over my belly and she raised up just far enough to see Nina on the other side of me. She kissed my chest and said, "I've just had a wonderful idea.

I was on my back between two sexy and naked women so I wasn't about to move, but I did ask her, "Lexi, what are you up to now?"

"After you're married you'll invite Jim and Brook, and Logan and Kitty and any and every other couple you can come up with. I'll invite some couples that I know and we'll have a party that nobody will forget for a very long time."

Nina looked at me and just smiled.

The End.

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MasterfebMasterfebalmost 10 years ago
Third time

This is my third time reading this saga and I have enjoyed it

every time!

I have read this on different devices and have been able to

give 5s every time.

Phxray54Phxray54about 14 years ago
Investment of time

It was well worth the effort and a rewarding way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Thanks for the fine story.

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