Being Neighborly Ch. 06

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Donnie builds up his stable of submissives.
13.4k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 05/26/2024
Created 08/02/2023
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The sixth installment brings the story back to Donnie's point of view (when it's known he's in the room).

After a full month of training, Mel has been "sacrificed" to the neighborhood in a ritual of total submission taking multiple cocks and finding out Donnie, her husband, is NOW Master to her Mistress Jill.

Born from an affair, the couple is now fully indoctrinated into the neighborhood hierarchy of BDSM. Jill recruited Donnie and Mel to please Duvessa (Gladys), the leader of the secret society, and Donnie has forcefully changed its dynamic and it now faces a crossroads.

Everything will go down at the annual meeting - "Hades Night", a couple weeks away on Halloween. Normally a formality, the celebration set to crown Duvessa ('Dark Beauty') for another year, going through a ceremonial process, however unknowing to her Donnie was closed to qualifying to challenge Duvessa at the top.


"Are you happy, Daddy?" Camilla, my 27 year old baby gurl neighbor asked me, stroking my cock, before setting her mouth to my 59 year-old balls. "mmmgfftttt."

"Mmmm, make me happy," I said, the most relaxed he'd been in a month, having concluded a 30 day sexual denial fast, cumming inside my wife Mel in front of the men who had fucked her last nigth, now concluding service to my stable of subs. "What did you call the group and what is my rank...Ohhhh, that's it Baby Gurl! YESSSS!"

I watched the dark skinned influencer swallow my cock, pushing her face deep onto it, eyes looking up into mine, her Master's eyes, before they rolled back. Her red lips around my member I gasped, unloading deep into her throat.

"OHHhhhh," opening my eyes to see hers now closed holding fast, taking my gift.

"Ogghffttt...Mmmmmm" she moaned pulling off, licking her lips before sucking on the tip, pulling out every drop possible before rising her head staring at in, curiously my. "Ummm, we have some things to review."

She moved her hand up and down, pumping more cum out, slurping and then crawling into my lap, kissing me with my flavor. I cupped her fine breasts and played with her nipple, she smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Daddy, Sir...In review, you have gathered a stable of submissives, or slaves," She said in her baby gurl voice, but serious and informational at the same time, her finger drawing circles on my chest. "Nikki, Jill, Mel and I are your slaves and the men that serviced your wife are your centurions."

"Will I ever know the identity of the Centurions, I have some guesses but they were all hooded" I said still a little confused.

Camilla wasn't at the ceremony just hours ago when the men took turns on my wife Mel's face, her cunt and her ass. They baptized her, pouring loads on her stomach and when I was brought there I was greeted by Nikki digesting all the cum in my wife's cunt and on her stomach.

Nikki, the local bar owner, had filled me in on the plan that evening prompting me to my wife's ceremony to the power dynamic from Mistress Jill to me. I was still trying to get it all straight and Camilla was helping fill in the gaps of my knowledge.

I had left Mel with Nikki and Jill, they performed acts of kind and restorative aftercare while I completed connecting my slaves by calling on Camilla afterwards. It was now nearing 6 a.m. and I hadn't slept.

"Oh Daddy, you have so much to learn," Camilla said, my body finally submitting to sleep, my baby gurl covering my with a comforter and laying with me on her couch.


"You are still loyal?" Nikki pressed Jill, the two had showered together, after leaving Mel sleeping on bed where they had spread oils and lotions, cooling her battered body, moisturizing lips, skin, soothing worn openings. "You have two weeks to decide."

Jill didn't respond. Nikki had just flipped the stable telling Donnie, he used his dominance to take her submissives and become head of her centurions. Five years of work was given away because of Nikki's loose lips.

"You go and tell Duvessa you've done it, make her pleased and we'll make the offering official at Hades Night," Nikki said. "That doesn't mean we have to..."

"Stop it you Imp!" Jill yelled, raising a hand ready to strike, but realizing she was no longer her Mistress and she would have to answer to Master, and Jill didn't have the energy.

Nikki's wide smile grew and she moved closer to Jill, lips almost touching.

"We're equals now," She said moving her hands to Jills 52 year-old breasts, Nikki pressing her 38 year-old body into her. "We have to honor each other's wishes."

Nikki moved her hand into Jill's hair and kissed her deeply, pushed her tongue inside. She pulled away, Jill's face had both disgust and desire on it standing in silence.

"Oh come one now, you'll brighten up once you hear this. I've got a fifth ready," Nikki said.

Jill looked up, the desire and the possibility of a sixth submissive got her attention.

"And possibly a sixth...we can do this with or without you and while you will raise in Duvessa's ranks, with us you could be Queen." Nikki said, now beaming with pride at what she was close to pulling off.

Jill's mind was working, Donnie could challenge Duvessa and Jill was her Grand Mistress. Her eyes got wide with realization and she moved in and kissed Nikki deep, her hand slipping over the younger breast and down to her cunt.


Jill's daughter Carla felt weird energy around she and her Dad Brian the past couple weeks. It was almost five years to the day when Carla walked came home from college unannounced to see her Dad bound and gagged on the ground, naked and Jill was standing over him in classic dominatrix garb.

It was that same energy she felt all that fall leading up to that discovery.

Now 23 and employed as a pharmacy tech living on her own in the "Newbo" district, she made sure to stay away. The spoiled rotten young woman called to borrow her Mom's bike, even though Carla's was only five years old, her Mom's was newer and better. Neither picked up, so Carla used her own, meeting up with her riding group at the trail head.

Carla wasn't a picture of perfect shape, her spandex showing off a little extra on her back side, she had tied her biking shirt up in a knot to show off a reasonably flat stomach, but mainly to prop up her breasts, full and showing cleavage with a small cut in the collar.

"It ride's okay," Carla complaining about her bike to Virginia, African-American, 31 year old mother of two, tall, stout with beautiful curves, dark long hair, and ruby red lipstick. Her biking helmet had a hole to let all her beautiful hair all flow out.

"Let's go and you stop complaining," she said with a dominant tone, touching her hand on the bars like she would touch one of her children's hand who was misbehaving.

Virginia had endured the complaint about her bike before, or about work, or about her car, and about forcing Carla to pay for her own apartment.

"If that's all the trauma you've had in your life, girl you're lucky," Virginia often told Carla, who's talked multiple times about her "freaky" parents.

The ride went through the mostly covered path, a warmer day than usual for October, at 2 p.m. had them sweating coming up the hill to 'Pedlar's Fork,' the biking bar that Nikki owned.

"I love this place, even though the owner and her daughter kinda stalks me," Carla said within earshot of Izzy, one of the newest members of the biking group trying to get her attention. Izzy joined the biking group after graduating high school last year and was Nikki's 18 year-old daughter.

"If you would only come over to our side," Izzy said, squeezing Virginia's arm, leaning up and getting a kiss from those big juicy lips. Izzy then looked into Carla's eyes and smiled. "It's your lucky day Mom took a Saturday off for a change."


"NO!" Jill commanded Nikki, the two dressed, having coffee on the deck, leaving Mel sleeping downstairs. "You will not seduce Carla...if that's even possible. I mean I've heard boyfriend after boyfriend complain about her prudish nature, asking for advice to open her up."

"I'm confident Izzy will..." Nikki started.

"I said no!" Jill said. "We're equal remember, and I can't even imagine."

"Free will, baby," Nikki said, her hand slipping into Jills. "It's what makes this a magical place, we all have it, the structure and illusion of dominance just masks what we all really want."

"Carla doesn't want any of it...and besides, are you really going to turn Izzy over to Donnie?" Jill questioned improperly referencing their Master using his first name, immediately getting a slap from Nikki across her face.

"Ahhhh...Master, I meant Master... Shit!" Jill said holding her face, now knowing Nikki was serious and in for the long play so she pushed forward, her hand on Nikki's tan shoulder.

"Nikki is a big girl and she's more of a sexual freak than I am," Nikki confessed.

"You really want to do this?" Jill asked seriously, moving her hands to Nikki's face. "I'm all in if you are?"

"It's time we take control of this community," Nikki said, her hands Jill's hips, sliding over her ass. "You deserve this."

"I may have one or two more candidates I'd been saving for this day," Jill said laying Nikki back down on the bed and crawling up her body, mouth on her breast, neck, then kissing, tangling their legs.


I mustered enough erection to fuck Camilla, her face against the pillow, her fine, plump ass in the air. Leaning back into me she came and I was absolved to keep her as my fourth according to the lessons she taught me, almost blowing it by cumming in her mouth and not getting an erection for an hour.

"A Master has 24 hours to procreate with each Mistress in his stable once bringing a new one ceremoniously into the fold," Camilla reminded me, kissing me gently before leaving to her house.

I slept until noon.

Mel was still at Jill's, Nikki's car outside, their job not done, my bride having just satisfied all of the centurions and me, finding out I was Jill's Master. It was a lot unpack.

Just yesterday Mel was talking of leaving me for Jill when I put her in her place established dominance and ownership over her body, creating my role in the community.

"We all think of leaving, getting away," Camilla told me when I discussed the day's happenings with her before earlier lining up and fucking her from behind. The truthful talk was what got me aroused, real situational perspective for a change. "My body tells me different every day."

I established a group text between my slaves, Jill, Mel, Camilla and Nikki. I checked in, gave them a thought and a task to please me.

'Hours after my cock has entered you, you'll remember. Lay back and insert three fingers and remember sometime today.' - my text read

'Yes Sir'

'Yes Sir'

'Yes Sir'

Mel didn't respond, telling me she was still occupied next door.

I headed to the shower to clean the multiple orgasms off of my flesh, my cock flaccid yet longer than normal from the use. I walked out of the shower naked, turned out of the bathroom and Nikki was laying on our bed in our bedroom.

Her braided hair, pierced nipples, tight shorts, saucy tank with her bra showing, got my attention the first time I saw her and now laying down in front of me.

"Nice place!" she said, spread her legs, rubbed the skin on her thighs and leant forward showing off her flexibility. Patting the bed, peaking up showing cleavage said, "Have a seat, Sir."


"What is this shit," Mel said, finally awake feeling the abuse of the day/night before showing Jill the text from Donnie that read - 'Hours after my cock has entered you, you'll remember. Lay back and insert three fingers and remember sometime today.'

"Did they fuck the memory out of you?" Jill said, continuing to comb Mel's hair getting read to braid it before letting her return home. "What do you remember, especially at the end?"

"After the parade of cocks he fucked you on the floor and then fucked me," Mel said, tossing the phone on the couch next to her. "You're my Mistress, so what?"

"Master will explain more, and yes I am your Mistress, but he's OUR Master," Jill said.

"Since Fucking WHEN!!??" The defiance rose up in the new slave. "AHGGFFFT!"

Jill set the braid she was working on, stepped in front of her and slapped Mel across the left cheek. Jill put her hand to Mel's throat, pushing her back into the couch, Jill's lips curled into a snarl.

"Don't mistake aftercare for caring," Jill said rearing back and sharply thrusting her forehead forward into Mel's in a head butt.

"GGGOOOHHHHHDDDD! FUCKKKKK!" Mel said, slumping over Jill leaving her and walking to the chest on the far wall.

"You're not listening and you've disrespected me and Master," Jill said, grabbing the hand and feet cuffs. "Hit the floor BITCH!"

Mel had no idea what was at play. She remembered all of the hierarchy talk during the three weeks of training, but didn't know what Donnie, Jill, Nikki, and Camilla were planning or that they were involved until that evening.

"Mistress, please..." Mel said the tears welling up. "I...I...I...I'm not sure about all of this."

Mistress Jill ball gagged her before Mel asked out, common for a slave to doubt, to ponder stopping the madness, and it's the domme's responsibility to stave off momentary weakness.

"You are not yet broken, Puera," Jill whispered into her ear, reaching around and sliding the cuffs on her hands, then her feet. "But you will be."


Despite what her boyfriends told her mother Jill, Carla did open up sexually, especially while binge drinking.

"SHOT!" Carla screamed at the bartender who had already been told to stop serving her. "God Dammit!"

Izzy and Virginia made arrangements for Carla's bike to get to her apartment in Newbo.

"," Virginia said softly to Carla, her lips pressing just below her ear. "Relax, we got you."

"You do...I just..." Carla said melting into the strong woman's arms, searching for stabilization like the room was spinning.

"Hey, Virginia!" Izzy shouted, motioning to the stairs that lead to their upstairs apartment. "Her friends have her bike, bring Carla up and we'll lay her down."


"Mel's going to be a while, your wife's still processing last night and is wondering," Nikki said, massaging my balls, my flaccid cock not doing anything after the multiple orgasms of the last 12 hours. "It sounds like I've got all afternoon, Sir..."

"You are such an imp, horny one at that," I said, petting the braided hair on her head, her legs over mine, her body floating above my torso, one hand on the bed, one sliding over the limp shaft again and again.

Nikki walked me through engagement protocol in the neighborhood now that I headed a stable, everyone what open to my desires and more importantly, theirs to me.

"How will I know it's okay?" I asked, presenting scenarios of meeting people in the street, at the park, them walking their dog past my house.

"Remember your 'tells' Sir," She said, now dangling the braids on my chest, moving them down my stomach while her face went to the limpness before playfully changing the subject. "You can order me to move in with you two, as your tutor...Sir."

Nikki had just gone over the three 'tells', the first being a submissive wearing their collar openly, a domme can take them in any manner appropriate for the situation. I now ranked high enough to engage in a scene at any time, simple stating "your collar is alluring". The woman is to drop what ever she is doing, make the arrangements necessary to either follow me to my lair, or lead me to hers.

The other two were simple exchanges that sounded like small talk.

"One more time, Sir, if I say 'nice weather', what do you respond with and what will the sub say?" Nikki asked.

"Do you think it's going to rain?" I responded. "Then they'll say, 'we'd better go inside then.'"

"Whats the last submissive's tell, Sir?" Nikki said, her lips moving to my limp cock.

"'s when...Jesus Nikki," I moaned, she was slurping my balls now. "Ummm...It starts with a wave, and if the...Ohhh, God...if the sub stops and puts their hands on their hips...Ohhhh....starting walking towards if you....Oh....and they walk too...Ooh God."

"Red lights on, walking around braless or in pajamas, are some unofficail indications someone's interested, but that's usually after you know their status." Nikki said, letting up the pressure on my limp flesh to speak. "Though, I'd progress slowly, there are some around here who walk their dogs early like that."

Ironically that's how this all started with my affair with Jill

The rest were usually riddles I would have to answer in general conversation, it's a sign of wanting and could lead to challenging the established male dominated hierarchy.

"Give me a riddle...oh your mouth is divine," I moaned, her lips on my balls again.

"Who walks who, the dog or you,?" she said looking up at me, then ran her hand over my tiny hole.

"You walk the dog because...Oh...OHHHhhhh!" I moaned, my cock finally starting to rise. "Your in control...MMmmm...yes."

She rose up smiling and straddled my hips and lowered on my hard cock.

"Oh Sir..."


"Who's your Master!!!" Mistress Jill said, pulling the ball gag off of Mel's mouth, her screams as the flog attacked her naked skin.

"Master DONNIE!" she screamed, the spit coating her lips from screaming into the ball.

"Will you EVER forget that???!!"


She had flogged, whipped, spanked, caned and paddled Mel for a full hour, Nikki getting the text she's was to 'occupy' Master while Mistress Jill gained compliance from Mel.

"Good girl..." Mistress Jill said and stopped the torture. "Now, let's start today over."


Izzy stroked Carla's hair she passed out on the couch in their apartment, upstairs from Pedlar's Fork, the music and crowd could be heard. Izzy thought about how she admired Carla growing up, four years older and now out of college.

"Carla was so nice to me growing up, Mom always at the bar or working late," Izzy told Virginia before she left to go back downstairs, telling the tall, beautiful woman. "I'll stay with her if she wakes up."

"You're so beautiful," Izzy whispered into Carla's ear, wishing she hadn't let her get so drunk, wanting to tell her her private thoughts, something she recently got the guts to consider.

It was Nikki, her mother, who one night asked Izzy about her feelings for Carla.

"She's my type, from her bratty attitude to her body, and that natural blonde hair," Izzy told her Mom.

Nikki was allowed to rent their home out during the pandemic, move into the upstairs of her bar to save money and save the business.

Growing up Izzy was the one who ran wild through the subdivision and was raised by the village, everyone loved her as she was cute as a button and controlled, not a nuisance.