Belgian Domme

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She demands his surrender to satisfy her lust.
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It was the last period of parents-back-to-school night and I was standing in the hall directing traffic, hoping to beat the cars out of the high school parking lot. I was about to turn around and head into my office when I heard a woman's voice call my name.

"Excuse me, Mr. du Fossé?"

I turned to see who called me and found myself face-to-face with a strikingly attractive blond woman dressed in a grey business suit. Standing in her 3 inch stiletto pumps, she was just slightly taller than me.

"Yes," I said, "how may I help you?"

She extended her hand with its expertly manicured nails and introduced herself, "I'm Kate Vercauteren. My daughter Elise is in French IV and I was wondering if you could give me some advice about potentially moving her to the Honors course?"

I detected an interesting accent, which, combined with the surname led me to think that perhaps she was Belgian. "Of course, please come into my office. Oh, and please call me David."

"In which case please call me Kate. Thank you so much for agreeing to see me. With our jobs my husband and I rarely get the opportunity to speak in person with school personnel. I promise I won't keep you long," she offered as we walked into my office.

Walking behind her I could not help but admire this woman's physical charms. Her business skirt was tight enough to hint at a firm, well-rounded ass, and short enough to reveal plenty of her gorgeous legs. Of course the high heeled shoes with their pointed toes helped draw my eye and certainly played their part in making for an appealing picture. I said to her, "Oh, I don't mind helping you. Very few parents in this district even bother to ask my advice, so it's kind of refreshing. Pardon me for asking, but your accent and name indicate that you're from Belgium, am I right?"

She turned and beamed a smile at me, "Yes, that's very astute of you. Most people think I'm French!"

"Please," I said as I pulled back a chair and motioned for her to be seated at the small conference table. I sat down as well and asked, "So what is it I can help you with?"

"Well, my youngest daughter is a senior this year and I'm thinking that perhaps she can handle the Honors level again. She started out in Honors but dropped to College Prep because she had so much on her plate. Do you think that it's feasible, and if so do you think she can handle it?" she asked.

"Let's take a look at her records," I said as I turned to my PC and booted up the student database. "Last name Vercauteren..."

"No. It's Miller. I married an American but kept my maiden name for professional reasons," she said.

"OK. No problem. Just a minute...there it is. Let's see..." I explained that Elise seemed to be a very strong student and that instead of French IV we might consider AP French.

"I taught that course for many years, and I think that based on the record, Elise should be fine in AP. What's more, it would look better on her transcript for college. What do you think?" I asked.

"Oh, AP hadn't even entered my mind. I will certainly run this by Elise and have her speak to her guidance counselor. But hasn't she missed a lot already?"

"It's still early enough in the year where she can catch up and I wouldn't mind helping her," I offered.

"That would be marvelous. Thank you so much. I will certainly speak to Elise about that. It's very kind of you," she said. "So you taught French before becoming the supervisor?"

"Yes, I did, and German too, although we offer fewer and fewer of those classes," I replied.

"So how is it that you're familiar with a Belgian accent?" she asked.

I went on to explain that my parents were Dutch, that they had married in the Netherlands and then emigrated to the States. I told her that although I was born here, we spent many vacations visiting relatives in Holland and travelled to neighboring countries. "Besides, as a linguist," I said, "my ear is trained, and I speak a little Dutch."

She talked about how she met her husband through work. He had been transferred to the Brussels office of the same multi-national conglomerate for which she worked. They married in Belgium and both of their daughters were born there. They moved to the States when her husband was offered a very lucrative position with another company and Kate had successfully persuaded her firm to relocate her position to their Philadelphia office. "And now I'm VP in charge of East Coast operations," she said proudly, "I really like being in control, I must admit."

We talked about Belgium and the lovely city of Brugge. We shared memories of our travels, people we met, foods we enjoyed, and discovered we had many common interests, likes and dislikes. All of a sudden I looked at the wall clock and realized how late it was. "Oh wow," I exclaimed, "it's after nine o'clock!"

She immediately apologized, "Oh I'm so sorry for keeping you so late. I had no idea."

"Not a problem," I said, "I really enjoyed our conversation. I'll walk you out."

As we made our way to the parking lot Kate said, "You know I really enjoyed talking with you. I'm so glad you took the time to help me, otherwise we would never have connected. In fact, I would love to continue the conversation in a more relaxed setting. How about you?"

"That would be super," I replied. "What did you have in mind?"

"What about sharing a few drinks at the Brass Lantern on Old York Road this Friday? I can skip out of work a bit earlier than I usually do and we can meet there at 4:30 or so," she suggested.

"That would work for me. I know exactly where it is. I'm looking forward to it."

By this time we had reached the mostly empty parking lot. I asked her if she had parked far away and she said that she arrived at the high school early enough to grab a pretty good spot. She pointed at a shiny red Porsche 911 Turbo Carrera.

"Wow!" I exclaimed. "Nice car!"

"Thanks. I really love it. It's my baby."

We parted company. She turned to flash me a smile and said, "See you Friday!"

As she walked to her car I couldn't help but stare at her gorgeous ass and legs.

On Friday, I got to the bar a few minutes early and took a seat so that I could see who was entering. By 4:45 Kate had not yet showed up and I was beginning to think that perhaps I had read too much into our connection at back-to-school night. But then she walked in and I could not help but drink her in with my eyes.

She was wearing the proverbial little black cocktail dress. It hugged her curves from her well proportioned breasts to her shapely hips, stopping a few inches above her knees to show plenty of her gorgeous legs, encased in black nylons and perched on 4 inch, shiny, black stiletto heels. Her lovely, blond hair, which she had worn in a bun the night we first met, now cascaded in thick curls down to her bare shoulders. Whereas she wore little in the way of make-up a couple of days before, tonight she had applied the perfect compliment of mascara, eyeliner, and lipstick to make herself exceptionally attractive.

I waved to her and she made her way to the bar. "You look absolutely stunning!" I exclaimed."

"Why, thank you," she replied with a broad smile. "I'm sorry I'm late but I decided to go home first and change. I'm guessing you don't mind."

"No, not at all! Let's find a nice private nook to sit down."

We were able to grab a small table way in the back, out of the mainstream. We sat down just as a waitress came by to take our order. I noticed that I was not the only one who couldn't take his eyes off Kate. The waitress never even blinked at me. From where she was standing, she had a good view down Kate's dress where the tops of Kate's breasts were clearly on display, and she was taking as much of Kate in as she could. When she returned with our drinks, she stood in the same spot and again enjoyed the view.

From where I sat I had a better view of Kate's gorgeous crossed legs and her sexy shoes. It didn't take long for the visual stimulation to impact my cock, which soon strained against my underpants. We sipped our drinks and engaged in a lively discussion of European cuisine; who had the best fries (the Belgians, of course), the best beers (Belgium, again), the best chocolates (ditto).

A few drinks later Kate, her inhibitions lowered by alcohol, suddenly blurted out, "You really are a leg man, aren't you?"

I blushed and brought my eyes up from looking at her shoes. "You got me there," I confessed, "I can't seem to take my eyes away off your lovely legs."

Kate leaned towards me. He legs were still crossed. She reached for my hand and pulled it towards her. She placed it on her thigh. "Feel how soft and silky," she said in what was almost a hoarse whisper. I obliged and ran my hand from her knee to the hem of her skirt and back again. Kate uncrossed her legs and I seized the opportunity to continue stroking first one thigh and then the other. I ran my hand up the inside of one thigh to the edge of her hem and then down the inside of the other. I then leaned forward and allowed my hand to stray down the side of her calf all the way to her shoe and back.

Kate's eyes seemed to glaze over. I took advantage of the moment to raise my lips to her and kiss her. She responded by returning the kiss. She pulled away, looked into my eyes and said, "Not here. Want to go over to my house?"

"Uhm, isn't anyone home, you know, like your husband or your daughter?" I asked.

"No. Elise is spending the night at a friend's house and Frank is away on business. So there's no one to keep us from continuing our conversation there. What do you say?"

"Alright," I said, "let's go," and motioned to the waitress for our bill.

Once we were in the parking lot Kate said, "Let's take my car. That way the neighbors won't see a strange car entering our driveway. I'll drive you back here later."

We climbed into her Porsche and roared off. I noticed that as she slid into the leather Recaro, Kate's skirt rode up to reveal the tops of her stockings. I leaned over and returned to what I was doing in the bar.

"David," she said, "if you keep that up I will have problems concentrating on driving."

I paid it no mind and ran my fingers to her stocking tops and then inched them under her dress to caress the soft, bare flesh between the garters. Kate moaned, "Ohhhhh, that's sooooo nice. But I really need to concentrate, David."

I reluctantly pulled my hand away and before too long we entered a very upscale neighborhood where the streets were lined with million dollar houses on large wooded lots with gated driveways. "Wow," I said. "You guys did alright."

"Oh,"she laughed, "We don't want for much," as she pulled into the driveway of a very modern contemporary. The garage door opened and the Porsche pulled in. Kate got out and called out, "Follow me."

We entered the house through a mud room and into an amazing kitchen. We were on one another in a flash, groping and kissing with great passion. She sat on a counter and said, "Check this out. I was very naughty tonight," as she spread her legs to reveal a pantyless pussy, "I'm very wet, David. I'm very horny."

I approached her and put my hands on her gorgeous thighs. She looked at me and said, "Hold on a second, David. Before we continue I wanted to tell you something."

"What's that, Kate?"

"Remember what I said about my job, how I like to be in control, how I like to tell others what to do?" she asked.

"Yes, I do."

"Well, it applies to sex as well. I can get off only if I'm in control and if my partner willingly submits to me. Are you game?"

By this time I would have promised her anything, I was so fired up with lust. "Yes, Kate. I'm game," I said.

"Good. Very good," she sighed as she extended one gorgeous leg in my direction as if pointing at me with her toe. "I want you naked and on your knees!"

I quickly disrobed and knelt down. She then ordered me to worship her extended leg with my tongue. She said, "Start with the shoe. I want your tongue and lips to cover every square inch of my stocking"

Holding her shapely foot in my hands, I bent over and began to lick the sharp, pointed toe of the shoe. I moved slowly across the low cut vamp and explored the exposed toe cleavage. I licked and kissed first the shoe's outer facing side and then its inner facing side. I arrived at the stiletto heel and Kate lifted her leg higher into the air so that I could access it. I licked the entire length from the tip to the top and back again. I continued to the nylon on her Achilles tendon when she sharply rebuked me, "You're not done with the shoe yet," and lifted her foot so that the sharp end of the stiletto pointed straight at my lips.

"Well?" she asked.

I leaned in, opened my mouth and sucked the stiletto in. I bobbed my head up and down as though I were fellating it. "That's it," she hissed, "suck it like it's a cock. I like to think of my stiletto heels as slim, erect cocks. I have such a fetish for heels."

I continued my oral ministrations and slowly made my way up her leg, gliding my tongue over the smooth, cool nylon. I finally arrived at the top of the stocking and began to caress the bare skin with my tongue when she said sharply, "No! Not there yet. First do the other leg."

I dutifully complied and repeated the process on her other leg. This time, however, I did not need to be told. I immediately sucked on the heel. I noticed that she had begun to masturbate. Her finely manicured middle finger slid up and down her cunt, every once in awhile bending into the slit on the downstroke, while on the upstroke she flicked her clit with her red lacquered nail.

My tongue completed its journey to the top of her stocking when Kate pulled her middle finger out of her cunt and offered it to me. I parted my lips, and Kate pushed her finger in. I savored her juices as I greedily sucked them off. "There's more where that came from," she said, and placed her hands on my head to guide it towards her cunt.

My tongue and lips eagerly pursued her womanly nectar, needing it as a man who was dying of thirst needed water. I probed, licked and sucked every crevice and every fold. My tongue slid lower to clean the sensitive skin between her cunt and her asshole. Then it delved down farther still. I rimmed her puckered hole a few times and she gasped, "Oh my god, no one has ever done that before! That's so perverted and so erotic."

She lifted her stocking-clad legs towards her chest to give me better access. The fact that she was still, for all intents and purposes, fully clothed and I completely naked added to the eroticism. I pushed my tongue gently into her anus and she gasped again, urging me on, "Yes, oh my god, yes. That's so good. So nasty. Push it in deeper. Fuck my ass with your tongue. Do it!"

I made my tongue as rigid as I could and plowed into her rectum. She wailed with pleasure and began to frig her cunt in earnest as I fucked her ass with my tongue. I was completely overwhelmed with lust and wanted to taste and stimulate more and more of her wonderful body but every time I started to pull away she would clamp a hand to my head and order me to continue, "Don't stop. Keep fucking my ass with your tongue. I'm so close to coming. Don't ever stop," and I obeyed.

Her hand was at times a blur as it strummed her cunt and clit, pausing only to insert a slim finger or two deep between the folds of her labia. Her copious cunt juices flowed out of her slit and down her perineum where they lubricated my lips and tongue. I pushed her cuntal secretions into her asshole with my tongue and lapped up the rest, which I dutifully swallowed.

Kate began to swoon. She let out an almost nonstop breathy wail as her orgasm began to overwhelm her. More juices flowed out of her cunt and down into my mouth. I continued my oral assault on her asshole and then she let out a high pitched wail that announced her climax. She came, and came, and came, and I licked and swallowed as best I could. My nose, chin and throat were all slick with her juices. I was delirious.

She finally descended from the heights of her intense orgasm. I pulled away from her asshole and cunt, half expecting her hand to push me back down, but she was drained and well satisfied, and offered no resistance.

I stood up and she sat up. She looked at me and smiled a wicked little smile. "Wow, that was soooo intense. You are very good with that tongue of yours, and very naughty. When you first licked my asshole I just couldn't believe it. It's been a fantasy of mine for so long but my husband would never do that. It was awesome, David. You made me come so hard, and you licked it all up, too! Thank you," she said as she stood up and straightened out her skirt, restoring her image to one of borderline respectability.

I, on the other hand, was standing there stark naked. My erect cock continued to ooze pre-cum. Kate looked at it and said, "You're quite excited, aren't you?"

"I'm ready to burst to be honest," I replied.

'Well," Kate said, "perhaps we can fulfill one of your fantasies," as she turned and walked away in her high heels. "I'll be right back.'

A few seconds later Kate returned. She exaggerated her wiggle as she walked towards me, stopping a couple of yards away. Her hands were crossed in front of her pelvis. She said, "I have surprise for you," and lifted the hem of her skirt.

I gasped at the sight. "Wow, that looks very realistic!" referring to a sizable erection protruding from a black leather triangle that had somehow been fastened to her crotch, "But I hope you don't think that this has anything to do with my fantasy. I'm not gay."

"I know, David. You are certainly not gay. But most men harbor a secret fascination with the male reproductive organ, only because they have one too," she said as she grabbed the phallus with her fist and slowly began to masturbate it. "Don't tell me you don't think it looks erotic and hot on me, a very attractive and feminine woman. Look at you, you can't take your eyes off it!"

It was true. I was mesmerized. The inherent contradiction of a beautiful woman sporting an erect cock did fascinate me. I approached Kate and asked, "May I touch it?"

"Touch what, David?" she asked as she released the phallus from her grasp. It bobbed obscenely in front of her, almost begging to be touched. She thrust her hips slightly forward and the phallus lurched towards me. "Tell me, David. I want to hear you say it."

I swallowed. My mouth was very dry. I could barely bring the word to my lips. "Your cock, Kate," I said in a hoarse whisper.

"David, I can barely hear you. Say it nice and loud," she ordered.

"Kate," I said in as clear a voice as I could muster, "may I touch your cock?"

"Is that what YOU want, David?"

"Yes," I said plainly.

"Well, then say it. Tell me what you want!"

"Kate, I want to touch your cock," I stammered.

"Is that all, David? Is that truly all you want to do? Or is there more? Tell me!" she commanded.

"Oh god, Kate. I ..., I ... Oh god, I can't believe I'm saying this," I continued to stammer. "I want to suck your cock."

There. I had said it. I was overcome with a combination of embarrassment and lust. How could this woman get me to say that? But deep down inside I knew that she knew me better than I knew myself. She had seen something in me I did not know was there.

Kate said sternly, "Look me in the eyes, David. Beg for it."

I lifted my eyes from her cock to her face and locked her gaze on mine. "Oh Kate," I said, "please, please, I need to suck your cock. Please, Kate."

"Down on your knees!"

I dropped down and waited for my next instruction. I did not dare to assume anything. I wanted to please this woman more than anything I had ever done before. She ordered, "Open your mouth."

I complied. She took a step towards me and, using her hands, guided her cock into my waiting mouth. I closed my lips on the rigid yet strangely pliant plastic and began to suck. I bobbed my head up and down just as I had seen so many women do in porn movies as they serviced their partners.