Belinda and Sue - A Love Story Ch. 07


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Once she had showered, she walked around in the room with no clothes on, glancing at herself from time to time in the full length mirror and taking some pleasure as she stood at the balcony door and allowed the net curtains blow across her naked body, gently caressing her inner thighs. The touch of the curtain, made her shiver, soft but a little scratchy. The experience was quite stimulating and she found herself more than a little aroused.

Unwrapping from the tissue the fine underwear she had bought on her trip to town and slipped on the little lace undershorts, so sexy and like the net curtain, slightly scratchy with the newness. She pulled them up her legs until they were a snug fit, pressing against her damp outer lips. She was so turning herself on and had become obsessed with her own body. Exploring herself, she ran the tips of her fingers over these sexy undershorts, feeling the soft texture of the blue silk lace and the smoothness of her skin above the waistband. The contrast was exquisite, moving across the material and feeling the muted touch through the lace onto the skin beneath them and then touching her bare skin, little shivers running down her spine and making her nipples harden until they were almost too painful to touch.

At last she managed to rid herself of the feelings without having to masturbate, but it was difficult. She slipped on one of the silk blouses without a bra'. She wanted the silk to caress her nipples as she moved and felt daring, knowing that she wasn't known to anybody she was likely to meet and could be as promiscuous as she liked in the anonymous atmosphere of a Spanish holiday resort. She pulled on a white, slit front, pencil skirt and with a silk scarf over her shoulders pulled her high heeled shoes on and was ready to face the world.

Stepping out into the warm evening she felt very liberated as her breasts moved around inside the blouse, gently caressing her nipples, her ass held tight and shapely by the skirt, her legs now that they had some tan, elongated by the high heels she had on her feet. She felt good and couldn't resist a glance in a reflective window and saw, as she expected, that the slight friction had made her nipples stand up and they were clearly in view as she walked into the restaurant.

There were several people both at table and at the bar and she took pleasure in noticing that most of the men's eyes were rarely looking above her neckline. Even Roberto, bless him, had difficulty maintaining eye contact as he asked after Sue and she explained to him about the job on Paula's boat. He was disappointed that she wasn't with her but welcomed Belinda to the same place that they had sat at previously and as she sat down, she couldn't help flirting a little as she bent forward to place her clutch bag on the chair which she knew would allow a view down her neckline to let him catch a glimpse of her bare breasts. She was being a real cow but she liked it and if Consuelo hadn't come into the restaurant she would have been even more of an exhibitionist but she didn't want him to get into trouble so she turned to Consuelo and they kissed cheeks in welcome and then she sat her down to eat.

The food was so good and what with the wine and a fine brandy, or was it two, she got up to return to the hotel, with a nice glow. Consuelo insisted that Roberto walk her back and so she took his arm as they left, making sure that her breast pressed against his shirt sleeved covered arm from time to time. Conversation was a little difficult because of the language barrier but at last they reached the hotel entrance.

"Thanks Roberto, I had a lovely evening again, thanks for walking me back." and she pulled him to her making sure both her breasts pressed into him and kissed him on the cheeks. Just for that moment, she needed someone to touch her and grabbing at both of his hands, she placed them on her breasts and kissed him full on the mouth and then with a smile at him over her shoulder walked into the hotel. Belinda hoped to herself that his wife might feel the benefit of the effort she had made. She knew that she should have been ashamed of herself but she was glowing inwardly and even though she was having her fun with him, it was still quite exciting.

As she walked into the hotel, she noticed Kevin sitting in the bar with a couple of other guys, he didn't see her but he had a pint and there were a few empty glasses on the table and there was no sign of any of their womenfolk. They no doubt would be in their rooms looking out for the kids. She knew which room Chris was in so she decided to just pop along and say hello. She knocked on the door and when Chris opened it and saw her, she looked like a startled rabbit caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.

"Oh God, I didn't expect you, I'm really sorry about last night I don't know what came over me, I didn't mean it to go so far."

Belinda giggled, "Don't worry, I saw Kevin down in the bar and I couldn't resist just seeing you. Can I come in for a minute, I promise I won't start anything, just wanted to see you again?"

Chris looked at her and putting her finger to her lips to warn her not to wake the lad up, held the door open for her to come in. She deftly moved past her and pushed the door closed with her back against it and even though she had said she wouldn't start anything, she grabbed Chris and pulled her towards her and kissed her. For a few seconds she resisted but then she was soft in Belinda's arms and was returning her kiss.

"You said you wouldn't start anything Belinda. I need to get over you, please go now." she managed to gasp at last.

"Of course," Belinda reassured her "Kiss me one more time and I'll leave you alone. Kevin will never know about us from me, I promise." and with that, she pulled her into her again, taking hold of her wrists and placing her hands on her breasts as she kissed her mouth. "Good night sweetness" and she turned and opened the door and walked out into the corridor. Chris was grabbing at the door frame for support as Belinda waved her goodnight.

She felt her evening was almost complete as she climbed the flight of stairs, the heels making a satisfying clicking sound on the marble treads as she made her way up to her room. She closed the door behind her and without turning the lights on, shed her clothes, apart from her so sexy panties, which were more than a little damp between her legs and laid herself on the bed and began to touch about at herself until she reached a welcoming orgasm and she still hadn't removed her pants. With that small satisfaction, she finally took them off and held the crutch to her nose savouring her femininity and with the effects of the alcohol she had consumed earlier, dropped off to a sleep but she did have some very erotic dreams. When she woke, she couldn't really remember what they were about, but erotic they were.

Next morning would be the last full day of her holiday and once again she had no plans for it. Belinda decided to have breakfast and see the tour guide to see if there was anything worth doing on the tourist front. Unfortunately there were no trips organised, but as she was lounging about in the big chair in the lobby with a glass of orange in her hand wondering what to do, she saw Kevin, Chris and Jordan heading towards her. He caught sight of her and started smiling as they walked towards her. Chris had that startled look on her face again. Belinda smiled back at him in acknowledgement.

"You look a bit lost in that armchair." he said.

She wasn't sure what to say but got up and replied to his obvious invitation to talk. "I guess I am at a bit, I have no idea what to do today. I thought I might see if there were any trips going but it looks as if I'm out of luck, I might just go for a walk up into the hills perhaps."

He looked round at Chris who by now had composed herself and then looking back at her said. "We're going back to the waterpark for the last time. The bus leaves in about twenty minutes, Why don't you come with us, it's quite good fun?"

Chris joined in with a little nervous cough "We'd like that, if you wanted, wouldn't we Jordan.".

"Oh OK, if you don't mind me tagging along." Belinda replied, "It'll be fun I'm sure, I'll go and get my stuff, thanks for inviting me."

Nipping back up to the room and grabbing her swimming gear and a towel she popped them into a bag with her purse and camera and a few other essentials, including the hat she had bought for the little one and legged it down to the bus stop. The bus was there and climbing aboard, she sat down in the row alongside her new found friends.

Fishing out the cap she handed it to Kevin. "I bought this down in town yesterday, I hope that was OK."

They had a great day and Belinda, by now good friends with Jordan, actually went in the water with the boy and played games with him. She had no experience with children but didn't have to make too much effort as it all came fairly naturally. One thing she did learn was that you do need eyes in the back of your head though as one glance away and the child can quickly disappear out of sight. Scary but it wasn't a problem as the parents were watching all the time.

Lunch was a fairly simple affair at one of the attached café's before they went back to the water slides and pools and she really did have a great day. Belinda did get ten minutes alone with Chris fairly early on when Kevin and Jordan went for ice cream. Chris confided in her that she was terrified that Kevin either knew something or that if he didn't he would find out about what they had been 'up to' as she put it.

"I've no reason to get you into trouble and the last thing I want is a broken marriage on my conscience." Belinda told her. "I promise I won't embarrass you so just enjoy yourself, he will never know about us from me."

The relief on her face that their secret was safe was a picture.

Much later on the coach on the way back to the hotel Belinda told them about the little restaurant where she had been eating and suggested they have a meal out on their own while she babysat Jordan. Belinda could see that Kevin was keen as they had spent the whole holiday having early evening meals in the hotel. Chris was a bit reticent but an evening out eventually persuaded them so leaving them for a shower and to give them time to feed the boy and get him ready for bed, she changed into the track suit she had bagged on Paula's boat and turned up at their room. Jordan wasn't asleep yet so she sat herself down with one of his books and read to him until he nodded off. Belinda made sure that they told Roberto and Consuelo that she had recommended them and also to say goodbye to the two of them for her. Just to be on the safe side Chris and Belinda exchanged mobile phone numbers so that they could be in contact during the evening should the need arise.

They got back to the room just before midnight but obviously weren't used to leaving their son while they went out as she did get a couple of phone calls during the evening but each time she reassured them that all was well. They had had a great evening and handed her a small basket from Consuelo with a little light supper in it. They said their goodnights and Belinda left them with the basket in her hand, to enjoy the rest of their night.

Packing to go home in the morning didn't take her long and she was down in reception by seven thirty checking out ready to get the return coach to the airport at nine o'clock. She had breakfast and sat at the table contemplating the events of the holiday. She had had so much sexual activity in the six days that she thought it must be some sort of a record.

Three women that had turned her on so much and given her such an insight into female sexuality and what seemed to be a need in their hidden selves if only they owned up to it. She reasoned, rightly or wrongly that, from the relationships which had happened, that there might be a great pool of other women out there waiting for someone to release their innermost and secret desires.

It didn't quite end there though as a couple of weeks back to normality a strange happening occurred on the Wednesday in the late afternoon on her way home from work. Her mobile rang, it was Chris, the little wife that she had met on holiday. Belinda for a moment couldn't think how she got her mobile number but then she remembered that she had given it to her when she babysat the boy. She was the last person Belinda expected and to say that she was surprised was an understatement.

"Hello Belinda, it's me, Chris, we met in Spain," the quiet voice said into her earpiece. "I'm not disturbing you am I, can you talk?"

"You're certainly not disturbing me and I'm on my own so we can talk. How are you?"

There was a bit of a silence, then the quiet voice said. "Belinda, I can't get you out of my head, I just had to talk to you and let you know how good you had been for me. How are you without your friend, have you thought about me? You wouldn't believe how many times I have wanted to call you and then stopped at the last minute."

Belinda's mind was in a whirl, she hadn't given too much thought to the little interlude in the hotel as it was just a diversion when she was feeling low about Sue leaving but at last she got her thoughts together enough to answer her questions.

"I've been thinking about you a lot." she lied. "You helped me as well you know, I needed you, it was something else being able to be more than just friends. I'm glad you rang me. I'm just pulled over in a layby at the moment, are you at home?"

She said she was and Belinda asked if she could ring her in about fifteen minutes. Chris was calling from home and her number was on Belinda's phone. She told Belinda that Kevin wouldn't be home until seven o'clock so with that, she continued her journey home, went inside and picked up the bedroom phone and rang her back.

The phone had hardly rung at the other end before it was picked up. The voice was a little strange Belinda thought but after a couple of pleasantries, she understood what was in her mind. She wanted Belinda to talk to her about what they had done in her room.

"What are you wearing Belinda?" she asked.

"I've got my office clothes on, a black skirt and a white blouse. Entering into the moment she continued "I'm just taking my skirt off and I'm going to put the phone down while I take my blouse off." Picking up the phone again she went on with the game as by now she was very curious about the possibility of phone sex and was a little excited as well.

"Shall I take my bra off for you?"

"Oh, God, yes. Belinda, tell me what you're doing, I want you to do things for me. I'm not wearing anything."

"My nipples are very sensitive Chris and I'm playing with them, touching them does nice things for me. I'm taking my panties off now. Are you touching yourself? Do you remember when you touched me and I was wet, well I'm wet now, you've made me like this? I'm playing with myself Chris, do you want to hear?" Without waiting for a reply, she placed the mouthpiece between her legs so that she could hear the sounds of her fingers making little slurping noises. "Did you hear that?"

"Yes, yes are you going to come soon Belinda. Tell me when so that I can come with you. Tell me things, do it for me, fuck me with your fingers. My cunt is wet for you, tell me."

Belinda listened to her words and knew that she must be really aroused to use them. She was feeling the sexual energy coming through the earpiece.

"Chris stick your fingers into your cunt, I'm doing it for you, put two in, can you get three in? Fuck yourself for me, are you coming yet? I'm nearly there. Rub your clit, think it's my tongue running up and down and making you come."

Belinda was actually starting to come and she knew from the sounds and breathing that Chris must be getting herself there as well...

Suddenly she screamed at Belinda, "I'm coming, I'm coming, you're fucking me, I can feel you inside me".

Belinda was coming with her. "Here it comes", she cried, the orgasm coursing through her body.

They lay there for a while listening to each other's sounds, their breath coming in little gasps until there was finally a silence, broken only by the sound of a siren going past Chris' house. This silence, as she continued to listen in the quiet of the afterglow waiting for her to say something, seemed to last for ever.

At last she whispered "Thank you Belinda." There was a click and she had gone.

The phone still in her hand, Belinda lay back on the bed. Phone sex, that was a new one, it was not what she had expected but it worked for her and for Chris as well she thought, judging from the noises that had come from the other end of the line anyway.

Had Chris now laid her ghost as well Belinda wondered idly and if so, would she return to being the dutiful, demure housewife or would she tread a path to once more satisfy those hidden desires that had surfaced on holiday and which had now bubbled to the surface. No doubt Belinda had been the catalyst and she did feel a little guilty that she had created this dilemma in her life, but what the hell, she was a willing partner and even that Chris had probably initiated the interlude in the hotel anyway even though she wouldn't perhaps have admitted that.

It was another realisation for Belinda that deep within a lot of straight women there is, bubbling under the surface, a curiosity about other women which occupies part of their fantasies but which get pushed back into that dark secret place. The experience added to the vague plan that she had already formed in her mind about the seduction of some undervalued wife who needed a little excitement in her life. She had a plan and was quite determined to see it through and if it went well, there would surely be others she felt sure.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

A really good story. I just keep waiting for each part to be posted. Keep the story going. I would love to see Sue come back.

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