Belinda's Story Ch. 01

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The confession of a cheating wife.
10.5k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/26/2021
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Belinda's Story -- Chapter 1

By: LewdLuke

I want to introduce myself and give you an idea of my sexual history. My story might be better understood if you know a bit about me.

My name is Belinda Louise Carter. I am a wife who has cheated. I was born in 1981 and that makes me forty years of age at the time of this writing. I have been married for twenty-one years. I stand five feet, seven inches tall and I weighed in at a hundred and eighteen pounds this morning. My body is in good shape and I think of my figure as shapely slim. Nothing is too big, but then nothing is too small either. I stay in shape by playing tennis and swimming. My husband and I also ride bicycles when weather and time permit.

My hair could be called auburn, but it has more red in it than I like. I wear it at the length that my husband prefers. It's longer than I like, but it makes a nice ponytail that hangs to the middle of my back. When I put it up and wear heels, I can appear to be long-necked and near six feet tall.

My eyes are a very light blue and they are too big for my face. My father always told me that they made me pretty. He said, "There is nothing in the world like a big-eyed girl." My skin is the alabaster white common to redheads but without the freckles.

My husband says that on a scale of one to ten I am at least a twelve in the looks department. That of course, is bullshit and reflects his bias. When I look in the mirror, I see a six, and when I get all dolled up I can be a seven or maybe a weak eight. Still, I have always drawn looks and flirts from the men around me. Propositions come less often than they used too, but I still get them now and again. Up until a little over a year ago, I refused all of them. Let me say that again. I refused all of them for twenty years.

Let me talk about my husband now. Robert Lee Carter (Bob or Bobby to his friends, Bobby Lee to his mother) has been the love of my life and my mate since my junior year of high school. He was a senior and we began dating just in time for him to take me to my junior prom.

He is six feet, two inches, and about two hundred twenty pounds. He was a bit lighter, but still a pretty boy in high school. He is more handsome now in a more mature and masculine sense. He has hair the color of a raven's wing and eyes that are as dark as midnight. His color must come from an American Indian ancestor buried somewhere in the woodpile of his heritage. His body is in good shape too, but his build is thicker than mine with well-defined muscle.

His square jaw, dimpled chin, and radiant smile get him high marks on that one to ten scale of looks. He gets a twelve from me and it rises to fourteen if he goes without shaving for a couple of days. If he is wet from the shower and has that special twinkle in his dark eyes, it goes to sixteen. I think you can see that I too have some bias. I get wet sometimes just thinking about him even after all our years together.

He draws his share of smiles and flirts from other women too. As far as I know, he has always brushed them aside and remained faithful, with the exception of one time. He did have a short affair about ten years into our marriage. I will speak of this later, but please don't think it had anything to do with what I have done. I cheated for purely selfish reasons. I wanted the experience of having sex with at least one man other than Bobby. Understand, that had never happened before in my whole life and I could see my fortieth birthday looming on the horizon. I carefully planned to cheat and then I executed my plan.


Now, let me tell my story.

I had just turned eighteen and was approaching the end of my junior year in high school. I had been a late bloomer, but my body had developed to the point where I had become a young woman with all the curves and protuberances in the right places. I was an adult, but I still couldn't think of myself as such. My body had morphed nicely and the young men had started to notice me. I was just beginning to develop some self-confidence.

It was a warm spring Saturday in late February. I was dressed in tight jeans, penny loafers with white bobby-sox, and a white halter-top. My hair was done up in a simple ponytail. I was sitting in the local Dairy Queen restaurant sipping on a soda with two of my girlfriends. I don't remember what we had been talking about, but it was probably boys, sex, and other things that none of us knew much about.

A bell attached to the main entrance door tinkled. I looked up to see Bobby and one of his friends come in. They were both beautiful. Bobby and I knew each other from school, but we had never interacted beyond what courtesy demands.

He and his buddy went to the counter and placed their orders. He finished his business there and then suddenly glanced my way. He caught me looking at him. The unbelievable happened. He smiled and winked at me.

I totally embarrassed myself reflexively. I know that I blushed a bright red as only a fair-skinned redhead can. I jerked my eyes away from his and the palms of my hands came together between my thighs. I squeezed my hands with my thigh muscles and squirmed in my seat as I experienced a powerful adrenalin rush. It felt like butterflies were doing combat in my tummy.

When I looked up, Bobby was halfway to our booth and walking straight at me with a defined swagger. He still had that confident grin on his face. He had definitely seen me react to his wink. One of my girlfriends noticed what was happening. Under the table, she put her hand on my leg just above my knee and squeezed to reassure me.

Bobby walked up and said, "Hi, Belinda. I was hoping to see you today." He introduced his friend to all of us and then continued talking to me. He said, "Would you sit with me for a minute. I have something to ask of you."

He took my hand and pulled me to my feet. He instructed his wingman to entertain my friends for a few minutes and then led me away toward a secluded booth in the rear of the dining room. He had never given me a chance to answer him one way or another. I just stumbled along behind him. He deposited me into the booth next to the wall and then slid in beside me so that I couldn't escape.

To make a long story short, he asked me to the senior prom. I, of course, acquiesced. Somewhere, I found the composure to inform him that the junior prom was coming up too.

He smiled and said, "We can do that too." He kissed me. It was just the lightest of pecks on my cheek. I remember even now how it burned. It felt as if high voltage electricity had arced between us.

We were an item after that and life went on. I gave him my virginity sometime in the late summer of that year. That was both a special event and a disappointment to me at the same time. I did get the thrill of having a hard cock find its way inside me for the first time. What a rush that was. Bobby had no control. He erupted before he was all the way inside me. I didn't cum with him. I didn't cum at all until after he took me home and I brought myself to orgasm so that I could sleep. He had promised to do better.

We read the books, watched the movies, and experimented with each other. Fetish blogs on the web gave us more education than we probably needed. We tried anything that sounded like it would be fun. Everything sounded like fun to us.

We taught ourselves how to please each other. We learned and things got better. Things got much better. In a period of a few months, we were fucking like young monkeys. I couldn't get enough of him. We had sex two or three times a day when we could but always two or three times a week. We always used protection, but I got pregnant anyway. I found out for sure just before my senior prom. I was just starting to show at graduation, but my gown hid the fact.

My biggest fear was what my father might do when he found out. When the time came for my parents to know, my older sister, Jean, went with us for support. Bobby and I snitched off on ourselves. My mother went into shock and just sat in her chair. She remained quiet. My dad came to me, gathered me into his arms, and held me. I let him hold me and I cried. I knew everything was going to be all right.

He said, "Your mother and I will always love you, Baby Girl." Then he asked, "Have the two of you decided what you want to do now?"

I thought about how lucky I was that my dad liked my Bobby. I said, "Dad, we do love each other. There has never been any doubt that we want to keep the baby. Bobby has asked me to marry him." I paused and continued, "That's what we both want."

Dad said, "I'm going to pretend I don't know about the pregnancy and my part will be to write a proper check at the proper time for a proper wedding." A moment later, he said, "You know, I could be kind of happy about this. You are both adults and I'm going to have a grandchild sooner than I thought I would."

My mother and my big sister offered to plan the wedding. It was to be a very small event attended only by family and a few very close friends.

My dad kissed my forehead and let me go. I went to Bobby and hugged him. I experienced such relief at how my parents had taken the news. It felt like the weight of the world had been taken off my shoulders. I whispered in Bobby's ear, "You need to take me somewhere and fuck my brains out."

It took two hours to separate ourselves from my family comfortably, but then Bobby took me to his apartment. Bobby had been out of school and working for a year, but he had just moved out of his parent's home. I hadn't seen the apartment before. I was excited about it. It was going to be our first home together.

We arrived at the apartment and Bobby carried me over the threshold even though I wasn't his bride yet. We were naked, giggling, and wadded up together in his bed before I had a chance to check the place out. I guided him to lie on his back and I lay on his chest as we kissed. Our mood became more serious. I could feel his cock as it swelled and became hard between us. I wanted it in my mouth.

Oral was one of the things we learned from the web. I couldn't believe Bobby wanted me to suck his dick when he first asked me to do it. I thought nothing could be more repulsive. Now a month later, I want it in my mouth. I love the taste and the scent of it. It excites me. I hadn't learned to deep throat him yet, but I was working on it. I had let him cum in my mouth several times. He loved that. He would hold my head and fuck my mouth slowly while it happened. After I did that for him and he recovered, it seemed like he could fuck my pussy forever. That's the part I liked the most.

Oral the other way was nice too. His face would get wet with my juices as he sucked and licked my clit. I could cum so easily for him. It was especially nice when he put a finger inside me and touched that place they call my G-spot. I hadn't even known that existed a month before.

I found his prick with my hand and held it while I slid down his belly. He knew what was about to happen and he made it easy for me. I sucked the head of his sweet cock into my mouth and washed it lavishly with my tongue. The moaning noises that he makes turn me on too. He began to fuck me. He held me and pushed a bit deeper with each stroke. He got to the top of my throat and I tried to take him deeper. I choked and gagged. He tried to pull out of me, but I stopped him before he escaped completely.

I held him in my mouth and sucked him. I looked up at him. He was watching me. I pulled away long enough to say, "Cum in my mouth for me, Bobby." I sucked him for another few seconds before I gave him more instruction. I said, "Then I want you to fuck my pussy until I beg you to stop."

I sucked him and loved his cock with my mouth. I felt his arousal escalate over the next minutes. I could feel his heartbeat in his cock. He began to get even bigger and harder. I had learned what this meant. I prepared myself for it and sucked him harder while I massaged his shaft with my hands. He filled my mouth with the sticky texture and the salty taste of his cum. It happened with four or five powerful spasms. I swallowed once, twice, and then a third time. I was getting better at this. At first, I had wanted to spit it out but, that is so messy. This way is so much better for both of us. It was also becoming easier for me to breathe through my nose. Now I don't have to stop for breath. I can continue to suck him until he is completely finished. He likes that.

I felt his cock begin to go flaccid in my mouth. It was like a tire that was losing air. I allowed it to slip away from me. I crawled up his body and planted a knee on either side of his head. My pussy was literally dripping juice into his pretty face. He grabbed my hips and pulled me down as he rose to meet me. He licked my clit once and then sucked it into his mouth. I fucked his face. I bent over and held my balance by putting my hands on the mattress above his head. I fucked him a bit harder. He held my clit in his mouth and teased it with his tongue. He slipped a finger inside me. He found my G-spot easily now. He told me it was a rough spot about two inches inside the top of my channel. He knew exactly where it was. He touched it. A shiver ran through me. I fucked his face harder and a little faster. I felt an orgasm begin to build in my belly. I wanted it.

I had read about multi-orgasmic women too. I talked to a woman on the web who told me that was a learned ability. She said that my lover would have to have enough stamina and control to keep me stimulated long enough to let it happen. I wanted to learn how to do that and teach Bobby how to help me. I had two back-to-back orgasms once the week before. Bobby had helped me cum with his mouth and then just as I finished, he pushed his cock inside me and fucked me that way. I had the second one immediately. I resolved to make that happen again.

My orgasm overcame me. I rose up and used my hands to hold Bobby in place. I fucked his face so hard. He sucked me and finger fucked me. I came so very hard. I heard myself scream. My body announced my ecstasy to the whole world. I stayed at the peak of orgasm as long as I could, but then I started down from my high.

Bobby turned me over onto my back. He said, "Try to have another one. He buried his face again into my pussy. He sucked my clit and rolled it around in his mouth torturing it with his tongue. He fingered me. I had a second orgasm within a minute. It was harder and deeper and lasted longer. I thought I was going to die. I don't know why I didn't.

I stayed at my peak for a very long time, but this one too ended. I lay on my back. I was gasping for breath and trying to replenish the oxygen that my exertions had burned out of my blood. I had overused every muscle in my body. I reached between my legs and touched my swollen clit. I was still in a state of arousal to some degree. I had what I later learned to call a baby orgasm. My whole body shuddered at my touch, but it only lasted a few seconds.

Bobby crawled up over me on all fours and then he rose up vertically. He rested his cock in the valley between my tits. It felt heavy, hard, and hot. He had recovered his erection, as I knew he would. He could do that so quickly when we were young. I used my hands to wrap my boobs around him. He slowly titty-fucked me for a minute or more. It gave him something to do while I recovered. He chuckled and pulled away from me. He took his cock in hand and playfully slapped my nose and the cheeks of my face with it. I felt my Kegel muscles contract on their own.

He asked, "Where do you want this now, girl?" He was proud of his hard cock and he was showing off for me.

I acknowledged his strength and fed his ego by saying. "Fuck my pussy with it, Bobby." I said, "Don't make me beg, Sweetheart. Fuck me with it. Help me cum one more time."

He stuffed me full of hard cock. There was some sweet pain involved, as I was overfilled. It felt so good inside my sloppy wet cunt. I hadn't realized how empty I had felt before. I had been exercising my Kegel muscles. We had read about those too. I squeezed him tightly. I was getting better at that. He began to fuck me. I felt the stirring of a third orgasm. I wrapped my legs around him and locked my ankles behind him. I began to meet his thrust. We fucked each other. I let my pussy milk him. His thrusts were full of strength, authority, and emotion. I knew that this young man that I had been so infatuated with truly loved me. He was going to be a good father and love our child too.

I whispered, "Cum with me, Bobby. Cum inside me. You don't have to worry. You can't get me pregnant." I laughed a little.

He chuckled then kissed me. He pounded my pussy. I came for him.

My third orgasm was not really a surprise because I had felt myself being excited several minutes before. It rose slowly to the surface with Bobby's help, but then it totally consumed me with a sudden rush. I became lost in it. It was softer and gentler than the two earlier ones. Bobby had learned to read my body language. He knew I was cumming. He was loving me and fucking me softly. We kissed and his tongue found its way into my mouth. He continued to fuck me and I helped him. He couldn't hit my G-spot with his prick unless I helped by finding the perfect position and the correct angle of penetration. What's a girl to do? I helped him. I wiggled under him and moaned to enhance his arousal. I made it feel to him as if my pussy was trying to suck him deeper into my body. It was.

I enjoyed his orgasms and I had assumed he would cum with me. He didn't. I reached that sweet point of exhaustion where I couldn't go on. I collapsed under him. I expected him to beat his chest and yell like Tarzan to announce his victory over me. He didn't do that either. He chuckled, continued to hold me, and fuck me. I relaxed, breathed when he let me, and let him use my body for his pleasure.

He supported most of his own weight but not all of it. He used enough of it to keep me pinned to the bed. He made me know he was in control. He fucked me with his long gentle strokes for such a long time. I enjoyed every second of it. The longer it went on, the better it felt. My pussy had been sloppy wet when we started and it stayed wet enough. He fucked me. It was so good. I was having baby orgasms back to back and hadn't even realized it. My pussy tingled and my whole body quivered like jelly with each one. I was not in full control of my mind or body.

Bobby's cock began to swell. That triggered something inside me. He was about to cum.

He whispered in my ear, "Have one more with me. I know you can."

I wanted to help him. I squeezed him hard with my pussy and my legs wrapped themselves around him again. My arms were already around his neck and I pulled him down to share a kiss. I spread myself wider and surrendered completely to him. His breathing and rhythm changed. His strokes became short and jerky. He would pull about halfway out and then slam it back into me as deep as he could make it go. He would pause there to make his deposit. I could feel his cock throb as it happened.

My orgasm overtook me. I heard myself scream again. My body froze in place and then shook as if I was trying to imitate an Egyptian belly dancer. I came so hard. I closed my eyes so tight that I saw a thousand bright flashes of colored light. I quit trying to breathe and let Bobby fuck me. He fucked me hard. He hurt me. It was wonderful.

I remained at my peak as long as Bobby did and then we came down together. He collapsed on top of me and tried to roll away. I held him in place. I took all his weight and kept his cock inside me until he lost his erection completely. He slipped out of me and rolled to his back. I went with him and lay on his chest while we recovered.