Belize Adventure

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More adventures of Sara and Robert.
24k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 06/02/2006
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Author's Note: Thanks, again, to snooper, my editor. Those of you that have read African Adventure will notice a significant passage of time between that story and this one. There is another story that comes between these two and deals in detail with events that are alluded to or briefly referenced in this story. I have elected not to publish that particular story on Literotica because it's mostly adventure. Frankly, there's far too little sex to interest most Literotica readers. The story was largely character development for Sara, growing her into the very strong and capable woman hinted at in the closing pages of African Adventure, and I still like it, but I'm not willing to throw in gratuitous sex in an effort to make it more palatable to readers. It's a nice story, but not a necessary read.


The van was stifling hot under the afternoon sun, even beneath the netting that attempted to hide the van from aerial view. Sonia had felt the effort to be a waste, given their intentions, but Sara had insisted in a tone of voice that Sonia had come to recognize as being the final word. With sweat trickling down her forehead she tried to strike up another conversation. Sara had spent the past hour telling her about Africa, details about how she had met Robert that even the wildest gossip had failed to suggest. But when she opened her mouth, Sara held a finger in front of her lips and pointed to her ear with the other hand.

After a minute Sonia recognized the sound, the soft whisper of a helicopter. The sound grew louder as the helicopter approached and Sonia licked her lips nervously. Sara reached out to pat her encouragingly on the shoulder as Sonia pulled back the slide on the silenced pistol sitting in her lap. It slid forward with a loud metallic click and seated a round in the chamber. Just as Sara had taught her, she took the pistol in a two-handed grip and lifted the weapon in front of her, carefully keeping the muzzle pointed skyward.

Sara threw open the side door and looked out at the sky. A helicopter descended rapidly towards the spot they had marked for it and flared steeply at the last moment, settling roughly onto the ground.

"Safety off," Sara shouted to be heard above the noise.

"Safety off," Sonia confirmed.

Sara smiled thinly and jumped out of the van to walk through the billowing clouds of dust towards the helicopter. The side doors in the helicopter opened and six men jumped out. Four of them carried weapons and wore black suits that covered their faces. The other two wore bright orange jumpsuits. One of the men in black tapped an orange jumpsuit wearer on the shoulder and pointed at Sara. Together, the two of them jogged over to her. The man in the jumpsuit regarded her affectionately.

"Who's been a very good girl?" he asked.

"I have, sinjoro," Sara replied as she threw herself into his arms. She kissed him hard and then held him tightly, close enough that she could whisper in his ear, "Just like the diamond ambush."

"Where's the rest of the money?" the man in black demanded.

"In the van," Sara replied, "My partner has it ready for you. Your van is under the netting over there."

The man motioned and the other three men in black and the other jumpsuited man, headed towards the second van. He hefted the sub-machine gun he was holding and headed towards the first van. Sara and Robert followed behind him. They were still several yards from the van when there was a series of soft coughing sounds and the man in black fell to the ground. Sara and Robert ran for the van, diving headfirst into it even as a set of explosions made the world around them erupt in flames, noise, and dust.

A moment later they were out of the van again. Robert reached for the sub-machine gun on the corpse next to the van but Sara stopped him.

"Ne, sinjoro! Here," she tossed a pistol at him.

Working carefully, with pistols at the ready, they checked the flaming wreckage of the van and then the helicopter. There was a single shot from Sara's gun when she thought she saw one of the corpses move. When they were finished, they dashed back to the van. Sonia had it rolling before they had finished closing the door.

"Airfield?" Robert asked.

"Airfield," Sara confirmed, "But it's a red-herring. We've got a boat offshore."

"From now on," Robert said, "I'm making you plan the escapes. You're a hell of lot better at it than I am."

Sara smiled through her tears.

Six hours later Sonia held the wheel of the ship as it knifed through the surf like a white dolphin. The wind was blowing strong enough to raise whitecaps and it drove the boat at a fast pace, leaning it over at a fifteen degree angle. Normally she would have been laughing in delight. Sailing was one of her passions and she rarely got to indulge it, and certainly not in a 40 foot luxury sailboat. Right now though, she felt numb.

She had been in on the rescue plan right from the start; had actively assisted Sara every step of the way. She had known early on that she would have to shoot one of the white-supremacists they worked with to do the actual prison escape. But she was discovering that the reality of her actions was... not what she had expected.

Robert emerged from the cabin wearing boat shoes, swim trunks, and a T-shirt. He flopped down on one of the bench seats forward of the wheel and basked in the sun for several minutes.

"Thank you, Sonia," he said, "I didn't like prison at all."

She shook her head and managed a response.

"No thanks are necessary. You killed to protect me and my family. You avenged my brother. I was in your debt."

"Then your debt has been paid in full. And perhaps then some. I repeat, thank you."

He fixed her with a gaze that penetrated the haze in her mind and she nodded.

Sonia, still wearing blue jeans and shirt came back from the bow.

"Everything is secure and all the evidence is over the side. I don't think they'll find the box even if they know where to look."

She looked at Robert.

"A concrete colander, sinjoro. Holds everything in and lets the sea water corrode everything. I soaked all the clothing in bleach just for extra insurance. Nothing is perfect so if they look hard enough..." she shrugged, "I'm going to go change now."

She ducked down through the doorway into the cabin space.

Robert nodded his head in approval and then appraised Sonia. She felt him looking at her and jerked her eyes from the compass and horizon to give him a half smile.

"It hurts," he said.

"What?" she responded in a puzzled tone.

"The killing. Shooting that man, the explosives. You feel like you're in pain. I've seen that look before, sometimes in the mirror. Don't hold back the emotions. It just makes things worse, believe me. Let it go."

"I... I can't," she whispered.

"You can," he said, "It's over and it's safe to let it out. You're with family. More than that, you're with family who have been through what you've been through. We understand. And we don't think poorly of you of because of what you are feeling now. I'm proud of you, and I'm profoundly grateful. I know that Sara is proud of you too."

As he spoke he stood and went to the wheel, hands grasping it without taking control from her. Sonia felt the emotions welling up inside her but was unable to find a way to let them out. She sat down, collapsing into a chair. She barely noticed as Sara sat down next to her, pulled her close and held her in her arms.

When she awoke she was confused for a moment, then she realized she was in one of the beds in the cabin. She sat up, careful not to bang her head on the low ceiling, and got out of the bunk. Her single suitcase was laid out on the other bunk along with Sara's and a duffel bag with clothing for Robert. She stripped out of the blue jeans and shirt she had worn under the black jumpsuit the day before. The clothing stank of dried sweat and she decided she would get rid of it.

Naked, she walked over to the shower and turned it on. The boat was a luxury model, the baseline, but still a luxury model. It had plenty of fresh water for the short trip they were making and she luxuriated in the hot water, taking time to wash her short, black hair and letting the streams of water wash the stress out of her muscles.

After toweling herself dry she put on a one piece black swimsuit and a pair of shorts. Giving her hair a quick brush-out she stepped out of the cabin and on to the deck.

Sara was standing at the wheel, steering, while Robert sat on a chair next to her. She was wearing what might charitably be called a bikini. What there was of it appeared to be three scraps of red fabric held together by pieces of string. It barely covered her nipples, let alone her breasts, and the piece between her thighs... moved. Sonia saw this was because Robert's hand, reaching from behind Sara, was beneath the fabric and stroking her hairless mons. She stopped in shock, outright staring at them. Robert noticed her first.

"Good evening, sleeping beauty. We were wondering when you'd wake up. I don't trust the auto-pilot, so do you feel up to taking the wheel for a little while?" he asked her.

She nodded, after a moment, and walked back to them. She noticed that Sara's crotch was soaking wet. The red fabric was dark with moisture and her inner thighs gleamed almost down to her knees. When she looked at Sara's face, Sara smiled at her through the sweat that beaded on her brow. Her chest was flushed and heaving as she gulped in air.

"Thank you, Sonia," she gasped.

Sonia gingerly took the wheel and Sara, followed by Robert, headed towards the cabin. Halfway there, Robert grabbed Sara by the shoulder and stopped her. Pushing her to one side, he bent her forward over a bench and kicked her legs apart. Dropping his trunks he stepped forward, his member in hand, and inserted it between Sara's swollen nether lips. Sara moaned as he slid into her, thanking him again and again.

Sonia surprised herself by thinking "I thought he'd be larger," before turning her eyes to the compass and then the horizon. Try as she did, however, she could not stop her eyes from coming back to the scene in front of her. Robert pumped slowly back and forth into Sara, his cock slick with her moisture, her lips sliding the length of him. Sara braced herself against the boat with one hand while her other reached back between her legs to fondle his balls.

They continued in this fashion for several minutes before Robert suddenly slammed home, his abdomen against Sara's ass, and he cried out in pleasure as Sara crooned delightedly. Then he withdrew from her and sat down on the bench, breathing heavily. Sara knelt on the deck next to him. He smiled at her, reaching down to caress her cheek.

"I've missed you," he said.

Sara turned her head to kiss his hand and wrist, tongue darting out to taste his flesh, before responding.

"I've missed you too, sinjoro."

Robert pulled her head closer to his crotch and Sara bent her head over him, hands taking careful hold of his semi-erect penis, holding it up as she guided her mouth over it.

Sonia watched, shocked and fascinated, as Sara fellated Robert. She felt the moistness building between her thighs and the flush on her cheeks, which suddenly bloomed as Robert turned his eyes upon her.

"Think I'm a monster?" he asked.

Sonia shook her head.

"Well, I am. Of a sorts. But I'm a monster governed by rules. You are part of our family. You're safe. But it's important that you understand the relationship Sara and I have. Because we consider you family, we won't be hiding our relationship as we did before."

He reached down and took Sara's hair in his hand. Using this as a handhold he pulled Sara off of his cock. He bent over, kissed her, and then drew her head back between his legs.

"We'll have a little more privacy when we get home. But this is a small boat and I am not inclined to restrict myself after my imposed celibacy. Is this going to be a problem for you?"

Sonia shook her head slowly.

"Are you sure?" Robert persisted. "I'm not kidding about you being family. I'm willing to make some accommodations if you find this distasteful."

Sonia's mouth opened, but no words came out. She closed it and tried again. "I don't know how I find it. But you live your lives the way you are accustomed to and if I have any problems I'll bring them up."

Robert groaned and his eyes closed briefly. He glanced affectionately down at Sara before looking back at Sonia.

"That's fair enough," he said. "Please excuse me for a minute."

Robert turned his attention back to Sara, stroking her hair and murmuring softly to her. Sonia watched in fascination as Sara finished him, Robert jerking up into her mouth as Sara moaned loudly and then licked him clean. When she was done she turned her head to Sonia.

"Thank you, Sonia. That's very understanding of you."

Sonia, her heart beating rapidly, gave Sara a small smile and concentrated on piloting the boat.

That night Sonia woke with her hands between her legs. She had been dreaming about Robert and Sara. In her dream Robert had just taken her in his arms and was kissing her about the throat. She groaned slightly in frustration and began to touch herself in earnest. When the mattress moved she squeaked in shock and sat bolt upright, banging her head against the ceiling. A light clicked on and she saw Sara sitting at the foot of the bed.

"I'm sorry," Sara said, "I didn't mean to frighten you. I wanted to talk."

"Not really the best time, Sara," Sonia gasped, "You scared me half to death."

"Shocked you, perhaps?" Sara suggested. "You thought you were alone."

Sonia gulped and nodded, "I did. I'm... a little embarrassed at the moment."

Sara smiled at her, "After watching Robert fuck me from behind and then have me blow him? A little masturbation kind of pales in comparison wouldn't you say?"

Sonia colored in the dim light and then laughed. They enjoyed the moment together, sharing broad smiles.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about that," Sara pursued, "Robert told me to take care of you. I was planning on making you this great breakfast and it wasn't until I saw you in bed that I realized you've been celibate for even longer than I have. You don't have to be, you know."

"You're not suggesting that Robert...?" Sonia exclaimed and then shut her mouth as she remembered how small the boat was and the way sound carried over the water.

"Actually, I wasn't," Sonia replied, "I wouldn't have a problem with that, but I don't think it would work. He does some things on his own terms. *Only* on his terms. I don't think that normal partner sex would work with you two. But he's not the only one who could help you."

"You?" Sonia squeaked.

Sara nodded, "You're family. You don't have to lie alone in the dark and masturbate. I can help you get some sexual relief that's a little more satisfying."

Sonia was stunned and took several minutes to recover before speaking. "I didn't know that you were a lesbian," she managed.

"I'm not. But, among the other things that I am, I am a sex slave. I'm used for sex. To give, and generally receive, pleasure. And my master has ordered me to take care of you, a family member. This is something I can do for you."

As Sara spoke her hand, beneath the covers, traced up the inside of Sonia's leg, past her knee to her thigh. Her nails grazed lightly over the sensitive flesh and Sonia drew in an involuntary breath of air.

"So you are suggesting that we...?" she stopped.

Sara nodded her head, "Although, to be honest, the idea of kissing your mouth or your vagina," her hand went higher, almost to the junction of Sonia's thighs, "makes me a little uncomfortable. I'll do that, if you want me to, but I'd prefer not to."

Sonia felt her heart racing. Here, on a boat far away from her home and cut off by her actions from the civilization that had sheltered her, this crazy idea seemed to have merit.

"I don't know...."

She paused.

"I don't know how to do this," she said.

Sara nodded, "I've seen this, but it's a first for me. Let me take the lead. I'll give you pleasure and if you want me to do something just tell me. I'll do it, no questions or judgments."

Sonia considered this for a long moment before closing her eyes and nodding. She felt Sara get off the mattress and then she was sitting next to her.

"Lean forward, Sonia," she said in a gentle voice.

Sonia leaned forward and Sara scooted in behind her. Sonia felt her hands on her neck and upper back, slowly and strongly rubbing her muscles. After several relaxing minutes of this Sara moved her hands to Sonia's head, massaging the scalp and her face. Sonia felt tension she hadn't known was there flowing out of her body. She leaned back into Sara, her small breasts soft against her back.

Sara's hands left her scalp and moved back to her shoulders and arms, strong fingers pushing the tension down into her hands. Sonia spent several minutes on each hand, her thumbs kneading the flesh of the wrist and palm. She took each of Sonia's fingers in her mouth, slowly pulling them from between her lips. Sonia felt as if Sara was sucking the tension from her body through the tips of her fingers.

Then Sara's hands were roaming her flanks and Sonia felt a new tension rising in her. Sara cupped her breasts, slowly letting their weight slide from her hands and leaned forward to kiss Sonia on the side of her neck.

"I'm jealous of your breasts," she whispered to Sonia, "I know Robert likes large breasts. I wish mine were larger."

Sonia swallowed before responding, "Thank you, Sara."

Sara dropped her lips back to Sonia's neck and her hands slowly meandered down her belly. Sonia was breathing rapidly, now. Sara's mouth was hot at her neck and her skin felt hypersensitive beneath the touch of Sara's hands. The last desperate moment of apprehension vanished as Sara's fingers darted across the folds of her sex creating a moan that surged up out of her belly.

"That's good?" Sara asked.

"That's good," Sonia groaned, "Do that again."

"Jes, sinjorino," Sara responded, and did.

Sonia writhed in Sara's arms as she slowly ministered to her desires. At last, Sonia reached down with her hands, pinning Sara's hands beneath hers and cried out loudly as the orgasm swept through her. The power of it frightened her and she sobbed quietly, tears running down her cheeks, until she relaxed back against Sara who enfolded her in her arms.

At length she spoke, "Thank you, Sara."

"You're welcome, Sonia. I'm glad you enjoyed that. And thank you for helping me free Robert. I know you had your own reasons, but I still appreciate what you did."



"Explain this to me, please. What do you get out of this?"

Sara did not speak for several minutes and then she laughed, "It fills a hole in me."

Sonia joined her laughter.

"Really," Sara persisted, "I need to submit. I feel more alive when I'm doing it, and normal sex just doesn't excite me the way that submissive sex does. When Robert takes hold of my hair and bends my body into a position that excites him, I feel like my cunt is about to explode. And I have screaming orgasms that seem to last for hours. Besides," she added, "I don't think I was going to get to use words like 'cunt' if I stuck around and had the life my father had planned for me."

They both shared another laugh at this. Sonia reflected that she had left her old life behind and had no idea what her new life would hold, but at least she had a good friend.

"Oh," Sonia said as she felt Sara's fingers move, "Do that some more."

"Jes, sinjorino," Sara replied.

Sonia lay back and enjoyed Sara's attentions for several minutes until she dared more.

"Wait," she said. She leaned forward and reached down to the suitcase, rummaging in it for a moment before pulling out a large vibrating dildo. Red-faced but determined, she handed it to Sara. "Use this."