Below & Above: A Fable of Lust


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"Like what?" she asked with a little nervousness injecting itself into her voice.

"Dear God, don't let her have a man!" I said desperately.

She let out a small, sexy laugh and shook her head.

"That's not an opinion," she pointed out.

"Okay," I said shrugging. "So I have a lot of hopes too."

I nodded to her before walking out of the gym.

There were many smiles over her shoulder as she worked out on the Stairmaster in the mornings after our brief introduction. I noticed her around campus more, and noticed that her pretty eyes always seemed happy to see me.

She gave me a warmer smile than usual one morning after her workout as she walked by the vendor stand inside the gym.

"Can I buy you a water?" I asked before she passed me.

She stopped and approached the stand to look at the selection.

"How about a protein bar too?" she asked hopefully.

"Anything you want," I replied.

"I like it when a man thinks like that," she told me.

The blonde behind the counter pulled two waters out and rang us up.

"I'm Susan," my Stairmaster girl said as I paid.

"Hello, Susan," I said. "It's nice to finally know your name."

"You're Miguel, right?" she asked.

I looked at her questioningly.

"The machine you work on is reservation-only so you have to sign in for it," she explained.

"Your usual machine isn't, so you had an advantage," I said guiding her towards one of the tables.

We sat down and took a sip of our waters wondering how to continue.

"You're a professor," she said unsurely.

"Now, that's more than you should know," I said humorously.

"I have a friend who took a class with you," she answered. "She told me you were a disdainful asshole, who'd written a few books only critics like."

"That's an accurate description of my faults," I said thoughtfully. "But I would like to point out that I'm only an associate professor, and any show of disdain comes wrapped in a wicked wit."

"Why is only being an associate important?" she asked.

"Nobody cares if I flirt with the occasional pretty student," I informed her.

"She did say you were funny," she replied. "And fucking hot!"

"Does hot make up for asshole?" I asked her eagerly. "Witty definitely trumps disdainful, at least in my opinion but I must admit to bias."

"She told me you weren't an asshole to everyone," she said ignoring my attempt at humor. "You were always nice to her; you even let her make up for work she missed."

"I teach creative writing, Susan," I said. "Kids take my class for an easy grade; I try to oblige within limitations."

"Is the woman you come here with your girlfriend?" she asked suddenly.

I took a deep breath and stared at her.

"I saw you kissing her the other day," Susan said quietly.

"L thinks of herself as my big sister. I have one of those so I would know," I told her sadly. "There's something not there between us on her side."

"Do you regret that?" she asked leaning forward.

"I wouldn't be sitting here if whatever is missing for L wasn't," I responded honestly.

Susan and I ran into each other more often around campus after our conversation and always took the time to say a couple of words. She accepted my invitation to lunch one afternoon. Sometime during the meal, she invited me to go on bike ride with her that weekend.

A bike ride for Susan was incomplete without a few falls so we were pretty dirty when it was over. I offered to buy her dinner, but she pointed out the mess we had made of our clothing.

"You can take a shower at my place," I told her. "I have some sweats you can wear if we don't go anywhere fancy."

She readily agreed and we headed to my place.

Like with Stephanie, I forgot to consider L but she was nowhere to be found when I opened my front door. I sighed in relief after opening my bedroom door and not finding her inside. I grabbed a pair of sweats, handed them to Susan, and pointed her towards the bathroom.

"Do you want something to drink?" I asked.

"Water," she said over her shoulder as she walked into the bathroom.

I came back upstairs a couple of minutes later with the water. The bathroom door was open so I peeked inside.

Susan was standing in front of the mirror in her underwear. Her panties were small enough that most of her ass was on exhibit. I caressed the skin of her lower back with my eyes before looking in the mirror. Her breasts were the perfect size for her frame.

Our eyes met in reflection.

"I have your water," I told her softly.

She tapped a spot next to the sink with her left hand. I entered the bathroom and stood behind her. I reached around and put the glass down. Susan backed up until her body was touching me.

"Can you tell me about those hopes?" she asked.

I wrapped an arm around her and flattened my hand on her tummy.

"I love your ass," I told her. "I don't feel anything on the exercise machine if I'm staring at your ass."

She pressed against the sink and leaned forward. I moved my hands down until I could grab her ass. She must have turned off the light because the bathroom dimmed as I touched her skin.

I spread her ass cheeks and traced the line of her body around to the front. The panel covering her pussy was moist as I pressed my fingers against it. Susan's breathing heightened when I could not control the urge to grab her panties and pull them down her legs. She spread her legs when my fingers went questing again. I knelt down behind her and scored her ass cheeks with my teeth.

My dick pulsed with the need to be inside Susan as the aroma of her desire made me dizzy. I penetrated her body with two fingers and she pushed back to get them deeper. I stood up, ripped the bra from her body, and lifted her into the shower.

The hot water washed away the dirt and sweat, but inflamed the reason we stood naked underneath its spray. Susan turned in the circle of my arms and pulled me down for a deep kiss. Her hands pulled the clothes I had forgotten about off my body until I was naked. She pushed my back against the wall and rubbed my hard cock with her tummy as we continued kissed. My hands were on her ass pressing her against me.

She squealed when I reached down and picked her up. She must have thought I was planning to fuck her right there and complained when her body went up higher than necessary.

She grabbed the shower rod as my mouth touched her center. I had lifted her high enough to taste her. She let out a full-throat yell when my tongue penetrated into her.

Her excitement was easily discernible from the water, and it increased when I sucked on her clit. Bringing my tongue to bear took Susan over the top, and she yelled out her pleasure again.

I wanted more of the same so I kept at her; she wriggled trying to make me release her. Her clit was sensitive after the orgasm but I did not relent. She pulled hard on my hair as the second orgasm flooded her.

I slid her body down mine until my dick touched her heat.

"Yes!" she whispered reaching down for me.

I stepped out of the shower and walked into my bedroom while Susan tried to stuff me inside of her. I knelt on my bed and lifted her a little higher. It gave her enough room to straighten my dick and place me where she wanted.

I lowered her.

Susan's head went back and her eyes with it as I opened her body with mine. She gasped as her weight worked against her body's discomfort at my size. She let out a soundless cry when I hit bottom, grabbed her ass cheeks, spread them, lifted her up, and impaled her deeper onto my cock.

I held my cock pressed against the deepest part of her body until Susan dug her nails into arms.

"Jesus!" she screamed as an orgasm overcame her defenses.

I set her down carefully. My hands grabbed Susan's legs and pushed them against her chest spreading her. I turned as I felt a hand on the small of my back.

L sat naked on the bed next to us.

"It's okay, sweetie," L whispered when Susan tried to get up. "Enjoy my beautiful son; I made him for you."

Susan relaxed and moved her hips in small circles enjoying the feel of me inside her.

"Look at her, Miguel," L instructed.

I turned my eyes on Susan.

"Really look at her!" L said stroking my hair.

The room darkened as if I were drawing in the light. L started to glow with her unearthly brightness, and Susan seeped with the orange I had seen in the gym.

"Push her!" L whispered.

I looked at her confused.

"You've been doing it," she encouraged. "To Stephanie, to that dickhead's wife, even to me! Push her!"

Their lights became brighter as something inside of me reached out and fanned their source.

"Push her!" L chanted.

I pulled my hips back and fucked into Susan as hard as I could. I did not know how to do what L wanted but it seemed connected to sexual pleasure. I sawed my cock in and out of Susan, lifting her higher and drinking from the glow of her pleasure.

Nothing in the room had any light except the two women; the darkness inside of me pulled on them. I shook my head angrily and discarded L from my awareness.

There was only Susan and her lust.

She screamed as an orgasm rocketed through her and then another. It was not enough for me; there was not enough light to feed me!

I turned her over on to her hands and knees. I imagined her on the Stairmaster; months of staring at her nearly perfect ass, wanting it, needing it, and now having it.

It was not enough to feed me!

I fucked Susan in mad strokes: making the light brighter, and my hunger for more greater. Her body clamped down on me during another orgasm and my body warmed, as finally her pleasure seemed enough.

Susan's light was blinding.

"Push her now!" L's voice said inside of my head.

I knew what she meant; what I had done to Stephanie that made her fuck me for a grade, that made the department head's wife fuck L and me in her husband's bed, and what made Susan need me.

I pushed her!

Susan's light fragmented, and came back together in a different pattern.

She pushed back!

I erupted inside of her as she fed the darkness.

"Beautiful little girl!" L whispered stroking Susan's hair. "My beautiful daughter!"

I was exhausted but my cock was still hard. I moved in and out of Susan building up the energy to continue.

"Get off her!" L growled.

I growled back in anger.

L pushed me.


It behooves a writer to be exact.

I pushed Stephanie, a college student who while not serious about fucking me for a grade, had thought about the possibility. I pushed the department head's wife, an unsatisfied woman in search of adventure, and a way of getting back at her husband. I pushed Susan, an iris being ignored in a sea of roses.

So when I describe what L did as a push, I am speaking of the act not its power.

An accurate description of its power would have been 'launched'.


L launched me off the bed; zero to escape velocity before I hit the window. The glass, frame, and part of the wall disintegrated when I blew through it.

I had a strange thought during my flight.

I remembered when my big sister had done the same thing to me down a flight of steps. We were playing at jumping steps, but she did not know if the next height was safe. She dared me to and when I would not do it, she helped me get over my fear.

Hitting the ground at the bottom of the steps sounded a lot like the impact I made hitting the car parked in my driveway.

More glass exploded as the top of the car absorbed my momentum.

"Hey, chap!" a cheery voice said from beside the car. "If you didn't like the vehicle, you only needed to tell us. We could have gotten you a different one; no reason to destroy it."

A British accent!

Why couldn't it have been an Australian accent? An Aussie would have known to bring beer and lots of ice! The Brit did not even have the decency to have a bottle of aspirin handy.

I rested my head back and looked up to my window; orange and white light mated.

"Looks like our mother has a new daughter," the Brit said happily.

I thought the British were supposed to be dour?

"You've done good, chap," he said patting my arm. "Very good!'

I was about ask him what I had done exactly, but fainted instead.




I drifted towards the light slowly. I pondered whether I actually wanted to get to the light or if I should roll over and swim back into the darkness.

"You must wake, Miguel," a male voice accented with British inflections said.

I shook my head.

"The woman is ready for him to feed on, Robert," another male voice said.

I shook my head even harder and rolled over. I tried to swim back into the welcoming arms of nothingness.

"What is he doing?" male voices asked together.

"How would I know?" the British voice answered with anger. "I haven't been human in a hundred and fifty years."

The swimming was not carrying me away from the voices; I was being dragged closer to them somehow.

I swam harder.

"Wake, Miguel!" the British voice commanded.

"Fuck you!" I answered and tried harder to escape.

I felt pain in my arms and opened my eyes. I had slammed my arms against the top of the car I was lying on. I turned my head to the right and saw a nattily dressed man.

"Very well done, Miguel," he said with a nod.

The Brit.

He put his hand on my arm and pulled at me. I didn't have the strength to yank it away so I had to let him drag me off the car.

"You're completely drained," the Brit said to me.

I tried to pull away as he guided me down the block.

"No, Miguel," the Brit admonished. "You must feed!"

A burger with extra-extra bacon sounded real good so I stopped fighting him. He stopped in front of another male who was looking up at one of my neighbor's bedroom window.

I looked around for the person who was going to take my burger order.

"What a waste!" the man said with remorse. "She has a strong sexuality, but her husband ignores the fruit that fate has gifted him with."

"Is she ready?" the Brit asked.

"Ripe for plucking, Robert," the man answered and stepped back.

Robert set me down carefully, making me realize how much of my weight he had been carrying. My legs couldn't hold me so I collapsed to my knees. He crouched by me and turned my face towards the window.

"See her, Miguel," Robert ordered.

"Who?" I asked confused. "I really want that burger with extra bacon so could you get her to bring me one."

"Open your eyes and look at her, brother," he encouraged.

I focused on the window and beyond.

It was beautiful, way better than a hill of extra bacon! A painting of sunflowers, an aria, my mother's chocolate chip cookies, and perfume on the inside of a woman's wrists rolled into one perfect thing.

I reached out for it.

"No, Miguel," Robert said. "That's the succubus way."

My hands stretched grasping for the thing I needed. Robert got behind me and grabbed my wrists. He stretched my arms out to the sides.

"You are incubus!" Robert whispered. "She comes to you."

I growled and tried to pull away.

"Be still, Miguel!" Robert said. "Open, and let her nature drive her to you!"

I stared up watching the thing get sweeter. Robert would not let me go so I relaxed hoping to catch him by surprise.

The thing tasted brighter suddenly!

"Yes!" Robert whispered excitedly. "A black hole for a woman's desire is what you are!"

I felt the thing get closer to me.

"Now, twist her around you," Robert instructed. "Make her travel the outer edges of your gravity, building up speed as she gets closer to the core."

I didn't know what he was talking about it, but I turned the thing's momentum in a circle around me in a way that felt natural.

As it spun behind me, it got closer.

That was it!

I arched my back and stretched my arms out as far as I could.

"Make her dance for you, Miguel!"

The thing danced in circles around me getting closer and closer with each revolution.

"You see, Miguel," Robert said happily. "They will always come to you!"

The thing became frantic in its desire to get nearer; I had to work at controlling its spin.

"Closer," Robert said. "Let her come closer."

It/she was almost touching me.

"Now, push!" Robert commanded.

I shoved the thing away at the same time that I shutdown whatever was holding it near me.

She exploded!

A shockwave of pleasure-made-energy struck me, and I absorbed its power.

"You're weak, Miguel," Robert said. "Take everything she has to give you!"

Some of her pleasure was escaping. Robert said nothing about my reaching out for it so I pulled as much as I could into myself. She exploded again, and then once again.

Robert gave me time to recover from the gluttony of the woman's feast. I could see her; she lay on an empty marriage bed bathed in sweat and gasping sobs of breath from the intensity of her release.

"There's a wall between us," I whispered. "Why can I see her?"

"She is a sexually vibrant woman, Miguel," Robert said pulling me up to my feet. "You're not seeing her with your mind, but with your soul."

"It's true then," someone said.

I looked around to see six men surrounding us. I was thrown by how good-looking they were.

"The mother's direct sons are the strongest," a different male said.

"I told you that," Robert replied in an exasperated voice.

"Only you have met a direct son, Robert," the others chorused.

"Okay, fuck that shit!" I exclaimed. "Pod people who can't talk as individuals have to go across the street! I'm not going to listen to six voices explaining what the FUCK is going on here!"

"Forgive them, Miguel," Robert said soothingly. "They have the same mother, and learned how to be incubus together."

"Incubus?" I asked.

"That is what we are!" the others said.

I turned to glare at them, and got half-shamed smiles for my effort.

"Go," Robert told them.

They turned and got into the six expensive sport cars that lined in the street.

"You should tell them to move those cars," I informed Robert. "Mrs. Smith is a nosy bitch, and she'll call the cops if you're parked in the street too long."

I noticed the silence surrounding us finally.

"Actually, Mrs. Smith should be out here," I said confused. "It's been a while since someone got thrown out a window in this neighborhood. Like maybe never, but if it ever happened Mrs. Smith would definitely know!"

"We're redirecting your neighbors' attention," Robert said nonchalantly. "Come, Lilith is almost done with your daughter."

"Lilith?" I asked following him when he started walking back to my house.

"The mother," Robert said when I caught up. "That's her name."

"Lilith," I whispered trying it out.

"You didn't know?" Robert asked curiously.

"She told me her name was L," I told him. "That if I were lucky, I would learn the rest some day."

"You were... lucky," Robert said sadly refusing to meet my eyes. "Very lucky, I guess."

"Lilith," I repeated softly. "I like it."

"For now," Robert answered.

I looked up at the space that used to be my window; the white and orange lights had softened.

"So what's this about incubus?" I asked.

"It's what you are now," Robert replied. "A very special kind of incubus."


"You must have noticed Lilith was different," Robert said turning towards me.

"The Christmas light imitation gave it away," I said sarcastically. "I haven't fucked every woman, but I think I would have heard about one that did that if it were something that happened even rarely."

"You are Lilith's creation," he said shrugging. "I simply assumed there was something different about Lilith from the other women in your life."

"Okay, how about this... start at the beginning," I said angrily. "None of this shit makes sense anymore."

"God created woman, and she was good," he intoned. "But Adam did not agree."