Ben and Streek: Clone Saga Ch. 01


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A frown came over her face. "What the fuck am I going to do now?"


The female Streek moped around in the room for a while. She had changed into a smaller pair of pants, and put on an extra pair of socks so that her shoes weren't so loose. She also put on a tight fitting singlet under her T-shirt hoping that it would stop her big boobs wobbling around so much, she really needed a bra.

The other Streek must have gone away, or else was keeping very quiet. 'There's another version of me out there keen to rape me.' Ben could override the lock. That's probably what I would do, get one of the Bens to help me open the door.

Streek flopped down on the bed and thought about it. The machine might be able to turn her back the way she was. She remembered the Chapter in the book, "Making Modifications to the Clone." She didn't read the whole chapter, perhaps it was possible to make modifications after the clone had been created.

'Yeah, that Alien pod has to be able to change me back. I just need to get back to Ben's workshop without getting raped.' Streek went to the view-screen again, and began hacking into the ship's cameras. Ben was the computer genius but Streek still knew a thing or two.

Soon she had several videos up on the screen showing what was happening in the ship. Ben was still fighting his clone in the mess room. She found the other Streek sitting in the cockpit, tapping at the computer, 'Was he trying to override the door lock himself?'

Then Streek saw another Ben sitting on the can in the lavatory. "Whoa, a third Ben?" she said, puzzled. 'Why would he want to make another clone?'

The video of Ben's workshop showed it was empty. 'Good, now's my chance.' Streek unlocked the door and cautiously stepped out into the corridor, she walked quickly up to the mess room. The fighting Bens once again didn't notice her as she slipped past and into the workshop.

She locked the door behind her. Streek walked up to the Alien machine and looked for the book. She just picked the book up off the bench when there was a familiar voice behind her... "Come here often beautiful?"

Streek gasped and spun around, The other Streek was standing there smiling at her. "What the Fuck?! You're supposed to be in the cockpit!"

"Yeah, I thought you'd take a peek at the cameras and I thought you might try to get back here, so I got my other clone to help me with a bit of deception."

"Your other clone?!" Streek hadn't thought of that.

"Yeah, my other clone. Check-mate!" said the other Streek as he moved over and unlocked to door.

"Stay away from me, Motherfucker, or I'll tear your balls off!"

"Come on, don't be like that. I'm not gunna hurt you. I just want to get to know you better." he said moving slowly toward her.

The female Streek backed away keeping the bench between them. "I know what getting to know me better involves, forget it!"

"Relax baby, you're just another version of me, I love sex, so you would love sex as well."

"but you don't like getting raped, do you?!"

"I really don't want to have to rape you. So why don't you just relax and let me make you feel good?"

The male Streek had slowly followed her around the bench until her back was to the doorway, she spun around to dart out of the door again but instead she ran right into the other Streek who got hold of her. "I see you've met my other clone." he said to her.

"You're the other clone, I'm the original Streek." said the other one.

"LET GO OF ME!!" The female Streek cried out trying to get free. But her male self kept a firm grip, he was stronger than her.

"Come on don't be like that, I'm not gunna hurt you, I just want to get to know you better."

"I already said that!"

"Then let's take her back to my quarters and get started then."

"Let me go. Why don't you assholes just go and fuck each other?"

The two Streeks just laughed as they dragged their struggling female copy out of the workshop. When they got her into the mess room, the two Bens stopped fighting when they saw them. "What's happening here?" Ben asked, his face was swollen and red.

"I'm just going to have some fun with my new clone," said one of the male Streeks.

"Wow, a girl clone. I didn't know you could do that."

"You should try reading the manual for once."

The female Streek looked at Ben with pleading eyes, "Help me Ben, they're going to rape me!"

"Heh, she's a little reluctant, but she'll come round," said one of the other Streeks.

Ben smiled, showing that he was missing a tooth, "I think I'll get myself one of them!"

They continued dragging her down the corridor, and into Streek's quarters. One of the Streeks had her arms pinned behind her back. They were stronger than her, her struggling wasn't doing her any good at all.

She tried kicking and kneeing their balls but they were avoiding her attacks. One of the male Streeks grabbed at her tits through her shirt. "Ya gotta love these melons, that Alien machine does wonders."

"Ow, stop that, you prick." she said as he roughly squeezed and fondled her big boobs.

"Here, on the bed." said the other one and she was pulled back onto the bed. One of the male Streeks had her arms pinned up over her head, while the other lifted up her T-shirt and singlet underneath, exposing her bare breasts.

"They are lovely, just like Lisa Lovejoy's!" said the one holding her down. He was referring to their favorite holoporn star.

The other one rubbed at her breasts and pinched her small pink nipples, sending short darts of pain through her body. "Yeah, we should call her Lisa. I bet she'll end up being a real cock-hungry slut too!"

"Stop it, let me go. ...What about the Feds? We need to be getting rid of the machine, remember!"

"Yeah we'll get around to that, but if we're going to be arrested by the Feds, I'm gunna make sure I get laid first!"

"Yeah!" agreed the other Streek. The male Streek moved his head to her tits and began licking and sucking her nipples as he continued squeezing and fondling the boobs.

The female Streek's nipples become hard. The intense stimulation from the mouth and hands around her sensitive boobs was causing strange sensation in her groin. "You enjoying that Lisa?" said Streek. "Let's get a look at that pussy."

He tore himself away from her tits and began unbuckling her pants. He pulled off her pants slowly and with great difficulty as she continued to struggle and fight. Then he pulled the white and red spotted boxers down till they were around her knees.

His hands swept along her soft pubic hair and then a finger rubbed along the thin, pink lips of her slit. His rough prodding along her soft, sensitive flesh sent small waves of pleasure through her mind, yet she didn't want him touching her there. She tried to close her legs tightly, but he forced them apart. "Ah there it is." said Streek with a big grin, "...It looks nice and tight!"

"Where, let me have a look." said the other Streek, he let go of her arms as he tried to move around to get a better view. The female Streek lashed out and punched the Streek that was touching her pussy right in the jaw. She flailed about a bit more before he managed to grab her arms again.

"Drakk it!" said Streek clutching his jaw, "Keep hold of her, she's fuckin' wild!"

He stood up over her still rubbing his face, "At least she hits like a girl." He unbuckled his pants and pulled out his fully erect six-inch cock. "I've got a raging boner. I need to stick it in this little wildcat."

Streek felt her heart beating wildly, she was terrified, she didn't want to be raped. "Hey! no wait!" said the other male Streek. "I let you play with her a bit, but I'm gunna be the one to fuck her first. I'm the original Streek."

"No you're not! You're a clone too. I made you both!"

"Like fuck you did! You're the clone, not me. Now come and hold her down so I can pop her cherry!"

"Don't you start this shit with me, clone, just keep hold of her for me." He started to climb on top of her.

The other one let go of her again and pushed him off the bed. "No you don't clone! That cherry's mine!"

The female Streek struggled to get up, but the Streek that was holding her got on top of her and forced her legs apart. She growled loudly and struggled to fight him off with her free arms. She could feel his hard cock prodding at her crotch, looking for her tight opening. The the other male Streek grabbed him and pulled him off of her.

The two male Streeks began shouting, and were full on grappling and trading blows with each other as they tumbled along the floor. The Female Streek quickly took the opportunity to get off the bed and slip out of the room, pulling her T-shirt down and her boxers up as she went.

"She's getting away!" came a shout from the room as she ran down the corridor, she was heading toward the stern, into the cargo bay.

The cargo bay was stocked with eight large pallets, stacked up with boxes of Star ship parts. There was no exit, other than the way she had come in, and the large bay doors which opened out into the cold vacuum of space.

Streek hid herself between some pallets. 'Damn, I trapped myself in here! I should have gone the other way and locked myself in the workshop again, tried to get the stupid alien machine to change me back.'

The two Streeks appeared at the entrance. "You like to play games, do you Lisa? Come on out and we'll play some fun games with you."

"Didn't it get you all hot, having two studs fighting over you? We worked it out between us. One will get your pussy virginity and the other will get your ass virginity."

"Stay here and guard the exit." One of the Streeks said to the other.

"Yeah Okay, but I don't take orders from you, clone!"

"Shut up, stupid fucking clone!"

The male Streek walked slowly through the cargo bay, looking between each of the pallets. When he reached the end he walked back along one of the edges. "Come on baby, just come out. Don't you think you kept us waiting long enough? You know we're gunna get you sooner or later."

He came back to the middle of the cargo bay, between two stacked pallets, he didn't see the girl anywhere. "Dude, are you sure she came this way?"

"Yeah positive, where else would she have gone? Check up on top." Suddenly, a heavy box of components was pushed down on top of him with a loud crash.

"Oh fuck!" said the Streek at the doorway. She threw a heavy, football-sized capacitor down at him. He reacted quickly, catching it and stumbling back. She jumped down in front of him and then kicked him hard in the balls. He cried out in pain, dropping to the floor. Female Streek stepped over him and fled the cargo bay.

She ran down the corridor and into the mess room. There were four Bens in the mess room now. They were multiplying! She turned to go into the workshop and ran into another Ben. "Oh hey there!" he said smiling. "Nice jugs, you wanna come and join us in my workshop, eh?"

Streek backed away slowly, was Ben going to try and rape her now? Nowhere on this ship was safe for her, there was no escape. Escape! she turned and fled, she knew where she needed to go.

Streek headed for the cockpit. Underneath the cockpit sat the ships' escape pod. She needed to escape the ship before she was raped.

When she got to the cockpit Ben was sitting in the Captains Chair. 'Drakk! how many of them are there?'

There was a hatch on the floor at the back of the cockpit, it had "ESCAPE POD" printed on it. Streek got the big wrench from its spot on the wall and began using it to open the hatch.

"Hey! Girl Streek. What are you doing?" Ben had turned around and was watching her. "You can't go in there. I'm the Captain, and I don't authorize you to use the escape pod."

Streek stood up and raised the heavy wrench above her head "Sorry Captain."

"Uh, hey wait..." said Ben as the wrench came down and whacked him on the head. He dropped to the floor unconscious. Streek got back to opening the hatch. She just got it open when she heard someone else entering the cockpit. She raised the wrench up ready to strike again.

The person came in, and Streek found herself face to face with another girl. She was unmistakably a clone of Ben. She had his short, sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. She also had a large, wobbling pair of boobs under her 'Quadrilogy' T-shirt. Her eyes whirled around to the female Streek, the raised wrench, the unconscious Ben on the floor and the open escape hatch.

"Escaping eh?" she said. Streek lowered the wrench.

"Come on, hurry up and get in." Streek got down and started to climb down the escape hatch.

"Wait up," said female Ben. She went over to the command console and started tapping away. "We can't launch the escape pod while the ship is in hyper-warp, it'll get torn apart."

"Oh" said Streek, she climbed down the ladder and down into the Pod. Streek had never been inside the escape pod before, it was very tight and cramped. Obviously designed for just one person to stand in. Soon Ben was climbing down the ladder, her butt pressed into Streek's face as she closed the hatch.

"hmmmph," Streek protested as Ben climbed down further. She tried to press herself up against the padded wall but her big boobs were rubbing along Ben's feminine body.

The small space forced their bodies to press against each other, Ben was taller and chubbier than Streek, her big boobs pressed against Streek's head. "I think this thing was designed for only one person, are we going to be able to breathe in here Ben?"

"Yeah, sure, don't worry about it." Ben said in her usual dismissive manner. Ben reached up and pressed some buttons on the wall. Someone began banging on the hatch. "I don't think they want us to leave," she said.

"Yeah, well I don't really feel like hanging around." said Streek.

"Brace yourself for launch then."

"Brace myself? I'm packed tight in here like a..." the pod suddenly lurched violently sending the girls' stomachs reeling. They looked up and saw the Clubber Lang through the hatch view-port, getting smaller and smaller out there in space.

"There goes my ship," Ben said sadly. "I barely got to know her."

"There goes my chance of getting my dick back."

"I suppose you're going to blame me for this."

"Of course it's your fault. You never should have bought that damn machine on board in the first place!"

"Yeah, well it was your idea to make female clones."

"I didn't think it would turn out like...this, I didn't think it would turn me into a woman."

"technically, it didn't turn you into a woman. It copied over all of Streek's memories and experience up until he took that brain scan, and put it into you--the female clone he created. That's why it seems like you were turned into a woman."

"Yeah, thanks Ben. I kinda figured that out already. What I wanna know is, could we have used the machine to change this body into a mans' body like it seems I used to have?"

"I don't know. The Nanobots in the Pod can construct an organic organism molecule by molecule and then the machine brings life to it. I don't know if they can reconstruct organisms while they are living. You'll have to ask some egghead who's been studying these things for decades."

"Yeah...great, I'll just ask one of them."

Ben's big boobs continued to push into Streek's face, she turned her head to the side so they were resting on her cheek, her own boobs were pressed up against Ben's torso. "How many Ben clones were there?" she asked.

"I dunno, I was fighting with them, and the clones started making more clones, and things got crazy. I saw you, and decided I wanted a girl clone for myself, and then I was the girl clone, and they were going to gang bang me, but they were fighting over who would go first, and I decided to escape, and that's when I ran into you." Ben looked down at her with a sorrowful look on her face. "Look, I'm...I'm real sorry I didn't help you when you were going to get raped by those guys."

"Those guys were me," she said sadly. "How can I be pissed off at you, when it was me who was going to rape me." Tears filled her eyes and her voice became a high whine, "God, I'm such an asshole!"

"Are you crying?" asked Ben.

"No!" cried Streek.

"Yeah you are, look it's just that our brain chemistry is a little different now, you're not used to it."

"Whatever!" said Streek sniffling. "...What do you thinks going to happen to them?"

"Well if they don't end up blowing up the ship, the Feds will get them for sure."

"What now for us?" asked Streek.

"Well the escape pod is programmed to take us to the nearest class-M planet."

"Where's that?"

"I have no idea."

"How long will it take?"


"What will happen when we get there?"

"I wouldn't have a clue."

"How fun," said Streek dryly.


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EtaskiEtaskialmost 11 years ago
You know, Axelotl....

That has to be the funniest and most ludicrous rape attempt I've ever read. XD Almost like Calvin and Hobbes' Duplicator meets KODT's Boberella. In space. With jubblies.

You really opened up some doors here, too. Nothing but sheer curiosity for the coming hijinks to see where this goes. :)

AxelotlAxelotlalmost 12 years agoAuthor

LOL "too fucked up" Thanks for that Little Bird. XD

Little BirdLittle Birdalmost 12 years ago

All that rape obsession is really too fucked up to make this readable.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Great so far!

Very entertaining also I'm glad that there's finally what appears to be a gender bender type story with lesbianism instead of the transformee always being raped by guys etc.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Now this what I call a fun,entertaining read!

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