Ben and Streek: Clone Saga Ch. 04


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"No, we should hold on to him, when we get the Cloning Pod perhaps we can use a clone of his to infiltrate the Pirates."

"Always looking at the big picture grandpa, that's why I can never beat you at chess! ...We're gunna go out again soon, Try and catch us a Pirate who knows something, but if you want us to back you up in your hunt for the Cloning Pod, then just say the word."

"Thank you dear, I will keep that in mind. Just don't go getting in over your head."

"Hey, it's me!" she said giving him a sly grin. "...We're just waiting for Zac to finish his upgrades to the Van Halen and we'll be off."

"Is that your ship over there at the far end?" asked Ben.

"Yeah, that's the 'Van Halen', fastest ship in the galaxy!" said Zac

"Really? what kind of engines does she have?"

"Twin engines, two heavily modified Valcore sixty four hundreds."

"No shit?! What kind of power output do you get from it?"

"Over four hundred thousand Gs." Ben looked at him in disbelief.

"Bullshit! That's not possible in a ship that size!" The ship was around the size of the Clubber Lang, and if it was true, the power output was over fifty times that of Bens' ship.

"Alien Tech baby, it makes things possible." said Zac.

"But you would be forever replacing the modulators."

"Not with the way I've restructured the power distribution cabling."

"Wow, you have heavily modified it, haven't you?!"

"Would you like to come and have a look?"

"Yeah, I would. I gotta see this for myself. Do you want to come Streek?"

"Ah, no I'll pass thanks." Ben walked off with Zac over to the other side of the huge cargo bay.

"Well, I should go and see the General, how has he been?" asked Dr. Arnott.

"Busy, like always." said Mia "...but he'll be glad to see you again."

"Would you mind showing Lisa around for me?"

"Oh, I was going to go and do some martial arts training. I've got the holo-shed booked."

"Can I join you?" asked Streek.

"...Yeah, why not." said Mia hesitantly.

"Go easy on her. She's had a rough couple of days." said Dr. Arnott.

"Oh I'm fine." said Streek. I've just been lost in the desert, drugged, raped and stabbed. Mia looked at her again with her intense green eyes, Streek couldn't tell what she was thinking.

They left the Doctor, and Streek followed Mia out of the huge docking bay and into a turbo-lift. Mia didn't say much to her as they went. Streek decided to break the silence between them. "So, is Zac your boyfriend or something?"

"No, he's my brother dummy, couldn't you tell?"

"Not really, no."

"Your blonde friend seems pretty interested in him."

"Ben? ...I mean Bernie? No, she's just interested in his ship and modifications, she's really into that stuff."

"If you say so."

"Is Dr. Arnott really your Grandfather?"

"No, but he's like a Grandpa to me, so you better take good care of him out there, or I'll hunt you down and make you suffer."

Streek looked at Mia, she gave no indication that she was kidding.

There was a brief silence between them.

"So, who are you clones of? Someone important? More scientists or something?" asked Mia.

"No, no-one important. Just traders, and not real successful ones at that."

"Can you fight?"

"Yeah, I know a move or two. Dr. Arnott used the mind-write thing on us. It hurt like a mother-fucker, but it's awesome!"

"Good, cause where we're going, you're gunna need that, and your freaky healing powers!"

They walked through the variety of different rooms and hallways of the different ships that made up the Space Station. They passed a few people here and there, Mia seemed to know everyone and said hi to them, she didn't bother introducing Streek.

They all stared at Streek as she passed by, she was an unfamiliar face and they were curious. A lot of the men didn't seem so interested in her face though, and Streek could feel their eyes on her body. She cursed the stupid outfit she had to wear with its' short miniskirt and open cleavage.

They got to a big Drummond Cargo Hauler that had been converted into a gym. Weights and exercise equipment were set up around the large room that used to be the cargo bay, there were a couple of people working out there, that didn't pay them any notice.

Mia pointed out a door on the wall toward the stern. "That's our holo-shed, we use for training, have you done any holo-sims before?"

"I've been to a few holo-arcades in my time. I held the top score on 'City Rampage 4' in my local arcade for years when I was a teen."

"I thought Grandpa said you were only four days old."

"Yeah, but I had a life before I was a clone, you know."

"Right, well this is no crappy little holo-arcade. We've adapted Alien Tech to it. It's gunna blow you away how real it is. But I gotta warn you girl, I train with the safety protocols disabled, and on a high difficulty level. If you don't wanna get hurt, you can just work out on some of the equipment here or something."

"Uh, It's gunna be an unarmed combat sim, right?"

"Yeah, my own personal program."

Streek smacked her fist into her palm. "Then bring it on!"

Mia lead Streek to another room away from the holo-shed. When she saw the rows of lockers and low benches and the young brown-skinned woman standing there with her bare breasts out, she realised it was the womens' locker room. Streek had an awkward feeling that she shouldn't be there.

"You can't fight in that thing." Mia said pointing toward Streeks' miniskirt, "...I don't want you flashing your panties everywhere."

"The Docs' stupid 'droid made me this outfit. Latest fashion in New Heidi apparently. I hate it!" said Streek embarrassed.

"I bet the boys love it." laughed Mia, "...Come on, I'll lend you a gi, just try not to bleed on it."

"Oh hey Mia, who's your friend?" asked the half-naked, black woman.

"Hi Michelle, this is Streek. Doc Arnott has recruited her to his cause. I'm gunna put her through her paces in a holo-sim."

"Nice to meet you, uh...Streek. I hope you know what you're getting yourself into, Mia goes hard in that thing, she's always coming out with cuts and bruises and broken bones."

"That was one time I broke my arm. It was my fault, I let my guard down." said Mia as she took her jacket off.

"Yeah well that's what safety protocols are for, you're crazy turning them off!"

"The harsh, violent galaxy out there doesn't have safety protocols, that's what I'm training for."

Mia unzipped the front of her dark blue jumpsuit and pulled the top of it down until it dropped to the floor at her feet, leaving her standing there in her grey bra and panties.

Streek looked over her body, she wasn't quite as tall as Streek and her boobs were smaller, they looked to be around a C-cup, she had very well-toned body, like a professional athlete, obviously the result of a lot of working out.

Hot! thought Streek as she looked at her, if she were still a man she would be getting a hard-on, instead she felt a pleasant tingling in her crotch as her vagina moistened.

Then Mias' intense green eyes were suddenly glaring at her, catching her staring. "Aren't you gunna get changed too?"

"Oh ...yeah." said Streek as she quickly fumbled at her jacket.

Streek stripped down to her underwear and Mia handed her some white clothing from her locker. Streek thought she saw Mia checking her body out as well. I wonder if she's into girls, Streek thought, a fantasy involving lesbian sex with Mia formed in her mind making her smile.

The two girls changed into their gis, the karate uniform was supposed to be loose fitting so it fit her well enough. Mia tied the long black belt around her waist, Streek was disappointed that her body was covered up again, but she thought Mia looked great in the gi as well.

"Lets get to it!" said Mia.

Soon Streek found herself standing in the holo-shed with Mia. It was a large, empty room, roughly thirty by thirty meters. It was lined with foot-long white square panels on the walls, ceiling and floor.

"Command: Run program Mia, slash UAC, slash zero, zero, four." said Mia in a loud, clear voice.

Suddenly the walls around her disappeared and Streek found herself standing in the middle of an ancient eastern village from pre-warp Earth. It was like the setting of a Kung Fu holo-vid, in fact it looked strangely familiar...

"I know this place." said Streek "...Kurioko Village, from the Monkey Fury Saga."

"Wow, you know your Kung fu classics." said Mia.

"I love Monkey Fury, I reckon its on of the most underappreciated..."

"...underappreciated Holo-film series of all time. Me too!" said Mia smiling at her for the first time. Streek thought it was a beautiful smile and couldn't help smiling too.

Streek could feel the sun shining down on her and the gentle breeze rustling her gi, she kicked at the dirt under her feet.

"This is amazing! It's like we've been teleported to a different world, it's so realistic."

"I told you it's more advanced than anything you've seen." Mia said as she bent down grabbing her legs and sticking her nice ass in the air. Streek stared at her for a moment before realising she was stretching.

Streek copied her, bending over and grabbing her legs and she felt the slightly painful tension in both legs, she was quite unaccustomed to exercise in her former life.

Mia continued stretching out in various poses and Streek copied her, Streek could see that Mia was very flexible and to her surprise her own body was quite flexible too.

After a couple of minutes Mia stopped and turned to Streek.

Do you remember that scene from episode one where bandits attacked the village?"

"Oh yeah, that was..."

"Command: start the first wave."

Suddenly a gang of big, rough-looking Asian men appeared around them. Streek quickly got into a fighting stance. One of the men wasted no time rushing at her. Streek instinctively jumped at the advancing foe and kicked him hard in the head, dropping him to the ground.

Other men came at her and she was dodging and blocking their punches and kicks. She counted five men who were out for her blood, Mia was probably also dealing with as many. Streeks' heart began racing as she back-handed one man and then roundhouse kicked another two.

She was taking on a gang of fighters, it was scary, but also exhilarating. It wasn't easy, she had to be aware of everything going on around her, now and then a hard strike caught her unaware and they really hurt, these holobots were punching hard.

Streeks implanted Martial arts training served her well though, and she was winning, frequently sending the men to the ground.

She looked over at Mia. She was fighting beautifully, moving with cat-like grace, and then lashing out furiously, dealing out a lot of hard blows to their heads. Streek saw her dip down and punch a man hard in the balls, Streek winced and the holobot acted in a realistic way, doubling over in pain just as Mia sprung up and kneed him in the face with a sickening crunch. She is too brutal!

An explosion of pain to her face reminded Streek that she wasn't paying attention. She stumbled back and hit a wall, but it wasn't a wall but a strong man who grabbed her arms, pinning her. She struggled, and then hard punches smashed into her torso and head as another man attacked her.

Streek was in a world of pain as the hard blows kept coming, she could see Mia looking at her through her tear-filled eyes.

"M...Mia....ugh! me!"

"Help yourself!" Mia said loudly.

Streek couldn't really think clearly as she was getting punched in the head, but she knew she would have to get out of this herself. She watched her assailant and at the right moment she swung her knee up and smashed him in the groin, making him scream out in pain. Then she slammed the heel of her foot down onto the foot of the big guy who was holding her, he yelled in pain as several bones in his feet broke. She bent forward and swung her head back with force, causing the back of her head to smash his jaw, he released his grip on her as he fell to the ground.

The guy in front of her still clutched at his groin, Streek delivered a series of hard punches to his head until he dropped unconscious. Streek turned around and approached the big, dazed man who was struggling to get up again. She gave a hard, ungraceful kick to his head, knocking him out.

Streek clutched her face, it was getting swollen and bruised, her left eye was closing as it was swelling up, her heart was still beating rapidly and her head was awash with pain. The two gi-clad girls were standing amongst ten unconscious men.

"Ow ...fuck!" said Streek, spitting out some blood "...Why didn't you help me?"

"So that you could learn." said Mia, she was breathing heavily but didn't seem any worse for wear. "...Getting yourself out of trouble is a very important skill to learn. But you're far better off not getting into trouble in the first place. Stay focused!. Command: start wave two."

The bodies of the bandits disappeared and then there were around thirty men encircling them, they each wore black robes and carried hand-axes.

"Oh Shit, it's the Mad Axe Gang from episodes two and four."

Streek looked at all sharp-looking axe blades around her, she clearly remembered the terrible pain of having a blade run through her guts. Streek was shitting herself. Safety Protocols disabled.

"You can't be serious!"

"Focus, or die!" said Mia.

The first man ran at Streek, yelling with his axe held high. Streek kicked him away and immediately focused on the next man. There were men all around her, and axe blades were swinging through the air, threatening to hack parts of her off.

Streek concentrated on dodging the blades and was being pushed backward, she knocked down anyone who got in her way, but was definitely on the defensive.

"Streek, catch!" came Mias voice as a staff came flying through the air toward her, Streek jumped and caught it and then immediately spun it in a three-sixty degree arc, knocking several foes away. The staff was wooden, solid and heavy. I know how to use this.

Streek danced around dodging axe blades left and right and spinning and thrusting the staff, knocking men to the ground all over the place, she wasn't so scared now, but she wasn't going to allow herself to lose her focus.

"Kill 'em Streek, or they'll just keep getting back up!" called Mia, she cut through the neck of a foe with a hand-axe, making his head fly off in a spray of blood to illustrate her point.

Kill them, Fuck!, but they seem so real. A gang-member came at Streek and swung his axe at her head, she knocked it away with her own weapon and then struck him a couple more times leaving him open.

Its just a video-game, she thrust her staff forward with focused force that crushed his throat and snapped his neck. She saw the life leave his eyes as he dropped to the ground. She didn't have time to think about it as a couple more opponents came at her with their axes.

Streek fought on, she began slowly whittling their numbers down and had to step over the bodies of her fallen opponents as she moved.

The bo-staff was not the most lethal of weapons, but was deadly in the hands of a seasoned master. She went for their necks and spines in fast, focused attacks that were killing them off one by one.

Soon she had only around five gang members left and was feeling very confident, she decided to throw down her staff and take them on with her bare hands.

One of the men came at her and she dodged low under his axe swing, grabbed his arm and threw him into another man. She quickly jumped back as an axe swung at her chest, the sharp blade tore open cloth and some skin on her right breast. The pain was intense.

Streek just grit her teeth and gave a fast, strong kick to mans groin. She grabbed the mans' arm and swung his axe into the guts of another gang member coming at her. She got hold of the mans head and twisted, snapping his neck.

Streek rose with two axes in her hands, blood was spilling from the wound in her chest but she didn't care. She gave her three remaining opponents an intense look and then came at them. Blood, body parts and screams filled the air as she cut them down.

When she was done, she stood there panting, covered in blood and standing over a mass of dead bodies.

"Hey what did you do to my gi?" said Mia looking at the cut on Streeks' blood-soaked chest. She was also covered in blood.

Streek clutched at her wounded chest. "Yeah, I'm fine, thanks. Just give me a minute!"

"Sorry, I don't give minutes. Command: start boss stage."

"Boss stage?"

All the bodies and body parts around them disappeared, a lot of the blood that was covering Mia and Streek disappeared as well, but Streek still had a large patch of blood soaked through her gi top.

Mia also had a couple of bloody patches on her where she had been cut. In front of them was a huge man in a black gi with a distinctive, demonic looking helm.

"Oh no, Aneki!" said Streek, wide-eyed.

"Yes Aneki, reckon we can take him?" said Mia.

Aneki was the master villain in the Monkey Fury films, he was the incarnation of evil and was obsessed with making himself stronger and more powerful. Streek hoped he wasn't as powerful here as he was in the holo-films.

"Worms! Who are you to challenge ME?!" Aneki said in a booming voice.

"We're the girls who are gunna kick your fat ass!" said Mia, "...Get him Streek!"

"...right." Streek raised her fists and warily approached Aneki, she feinted a kick and then Anekis' foot slammed into her chest and she was knocked several meters back, tumbling through the dirt.

Her wound hurt like hell and bled some more. She gingerly got up from the ground.

"Oooh, that's not how it's done." said Mia, she launched herself at the villain and let loose with a flurry of punches and kicks. Aneki blocked them all and then struck back at her with a combination of fast and strong attacks. She was knocked back, but stayed on her feet. She wiped the blood from her lip.

"He's a tough bastard, we need to do this together, I'll go high, you go low!"

Streek and Mia came at Aneki again. The intense fight went on for another ten minutes, Streek and Mia kept on hitting him, but he was shrugging off their attacks like they were nothing.

The girls kept at it, chipping away at him and getting knocked back now and then, they both received several new bruises.

Finally they began wearing Aneki down, in desperation he lunged at Streek, she rolled backwards with him and threw his large body into the dirt, Mia was on his back straight away and yelled out "Kiiiiiaaaaah!!" as she punched hard, pulverising his spine in the middle of his back. Aneki screamed out in pain and his legs jerked.

Streek and Mia were both breathing heavily, they were beat up and exhausted, but elated.

"You're insane!" said Streek. "...please don't tell me there's another wave."

"You feel it don't ya?, you like getting your kill on!"

Streek had to admit she did feel pretty good, despite being in pain, she felt like she was high on some exiting new drug. She smiled at Mia through her swollen lips. Mia smiled back.

"It always gets me feelin' pretty antsy, how about you?" said Mia.


"You know, gets your motor running. What would you say to a bit of a more intimate workout."

Streeks' heart started thumping again, Is she saying what I think she's saying?, Is she into girls after all?.

"Uh...I'd say yeah, sure!"

The girls both smiled at each other.

"great!" said Mia. "...let me show you a little place I have. Command: run program Mia, slash BTD, slash zero zero two, password Butterscotch."

The village landscape shimmered and disappeared and Streek found herself standing on an opulent balcony looking over the ocean at sunset. A large luxurious suite was behind them with a big round bed in the centre of it.