Ben and Streek: Clone Saga Ch. 05


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They had reported to Dr. Arnott what Streek had told them, and also about the Pirate woman they saw in the bar.

They were going to check out the Star Ship Impound Facility. If what Streek said was true, the Bens were planning on infiltrating the facility, and that's where they will find him.

Rodferns' upper levels were quite different to the Under-city. Firstly it was much brighter, with the afternoon sky stretching out above them and the sun beating down. Many flying vehicles zoomed high overhead, there were also lots of people walking around the platforms and walkways that stretched out all over the place.

The women up here were dressed in short shorts or miniskirts and tops with open cleavage. Streek was relieved that the Doctor and Makita weren't just pulling her leg about it being the latest fashion.

Bright flashing signs and billboards were all around, advertising various products and services. Large white text scrolled across one of the huge bill-boards, "Federation Blockade is now in place. All off-world travel is restricted."

Ben looked at the map on her TAB, "I think we should get some transport to the impound facility, it's a way East of here." They got onboard a tube train that snaked between the tall buildings at high speed, taking them East.

After coming out of the Tube Station, Ben and Streek looked around, it seemed they were in a light industrial area, there was still plenty of activity around them. Streek saw another Federation Trooper patrol a hundred meters away. Ben pointed across at a huge, grey, solid looking building.

"That would be the Impound Facility, where my ship is. If it were me, and it is, I'd have someone keeping an eye on it at all times. We should split up and look around, if you see any handsome blonde gentlemen, let me know."

"Yeah Okay, watch out for Federation patrols, you're one of their most wanted, remember."

"Yeah I know, you be careful too honey."

Streek went one way, while Ben went the other. She walked around the facility, carefully examining the faces of all the people she come across. She also had her TAB out, running a short-range scan to detect the Bio signs that indicated a clone.

The facility itself had high steel walls, it looked like breaking into there would not be an easy task.

After a few minutes she picked something up on her scanner, there was another clone nearby. She looked around and saw a little crappy diner across the street from the impound facility.

Streek ran the X-ray scanner and looked at the bodies inside the diner there was one sitting at the booth that looked like it could be a Ben clone. Streek called Bens' TAB, "Ben, I think I found one, there's a small diner just south of the facility."

"Okay Streek, wait there, I'll be there shortly."

Streek walked into the diner. The male Ben was sitting alone at a booth by the window, he had a red cap on and was looking down at his coffee.

Streek slowly approached him, and then sat down across from him. Ben calmly looked up at her and blinked, "Girl Streek." he said casually.


"I didn't expect to see you here. How have you been?"

"I've had a pretty fuckin' wild week."

"Yeah, haven't we all. Let me get you a coffee, although it's pretty crappy here." He motioned to the waitress and she come and poured Streek a cup of coffee.

"Where's Girl Ben? Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she'll be here soon."

"How did you find me?"

"We ran into my other selves, they told us you were planning on taking back the Lang."

"Have you come to help me? You know, it may get a little crowded, but there's a place for you two on the crew."

"No, we just want the Cloning Pod."

"Do you? We don't have it anymore."

The door opened and the Female Ben came into the diner, she looked around and saw Streek and her male self sitting at the booth and approached them. Streek slid over and she sat down beside her, watching the male clone.

"I love what you did with your hair." said the male Ben, "...very sexy!"

"Thank you." said Ben.

"He was just about to tell us where the Cloning Pod is." said Streek.

"No, it's gone. I want you two to help me take our ship back."

"Even if you succeed in taking it back, how the hell did you plan on getting through the blockade?" asked Ben.

"We have a place on planet where we can hide her away for now. Maybe I should ask you how to get through the blockade, you made it here after all."

"We're not here for that!" said Streek, "...Just tell us who you sold the Cloning Pod to."

"It's important to you, eh?"


"Then help me get the Lang back and I'll tell you."

"Fuck that!" said Streek.

"Maybe we should consider it." said Ben.

"I say we just dangle him off a building until he tells us, and if he doesn't, we'll squish him on the pavement and get another one. Come on Ben, you're not seriously considering raiding that facility are you?, it's insane!"

"You're scared!" said male Ben, "...Why don't you just go and hide in the shadows with the other Streeks?"

Streek was getting a little angry. "We can make you tell us, you prick, you know that!"

"You would cause a scene in front of our Bluecoat friends." he looked at female Ben, "You don't like the idea of the Clubber Lang being in Federation hands do you?"

"No." she said.

"Then I want you to meet us out the front of this diner at zero hundred tonight. Are you armed?"


"Good." Male Ben stood and put some credit slips on the table, "I will see you tonight. It's been a pleasure ladies."

The male Ben left the diner and Streek turned to the female Ben.

"We're not seriously going to do this are we?"

"I want my ship back."

"And I want my dick back, the Cloning Pod should be our priority."

"I know, you heard the man, he'll help us, if we help him."

"The Doctor's not going to like it. This is not low profile."

"Don't worry Streek, Ben Anders will have a plan."

"I don't often like Ben Anders' plans."

"So it goes down at midnight!" said Ben, "...What can we do till then?"

"I don't think it's a good idea to get drunk." said Streek.

"Nah, you're right. Maybe I can give Nate and Chip a call, we can get laid."

"You're kidding right?"

"Oh right ...lesbian. Maybe we can find Sadie for you."

"I wouldn't want to touch that slut, even if I still had a cock and was desperate. Besides, she made it clear she wasn't after that."

"Then maybe you can fuck me, I'd like to be able to remember it this time."



"It's just ...the idea of sex with you is still a bit weird to me, especially after just seeing our male selves. You know what I'm sayin'?"

"you're saying you're too tightly strung, you should just relax and let me eat out your pussy..."

The middle-aged waitress interrupted, clearing her throat "...can I refill your coffee?"

Streek blushed, "Uh, no thanks, we were just leaving." She rose from the booth and then Ben slowly got up as well.

"We're going back to the ship to report everything to the Doctor." said Streek, "...I bet he won't like the idea of us helping out your other self."

Ben just shrugged and followed Streek out the door.

The two girls found their way back fairly easily, thanks to the maps and navigation system on their TABS. They made it through the Undercity without any other incidents and were soon back inside the Avatari.

"Absolutely not!" said Dr. Arnott. "...You're not to help them steal that ship, it's too big of a risk."

"But I already told him we would." said Ben, "...and he said he'd tell us who he sold the Pod to."

"I want you to capture one of the Benjamin clones. I'll do a Deep Brain Scan on him, then we'll know where he sold the Pod."

"But I gotta get my ship out of there."

"Why? Tell me, of what strategic importance is your ship?"

"It's's my ship! I'm not a Captain without it."

"I didn't explain this to you before girls, but the Resistance functions like a military operation. I am your Commanding Officer in the field. You must follow my orders."

"But we don't know where they are, we just know where they'll be at midnight." said Streek.

"Then that's when you will make the capture."

"Come on Doc, I don't want to take out my fellow clones. We can just help them, and get the information we want. I know we can pull it off."

"You'll do as you're ordered, and that's the end of it!" said Dr. Arnott, then he left the room.

"Damn him!" said Ben, "...I agreed to help him, I didn't sign up for his army."

"I think he's right on this one Ben." said Streek, "...It is too big a risk. You saw that facility, it looked pretty damn secure. And we'll probably need to get off the planet in this Stealth ship anyway."

"That doesn't matter. I don't want to go about it this way. Do you feel comfortable with taking on the Bens and kidnapping one of them? We should make them our allies, not our enemies."

"We had to flee the Clubber Lang in the first place to get away from them, have you forgotten that?"

"Like they said; things got crazy then, we can handle them now."

"I don't want to go against the Doctor, he's done a lot for us."

"I know!" said Ben angrily, "...I need a drink." She walked toward the ships bar.

"I thought we were gunna keep a clear head."

"I am, it's just one beer, you want one?"

"Yeah okay, just one."

When Ben came back and passed her a cold beer, Streek was sitting on the lounge looking at her TAB. "What ya doin'?" Ben asked her.

"Just studying up on New Heidi and Rodfern a bit."

"You never used to study up, you just played video-games and watched pornos."

"Yeah, well I never had an important mission before, we just hauled cargo from one space-port to another."

Ben sat down on the lounge next to Streek and took a swig of her beer, then she put it down and turned to Streek. She started rubbing her arm.

"What are you doing?" said Streek.

"I might have had sex with you and I can't remember it, that's been bothering me all day."

"What if I don't want my pussy licked?"

"Oh, you do, trust me."

"Not right now." said Streek as Ben continued touching her.

"Come on relax, you don't have to do a thing." Her hands moved to Streeks breasts, and Streek let her touch them.

Streek put her TAB down and looked at Ben. Ben pulled down the front zipper of her jumpsuit and opened it up, exposing her white bra. She groped at Streeks breasts and slowly moved her face to Streeks' and pressed her lips against hers'.

Streek could feel her nipples hardening and her vagina tingling and getting wet. Streek pulled away, and pushed Bens' hands away from her breasts. "Let's go to my quarters." she said softly.

When they got into the room, they started kissing and fondling each other again. Streek took off her jacket and holster, then Ben helped pull down her jump-suit so that it crumpled at her feet and she was standing there in her white bra and panties.

Ben fumbled at the hook to Streeks bra, "Still not used to these things" said Ben.

"They're harder to get on then to take off." laughed Streek. Ben managed to get it undone and let it fall to the floor as Streeks magnificent boobs were freed.

Streek giggled as Ben played with her boobs, gently sucking on her rosy nipples, the stimulation was making her pussy continue to tingle and get moist. Streek reached forward and started rubbing Bens' breasts.

She reached for the zipper and Ben helped her take her jump-suit off. The curvy blonde was in her white bra and panties, holding Streek. She gently pushed her back on to the bed.

"I'm gunna make you cum." said Ben as she pulled Streeks' panties off, exposing her dark bush of pubic hair. Streek smiled at her and spread her legs apart, offering her pussy.

Ben got down on her knees at the edge of the bed and put her head between Streeks' legs. She brushed her fingers through Streeks' dark pubic hair. "I love your pussy, it's so cute. All tucked away and pink, with soft dark hair."

Ben put her face close to it and sniffed, then she started gently blowing on Streeks' pussy lips. Streeks' wet pussy tingled. She really wanted it to be rubbed. Ben was teasing her. Streek shuffled about and raised her crotch to Bens' face.

Ben smiled and then started rubbing her tongue along the little slit, making Streek let out a soft "Ooooooh!". Ben continued licking along the length of the labia, and Streek could feel herself getting wetter and wetter.

Ben kissed the tight cunt, plunging her tongue inside, rubbing it against the soft, wet and warm flesh. Streek let out a soft moan. Bens' tongue lashed out inside her for a while, then she moved her mouth away again. Her fingers rubbed against the slit and then spread the folds at the top.

Ben gently blew on Streeks' hard clit, making her shudder. Then she lightly rubbed her tongue around it.

"Oooh God!" said Streek, enjoying the pleasure. Streek grabbed her own big boobs and started rubbing them while Ben worked her magic between her legs.

Suddenly there was a loud rasping sound as Streek farted. Ben lifted her head with a big grin on her glistening wet mouth and she started laughing out loud. Streek wore an embarrassed smile.

"Good to see you're letting yourself be more relaxed." laughed Ben. She fanned the air with her hand and then went back to eating out the wet pussy, and then licking the little bud of her clitoris.

Ben moved her hand up again and rubbed the wet slit with her fingers. Slowly she slipped two fingers inside and started gently massaging the tender insides while she lightly sucked on her clit.

Streek moaned as her pussy tingled wildly and she could feel the strange fluttering sensation she felt with Saladin that night under the stars. The fluttering deep inside her grew in intensity and she knew she was soon going to peak.

"Oooh! ...Don't stop Ben ...Don't Stop! ...ooh!" Streek squirmed and thrust her pussy and Ben moved with her. She was breathing heavily, and cried out as an orgasm pulsed from her pussy and made her whole body feel wonderful.

Ben lifted her head and smiled at her again,

"There you go!" she said.

Streek was still breathing heavily, she got up and moved forward, planting a kiss on Bens' wet lips, she could taste her own pussy juices.

"How did you get so good at that?" she asked.

"You're not the only one who watches pornos."

"Come on." said Streek motioning for Ben to stand again, then she started pulling off her bra.

"You don't have to return the favour..." said Ben half-heartedly.

Streek smiled at her, she was still glowing from her fantastic orgasm, "Shut up and get on the bed, bitch!"

"Ooh, now you're gunna have your way with me!" smiled Ben, getting on the bed.

"You better believe it!"

On the bed Streek got on top of Ben and started rubbing and kissing her large boobs. Her hand rubbed at her soft pussy under her panties as she kissed her breasts.

Then Streek got down and pulled the wet panties down. Ben spread her curvy legs wide for her. Her groin was smooth and hairless, "I had Makita shave me down there when she did my hair, do you like it?"

Streek gave her a big smile, "It looks delicious!"

She wanted to pleasure Ben the same way Ben pleasured her, but she didn't bother teasing. She plunged her mouth into Bens' pussy. Ben was very wet as Streeks' tongue fucked her.

Ben moaned loudly. Soon Streek started licking and sucking at Bens' clit and finger fucking her the same way Ben did for her.

Ben started climaxing earlier than Streek did. She moaned and writhed as she came, holding Streeks' head between her legs.

Soon her orgasm subsided and she let go of Streek.

Streek moved up and kissed her again.

"Yeah, you make a good Lesbian!" said Ben, getting her breath back.

"...Let's go another round!"

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AxelotlAxelotlalmost 12 years agoAuthor

Hey, thanks for your feedback Anon. You might get your strap-on action, don't miss chaper 7. Next chapter, things get a little rough.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Finally just needs more of it...

The lesbian scene was too short, also they should have strapons next. I still gave it 5 stars though. I kind of felt like this wasn't as well done as the previous entries though. The sex seemed kind of lackluster compared to the buildup.

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