Ben and Streek: Clone Saga Ch. 09


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Streek was taken to her and she smiled like she was greeting a friend. "Hi Lisa, sorry about the new accessories, but you've proven that you're quite dangerous, even with your hands cuffed. I think the slave-collar suits you. Do you want to try and start some trouble? see what happens?"

"Okay then" said Streek, she quickly went to kick Skylar, but as she went to move, an agonising jolt of electricity surged through her body and made her scream out and drop to the floor.

Everyone in the room was looking at her. Skylar bent down and helped her get back up again, "Ha! I wasn't sure if you'd actually try it. You're fun!"

Streek then noticed the ring around her finger. It was thick, grey and metallic. There was a raised circle on it, like a button. It didn't look decorative, it looked high tech. It probably served a purpose. Streek wondered what it was.

She shook her head, the pain quickly went away, but it was intense. "How did it know what I was going to do? did it read my mind or my body language?."

"Certain parts of your brain fire up when you're about to commit any act of aggression. The collar monitors your brain activity and responds." Streek nodded, at least she knew what she was up against now. "Anyway, welcome aboard the Jaws III." said Skylar.

"This is the Jaws III?!" Streek had a flashback to her previous life, when the Jaws III swooped in on their small shuttle craft, blasting away. Streek watched the shields whittle away and was certain he was going to die.

"Unfortunately the Cthulhu is currently engaged. I bet you would have found her most impressive."

"I bet it stinks, like all Pirate ships."

Skylar held up Streeks' laser gun. "Nice gun!, Champion Ruby, These things have high capacity batteries, can just keep killing and killing. I think I'll hold on to it for now." she said as she tucked it into her belt.

Then she held up Streeks' TAB. "Your TAB won't turn on for me. I bet there's some tasty Alien Tech integrated into it. My eggheads will be taking a very close look at it soon."

A deep voice came over Skylars' TAB, "Captain Payne to Skylar."

"That'll be the Cthulhu now." said Skylar, lifting her TAB, "Is it done Captain?"

"Negative, we chased them out into the system, but we lost them."

"How did you lose them?"

"They ...were faster than us, and they're invisible to all but short range scanners."

Skylar sighed, "Seems that boy wasn't just boasting. We will need to rethink the Cthulhus' engines. Meanwhile, put out a twenty five million dollar bounty on the Van Halen. Mia Bolton and Bernadette Anders will fetch fifteen million alive and ten dead. Any associates of theirs, and any other Ben Anders clones are six million, dead or alive. You got all that?"

"It is done Mistress." Streek was relieved that her friends got away.

"That boy I talked to on the Van Halen, he's the one who hacked the Fortress Security System isn't he. Who is he?"

"Rocky Balboa." said Streek dryly.

Skylar frowned, "The better you will tell me!"

The doors slipped open and Sadie entered. She walked right up to Streek and gave her a hard slap on her butt. "Bad Clone! ...Bad!" Streek just glared at her.

"You've been running around town bringing all sorts of death and destruction. I had a crew of seven, your lot killed three of them and wounded two. I lost five on New Heidi. I'm gunna get a reputation as the Captain of Death. Tank is furious, he really hates being laid up in the infirmary."

"Tell him next time I'll send him to the morgue."

Sadie smiled at her. "You're hard-core! It's a real turn-on." She looked at Skylar, "Can I borrow her for a while?"

"Don't you have a ship to run?"

"I thought I'd let you do it. I know you like being in charge."

Skylar looked annoyed, "Fine. Don't do any more drugs."

"I wasn't going to."

"...Because I'd hate to have to take the Jaws off you permanently."

"I wasn't going to!" said Sadie irritated.

"Come on Streek." said Sadie, pulling her along with her.

"I'm not going to have sex with you, you disgust me!" said Streek.

"You owe me, sweet-heart."

"You molested me while I was helpless. I owe you a broken neck!"

"Yeah, keep talking like that, you're getting me all wet."

Sadie dragged Streek off to her quarters. Once they got in she slapped Streek over the back of the head. "It's all your fault Cunt! Tempting me to do fuckin' Ryphin with you!" She smacked Streek again, "She singles me out! All the Captains do fuckin' drugs!"

Streek grimaced at her. "You wanna strike back at me? Come on then Bitch!" Streek just stood there, and then spat at her. Sadie opened her jacket and pulled down her shirt, showing a large, purple bruise between her tits. "You kick hard Bitch! look at this. Aren't you gunna say sorry?"

"I'm not!, I'd do it again!."

"Heh, you can make up for it with your actions. Eat out my pussy and get me off, like I did for you."


"Come on killer. You like pussy don't you?" said Sadie, dropping her black pants. "...Or did you enjoy Tanks' big fat cock so much that that's all you want now? I can arrange for you to play with the men for a while."

She slipped off her purple panties and laid back on the bed spreading her legs. Her pubic hair was shaved in a thin, black landing strip and her puffy, pink pussy lips were glistening. She had two large round stud piercings above and below her clit, and there was a barbed wire tattoo on her mound.

It was an unusual sight, but not entirely unappealing to Streek. Sadie lifted her shirt, exposing her fairly average sized breasts with golden rings though each nipple, and several more tattoos on her chest. A thorny rose was inked into her left breast and a shark was inked into her right.

"You can start by kissing my titties, watch the bruise."

"I told you, I'm not having sex with you. You're just Junkie Pirate scum!"

"Really?!" Sadie reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a small, round device. "What's this? could it be the remote for your slave-collar?" Streek just looked at her and Sadie gave her a half smile.

She pressed the button and Streek screamed out as intense pain surged through her entire body, her legs went weak and she dropped to the ground. It was over quickly and Streek sat back up. "You fuckin' Slut!" she spat out.

"You're not some kind of masochist who enjoys that, are you?, you enjoy inflicting pain and death, don't you?"

"Yeah, take my collar off, let me show you!"

"Ha! Listen to me bitch! If I'm not feeling pleasure, then you're feeling pain, you got that?"

Streek stood up again, "Scum!"

"Kiss my titties ...Now!" Sadie said holding up the remote with her thumb hovering over the button.

Streek slowly climbed onto the bed, glaring at Sadie. "Do you feel good about yourself?, having to force people to have sex with you."

"Making me feel good is your job Dyke."

Streek moved her head down and started kissing Sadies' tits. Maybe if she pretended it was Mia... "Yeah, run your tongue along them, suck on my nipples, they're getting all hard for you." said Sadie, leaning back. Streek ran her tongue around the metal rings in her nipples.

Soon Sadie grabbed Streeks' hair and moved her head close and kissed her on the lips. Streek felt her tongue, with its' metal stud, lashing about in her mouth. She wanted to pull away, but Sadie had hold of her.

After a little while Sadie stopped kissing and smiled at her, then she pushed Streeks' head back down to her tits. "Kiss your way down, slowly, to my hot pussy." she instructed. Streek did as she said and caressed her tits and nipples again and then slowly worked her way down her chest and belly until she was down at her crotch. She was hit with the strong aroma of her wet pussy.

"You know what to do." said Sadie. Streek started licking along her pussy lips, Sadie was quite wet and she could taste her tangy juices. "You're gunna have to be more forceful than that if you want to get me off!"

Streek sunk her mouth into the wet pussy and rubbed the warm insides with her tongue. "Ah, Yeah, that's nice, keep that up Bitch!" said Sadie. "I knew you love pussy." Streek had her head buried in Sadies' crotch and continued eating her out.

"So, you knew Naeme huh? Said you beat him into a coma? He was the Captain of this ship, you know, and I used to be his bitch. It wasn't an ideal situation for me, but I was getting a steady supply of drugs to keep me happy. One night Naeme was shitfaced and got it into his head that he wanted to stick it up my ass. He wasn't taking no for an answer. I was badly beaten and ass-raped. You don't just let something like that go. I plotted my revenge."

"...I started to plant ideas in the simple minds of his crew, that they would make better Captains, and that it was ripe for the taking. Before long there was mutiny. Former Captain Naeme was left stranded on an isolated planet with a gun and a single bullet, as is Pirate tradition. The other men were all left fighting over the Captaincy, and fighting over me."

"...Then along came Skylar. She looked us all over and decided that she wanted little ol' me to be the Captain, provided I do rehab and get clean. By then I was sick of being a Pirates' bitch, so I grabbed the opportunity. Surprisingly, Tank was my biggest supporter. He was probably the only one who didn't want to be the Captain, he's just happy being Tank. Don't neglect my clit girl, give it a good tongue lashing for me."

"I think I make a pretty good Captain. Better than Naeme at any rate. Except there's a clone bitch who keeps killing my crew! ...Aaah Yes!, like that, that's good! ...And here I am now, on a knifes edge with Skylar, caught between my dire need to get off my head on drugs and stop feeling like shit all the time, and my desire to stay Captain of the Jaws III in these 'exiting times'."

Streek looked up at her, juices dripped down from her mouth, "I don't give a shit! Go and OD on Zero or something. The galaxy won't miss you!"

"You see, if you keep saying stuff like that, I'm gunna have to break up with you. Get back to work Bitch!"

Streek continued eating her out. She wanted to get it over with, so she gently sucked on Sadies' clit while finger fucking her. Sadie moaned and writhed with pleasure. "Ahhhh Yeah! Oh Yeah!, Keep going, I'm gunna cum! ...mmmmm" Sadie grabbed Streeks' head and held it between her legs and her body writhed and she moaned as she climaxed.

She let go of Streek and slumped back on the bed with a big smile on her face. Streek got up from the bed, she wiped the juices away from her face with her cuffed hands, "Are we done?"

"No." said Sadie, smiling as she got up. She went up to Streek and moved her face close to hers. Streek turned her head away, but Sadie grabbed it and gave her another lusty kiss on the lips. She groped at Streeks' big boobs. "You've been a good girl, I'm gunna give you a little present."

"I don't want it!" said Streek.

"Come now, you're gunna love it!"

Sadie pushed Streek back onto the bed, then she went over and opened up a storage compartment on the wall. She dug around a bit and then pulled out a medium sized black box. She open the lid and then pulled out a fairly large vibrator.

"Here, this one's my favourite! It always gets me cumming hard!" The clear, white vibrator was large and thick, and slightly curved. It had a fat penis-head at the end and a thicker base with a protruding clitoris vibrator. The shaft seemed quite smooth.

Sadie thumbed the switch at the base and it came alive. It wriggled around and thrust up and down and the shaft bulged and throbbed and twisted, it buzzed as it vibrated powerfully.

"You're not sticking that thing in me!"

"Come on Streek, you're gunna love it!"

Sadie turned the vibrator off again and put it down on the bed. She pushed Streek back on the bed and got on top of her. She started unzipping Streeks' dark blue jump-suit.

With Streeks' hands bound in front of her, she couldn't pull the jump-suit all the way down, she slipped her hand down into Streeks' panties and started fingering her.

Streeks' hymen hadn't had time to grow back since she was deflowered by Tank. "Ahh, stop that bitch!" she protested as Sadie rubbed at her pussy.

"No, just relax and enjoy it baby." Soon Streek started to get wet from the stimulation. Sadie pulled her hand from the panties and licked Streeks' juices from her fingers. "Yummy!" she said as she grabbed the vibrator.

Streek struggled against her as she moved it down to her crotch and pulled her panties down. She pushed against her with her cuffed hands. "Stop fighting me, or I'm gunna have to shock you again." said Sadie angrily.

Streek felt the fat head of the vibrator pressing up against her slit. "Just relax and you'll enjoy it Bitch!" Streek cried out as Sadie forced the vibrator into her pussy. She pushed it in deep until Streek felt the little finger press into her clit, and the fat head, prodding deep inside her. The little finger seemed to go very soft and mould itself around her clitoris, making Streek gasp.

Then Sadie switched it on again. Streek immediately felt the powerful buzzing vibrations inside her, and the device throbbing and moving about. The little finger gently vibrated on her clit. All the stimulation was quite overwhelming. Streek moaned as Sadie held the Vibrator inside her and rubbed her breasts with the other hand.

Sadie pulled Streeks' panties back up, so that they were holding the vibrator firmly inside her. She moved back up the bed and straddled Streeks' head so that she was sitting on her face with her pussy at her mouth.

She didn't need to say anything, Streek started licking at her pussy again. The wild movement and strong vibrations in her pussy had it sopping wet. It felt good. Her tongue lashed out inside Sadies' wet cunt.

Streek could already feel the fluttering sensation of a building orgasm. Both girls were moaning with pleasure. Then Skylars' voice came over the intercom, "All hands prepare for landing."

Sadie sighed, "Already? And we were having such a good time!"

Sadie got off of Streeks' face and slid down on the bed beside her, she slid her hand down to her crotch. Streek could feel a strong orgasm building. "Unn! ...No, not yet! ...ooh." she said to Sadie.

Sadie laughed, "First you don't want me to put it in, now you don't want me to take it out. What did I tell you?" She groped and kissed her tits as Streek moaned softly. Then Streek reached her peak and moaned out just as the room shuddered as the Jaws III landed.

The powerful orgasm sent waves of pleasure washing over her body. Sadie kissed her on the lips and Streek kissed her back. Then Sadie moved down and pulled down her wet panties and switched off the vibrator and pulled it out from her hot, wet pussy.

The vibrator was dripping wet, Sadie put it up to Streeks' mouth and she licked it, tasting her own juices. "That's three big Os I've given you. You've only given me one, and a bruise. I'd love to stay here and even the score, but we gotta get dressed and get moving. Skylar doesn't like to be kept waiting."

Sadie and Streek walked down the ramp, exiting the Jaws III. They were in a huge indoors area, like a domed hangar. The air was cold. Skylar was waiting out there wearing a large fur coat. Several armed Pirate men were around her.

"Did you two have a good time?" asked Skylar as they approached.

"Yeah, we did." said Sadie smiling. "I hope you're not gunna be too rough on my girlfriend here."

"She's no good for you Sadie. She's the enemy, it was never meant to be."

"My heart is breaking." said Sadie dryly.

"She not capable of giving herself to you anyway. She's been hurt too much. She's just a cold-blooded predator now."

Streek just glared at her. "Where are we?"

"Not far from the North Pole. It's where I keep my most valuable loot."

"Alien tech." said Streek

"Yeah, you thought it would be at the Fortress didn't you? Silly you! Come on, I bet you're dying to see the Cloning Pod again."

They left the hangar and walked outside. The air was freezing and there was snow everywhere. There was a large open area and a few large buildings around, including a couple of guard towers. The largest was a four storey building to the north. There were plenty of heavily armed Pirate guards around. She also saw scientist in white lab coats here and there, going about their business.

Streek had never heard of Pirates doing their own research and development before, they usually just plundered technology from others. It appeared they were doing what the Resistance was doing, working out how to integrate alien technology into their own weapons, vehicles and devices.

She had seen the evidence of that already, with the Holo-Arena, Ronin Mech and the Cthulhu ship Skylar seemed so proud of.

They come to a large squarish building and entered through the large doorway. They entered a secure room, and the first thing Streek was aware of was the eight-foot tall Cloning Pod in the centre. The room had large steel walls and a very high ceiling. There was a staircase leading up to another open level. There were consoles and machinery littered about.

The Cloning Pod was like she remembered it, sitting in Ben's workshop on the Clubber Lang. It was strangely beautiful, with its luminous silver, curved surfaces. It was the prize that Streek had been longing for. The means of giving her back her male body, the body she truly belonged in. But she had come before it in chains.

There were a few men in the room, a blonde man was working on a console next to it. As they got closer, he turned around and Streek saw a very familiar face. "You're acquainted with Ben Anders." said Skylar, "This is one of him."

"Girl Streek. I'm sorry to see they got you." said Ben-Three.

"We've got matching jewellery I see." said Streek. he could see that he was also wearing a slave-collar.

"You got any news about my fellow clones?" Streek hesitated.

"You just needed to ask." said Skylar. "Three of them got crispy fried in the Arena, before Lisa here trashed it. The girl has taken a ride in a Star Ship, but it'll come to an end soon enough."

"They're dead?" said Ben-Three sadly.

"I'm sorry. I didn't get there in time." said Streek.

"You're one of the blonde-headed cock-suckers from New Heidi!" said Sadie. "...Tank killed one of you there. How many of you are there? You're like fuckin' rats."

"We met before that!" said Ben-Three, snarling at her.

"Oh right, I remember, from that shitty little shuttle. Your weed was shit."

"Is the Cloning Pod ready to start making clones?" asked Skylar.

"Yeah, ...but I haven't tested it yet." said Ben-Three, looking at her with hate-filled eyes.

"That's what we're here for. You can make clones of clones, can't you?"

"Yeah, can."

"Then I want you to make me another McKenzie."

Ben-Three looked at Streek, "Sorry Girl Streek, I gotta do what they say." Streek frowned and nodded at him. "I need some DNA, an FBS and a DBS."

"What's that bunch of letters you just spurted out?" asked Sadie.

"Deoxyribonucleic Acid, Full Body Scan and Deep Brain Scan." said Skylar.

She nodded to a Pirate guard, and he came up to Streek and punched her hard in the face. Streeks' collar surged and she screamed out as she tried to strike back. The Pirate guard then backed away again.

Blood was trickling down from Streeks' nose. Skylar went up to her and wiped some of the blood on her finger, then she went and held it up to Ben-Three, "Your Deoxyribonucleic Acid." she said.

"You could have just taken a fuckin' strand of hair!" said Ben-Three angrily.

"I know." said Skylar. "Go with him for the scans Lisa."

Ben-Three got her to stand in front of the Pod for a Full Body Scan, "Hold on!" said Skylar, she came over to Streek and slipped her TAB and her Champion Ruby into her pockets. "Some birthday presents for your clone."