Bengali Tigress


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"Last chance," she said, wearing a satisfied smirk. "If we enter, I cannot guarantee you will survive." Her smirk curled into those rounded cheeks.

I eased her slightly to the side, and slid the room card through the lock, and released the latch. "The prey has been mesmerized by the haunting eyes of this Tigress. I go to my death willingly."

She gave me that slow, cat-like blink of her eyes, and then slowly backed up, forcing the door open. She turned and walked to the windows, and looked out.

I slowly closed the door, with my mind madly processing what I should do now. "She is so alluring, and I desire the unknown of her. She's like no one I've ever encountered before. I have to be as I've never been before. This must be Nicholas unleashed, and I can only hope it will be enough for her!"

My imagination conjured up all the erotic foreplay I had ever dreamed of sharing with a woman, as I finished walking up to her.

Facing the window, that soft voice asked, "Is prey ready?"

"This is my first 'Tigress' experience, so I may need a little coaching."

She turned. "Then, close the curtains, please, prey. Singapore has rules about nudity visible to the public."

"Well, getting arrested would be bad for my employment." I stepped aside and pressed the switch that auto-closed the curtain.

She stepped over to me, and took my tie in her hands, and started removing the tie tack, which had belonged to my father. "And who should I notify if you expire?"

"Well, if I should happen to succumb from my time with Baghini, then she should contact Coolenetics Engineering. She has already met my boss, Martin, unfortunately."

"A prime example of a man I despise," she said, as she set my tie tack on the dresser.

"As a man, he disgusts me, too. But, as a salesman, he makes me great commissions."

"At least I know where to send your body, then," she said, as her eyes turned to me, with a look that told me it was "prey" time.

She pounced on my suit jacket, jerking the sleeves down until it dropped away. Pushing me against the dresser, she tugged on my tie, yanking one end free, and then tossed it over her shoulder. My belt buckle was her next target.

"God, I hope this works!"

I stopped her, gently holding her wrists. She paused, eyes showing that she hadn't decided whether to let me stop her or not.

I let go of one wrist and brushed her hair back, before I traced the edge of her pretty ear with my finger. She pulled back and looked at me, a sliver of curiosity added as she studied her prey. The moment over, she resumed and went to the buttons of my dress shirt.

She had undone a few of them before I stopped her by putting one hand over the still-closed buttons. I use my other hand to softly wrap around her neck, and then used my thumb to skim along the edge of her jaw. Her eyes rose and searched mine for understanding, while she lightly tilted her neck into my hand.

With my hand still on her neck, she seemed to take a new direction. She reached up to the cuff of my hand covering the buttons and removed the cufflink there.

"Is she trying to create a diversion?"

Once the cufflink was gone, I rolled my wrist and grasped hers. She looked at my hand. I moved my other hand from her neck and used it to run the back of two fingers up the inside of her arm, before I used my thumb to massage the soft area at the inside of her elbow.

She looked at me, and a small curl came to one side of her smirk. That prompted a round cheek to appear. She approved of this conversation.

Relatively leisurely, she took my wrist, and removed the remaining cufflink, and then set both of them on the dresser with my tie tack. Then she waited, with both sides of her smirk curled up, and eyes surveying mine. I could see she was trying to guess my next move.

My face approached hers, and those eyes waited until the last moment before yielding to close. I kissed one eyelid, then the other, and heard the slightest hum from her. As I pulled my face back, her eyes opened with a new softness and started searching around my face. Her decision came when she used her hand to cradle one side of my face, before moving her face close. She set her mouth to skimming along my opposite cheek, from chin to jaw.

Then, my earlobe received a nip. Clear escalation. She pulled back and waited. Her stare was intense, daring this prey to please her further.

"Is this the one? The one who desires my passion for sensuality? I can only hope, for she certainly seems to want what I am doing."

With that hope, I took my time before I put both hands around her cheeks, and moved my lips close to hers. I felt her hand come to rest against the exposed part of my chest. With my tongue, I slowly traced the edges of her lips. That's when I first found her "tell." Her fingers fluttered on my chest and then withdrew. I slowly slid my hands down her now rounded cheeks. Baghini, the Tigress, was now my prey, too.

And that's when it happened. When I slowly pulled back from her face, and found her still in the same position, eyes closed, but with a smile on her face. A full, lovely, white smile. Her eyes opened, while the smile slowly settled back into a grin. The soft look in those almond eyes, as they just kept looking at me, seemed to say that her plans had changed.

"Baghini likes this. Will there be more?"

"So much more, if Baghini asks."

"Then I ask," she whispered, "I want more... please?"

I looked down at her and nodded. Letting my eyes drop, I examined her clothes. Quite conveniently, gold-toned zippers were running right down the center of both her top and skirt. I let my hand drop down to her exposed midriff, putting my fingers on her waist. Her breath paused as I made the first skin-to-skin contact in that region. I wrapped my hand around the side of her small waist, then did the same with my other hand.

Two rounded cheeks were perched above the curled corners of her smirk. Her eyes watched mine, looking at me in a new way. I slid my thumbs up under her top until I found her lowest rib, after which I traced along it, towards her center.

The warmth in her eyes said that I was on the right track. After pausing to enjoy the sensation of my touch, she reached between my arms and set to work on my remaining exposed shirt buttons. She did each as if they were delicate objects, carefully caressing each one before she went on to the next.

I let my thumbs explore her rib and the adjacent stomach while I waited. Once there were no exposed buttons left to release, she snuck both hands inside my open shirt and casually slid her palms around my waist. I brought one hand up to her top's zipper, just below her neck.

Baghini looked up, and this time I didn't tease. I let my lips find hers, and they were heavenly. Gently swirling my mouth on hers, I began pushing the zipper down. Her breaths grew deeper as I progressed down, with the back of my hand brushing the soft, yielding skin of her breast, and the delicate brassiere that held it. All while I kept that first kiss going, with our lips dancing to the delight of the first meeting. And those fingertips of hers danced on my waist, as well.

I leisurely removed my lips, enjoying those slight tugs where our lips stayed stuck together momentarily, as if sad to part. Her hands departed my waist, so I used my hands to cradle both sides of her neck. I paused there while our eyes came to meet, before I slid my hands down, relishing her skin, as her top slid over her shoulders and down her arms. I held onto an edge of her top as it fell away. I placed a kiss on her forehead before I twisted to drape her top over a nearby chair.

As our eyes once again met, I brushed her hair back from her shoulders, then ran the back of a finger on each hand down, following her bra straps. I continued, traveling around the outer edge of her red lace entrapped breasts. Her paused breathing resumed when I parked with my fingers on her adjacent ribs.

Leaving her ribs, I brought my hands up. Her hands stopped me, though, and held both my forearms. She pushed me back the short distance to the dresser and looked down. Then she moved her hands to tug my shirt up, and carefully released the couple buttons she had uncovered. Her head slowly rose, eyes leading, and then moved closer to mine. Her lips entrapped my lower lip, tugging at it, as my shirt was brushed off my body by smooth, skimming hands. My happy hum escaped before I even knew it was coming.

"This is the one. She's definitely the one."

Letting go of my lip, her face turned back down, and her hands moved to my belt. Lazily, as if taunting me with her slowness, she pulled the leather out through the buckle, releasing it from the prong. Then, just as lazily, she pulled the end of the belt out of the buckle. As she did, I kissed the top of her head. I had just started to raise my hand to pull away a few hairs of hers, which had stuck to my lips, before her hairs were pulled from me as her head dropped away.

My first thought was that it was too soon for this, as I felt the tugs on my belt, but I soon had to grin as I saw her tugging to remove my belt using her mouth to grasp the buckle. Knees bent, with one hand on the dresser, she tugged and tugged, apparently finding progress more difficult than predicted. Finally, the remainder of the belt slithered out of the last belt loops with ease... and Baghini fell on her butt.

I tried not to laugh, but it was just too funny to contain. She sat there, with my belt hanging from her mouth, hair draped over her face, and with that soft voice of hers giggling like a schoolgirl.

I got down on my hands and knees, still laughing, and brushed her hair back to see a grin grasping my belt, and happy eyes trained on me. I took my belt and her mouth released it.

"Has Bhagini spoiled the mood?" she asked, with a chuckle, while sitting on the floor with her arms braced behind her.

I canted forward on my four limbs and gave her a soft kiss. One of her arms grabbed my arm below the shoulder, to pull herself to me. After her other arm gained my neck for leverage to hold herself up, her mouth laid into mine with aggression. Her tongue probed the opening of my lips, and our tongues dueled on, and on.

Finally coming up for breath, I rather cleverly held her so that she did not fall back, and she let her grip on me slide away. Then, I sank on my heels as I pulled her to me. Through my elevated breaths, I suggested, "I think we should move to somewhere softer and, well, safer?"

"Will my Bagha take me to his bed, please?" Her sultry voice was mesmerizing with its softness.

I stood up, holding one of her hands, and then helped her rise to her feet. I immediately pulled her to me, turned her, and started walking her, backward, to the bed. Her grin pushed her cheeks so high that the twinkle in her lovely eyes only had room to dance over her pupils.

I purred to her as her calves backed against the bed, "You are my fantasy, and I'm not nearly done with you."

"You do know that Tigers cannot purr?"

"Can there be an exception for your Bagha?" I smiled, as I let her come to rest on the top of the bed, and looked down over her.

"Absolutely." Then the twinkle and rounded cheeks faded to concern. "If I can ask such a thing of you; you will only purr when with Baghini?"

"Only Baghini," I assured, for I knew I meant it. No woman in my life had come close to this kind of sensual play, and I had no desire to "purr" for anyone else. I was not letting her get away without a fight.

A grin rounded her cheeks again, and I grinned back while I reached down and slipped off her bright gold shoes. She wiggled her newly freed toes, which I judged to be because of some soreness. So, I took a nearby chair, dragged it close, and sat. I raised her feet and set them on my knees, whereupon I set about firmly rubbing the heel of my hands into the soles of her small feet.

I saw her head drop down to the bed in my peripheral vision, and smiled to myself.

"Now I purr for you. Ooohh, that is so good after the day I've had."

"And what kind of day was it?" I asked.

"Many meetings. Many presentations, while standing."

"What kind of work does a Baghini do?" I moved to massage the tops of her feet, as I waited a moment for an answer.

She answered first with a short chuckle, then followed with, "The name 'Baghini' is just for me... or you. It is not for my work. I manage a large philanthropic fund."

"That explains the Amex Black card I saw you pay with."

"Mostly," she replied, in total.

Finishing up with massaging her toes, I removed her legs from my knees and let them hang over the end of the mattress. I watched her lazily rotate her feet and wiggle her toes.

"Bismayakara!" she sighed. Then she chuckled. "It means 'wonderful' in Bangla!" She sat up, and looked at my pants. "What else would be bismayakara is if I help you with your pants, which are about to fall off. Stand, please?"

I pushed the chair back, and did as requested. From her seated position, her hands went towards my waist and I waited for my pants to fall. And I was still waiting when I felt small tugs below my navel. Then came the sultry voice that I adored.

"I love when men have these hairs below their navels," she said, as she softly twisted and tugged at those hairs, "It is like a natural arrow pointing at the heaven below. Or..." and the waistband of my suit slacks popped loose, "...a breadcrumb trail to a delicious meal."

The exclamation point was added to that when she leaned forward and put her tongue in my navel and then slid it down the hair trail, while she pulled my zipper down. I think she could feel me shiver.

Her tongue stopped at the waistband of my boxer briefs. She let my pants drop to the floor, but quickly used the back of one fingernail to drag up my underwear from my balls and on up of the top of my semi-hard shaft. My moan sounded a lot louder in my ears than it felt coming up my throat.

"Very glad I have your attention," she purred.

"God, you can have my undivided attention as often as you want. This is so much better than my imagination!" My tamer spoken words were, "I will give you my attention for as long as it pleases you."

"Every touch of yours pleases me," her sultry, soft voice said, "But I can be greedy, so you may have to please me for a long time."

The smile grew big on my face, while I stepped out of my shoes and pants, and then pulled off my socks. "Bismayakara," I sighed, reaching for the front zipper of her skirt. She leaned back on her elbows and watched me. Her eyes happily followed my actions as I slowly pulled the zipper down, and then wiggled it at the end to get it to release its last hold.

I left the skirt nearly closed, with a hint of her red panties peeking through. Starting at the outside of her knees, I gradually slid my hands up the outside of her thighs to her hips, peeling her skirt open with the upward progress of my hands. Poking my fingers under the edge of her butt, I squeezed my fingers, and she raised her hips in response. I slipped her skirt away and set it on a chair.

Now I enjoyed absorbing the view. I reveled in the taper of her firm legs, the smooth curve of her hips, the distinct rise of her mons under the red lace covering, the smooth stomach marked only by the tiny funnel-like recess of her navel. Then, more smooth skin, in her buttery tan shade, led me to nicely rounded breasts that slightly sagged against the fabric at the sides of her lacy bra. Finally, I got back to her lovely, nearly patient face, as she shook her hair. I chuckled at her questioning eyes, apparently eager for me to finish my visual assessment and return to my physical one.

"Reviewing the package?" she said, in playful exasperation. That tone hit a warm spot in me.

"Memorizing the Tigress," I countered.

A contented smirk settled on her lips, and she patted the mattress beside her. I moved onto the bed and settled against her, on my back. Baghini turned on her side towards me and placed her leg over my thigh. I turned my head to her and grinned, but found her looking at my hair. Resting her elbow on my chest, she started toying with my hair.

"Your dark blond hair is close to my skin color, so my fingers can almost hide there." She spread her fingers and combed them through my hair, several times. "With my straight hair, I have always found such waves, as you have, to fascinate me in the way they resist being straightened."

I closed my eyes as she talked and sucked in the sensation of her soft and warm body against me, her fingers combing my hair, and her voice so close to my face. Then there was the movement of her breathing, her hair that had drifted over my shoulder, and even the faintest sensation of her heartbeat against my arm.

"Not falling asleep are we, Nicholas?"

"No," I sighed, "Just absorbing the sensation of you and the moment." I felt her lean my way, while the hand in my hair departed. Then those luscious lips gently met mine, and we luxuriated in the contact of our bodies. Her hand stroked my chest. Mine stroked her neck.

What started soft and slow became my leg pressing between hers, interlocked arms squeezing our bodies so tight it complicated our more rapid breathing. We sank deeper and deeper into lust. Tongues dueled again, moans were traded, her hair surrounded my face as she moved on top of me, and my erection struggled to grow against the pressure of her weight on me.

I writhed, pressing my hard erection against her by gripping her ass with one hand, while my other hand dove into her hair and held her head still so that my mouth could regain hers. Our rapid breaths went in and out of sync. An urgent thought came to me to release her bra, as I wanted her bare breasts in my hands.

But before I could act, she slid her hips to one side. My attention went to her yanking the front of my briefs under my balls, grabbing my erection, positioning her wetness on my tip, and then dropping herself over my erection. Just that quick. We both gasped, mine because of the amazing warmth within her, and the perfect fit.

She put her hands on my chest, pushed her arms straight to hold herself up, and proceeded into a pounding rhythm, which was punctuated with the wet, squishing sounds of our union. Her eyes closed at first, but a short time later opened and locked onto my eyes.

I was intending a longer, sensual approach to our first fuck, but now I just wanted myself deep and hard within her enveloping warmth. I looked down and saw the crotch of her red panties moved to one side and my wet cock rapidly appearing and disappearing between her smooth folds.

Realizing the suddenness of our coupling had bypassed an issue, I huffed out, "Baghini, do I need..."

She shook her head rapidly, sending her hair into tangles that were then highlighted by sparkles of sweat. "I'm safe!" was all she huffed. Her fervent riding escalated, moving with an intensity that just screamed "Need!"

This felt so right to be inside her, and I started to meet her down thrusts with my own up thrusts. Soon, the lips above me pursed and the eyes rolled up and closed. The sensation of the ripples within her moving over my cock was exquisite and my loins pleaded for their release to come soon.

As if answering me, her thighs began to quiver. "Tigress?" I huffed out as a strong whisper.

Baghini immediately responded, between urgent breaths, "Fuck! Ami eta bhalobasi!" [I love this!]. With my eyes fighting to focus on her, I saw it hit her just before I felt it. A sudden jolt sent her upright with her contorted face swinging back, and then she tightened around me. The second jolt sent her back forward, onto me. She planted her hands hard on my chest with the heels of them pressed into my chest, while her fingers twitched. Her head also went down, tossing her hair around her face. The last, as I was to find out, jolt dropped her to her elbows, putting her face, in its moment of pure pleasure, right in front of mine.