Best Friends Pt. 01: Becky's Secret


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She tossed, turned, perspiring. Thoughts intruded upon her, bringing with them desire. Her nipples were hard beneath the fabric of her pajamas - with one motion she discarded her top, caressing her aching breast, shivering at the response. Her shorts and knickers followed, and she lay back naked on her bed. Her hand found its way between her legs - her pussy was wet, longing to be touched. She massaged herself, head back against the pillow, eyes closed. Her probing fingers found her clit, stimulating it, one or two sliding easily inside and out of herself.

In her mind, she wasn't alone. Becky came to her, walking across the bedroom, naked the way she had been at the front door. No words were exchanged between them; just kisses, long and passionate. Becky on hands and knees, Lisa beneath her. Becky crawling backwards, down Lisa's body, nuzzling her neck, kissing across her chest. A mouth on her nipple, a tongue circling, then down, down, kisses on her belly, her thighs. Becky looking up, a satisfied grin, tucking back her hair, drinking in Lia's scent, then head down again, face pressed between Lisa's legs, tongue exploring, connecting...

Her climax came suddenly, a wave of pleasure bursting over her, the illusion shattering as she came. Her fingers making circles on her clit, slick with her own moisture. She arched her back, pushing against herself, against her own hand, massaging as long as she could stand, moaning as loud as she dared in a house with two brothers and thin dividing walls - and then at last it was over, the fantasy was gone, the desire satisfied, and numbly she dressed again, turned over onto her side and fell into sleep.


Lisa slept late the next morning - her parents, perhaps wishing their daughter take it more easy, had opted not to wake her before leaving for work. When she finally arose, there was the brief bliss of an empty mind... and then her memory of the previous day and night returned, and with it, a sense of unease.

Lisa had never had a strong sense of her own sexuality. She'd had boyfriends, off and on during adolescence, and while she had not yet been to bed with anyone she was no stranger to the kisses, wandering hands and expectations of boys. She'd enjoyed some of these experiences and just sort of assumed that eventually she would meet a boy who liked her, and who she liked, enough to give herself to, and that maybe that boy, or the boy after that, or the boy after him, or any number of boys later, would one day be a boy that she loved the way her mother had loved her father, and they would make a life together, maybe a marriage, and children. She had accepted this as a simple fact of life - whatever happened in her love life, it would be with the opposite sex.

Yet the desire and passion she had given into last night in the privacy of her own imagination was greater, and more thrilling, than any that she had felt for any boy she'd known, or indeed any hypothetical man of the future she had tried to imagine before.

It wasn't that Lisa didn't appreciate the attractiveness of women. She could name a great many film and television actresses (Scarlett Johanssen, Natalie Dormer, Jennifer Lawrence, etc.) on whom she would happily admit to a crush of sorts, as indeed would many of her peers. But finding Hollywood celebrities beautiful and desirable was something quite different to the feeling of lust for a real woman, a woman in her own life, who she knew and was most intimately bonded to by friendship.

It wasn't just troubling for what it hinted towards, something she wasn't ready to address yet. It also carried with it another implication, a guilty one.

Becky had revealed herself to Lisa, her nakedness, and her enjoyment of it, out of a sense of friendship, a sense of trust. She had chosen to show Lisa what she was calling her true self because it was Lisa alone of all the people she knew who she trusted to accept her and understand her secret for what it was, and to allow her to be herself around her.

How would she react if she learned that Lisa had imagined what she had last night? How would she feel if she found out that her open, honest gesture of trust and love had been reciprocated by fantasies of her making love to Lisa? She would be more than hurt. It would be a betrayal.

Chapter 4: Becky Dares Herself

A day later, Lisa was again heading over to Becky's house for another study session.

She'd tried to put Becky and the first session from her mind over the previous day, but it had been difficult. Becky's nakedness, and the aura she exuded when naked, was almost intoxicating, and Lisa viewed it with mixed emotions. On the one hand, it was wonderful that her friend trusted her enough to remove her clothes around her, and to confide in her that she had begun to take this unconventional lifestyle choice. It was wonderful too to see Becky doing something that undoubtedly brought her nothing but good feelings. Not only that, but Becky was beautiful, and seeing her with no clothes on was definitely not unwelcome!

But with Becky's nakedness came an invitation to something more, to an intimate knowledge of her friend that was both alluring and inescapable. To know every inch of her friend's nude form by sight - not just that, but to be given an insight into Becky's private life, her personal world of nudity - this made Lisa feel uneasy. Becky's nudity wasn't just physical - it was an emotional baring, an honesty that Lisa couldn't help but find attractive.

Lisa felt almost as if she had opened a Pandora's box of confusing thoughts, with no way to put them back. She'd effectively given Becky carte blanche to be nude at the house whenever she visited from that day forward - she could not very well turn around and tell her to put her clothes on without either telling her friend the truth as to why, or making something up which would run the risk of hurting her friend, making her feel judged for her honesty.

She found herself wishing that Becky would simply put her clothes back on, and this awkward new dimension to their friendship could go away. And yet, as she walked from her house toward Becky's the next day, she found herself with a spring in her step, excited at the prospect that her friend would once again be nude.

She wasn't disappointed - home by herself once again, Becky wasn't wearing a stitch when she answered the door. This time, Lisa didn't even mention it; she got the sense this rather pleased Becky, who seemed to be longing for her nakedness to be unremarkable. The thought of this amused Lisa - as if a beautiful young woman like Becky walking around completely starkers could ever be unremarkable - but she tried to keep a handle on her emotions.

The two girls spent the morning much as they had their last study session, working on their revision with mixed success. But this time, Becky seemed a little restless. Mid-morning came, and Becky sat up, exclaiming; "I've gotta go fetch the post in!"

It seemed to Lisa an odd thing to exclaim, apropos of nothing - but if you were talking about Becky doing odd things, that would have to come second to her current attire.

Becky's family's mailbox was at the end of the driveway to the house. To check it, Becky would have to walk out to the road - something she wasn't currently dressed for, to say the least.

"Want me to do it?" Lisa asked helpfully. "Save you putting your clothes on?"

Becky shook her head vigorously, curls bouncing. "No," she said, "I'll get it now."

"Like you are? Naked?" Lisa was dubious.

Becky turned. Her face was lit up by a wicked grin. "Why?" she asked. "Don't think I'd dare to do it?"

Lisa knew that look and tone. When they'd been children, if Becky had been wanting to do something she wasn't supposed to be doing, she had a way of making whoever she had been with (usually Lisa) dare her into doing it. It was a charade, of course - Lisa hadn't wanted Becky to do anything bad, it was Becky herself who had secretly longed to do what was forbidden. But Becky had seemed to need that push, that encouragement from someone else, before she could give herself permission to break the rules. Lisa had learned that the best way to keep her friend happy was to give it to her, so she had frequently been the one "daring" Becky on.

It had sometimes been frustrating, but to be fair to Becky, if she'd been caught or gotten into trouble, she had never implicated Lisa in her explanation to parents or teachers. She'd never said "Lisa made me," or "Lisa dared me into it". She'd always taken full responsibility and although Lisa had sometimes caught some fallout by association simply for having been there, Becky had never deliberately blamed Lisa for anything. It seemed to be just for Becky herself that the encouragement was necessary.

Lisa laughed in recognition. It looked like they were going to play the same game again. "Go on then," she said, "I dare you. Go to the mailbox naked."

Becky beamed. "Well," she said, "if it's a dare..." She got up and crossed the room. "C'mon," she beckoned to Lisa. "You have to make sure I do it."

The two girls walked into the hallway of the house and to the front door. Becky paused a moment, as if composing herself, then opened the door. Sunlight flooded the hallway - it was another bright summer's day - and Becky stepped out into it. Lisa waited in the doorway, peering after her.

Tentatively, looking about her, Becky strode softly down the driveway. Out in daylight, the road ahead of her, her nakedness seemed even more out of place - almost unreal. She winced as her bare feet stepped on gravel, and then she was at the gatepost. It was maybe 20 or 30 meters from the front door to the garden wall, a distance she had crossed in seconds - but anyone passing the house would now have a full and uninterrupted view of naked Becky.

Becky stood at the gate, fumbling with the catch on the back of the mailbox. Lisa felt a sudden rush of nerves, tension as she wondered if her friend, exposed as she was, could complete her task and make it back before anyone saw her. The road wasn't busy but nor was it the sort of street where nobody walked or drove, either - a car or pedestrian could come by at any moment, not to mention people in houses opposite who might be looking out of their own front windows at that time.

Becky got the mailbox open and retrieved a couple of letters. She waved them cheerily to Lisa, then looked around again.

"Dare me to cross the road?!" she called back to her friend.

Lisa laughed. Again, Becky had obviously decided what she wanted to do, and was looking for a bit of encouragement to overcome any - sensible - reservations she had. "Alright then," she called back, "Dare you!"

Becky grinned and stepped around the gatepost, onto the pavement outside the house. She skipped briskly over to the road and over it - stepping gingerly, the asphalt hot, stones sharp under her bare feet. When she reached the pavement on the other side she paused a moment then, arms out, turned a full 360 degrees - then laughing she ran back across the road again, not stopping at the gate but continuing up the driveway, through the doorway. Lisa stepped aside as her naked friend barreled through, slamming the front door shut behind her.

Becky leaned against the wall in the hallway, breathing hard. Her face was flushed and, Lisa noticed, her nipples stood to attention, crowning her soft breasts. Her friend had clearly found something very exciting in what they had just done.

"That was fun!" Becky gasped. "Thanks for the encouragement!"

"Don't, er, mention it," Lisa replied. She didn't want to admit it, but Becky's exhilaration had been exciting for her to see as well.

Some snacks and a break from studying to lounge in the sun gave both girls a chance to recover their composure and, as the day wore on, they returned to the grueling task of their revision.

It was mid-afternoon now, and the quietness of the day was suddenly broken by the doorbell ringing. Both girls, the naked one and the clothed one, sat up with a start.

"Doorbell." Lisa said redundantly.

"Should I go answer it?" Becky asked.

"Up to you," Lisa began blankly - living in family homes, they often didn't bother to answer the doorbell in the daytime unless told by their parents that a delivery or some such was coming -then she paused. "Wait, what?"

Becky had that grin again. "Dare me to?" she asked.

"What?!" Lisa exclaimed. "No!"

Becky made a face. "Poo," she said, "no fun."

"What?" Lisa responded. "I'm not gonna dare you to go and open your front door naked to some random caller, who knows who is out there?"

"I guess..." Becky pouted. She was clearly disappointed.

"Look," Lisa said. "If you want to do it, I can't stop you. But I don't see why you need me to dare you to do it?"

"It's just... it's more fun that way," Becky replied. "I dunno. I don't really want to get into it now. Just... please?"

The bell rang again.

"Fine," Lisa said, exasperated. "I dare you to answer the door naked."

Becky leapt up, grinning. "C'mon," she called for Lisa to follow her, and sprang into the hallway. The two girls approached the front door, Becky in the lead, Lisa a few paces behind. As before, Becky took a moment to compose herself and then opened the door.

"Hi, I'm from Northumbria Windows. We were in the area and were wondering if you were considering having your fascia boards and soffits replaced and - bloody hell!"

There was a man at the door, dressed in smart trousers and a polo shirt with the logo of a window company on the breast pocket. He was probably in his twenties, ginger-haired, his clean-shaven face ruddy and pink from the summer heat. He'd started his salesman's spiel before he'd realized that Becky was nude at the door. Now she stood before him in all her glory, he was lost for words.

"Uh, windows and... home improvement..." he managed.

"Oh, sorry," Becky said in a mock-disappointed tone. "My mum's out at work, can't help you I'm afraid."

The man nodded slowly. He hadn't blinked - perhaps he thought if he did, Becky would disappear. Then a look of panic crossed his face. "Wait, did you say 'mum'? How old are you? Should I be looking at you all... like that?"

Becky laughed. "No! I'm eighteen. Look away!" Almost imperceptibly she thrust out her chest, one hand on her hip - a deliberate attempt at a sexy pose. The man's eyes bulged.

"Erm," he managed, "that is to say... maybe I could come in a while? Show you what we - what I - have to offer? Seeing as, well, I've seen what you've got to offer..."

Behind Becky, Lisa burst out laughing. She couldn't blame the guy for trying it on with Becky - how often was he going to ring a doorbell and have a beautiful naked girl answer? But his chat-up technique was hitting a point somewhere between awkward and cheesy, and it was more embarrassing to watch than it was enticing.

Becky, too, wasn't impressed. "Sorry, mate," she said in a conciliatory way. "I've got company already. Not interested. But thanks for stopping by." And with that she stepped back and closed the door - the salesman craning around the closing gap to get a very last glimpse of her.

Door closed, both girls fell about with laughter.

"Oh, my God," Becky gasped. "Did you see his face?"

"I know! You made his day, then ruined it, all in one go!"

"I've always wanted to do that!"

Lisa stopped laughing. She looked at Becky. Her friend this morning had been excited to have walked out of her house naked and across the street. Now, she was positively giddy - again, flushed and physically excited, but also thrilled in other, less tangibleways.

Always wanted to do that? What did that mean? Becky had answered the door naked on a whim, or so Lisa thought. But perhaps it wasn't. Perhaps this was something more, that Becky was acting out something that had been a fantasy of hers before now.

Lisa wasn't sure how to feel about that - being involved in whatever this was, and seeing Becky's apparent thrill at having exposed herself in that way, was somewhat troubling. But, she couldn't deny it was more than a little exciting for her as well.

(To be continued.)

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olblueyesolblueyesabout 2 months ago

its a cute tale, doesnt seem to be going anywhere.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Wonderful. A sharing of such intimacy is rare.

AlwaysNaked1954AlwaysNaked1954over 1 year ago

nice beginning, hope to read the balance..

L O ReinsL O Reinsover 3 years ago

You are on to something with this story. What a great start-up. I love The Accomplice. I hope it will be a longer series.

LibertyMarshmellow98LibertyMarshmellow98about 5 years ago
A fantastic introduction.

A great first part with a fantastic and inventive flash forward-esque first chapter. Wonderfully exciting and well placed. I loved it. On to the next part! :)

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