Best Friends Pt. 05: Camp Carry-on


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Running right past the assembled group of football-fanatic lads who had been flirting with her and Becky all holiday.

Chapter 16 – The Last Night and a First

Lisa sat on a folding chair watching the dying barbecue, her legs tucked up under her.

She was dressed now, blue jeans and a big, warm hoody. She held a can of beer in both hands and idly sipped it as she waited for the food to cook.

Of course, all the boys had seen her. They'd been waiting, apparently having a great deal of patience given how long she'd been hiding away in the shower block, and as she'd been forced to streak past they had given a great many hoots and hollers of appreciation and encouragement. More than one had been filming on their phones, to boot.

It had been humiliating, and she'd dived into her tent and covered herself with whatever she could find. That's where Becky had found her a short while later, red faced and glum, determined never to leave the tent again.

Steven had run to Becky and explained how he and the boys had "got her back" for what Lisa had done to her. Not knowing, of course, that the original fake prank had been Becky's idea in the first place, he'd explained how he'd seen that Lisa had Becky's stolen towel in her bag and concluded that Lisa was the person who had engineered Becky's apparent humiliation a few days before.

Rather than confronting either girl with this information, he'd decided to carry out revenge on Becky's behalf, He'd waited until Lisa had gone into the shower and snuck in, stealing her clothes and towel in the exact same way as he thought she had done to Becky. Then he'd run back to his friends and told them to get ready for Lisa running by in the nude.

They hadn't counted on the fact that Becky was of course really an exhibitionist, so had run straight from the shower block as soon as she saw her clothes were missing, whereas Lisa was decidedly not, and they had to wait until she'd ruled out every alternative before she streaked. But they'd got her eventually, and Steven had gone to break the 'good news' to Becky.

Whatever reaction he'd been hoping for, he didn't get it. Becky immediately had a few choice words for her would-be admirer, but she'd also been forced to confess that the 'prank' had actually been carried out by Lisa at Becky's request! Steven might have thought he'd be in Becky's good books but instead he was left open mouthed and baffled, wondering why on earth Becky would tell her friend to steal her own clothes. Nonetheless he'd come to Lisa afterwards with an awkward apology and then spent the rest of the time staying out of the way of both of them, his endeavors towards Becky clearly abandoned.

The other boys, when they learned Steven had messed up, were similarly apologetic, and Lisa had to admit that their apology, which took the form of supplying both girls with a barbecue dinner and a plentiful supply of cans of beer, was actually pretty effective.

She didn't hold it against them, even Steven. Sure, it was a mean prank to play, especially for a guy to play on a girl. Forcing a young woman to run naked past an assembled group of guys had an uncomfortable air of sexual humiliation, and had it happened completely unprompted Lisa would have been angry, hurt, and certainly wary of spending any more time around these boys.

But she had to concede that the guys really did think that they were just getting revenge on her by doing to her something that as far as they knew she had gleefully done to somebody else. They'd probably had a view of her as a pretty shitty person to humiliate her friend in that way, and so she could understand if they thought she deserved similar treatment. After all, who could expect them to consider that maybe the original 'prank' was a fake, done to enable one girl to run around naked without repercussions? The idea of Lisa as a bad friend who had needed to be taught a lesson was a lot more believable than the truth. Their hearts had been in the right place, even if their methods weren't exactly nice.

She had to admit, too, it could have been a lot worse. In the end, they didn't see much. She'd covered herself well with her hands and in the end aside from her bare bum, they probably hadn't seen much more exposed skin than she'd shown walking around the past few days in her bikini. And she didn't think anyone else on the campsite had seen her nudity. She'd been lucky.

Still, she'd rather not go through it again.

But in the end it had worked out into something quite pleasant. The boys had been treating her like a queen to make up for their earlier bad behavior and had kept her constantly supplied with drink and surprisingly good food, and she was now warm and happy, sitting in the firelight, chatting to Ross.

Ross, she could tell now, definitely fancied her. Maybe some of the other boys did too, and maybe some of them figured that it was impossible for them all to get a chance with Becky so they might as well settle for the second-best looking girl in the vicinity, rather than risk ending their holiday without scoring at all (at least, that was Lisa's rationalization for why they might take an interest in her – she still couldn't quite shake the lack of self-confidence that told her she wasn't pretty enough to attract the attention of guys). But Ross definitely only had an interest in Lisa, and for her part, Lisa was happy to receive that interest.

Ross was a warm, funny, dark-haired lad of 20. He'd be going into the RAF soon, and he had the natural confidence and outgoing nature that many boys who choose the armed forces possess, the result of experience having to quickly bond and connect with strangers in living, training and working situations.

Now, he was apologizing again for any part he'd played in the prank earlier.

"Really," Lisa assured him, "it's fine. I'm okay. You weren't the one who stole my clothes, after all."

"No," he smiled, "I wasn't one with a camera either."

Lisa blushed. "Yeah. I'd forgotten about that. Bit worrying."

"Don't worry. I've had a look. The photos are crap. You can't see anything, just a pink blur."

Lisa laughed. "Oh, you've had a look, have you?" she said cheekily.

"Just making sure there weren't any I'd have to make the lads delete," he countered with a grin.

"Oh, is that right?"

"That's my story and I'm sticking to it."

Lisa chuckled. "Okay smart aleck," she said. She was feeling a little tipsy from the beer and it had loosened her tongue. "So now you've seen both me and Becky in the nuddy. Which did you like better?"

Ross guffawed. "You're seriously asking that?"

Lisa nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah. Who looks better with their kit off?"

"Well," Ross smiled, "really, I'd need to see more to make a comparison..."

Lisa hit him playfully on the shoulder. "Stop stalling. I want to know, who did you like seeing more?"




"Give over."

"No, God's honest."

"Even though she's so pretty and I'm, well..."

"Oh, don't."

"Don't what?"

"Don't do that thing girls do where they go on about how beautiful their mate is and how ugly and boring they are. You all do it and it's bollocks."


"Nah, I mean, I get it. The whole world tells you that if you aren't a six-foot blonde with a double-D chest and itty-bitty waist and Kim Kardashian's arse you aren't worth looking twice at, but if you ask any bloke, he'll say not all men want a woman like that.

"Your mate Becky, well, I won't deny she's nicely put together and pleasing to the eye but that doesn't make you a cave troll. You're bloody gorgeous Lisa and the only shame is you have yourself thinking you're not."

"Stop..." Lisa blushed, but Ross wasn't finished.

"It's true," he said. "I'd choose you over Becky any day."

The kiss happened naturally after that, two pairs of lips coming together in the dark. It was Ross initiating, but Lisa happily responded, and it felt very right.

They stood up and wordlessly moved away from the barbecue and the other people, before they were noticed. Taking Lisa by the hand, Ross led her to a grassy slope, and the two lay down. Arms around one another, they began to kiss passionately, tongues exploring one another's mouths, Lisa nibbling on Ross's bottom lip playfully.

She was enjoying the moment. She'd kissed boys before, done a few more things than kiss with one, but she'd never kissed an older lad like Ross. He was a good kisser, though, seemed as though he knew what he was doing, and Lisa felt comfortable in his arms. She didn't even mind when, after several minutes of making out, he slid his hand up the back of her jumper, softly caressing the curve of her back, and idly running his fingers along the strap of her bra.

She knew what was coming next, of course and soon enough Ross shifted himself, bringing his hand round to the front. He stroked her flank and the edge of her soft belly for a little while, as if making himself at home, before his questing hand found her breasts, and he cupped one on the outside of her bra, giving the gentlest of a squeeze.

This was about as far as Lisa had ever gone with a boy before, unless you counted when she was 16, the first time she ever got drunk, when she'd given a boy from school a clumsy and awkward blowjob in the front garden of a random house after he walked home from a party. But aside from that, making out and letting lads cop a feel was pretty much the sum total of her experience of the act of love between a man and a woman.

She'd been one of those girls at school who'd been unfairly labelled as 'frigid', that horrible word teenage boys used to describe any woman who won't let them have sex with them. But, in truth, Lisa's lack of self-confidence had been what had sabotaged her love life. By the time she'd felt ready for sex, she was convinced she wasn't in any way desirable to boys, and that any who were interested in her were actually either "just being nice" or playing some elaborate practical joke. That, and her focus on her studies, not to mention the somewhat intense nature of her friendship with Becky, meant that unusually for a girl in her peer group, she was still a virgin.

Oh, she knew all about sex. She'd talked to friends, including Becky, who'd been doing it on the regular for sometimes even a few years now. She'd watched some pornographic videos on the internet and while she knew the behavior of actors and actresses in porn was far from realistic, it had given her enough idea of where everything was supposed to go and all the different ways you could do it (depending on how imaginative and flexible you were, of course). And she was no stranger to exploring her own body and its capacity for pleasure. But she'd never been further than this with a real life guy before.

This time, though, sex had a welcome inevitability, and when Ross softly suggested they go back to his tent, she was more than happy to accompany him.

They lay in the darkness on top of Ross's crumpled sleeping bag. There wasn't much space in the tent, and it smelled of sweat and earth, but it was comfortable and homely. They kissed some more and, gradually, as their eyes grew accustomed to the lack of light, their desire and curiosity for one another took over. Lisa put her hands under Ross's t-shirt and responding to the prompt he pulled it over his head, revealing his bare torso. Up close she could see he was tightly muscled and very strong, a testament to how he'd been keeping himself fit in preparation for his military career. He wasn't a bulging bodybuilder but he looked good, and she ran her hands appreciatively over his chest and down his flanks.

It was her turn now and she put up her arms so he could relieve her of her hooded top. She wore only her bra beneath it, no shirt, and as she looked down at the swell of her own breasts she felt momentarily silly that she was wearing not something sexy but a cute, childish pink thing patterned with purple flowers. Ross, though, didn't seem to mind, in fact he seemed very happy, as he kissed her bare neck and planted more soft kisses on her chest.

She was nervous now. She hadn't told Ross it was her first time, she didn't want to put him off, make it seem like a bigger deal than it was – but she worried that it was something she wouldn't be able to hide, that her lack of experience would show through. Determined to seem more confident than she really was, she sat up decisively, reaching behind her back and unfastening her bra, letting it slide easily off her and away.

Topless, now, she leaned back, letting Ross kiss and caress her bare breasts. She still wished they were bigger, but suddenly all thoughts like that vanished, replaced with excited pleasure as Ross took first one nipple and then the other in his mouth, teasing and sucking until they were hard. She gasped in delight.

She pulled him in for more kisses then, feeling his bare skin against her own naked chest. She reached down almost accidentally, brushing the front of his jeans. She gave a sharp intake of breath – Ross was rock hard, she could feel his cock pressing against the fabric, straining to be released.

Well, how could she not oblige? She unbuttoned his jeans, undid his zipper and with Ross's assistance in the small confines of the tent, soon had his jeans and underwear off, and Ross was naked.

The sum total of Lisa's direct experience of naked males amounted to little more than seeing her younger brothers in the years before they were old enough to understand that waving your willy around in company was neither funny nor clever. Even the guy whose penis she had a inexpertly put her mouth around while they hid in a neighbour's garden had done no more than poke his cock through his open zipper. She'd never seen a guy her own age nude, never been up close with one, never smelled him or felt his body against her the way she did now.

To her surprise, Ross was himself becoming nervous. She sensed that although he was more experienced, he was perhaps conscious of the fact that she might be disappointed with what he had to offer and back out of what they were doing. Well, she thought, he needn't worry.

She had no basis for comparison but Ross seemed, well, big enough. Her eyes didn't water when she looked at it but considering this was her first time that was perhaps a good thing, and when she put her hands around it and felt its warm stiffness and the pulse of his blood she suddenly felt a great twinge of excitement between her own legs. She wanted to know what this was going to feel like, and almost unconsciously she ran her hand again up and down his shaft, brushing the tight and springy hair at the base of his cock, feeling the taut skin connecting his shaft to his balls.

She knew she was ready, then. Unfastening her own jeans, she let Ross pull them down, taking her knickers with them. She was briefly amazed at her own scent, as it filled the space in the stuffy, zipped-up tent. Subtly she ran a finger between her legs – good God she was wet! She hadn't expected that, all she'd heard of first times was that they were awkward, uncomfortable affairs for most girls, who found themselves at the hands of inexperienced, fumbling boys who had no inclination to foreplay and no understanding that a vagina could much more easily admit a penis if it was given the chance to lubricate itself. But Ross, although hardly an expert, seemed to have done more than enough to encourage her into readiness – and he was certainly also ready himself.

He'd found a condom, thankfully. She'd been unsure if she'd go ahead and have sex without protection. She hadn't wanted to but at the same time, she wasn't sure how she would bring it up, having never been in this situation. But health class had taught her well and she managed to roll it easily over his erection.

Then Lisa lay back, parted her legs and invited Ross to enter her.

Her nerves caused her to tense up at first, and there was a little resistance, and she gasped and bit her lip at the slight pain as he went into her. But it didn't hurt anything like she had expected it would, and the feeling of him insider her was strange but so good that she wanted more, and she pushed with her pelvis, taking his length further.

The sex itself, after that, was functional, if not spectacular. It felt good to Lisa to have Ross's cock insider her, and her arousal lingered throughout her body, but there was no sense that climax was approaching for her. Ross lay above her, holding himself up with his strong arms, occasionally cupping one of her breasts, teasing a nipple, or else stroking her face. He thrust rhythmically and she lifted her legs and wrapped them around him, holding him close, knotting her hands behind his back. His breath came harder, and soon, tensing, he came, gasping a few times as his cock pulsed and spurted.

He stayed in her for a moment or two after that, she was able to feel his cock begin to grow flaccid again now its work was done. They kissed, lingering kisses, and as he withdrew and rolled over beside her they wrapped their arms around one another, warm, cuddling together in comfort.

(To be continued.)

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NikiGrrlNikiGrrlabout 1 year ago

I’m loving this story so far. Lisa is so much like my gf Kari, and Becky is a lot like me. I hope they end up together like Kari and me are. ❤️❤️

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I want to see Becky push the boundaries more and more. You mentioned the reaction to her nudity would probably be different on the High Street, would be good if she did that. Risked being caught, really pushing the boundaries.

brain66brain66over 6 years ago
loved it

great chapter

'i liked the pretend prank the girls did so Becky could run around naked.

'Lisa having her clothes stolen and having to run around the camp naked was a unexpected moment.

I'm glad the boys apologized for doing that to her and the misunderstanding was cleared up.

'the sex scene between Lisa and Ross was cute.

looking forward to the next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
great chapter

i really enjoyed this chapter looking forward to more

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