Best of Days


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I knew he wanted me to orgasm. I thought about the prostitute. Had he tried to make her cum? Had she faked it, or told him not to bother? I glanced at my lover as he suckled a nipple and tried to imagine how the interaction had taken place.

Seldon glanced up and smiled at me.

'Yes?' he asked.

I nodded and smiled dreamily.

'Yes,' I agreed.

I let him kiss, suck and touch me until I could stand it no more. I shyly asked him if he could perhaps take things to the next step, and he nodded happily, eagerly, and went to the bedside drawer for a condom.

The box was new and un-opened and it took him a minute or two to unwrap the cellophane, open the box and pull out a condom. He sat on the edge of the bed and rolled it onto his hard-on, careful to apply it perfectly. He had quite a long penis so the condom didn't reach the base of his cock, but I was confident it wouldn't come off. He had regular girth, it was just the length that made it look thin.

We kissed again, but this time it was Seldon lying on his bed and I was on top of him. I could barely stand the anticipation, and before I knew it, I was trying to impale myself on him. Frustratingly, though, I was hindered by a lack of lubrication.

'Hang on,' he whispered, pushing me off a bit.

He spat on his fingers and rubbed them over the head of his cock, to wet it a bit. As he was doing it, I did the same but wet my entrance. I have no idea why sometimes I can be so turned on, and yet penetration can be difficult, but it is what it is.

Now that we were both nicely lubricated, his cock just slid inside. It felt amazing. I wiggled around a bit so it wasn't jammed up against my cervix, and leant down to kiss him. He stared at me, eyes red from the weed, but otherwise filled with curiosity and lust.

I thought to myself that I'd have to be careful, because I was starting to develop real, genuine feelings for Seldon. He wouldn't want that, though, would he? This holiday was just about sex and company, not about love and courtship.

'You're gorgeous,' he told me. 'I'm just gonna be a creep and tell you that you have the best boobs. I'd never have guessed they were this good. Why did you try and turn the light out?'

I blushed and automatically covered my chest with my hands even though I knew it wasn't a false compliment. I actually do have a good set on me. Even pregnancy didn't do much damage. Size-wise, my breasts are normal, but they're a great shape and they're still high and firm.

Seldon peeled my hands away and cupped a tit in each hand. His thumbs grazed the already erect nipples.

'You're staring at me,' I whispered.

'I like what I'm looking at.'

I blushed deeper and turned my face away. I wriggled back into a good position, so I was getting plenty of clit stimulation without feeling like I was being impaled, and began to ride him. I didn't want to talk to him. Talking was dangerous. Talking was only going to make me like him more, and that was going to make reality even harder to accept.

I shut all emotions and instead focussed on the physical feel of his cock inside me, and his pubic bone rubbing against my clit. I needed to orgasm. That was what he wanted, wasn't it? So that was what I was determined to give him.

It knew it was going to take a while, because I wasn't really comfortable with Seldon to fully relax, but I was confident I'd get there so long as he could hold off on his own climax. I told myself not to stress. I had to relax, fantasize, put myself anywhere but here. I just had to orgasm.

Eventually I did cum, and thanks to the weed it was a good, strong, unmissable climax. I clutched at Seldon's chest and moaned as I rocked myself back and forward.

'Good girl, good girl,' he encouraged.

'Do you want me to move position?'

'No, no, not yet,' he replied. He smiled faintly. 'I can feel your cunt contracting. It's an amazing feeling. Just let me stay here until it dies away. Then I might get you to lie on your back.'

We stayed where we were for a few minutes, until Seldon wordlessly indicated he was ready to switch positions. I laid on my back and he knelt between my legs and mounted me.

I'd expected him to climax relatively easily, but he couldn't seem to finish off. I asked him to get off so I could suck him for a bit, and he climbed off and laid on his back. We took the condom off in the hopes that that would help, but it didn't seem to matter much. My jaw hurt and my mouth was still dry from the marijuana, which wasn't helping things, but still he wouldn't cum.

He asked me to stop, and he got another condom and put it on. We had missionary sex, then doggy style, then back to missionary, and that was where he eventually managed to finish. I'd all but given up on the idea of getting him to cum when he grabbed onto me, muttered something, and came.

Afterwards, we lay together, curled up and sexually sated. I could have fallen asleep there, but that would have been dangerous. Firstly, Taylor might have woken up before me and come looking for me, and secondly, I needed to maintain some emotional distance.

I picked up my clothes and got dressed.

'Need to pee?' Seldon asked.

'No, I need to go back to my room before I go to sleep.'

'Can I have a kiss before you go?'

'Sure.' I leant down and gave him a quick peck. 'I'll see you tomorrow.'


The following day was magical. I'd never been snorkelling before. Never discovered the whole, underwater life that exists. Never seen a turtle swim past me, never listened to parrot fish chewing coral and shitting out sand, never seel a real life Nemo.

Fuck, I hadn't even been on holidays, not since I was in my teens, but even then, holidays had never been like this. They'd never been filled with wonder and excitement. I'd never seen Taylor so amazed and enthusiastic.

I can't tell you how many hours I spent learning to breath through my mouth as I gazed at the fish and corals. I didn't care about the faded blue stinger suit Seldon had given me to wear to protect against stingers and jellyfish, and I didn't care that I was getting sunburned, or that my hair was a mess.

I had an absolutely amazing time, and I knew Seldon and Taylor did, too. It was literally one of the best days of my life.

On the way home, I asked if we could go to the reef again before we went home.

'Sure,' Seldon agreed. 'How about we go the day after tomorrow? Ever since you got here you've been saying you want to buy new togs. I was thinking you could spend tomorrow shopping, and I'd take Taylor while I went and visited one of my friends. His parents have a sugarcane farm, so we were going to drop in and pay them a visit.'

'You want to visit a sugarcane farm?' I asked Taylor doubtfully.

'It's better than listening to you whinge to a shop assistant about having a fat bum,' Taylor replied.

Seldon laughed. I leant over and whacked him, which only made him laugh harder.

Everything was perfect. Everything was fucking perfect. It was like I'd had a glimpse into someone else's life, a life I couldn't ever have for myself and certainly not one I'd ever be able to give to Seldon.


Seldon and I had sex again that night. It was better than the night before, much better. We were less nervous and more comfortable around each other. I came, he came, and we cuddled for a bit before I slunk off back to my bed.

I lay on the mattress, stared at the ceiling, and thought about the events of the day. I'd been foolish. Stupid. I'd thought this would be a good holiday, but instead it was a great one. What was going to happen when we returned to Brisbane? Seldon would no doubt disappear from our lives, and then how would Taylor react?

All of a sudden, a lump formed in my throat. I needed to be careful. I needed to talk with Seldon, and put up some boundaries. He might have been footing the bill, but I desperately needed to protect myself and Taylor.

Tomorrow, I promised myself. Tomorrow, I would talk to him.


'Is everything alright?' Seldon asked.

'I, um... yeah,' I lied, turning around and plastering a smile on my face. I'd been in the kitchen washing up the dinner plates and dishes. I thought he'd been in the lounge with Taylor and had been muttering and cursing to myself. 'Don't mind me. I always talk to myself.'

Seldon leant against a bench.

'Yeah, me too,' he agreed. 'But I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about your whole attitude today. It's like you woke up and decided to put up a brick wall between you and I. What's going on?'

I put the plate I was drying down on the bench.

'Can we talk about this later?' I asked. 'After Taylor has gone to sleep?'

'Yeah, sure,' he agreed. 'No problems. I'd just rather you talk to me, rather than shutting me out.'

'Sure,' I replied quickly. 'Works for me.'

Seldon stared at me for a minute.

'Okay,' he said. 'I'll speak to you later.'

It was ten-thirty before Taylor went to bed. I was emotionally in an odd place. I sat on the couch fucking around on my phone while trying to write a mental script of what to say.

Seldon asked if I wanted a drink. I shook my head, and he just said 'okay' and came and sat down next to me.

'So,' he began. 'You going to tell me what's going on?'

I didn't put my phone down. It was my crutch, my item to cling to during what was going to be an incredibly awkward conversation.

'I think you need to watch how much you interact with Taylor,' I said, not glancing up.

'Okay, sure,' he agreed. 'I'm sorry if I overstepped the mark. I'm not that good around kids.'

'You didn't really do anything wrong,' I replied, keeping my eyes glued to Facebook, even though I hadn't read a single post for the past ten minutes. 'It's just that this whole thing is supposed to be between you and I, not you, Taylor and I.'

Seldon mulled that over before responding.

'Why do you say that?' he asked.

'Well, um...' I trailed off, tapping my phone against my leg. I glanced up at Seldon and saw he was staring intently at me. 'I know what a deal is. I know why you offered the flights. Taylor doesn't. He tends to take things at face value, and assume that if someone's spending time with him, it's because they're wanting to develop some kind of relationship.'

Seldon reached over and took my phone.

'Stop looking at that,' he said, moving it behind him. 'I feel like I'm getting bits and pieces of a story out of you.'

'Okay,' I said, holding his gaze. 'I'll be blunt; I know you wanted me to come to Cairns for sex, and that's fine. I was never going to be able to take Taylor away on my own, and I appreciate the offer. But the 'deal' per se, is between you and me, not you, me and Taylor. And on top of that, I'm... never mind,' I said, changing my mind about telling him I was developing feelings for him. He didn't need to hear that. 'I'm just trying to manage the situation,' I finished.

Seldon stared at his hands, a frown creasing his forehead. A lock of hair fell in his face and he brushed it back behind his ear.

'You think I asked you to come here so I could have sex with you,' he stated. 'That there was a deal; I pay for flights and you give me sexual favours? Is that right?'

'Well, yes,' I replied, confused. 'That's right, isn't it?'

'And you were happy with this arrangement?'

'Not, uh, not when you first mentioned it,' I admitted. 'But I thought about it that night, and... I don't know... can I have my phone back please?'

Seldon handed it back wordlessly. I unlocked the screen and stared at Facebook. The words and pictures blurred beneath my gaze as I continued to try and explain.

'I thought about your offer that night. I decided it probably wasn't as bad as I'd first assumed. And the next morning, Taylor kept nagging me... I thought 'oh, Seldon won't really book the flights, he'll have thought about it and got cold feet'... I told him to go and see you...' I glanced up and forced a smile. 'Next thing I knew, flights were booked.'

'Are you telling me you had sex with me last night, and the night before, to pay me for the flights? Because you think I invited you here, and paid for the flights, because I wanted a fuck buddy while I was on holidays? And on top of that, you didn't even intend to accept the offer, but you felt pressured by Taylor, so you did it for him?'

'Yeah,' I replied. 'In a way... I also... oh fuck. Never mind. I guess all I want to say is that I'm not weirded out by it. I don't regret having sex with you. I don't dislike it. I just want some boundaries.'

Seldon didn't respond.

'Is that okay?' I asked timidly.

Seldon buried his head in his hands.

'Sorry,' I whispered. 'I know we probably should have discussed this before we left Brisbane.'

I saw his head shake but he didn't verbally respond.

'I, um... if you want sex,' I added, my voice so quiet even I could barely hear it. 'It's okay. It's just I'm worried about Taylor. Me, too, I think. I'm not so good at separating sex and emotion. There's just this whole...'

'...oh fuck, just stop,' he pleaded, interrupting me. 'Kristy... Kristy...'

'I'm sorry,' I mumbled. 'I...'

'Please go to bed. Please. I'm sorry. I'll book you a hotel tomorrow.'

'No, it's okay...'

Seldon ran his hands through his hair.

'Kristy,' he said, quietly but firmly. 'I'll find you and Taylor a hotel.'

I pulled my knees up to my chest and hugged them.

'I'm sorry,' I apologised. 'I'll give you the money back for the flights.'

Seldon kept his face half buried in his hands, but he glanced up at me.

'Kristy,' he said.


'I liked you. I'd been trying to figure out how to ask you out for the better part of a year when Taylor told me you two were moving. I invited you to Cairns because it was the first thing that came to my head. I wasn't offering you a 'holiday for sex' deal.'

'Oh.' I chewed my lower lip. 'Why didn't you just ask me to go to dinner with you?'

'I don't know. I had a brain fart. I was put on the spot... I don't know.'

I stared at the tiled floor. A nervous giggle escaped my mouth.

'Sorry,' I said. 'I thought... I just thought... I didn't know why else someone would make an offer like that.'

We both fell silent. I started biting my fingernails and Seldon continued to stress out, running his hands through his hair and twisting his hands together.

'I'm sorry,' he said eventually. 'I'm so, so sorry, Kristy. Please go to sleep.'

'No, I, we need to sort out what we're going to do now,' I argued.

He stood up.

'I'm booking you a hotel. I'm booking you a hotel, and tomorrow I'm going to take you and Taylor there,' he said. 'You can enjoy the rest of your holiday without feeling obligated to have sex with someone. Please go to bed. I don't want to keep talking about this.

I went to bed, but just couldn't get to sleep. I laid in bed, staring at the ceiling, devastated that I'd so badly misjudged the motivation behind Seldon's offer.

He'd liked me. He'd bloody liked me, the twit. Why had he done that? I was nothing special. More often than not when he saw me I was dressed like an absolute grot.

After forty-five minutes of tossing and turning, wondering how on earth Seldon and I would ever sort out the mess we'd found ourselves in, I went out to see if I could find him.

He was sitting out the back of the house in the darkness, no music playing, no nothing. I went outside, but before I could sit down or say a word, he stared at me with bloodshot eyes and told me to go inside.

'I want to apologise,' I said.

'I'm the one who has to apologise. Go inside. Go to bed. I'll sort this out.'

I didn't have the confidence or ability to try and argue with him, so I went back inside. Sometime in the early hours of the morning I finally fell asleep.


'When are we leaving to go snorkelling?' Taylor asked at nine am the next morning, greeting me in the hallway as I stumbled out of my bedroom. 'Where's Seldon?'

'I don't know the answer to either of those,' I replied. 'Give me a minute to wake up.'

I went to the bathroom to pee, then went to see if there were any sign of Seldon. My quick scout around the house was futile; he wasn't anywhere to be found. Nor were there any notes to explain his disappearance, or advise when he might be back.

'Well?' Taylor asked expectantly.

'He might have gone out for a bit,' I said. 'I'll have a shower, get dressed, and give him a call.'

At that precise moment we both heard the unmistakeable sound of the front door opening. Taylor and I both went to see who it was, and found Seldon walking inside. He was in cargo shorts, Nirvana tee and thongs, and he looked exhausted.

'Where were you?' Taylor demanded, seemingly oblivious to Seldon's appearance.

'I went for a walk, to clear my head,' Seldon replied.

'Are we still going snorkelling today?' Taylor pressed.

Seldon stared at me helplessly. I had no idea how to respond.

'No,' Seldon replied eventually. 'Not today, mate.'

Taylor eyed up Seldon, then me, then Seldon. He somehow sensed that Seldon and I had an argument and wasted no time giving his opinion.

'You two fought, didn't you?' he stated. 'Mum?'

'We didn't fight,' I lied. I glanced at Seldon. 'We're just... trying to work out a few logistical issues.'

Taylor lost his temper.

'Why are you always so difficult?' he exclaimed, glaring at me. 'Why do you have to ruin everything?'

'Woah, Taylor, it was nothing like that,' Seldon said.

'Yeah, right,' Taylor scoffed. 'She always fucks things up. I'm going back to bed.'

Taylor stormed off to his room. Seldon and I watched him go. When we were alone, and it was just the two of us, Seldon reached into the pocket of his cargo shorts and handed me a folded slip of paper.

'Here,' he said. 'I want you to read this. After you've read it, I want to talk to you about accommodation up here. I don't know if you'd prefer just to go straight home or what, so I thought I'd leave it in your hands.'

I accepted the paper.

'Okay,' I agreed. 'That, uh, that works. I'll read it, have a shower, and we can talk.'

Seldon nodded. 'Sounds good.'

I went to my room, sat on the edge of the bed, and unfolded the piece of paper. Seldon had written me a letter, a hand-written letter no less.

Dear Kristy

Words can't explain how sorry I am for putting you in your current situation.

It was stupid to ask you to come to Cairns with me, and even more stupid to ask you in front of Taylor. It should have been obvious to me that a) you'd assume what you did and b) Taylor would pressure you to accept the offer.

I've admired you for so many years and thought about asking you on a date, but I didn't want to make things awkward if you said 'no', so I kept quiet. When I found out you were leaving the area, I just made a silly, rash decision. I would NEVER make that sort of offer to a woman!!

I'm sorry that you felt obligated to have sex with me. I feel like a monster. Please don't ever think that I have ever thought anything but good things about you, and held you in anything less than extremely high regard.

I hope you will be able to forgive me.


I read and re-read and re-read the letter.

I had to talk to Seldon. I had to tell him I'm sorry there was a misunderstanding, but I liked him, I really did. I didn't want to go to a hotel. I didn't want to go back to Brisbane. I wanted to put the whole horrid mix-up in the past and move forward. I wanted to kiss him, hold him, make love to him. I wanted to fall asleep wrapped in his arms.

I was just about to go and find him when my phone started ringing. It was Melissa, Taylor's stepmother.