Best of Neighbors


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If last night was her idea of a quickie, then I wasn't sure I could survive a full night.

"Don't worry, DJ. You'll still be alive in the morning. I promise."

I think I shook my head in disbelief.

"Last night was just bait to show you tonight's going to be worth it."


"So now, let me get you off, first. That way you'll be able to concentrate better."

If last night was any indication, concentration indeed appeared a challenge.

"Then you get me off so I can concentrate on you." She slid her thighs up a little, stood on her knees, and slipped me into her. Yeah, that would get me off, and pretty damned quickly, too!

But what she did wasn't repeat the standard in-and-out I expected. This was more like what she had done the night before. Out a little bit, screw her butt around on top of me, then shove me back in hard, to full depth. Repeat four or five times. Take a few seconds break.


"Ooh yourself, you sexy man! Guess you liked that, right?"

"Oh, yeah!"

"So lets try this," she said. She lifted herself up a bit more than last time, but this time what she did while up there was unlike anything I'd ever felt before. It was as if her hand circled my penis and gave it a jacking motion.

"Like that?"

I sure as hell did!

"I'm going to keep that smile on your face all night," she said, staying up there, but bending over to kiss me.

"How did you do that?"

"It's a secret my mother told me. But I had a lot of fun getting good at it by playing with myself."

She must have played with herself a lot to get that good!

"You don't mind that I play with myself, do you?"

I shook my head.

"Good, 'cause you'll never be a good lover if you don't practice."

"Maybe I should practice more."

"You and I are going to practice together from now on. All night, every time. Objections?"

I snorted a chuckle. "None if I get to work on time and don't wear out."

"Don't worry. If last night is any indication, you and I wear out at about the same rate. You fall asleep, and I just lie there thanking the heavens I'm a woman and you're a man."

"Hey, I'm sorry about that—falling asleep, I mean—and not even saying good night or walking you home."

"I didn't mind. In fact I liked knowing I fucked you so good you didn't wake up. God, what an upper!"

"You were good, I'll say that."

"Well, let's try this." She came down on me as tight as any woman ever had—including that horny highschool girl who pretended virginity—and screwed her butt down against my pelvis again. When my eyes had crossed as a result, she pulled up slightly and put her breasts in my face once more. Oh, Those lucky kids of hers, I was thinking again. "Nice."

"Hope so. Did I squeeze you good?"

"Sure as hell did."

"That's what I want. Now let's try this."

She moved up again, her breasts smashed against my face once more, her neck bent back to press them even more solidly. I licked the base of the cleavage between them.

"Oh, DJ Honey,!" she moaned. "You got such a great tongue."

I turned to one side a little to thank her for the complement, but she stopped me. "You just keep licking. That's what I want!"

Where else did she mean? Nipples? Areolae? Body of her breasts? Shoulders and neck? Ears? Eyes? Clit? Pussy? Up her back?

"Most guys don't lick very good, but you sure do!"

To start narrowing the list, I licked along one breast until she pulled back enough I could lick her areolae. My first thrust along the underside of her nipple won me a moan.

"Oooh! I haven't felt something that nice on my titties since I stopped nursing David."

So David had been a lucky one! No wonder he turned out so well!

I took her nipple into my mouth and raked my tongue over it's tip. She jerked it from my mouth."

"Not good?"

"Too much yet. Do that when I'm about to come, okay Honey?"

You bet! Whatever you want, CoraBea. I reached up, slid my palms along between her breasts and squeezed.




"You sure have nice breasts, CoraBea."

"They're all yours, DJ Honey, just like the rest of me."

"That include your beautiful ass?"

"And my pussy."


"What's the matter?"

"I just can't believe you want me so much."

"Why not? Why wouldn't I?"

"'Cause you're so beautiful, and so sexy, and ... and ..."

"And I know a good man when he's inside me?"


"Well, let me tell you something, Lover of Mine. I married Dee when I was barely fifteen. Pregnant. Dee wasn't the father, but he wanted me and the baby girl we named Clarissa. Good man, over all, couldn't have done better if I'd had a million choices. What happened at the last wasn't really his fault. He worked real hard for my babies and me. I loved him, even though now I know I could have treated him lots better.

"David and Janie are his kids. He treated all three the same, as if he didn't know otherwise about Clarissa. Can't ask much more from a man, other than he take good care of his wife, too, which Dee did, right up to a couple years ago.

"He was wonderful in bed, too. He taught me lots of things a woman can do for her man."

Wherever CoraBea learned what she'd used on me, it definitely qualified as wonderful.

"Now, let's see ... oh, I got another idea!"

You better have an idea that will help me last, I thought. Hell, I was panting and ramming myself up into her like I might climax any moment.

She rolled off me and pulled me up on top of her.

"Just stick yourself into me and let me make you come," she said.

"What about all the learning you mentioned earlier?"

"That comes after your first climax tonight. I can't expect you to concentrate when you are about to explode inside me, for heaven's sake. You're human, not a machine. Go ahead. Take what you want. No, better than that, tell me what you want so I can give you what you want, okay?"

Well, I didn't have to ask for more help. Whatever she did on her own turned out to be more than my poor body could resist—not that I wanted to resist at all!

Again some time during the night she let herself out for home without waking me to say good night. That woman knew how to put me into Never-Never-Land where all the women were so sexy my poor mind fell in love a hundred times a night, and all the women looked like CoraBea.


Our work receptionist handed me a phone message slip as I hustled past her desk, headed for the test lab. It said:

Don't forget our appointment tonight. CB-M

What appointment? Or should I say, what appointment for which I'd be able to uphold my end of everything? Better call at lunch and see if I'm reading this right.

But nobody answered when I called her house at 12:30. Oh, that's right! She had told me about getting moved to day shift at the Quickie-Mart. As she said: this was the only way we could keep having our evening appointments, right? Stupid of me to forget something that important! So I left a message, pretty redundant at that.

Hi, CoraBea,

See you at 8:00. Dress appropriately. Miss you.


At just after 3:30 I checked my phone, hoping to find confirmation CoraBea would be in my arms again this evening. I hated texting and only used it under duress; she knew this, but left me a text anyway.

Hi, DJ.

Having a terrible day because I miss you like crazy—even more than yesterday.

Your message said dress appropriately. Does that mean bare-assed naked? :-)


I sent back:

Always up to you, you know that!

She must have been at her phone because the following shot right back:

I just love a man who knows how to get what he wants!


I could write pages and pages about the next few weeks, and if I did it well, you'd jizz your jeans after every couple paragraphs. But I know of no way to communicate all she did for me.

Communicate. Now that's an interesting word, in that to get the full effect, both you and I must participate. For full effect, we'd have to make love like CoraBea and I did. And there's simply no way that could happen. Sorry.

Christmas came to CoraBea's house, and swept me into the celebration in spite of my attempts to let them be their whole family and not forget Dee, and keep me only a highly esteemed guest. Leading up to Christmas, we attended all David's home basketball games and Clarissa and Janie's cheerleadered games—including several not-too-far-away games. But we never went so far away as to keep CoraBea and me out of bed that night. I doubt the kids minded; they understood that smile on their mother's face—and mine, too, I'm sure.

Have you ever tried buying Christmas presents for your mistress's daughters? Daughters who are fast approaching that cross-over age from child to young woman? I took CoraBea shopping with me in self-defense, but even that only helped so much. She knew what her daughters wanted, what they needed, and what they hoped for, but she looked at it from a woman's point of view. I needed a more omnipotent view, one that encompassed all that, yet mellowed it with a loving, male point of view.

After shopping a week with only minor success, I excused myself one Friday from Cora Bea's supper table after complements to Janie's quite good apple pie, and set forth on my own to slay my quandary. As it was, Christmas lay only three days away, so it was tonight, tomorrow, the next day, or bomb-out!

David's gift—make that: gifts—had been easy. Just get him what I'd wanted at his age, updated for this being sixteen years later, and tempered by what I knew his preferences to be. Two car magazine subscriptions—one Hotrod and one focused on diesel pickup trucks—a Popular Science subscription, a guns and hunting subscription, and a box of used tools from the pawn shop. If you're a guy, you know what I mean: Wrenches, screwdrivers, a dozen different pliers, his own tape measure, decent wood saws and a hack saw, a tri-square, and a variety of hammers, all used but entirely usable. Right on the top of the tools filling the box, I chipped in a ticket to the January boat show, and a note asking him to attend with me.

Gifts for my young ladies, however, were far less easy. Then it dawned upon me: Help them take that step they both stood atop. What does such a woman need—and want—more than anything? Evidence that she has indeed become a woman, a desirable woman, a beautiful woman. Yes, damned desirable! How, short of taking her to bed and screwing her lights out like I did CoraBea every time her need for verification arose, could a man do this?

Girlie things, as guys refer to them, that's how. But no, not skimpy bedtime things like I'd give their mother! What did that leave?

Yeah, that was it! Really nice perfume, a spot of very nice jewelry that looked to be worn by an adult woman, and a flirty note written in the words a man would send to his woman. Too much? Maybe, but these girls weren't stupid, and CoraBea would translate so they understood my words were complements to their maturity, not to be taken literally. But just to be extra sure, I checked with their mother.

Yes, her preferred perfume was Love's Essence, and her daughters would like that.

Yes, she approved my giving each girl a piece of first class Cubic-Z costume jewelry, even if it required ear piercing.

And yes, CoraBea would explain the flirty Christmas note—if I didn't get carried away with my flirt. Just to error on the cautious side, I asked her to edit my flirt, but it came back approved the first try.

So, I wrapped up all three childrens' presents and slipped them under CoraBea's tree the morning before Christmas Eve, along with my best guess of what would wind CoraBea up for exchanging Christmas gifts with me in my bedroom the night after Christmas Day.

The Madison family opened presents Christmas morning, as had my long-ago family. It had been many years since I had anticipated a Christmas as much this one. Maybe it was the kids shaking the unknown gifts as they did, trying to guess what and from who. Maybe it was merely their overall enthusiasm, maybe it was the wonderful remains of my Christmas Eve and night with CoraBea lingering in my soul. Hell, I don't know! But to this day, that first Christmas with CoraBea and her kids remains a highlight of my life.

I did my best to camouflage the small stuff like the two bottles of Love's Essence, one each for Clarissa and Janie, and likewise, the Cubic-Z ear studs for Clarissa and the Cubic-Z necklace for Janie. I figured come Valentine's day I'd be buying the reverse for the girls so each had something for her neck, as well as something for her ears.

I did less well for David. He had pretty well guessed what weighed down the forty pound package with his name on it, although like the girl's gift wrappings, I didn't put anything in the From blank on the label.

The magazine subscriptions came out of their envelopes last, one for Clarissa (Young Woman), a different one (Beautiful You) for Janie, and the four technical ones for David. I figured the girls could swap-share what they learned from theirs about how to be devastatingly beautiful, and of course, their mother would certainly continue her coaching.

Poor David. His sisters swamped me with their very persistent, slightly overdone, but very lady-like thanks. More than once I saw his eyes roll and his head shake.

I just grinned. This must be what a true father feels like when he makes Christmas great for his kids.

I had to pull myself together. "Hey, David. Show me what's in your box, okay?"

So he did, one tool at a time, laying each one in order according to type and size. That boy knew more than I expected. For a few he didn't know, I coached-out very sensible guesses as to their use.

As he held up a pair of wire stripper/crimpers, he put a question on his face.

"Pliers of some kind, I guess?" he said.

"Combined electrical terminal crimpers, wire cutter and stripper, and screw shears for shortening them when your electrical screws are too long."

He held them up, then turned them around so he could see both sides. "Yeah. Sure. I see."

"Bring them over next time and I'll show you how they work."

He turned them around another time, then nodded, and put them back with the rest of the pile. The next tool was far less obvious: A battery post cleaning brush for a car battery. It looked like an overgrown bullet with a hole in one end.

"Battery post cleaner. If you take it apart, there's battery cable clamp cleaner brush inside, too."

In a moment he'd figured out how to get the brush out and held it up for me.

"Yup, that's for cleaning the battery cable clamps. The other end you sort of turn and screw down onto the battery's post to clean it."

He stuck is finger in the hole and turned it before its wire brush took a bite off the side of his finger.

"Yeah, I see."

"Bring it next time, and you can experiment with that, too." I looked toward CoraBea. She nodded, and after a moment put on a knowing smile.

"Daddy DJ?" Clarissa said. I knew from her voice, my technical discussion with David had exceeded her attention span for that sort of topic.

"Yes, Sweetheart?"

"Oh, Momma? Did you hear that?"

CoraBea nodded, her knowing smile still holding.

"Oh, I just love it he called me that."

"You just go ahead and say what you intended to say. Quit flirting with him, okay?"

"Yes, Momma." She looked down for almost a second before she headed off on a new topic with a fresh smile.

"DJ? Wanna see how these look on me?" she said, holding up an earing to each ear.

What could I say? They were already there. So I nodded and smiled.

"When can I get my ears pierced, Momma?"

"Gotta wait until you save up enough money, Honey. It's not free."

"Oh, didn't I put that in your card? That's part of your present."

"Really? Really?!"

"Really ... if it's okay with your mother, of course."

"Please, Momma? Please? Monday? Please?"

CoraBea nodded.

"Oh, Momma! Thank so much. And Daddy DJ? Thank you so much, too!"

With that she calmly set the two Cubic-Z's down, and once secure, she bounced off her chair and more or less landed in my lap, all the time kissing me on the neck and cheek and saying things that made no sense at all. Then she pulled back.

"Sorry, Daddy." She looked me straight in the eyes. "But thank you so much. You're a wonderful Santa Claus."

I got out of that predicament by looking up at Janie.

"How about you? Won't you put your necklace on so I can see how it looks on you?"

"Oh yes, Daddy DJ. You bet."

"Hang on a minute, Janie," CoraBea said. "Let me help you."

With that she escorted Janie out with her sparklie gift, also taking her small bottle of Love's Essence.

What was that all about? We found out after ten minutes, during which time Clarissa had to put up with more technical gift examination by David. Then the bedroom latch clicked and out stepped Janie followed by CoraBea.

Wow! I don't know how they accomplished that, but there stood a Black princess and her mother. I looked toward Clarissa to see an astounded expression, there too, just like the one I'm sure swamped my face. It took me a moment to corral my shock. The look on CoraBea's face said, Serves you right, DJ. You said make them feel like young ladies. Here's the youngest.

Within seconds, I knew CoraBea's first order of business come Monday morning must be piercing Clarissa Madison's ears. But right now? For me? Help both my young ladies see my vision of the young women before me.

"Okay, you two. Let's see all three of you at once. Clarissa over here, and Janie next to her, and CoraBea next to Clarissa."

In a moment they had accomplished this. I stood, stepped to them, and took Clarissa'a hand in spite of her trying to hold her Cubic-Zs to her ears.

"Beautiful. Simply beautiful." I bent enough to kiss her on the forehead.

Next came Janie. I took her necklace chain between my fingers and pulled it until the danglie sparkler on its end slid toward her neck. Then I rolled it around between my fingers.

"Beautiful necklace on a beautiful woman," I said, followed by another forehead kiss.

Now came CoraBea, so I figured I better come up with something good for her, too.

With both hands I grasped her chin, tipped her face up, and kissed her solidly on the mouth.

"No necklace, but one of the three most beautiful women in the world." After that came a kiss on the forehead, followed by her lapse into shy little-girlhood, which gave me a moment to shift to a more macho mode.

"So, David," I said after a moment, then turned somewhat toward him. "I can take only so much beauty. What say we look more closely at your tools and see what else you have to work with, okay?"


I didn't hold out until Valentine's Day for second Christmas presents. Clarissa and Janie laid the you're a great daddy gratitude on me so heavy I couldn't wait nearly two months to give them their second round. Besides, David needed a better box to put his tools in.

Between Christmas and New Years I took him with me several times when I made my weekly pawn shop visits, and during one of these, we found a sturdy roll-around just the right size for him and the garage space CoraBea hadn't yet used for family things. I told him I'd buy half and he'd buy half, and he could work to pay me back for his half. So home we went with it, me figuring my shop needed cleaning and he'd always done a great job cleaning and straightening it up before.